Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 130: The dead wood comes in spring, the soul is ethereal

Beast King Mountain is located in the most central area of ​​the ancient forest. The most obvious signs are the two towering twin peaks that look like huge swords.

The two giant peaks are not far apart, with a long narrow valley connecting them.

From a distance, the lush green below the mountainside of Twin Peaks is all lush. As for the mountainside, the green color diminishes, gradually transforming into white.

The peaks of the two lonely peaks have long been submerged in the clouds, hazy and unrealistic. From time to time, flying spirit beasts swooped down from the clouds above, and some spirit birds sprinted upwards, breaking through the clouds and disappearing.

The sky was blue as washing, and the sun was shining with not blazing light.

At this moment, at the edge of the narrow and deep valley in the middle of the Twin Peaks, a white figure flew out from the ancient forest and stopped on the raised rocky boulder.

Zihou stood firm and patted the traces of embarrassment left by the battle.

The number of spirit beasts in Beastmaster Ridge is well-deserved. There are not a few spirit beasts who have encountered ferocious and brutal spirits along the way. In most cases, she could hide or hide, and she was really chased, and she would fight those spirit beasts in a rage.

With her violent temper and active fighting cells, she couldn't stop a fight!

So, walking from the outer periphery to the foot of the inner periphery Twin Peaks, she has experienced a lot of battles.

Zihou only then turned his attention to the deep valley in front of him.

This is a deep valley with a length of one hundred feet, not a large valley, at least among the large and small valleys she has seen, it can only be regarded as a medium-level valley.

However, it is the most special deep valley.

This deep valley connects the foot of the two giant peaks.

The place where Zihou is located is in the middle of Twin Peaks. From her perspective, the deep valley connecting the two sides of the giant peak is very shallow, while the middle of the deep valley, at her feet, is bottomless.

Zihou lowered his head and wanted to see the situation under the deep valley, but found that there were clouds and mists as far as his eyes could, and he couldn't peer into the slightest.

"Obviously it is a deep valley, why is it called Beastmaster Ridge?" Zihou murmured a little puzzledly.

However, the name is not important at all.

What's important is that the strands of breath coming from below this deep valley made her already disordered emotions more complicated.

The feeling that the doubts that have troubled her for a long time are about to be cleared, and the faint excitement is mixed with inexplicable panic.

An ominous premonition, lingering, like a shadow.

However, he couldn't wait to know the true face hidden under the veil of mystery.

Contradictory emotions have made Zihou always indifferent to the state of mind, with more and more ripples and a faint tendency of waves.

She took a deep breath and suppressed the inexplicable restlessness just now. Withdrawing his gaze from the depths of the valley, Zihou turns to look far away...

The deep valley extending like a dragon, the verdant virgin forest, the spectacular Twin Peaks, the colorful spirit birds, etc., the scene here is undoubtedly beautiful.

Being blown by the gentle breeze, the coolness on his cheeks continued to his chest. Zihou also gradually cooled down.

She inadvertently thought that Mo Yunhuang had taken her to the depths of Xiqi Mountain when she was still in Xiliang City.

There is also a beautiful deep valley.

Mo Yunhuang took her by the hand and took her soaring on Yunhe. That was the first time in her life that she was riding a spirit bird, and her heart was not unexcited.

However, the most exciting thing was the faint throbbing mood with Mo Yunhuang.

Zihou looks into the distance, with blurred eyes, as if looking at the past scenes through the scenery in front of them. An increasingly bright smile appeared on her face.

"Heh~" Zihou suddenly raised his lips and laughed, and his beautiful face also instantly smiled like a flower.

It turned out that I was so naive at the beginning, and I would be nervous and excited when sitting on a spirit bird.

It turned out that she had fallen under Mo Yunhuang's fierce offensive a long time ago!

Love doesn't know where it started, but it keeps going deep.

"Since it's here, why don't you come down?"

At this time, a sudden voice interrupted the mind of Zihou.

"Who?" Zihou looked horrified and subconsciously warned.

She looked around, but saw that the surrounding clouds were light and breezy, without any change. She turned her head down and her gaze fell into the deep valley, shrouded in clouds and mist, and her eyes were cold and sharp.

"I think you should know who I am." The voice was old and thick, as if it had traveled through a long time and space, with the traces of the years.

Zihou suddenly moved in his heart, and the instinctive vigilance gradually disappeared.

"You are..." Zihou frowned, in an uncertain tone, "Beastmaster of Beastmaster Ridge?"

"The Beastmaster of Beastmaster Ridge?" He must have never heard of this, otherwise there would be no short-term consternation.

"Forget it!" The voice seemed to have a slight smile.

"Even if you are the Beastmaster, why should I listen to you? How do I know what your purpose is?" Zihou was cold. She didn't change her own attitude just because the other person was gentle.

"You girl..." The voice of the old man was helpless, but more kindly smiles.

"You will come down eventually."

Zihou pursed his lips and said nothing. She felt that the speaker seemed to see everything through.

"Heh~ why are you so sure?" Zihou asked with a sneer.

"Oh!" A sigh made people feel sad.

"For so many years, although there are not many cultivators who have been here, there are not fewer than a thousand. Well, maybe they are. But your arrival alone gives me hope!"

In Zihou, the eyes flickered, and the light and shadow of the fundus were uncertain.

Let him see hope?

What hope?

"You mean, should I feel honored?" Zihou muttered for a while, but said in a mocking tone.

"It should be an honor for me to come!"

Zihou moved in my heart. She didn't expect him to say that!

"Who are you on earth?" Zihou asked coldly.

"I am guarding here, waiting for the destined person to arrive!"

"What are you protecting?"

"It doesn't matter what I am guarding. Since you have been guided here, there is a certain number of all this, right?"

Zihou trembled in my heart!

He knew she was directed here? !

Then, what he will guard is...

Zihou didn't say anything any more, after a quick thought from the bottom of my heart, after all, he jumped towards the clouds in front of him.

As the person said, it was inevitable for her to go down deep, and it didn't matter to anyone.

Because, she can perceive the call from the deep valley, as well as the guidance from the Eastern Emperor Bell and the Haotian Tower.

Across the fog, there is a whistling wind in my ears, and a vast cloud of mist in front of my eyes. I don't know how long it took, Zihou finally felt the footwork.

The light at the bottom of the deep valley is much brighter than expected. The light of the sun shines through the clouds and mist, and the light shining down has already softened into a white piece.

In the deep valley, the entrance is full of desolation.

Except for the jagged rocks, there was no trace of life.

Zihou patrols around, suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

There, there is a steady stream of boundless aura. It's very close to her.

After pacing out a certain distance, after crossing a huge boulder, a gray light filled all her vision.

It was a color of despair, the ashes of the end of life.

On the flat ground, a large swath of vines meandered, but all withered, showing the color of dead gray, without any vitality.

However, on top of this large area of ​​withered vines, a huge body belonging to a giant dragon hung in the air.

It is not a real dragon, it is a misty dragon soul.

The transparent dragon body showed a desperate gray after life was stripped.

He leaned back against the black cliff behind him, suspended there quietly, floating slightly up and down.

From time to time there was wind blowing in the deep valley, blowing on the dragon soul, and a little gray light flew away with the wind.

He is fragile, like a huge glass sculpture that will collapse and shatter in the next instant!

The light of the soul of the dragon soul is flickering and dimming, and the heavy and vicissitudes of life that flow out between the alternating light and shade of light and dark, tells a kind of loneliness and loneliness that is so strong that it is heartbreaking.

Who can carry thousands of years of loneliness?

From ancient times to the present, no matter how time passes and the stars change, he has always guarded here and never left.

When Dragon Soul looked at him in Zihou, he also looked towards Zihou.

On the edge of the boulder, that tiny figure is almost negligible for the huge dragon soul body.

However, no matter how small, it is still a living life.

A life with blood flowing and a hot heart beating in the chest!


A vocabulary separated by tens of thousands of years, so that the memory is blurred. But now that he looked so closely, he was full of heart.

At that moment, Zihou had no doubt that if the dragon soul is not a dragon soul, but a complete dragon body, with blood and heartbeat, his eyes will be red and the corners of his eyes will be wet.

Because she felt the sadness of the dragon soul from the depths of the soul at that moment.

"Girl, what years are it now? How long has it been since ancient times?" asked Dragon Soul Youyou.

Time passed so long, so long that he forgot the time.

"Thousands of years have passed."

"It's been so long... You are the first living life I have seen since ancient times!" The Dragon Soul was silent for a moment before shaking his head and exclaiming.

"Who are you and why are you guarding here?" Zihou asked with his head up. Only this time, her tone was no longer a question, but a faint question. Even with the distress that she had never noticed.

"It doesn't matter who I am. As for why I am guarding here, it doesn't seem to matter. What's important is that I waited for thousands of years and finally waited for you to appear."

"If you come a thousand years later, I'm afraid you won't see me."

Zihou eyes trembled.

As for why, she also understands.

The longevity of a cultivator is said to be unlimited, but no one can achieve the same life span as the sky. Even the power of the gods can't reach it.

However, Divine Soul is able to use certain secret techniques and preserve it for thousands of years...

In this world, nothing is eternal. The same is true for Shenhun, thousands of years are already the limit. No matter how far away, no matter how powerful the spirit is combined with how powerful the secret technique, there will be the day when the spirit dissipates!

There was not much time left before this strand of dragon soul disappeared into the ashes.

"Why are you so sure that I am the one you are waiting for?"

He said that he waited for thousands of years, just to wait for a destined person. Why is it her?

"Is it right? Try it and you will know." Dragon Soul smiled.

"How to try?"

"Come, come here, put your hands on these withered vines, and use your will to summon their recovery."

"I don't have the ability to come back to life!" Zihou frowned.

These vines have withered and there is no trace of life. Even if she has the power of Chaos, she can't bring her back to life, right?

"How can I know if I don't try?" The Dragon Soul smiled mysteriously.

Zihou nodded, took a few steps forward, sat down cross-legged, and held one of the large vines.

Immediately, she closed her eyes and used her will to summon the revival of those vines according to what the dragon soul said. Although this approach is a bit unreliable, but in my heart, it feels feasible.

The Dragon Soul lowered his head and looked at the small figure of the woman sitting cross-legged below. The huge dragon head was barely visible, and it seemed very relieved.

Time went by little by little, and I don’t know how long it took before the vine held by Zihou turned into a green color!

From the beginning of a green spot, gradually spread along the vine...

A vine returned to the green that was a sign of life, followed by a small piece. In the end, a large piece of lifeless gray vine all turned into a green color, full of vitality and infinite hope!

Zihou seems to have sensed the change, and my closed eyes suddenly opened.

The large green color and the breath between the eyes are filled with the breath of life, and she is also short-lived.

She really did it!

She can really bring these vines back to life!

She herself felt incredible!

However, something even more incredible happened immediately!

------Off-topic ------

Who owns this dragon soul, I think you should be able to guess...

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