Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 5 Chapter 1: Sea of ​​conquest

Located at the eastern end of the vast continent, it is a vast and endless sea.

This sea area is vast and endless, and there is no end. People on the mainland call it the sea of ​​conquest.

Part of the sea of ​​conquest is shrouded in dense fog, which is a sea of ​​fairy clouds and fog. Rumor has it that Xianyun Wuhai is a road leading to the sky, and that one end is the magical Xiandi Eastern Region.

As for most of the remaining sea areas, there is an endless azure blue, beautiful like a huge gem inlaid on the edge of the mainland.

On the mainland, adventure prevails, especially in the past year or so, the cultivators who have traveled dangerously everywhere are like crucian carp who cross the river.

However, the destinations of most adventurers are some famous and dangerous places on land. Because there are too many irresistible places in the sea, unless extremely avid adventurers, they will not easily choose to go deep into the sea to venture into treasure hunting.

However, in the past year, the East China Sea has unknowingly become the hottest destination for many adventurers.

Almost every day, you can see fleets of large and small ships from the pier city on the east coast of the mainland one after another, moving toward the depths of the sea.

On this day, the sky was clear.

The East China Sea in winter is colder than on land. Even when it was approaching noon, the violent sea breeze blew, and it was cold to the bone.

On the vast expanse of the sea, the tide is surging, the blue water is full of white waves, and a large fleet of ships is facing the fierce sea breeze and sailing far.

This fleet has seven or eight ships, and the deck of each ship is crowded, bustling, and overcrowded.

"Oh! So many people are here to look for mermaid tears. With our strength, how can we compete with them?" There was a worried voice that stood out in the noisy voice because it was so nice.

Many people heard the sound and couldn't help but look towards the source of the sound.

It was a young woman with a nice face, in her twenties, standing at the forefront of the deck, her figure was slightly thin, and she was wearing a neat and strong outfit.

She had a sad face and a deep worries hidden in her eyes. The hand holding the railing on the edge of the deck was tight, and her fingertips were a little white.

"Axiu, don't worry, I will do my best to find mermaid tears for you!" The man next to the woman heard the words and immediately took the woman's hand, saying as seriously as an oath.

The man is also in his twenties. He is tall and not outstanding, but his features are very determined and he looks masculine.

"Yeah! Brother Lu, I believe you! We will definitely find the tears of the mermaid and heal Daddy's injury!" The woman looked up at the man, her eyes shining. She nodded, then buried her head in the man's broad chest.

The man embraced the woman in a gesture and patted the woman's back lightly. From the angle that the woman can't see, the firmness on the man's face gradually evolved into a heaviness. He raised his head and looked at the endless sea ahead in a complicated manner.

The reason why this endless sea is called the sea of ​​conquest is because this seabed contains inexhaustible treasures. Everyone wants to conquer it and make it his own!

However, even so, how many people can truly conquer this sea for thousands of years?

There are countless cultivators who have fallen in this sea area!

This area of ​​sea is like a dormant giant behemoth. It does not seem to be dangerous at all on the surface. In fact, once it launches an offensive, it will be a disaster for people with poor strength!

His strength is mediocre, and his strength in front of this sea of ​​conquest is no different from that of a big tree! How can he be so small to fulfill his promise?

"Stupid! Does he think mermaid tears are so easy to find?"

"Yeah, even if the mermaid tears are found, it will not be in the pocket of a few Supreme Realm masters in the end?!"

"That is, don't think about it if you don't have the strength, or I have self-knowledge, it's enough to pick up a few ordinary treasures!"


There are many people around, and they have heard the conversation between the two. Most people sneered at what the two young men and women said.

From their point of view, this man and woman are ordinary in strength, and among the many adventurers, at most they are considered wandering. In an environment where mermaid tears are so rare and scarce that everyone wants to fight for, how can they compete with those powerful players?

The woman who was buried in the man’s chest with a touched face suddenly stood up straight and glared at the crowd around her, her beautiful eyes filled with anger, and she shouted, "Should I give up hope if I am weak? As long as I still have a breath Now, I won’t give up looking for mermaid tears!"

The woman's reaction was very agitated, and her voice was very loud. For a while, she stunned the people on the deck.

However, soon, someone retorted, "Cut, it sounds good. You have to recognize your own strength first, right? Besides, there are no less than eight supreme masters among those who go to sea with us. How do you interact with them? competition?"

"That's right!"

"Drilling the horns!"


The people around couldn't listen to what the woman said. In their consciousness, the idea of ​​respecting the strong has long been ingrained. In their view, strength is above all else!

"You..." The woman's tone became weaker, even crying. Her eyes were red, and she seemed to be crying.

Not knowing what was thinking, the woman suddenly came to the spirit: "I believe what I insist! Because, Zihou master once said that no matter what you encounter, you should not give up until the last moment!"

Mentioning the name ‘(Zihou)’, the haze and sadness on the woman’s face was swept away, replaced by pride and pride.

She even straightened her chest, with a proud gesture.

The dismissive crowd fell silent for a moment when they heard the name ‘(Zihou)’. All faces were filled with horror.

Not to blame for their overreaction, but because the name is so shocking!

In today's mainland, almost no one has never heard the name Zihou.

If it was said that the Western Wilderness Ancient Forbidden Party, let the name Zihou be known to everyone in the mainland, and enthusiastically sought after. So, the earth-shattering battle over a year ago made this name a belief, even a belief!

Yes, now, almost two years have passed since that war.

However, no matter how long time has passed, all those who have experienced that world-destroying battle will feel frightened whenever they mention it. However, after being afraid, they will always think of the glorious scene of the lotus blossoming in the sky!

They will never forget, who came forward at the most critical moment in the mainland, with the sharpest edge and the most dazzling posture, to drive all the darkness away!

Zihou is the benefactor of the mainland, and it is the benefactor of everyone on the mainland! She is like a dawn piercing the darkness, giving everyone who is struggling with darkness, bright guidance!

If Zihou adults really said that, then they should reflect on themselves...

Ever since, no one dared to refute the woman's words.

The whole ship fell into a strange silence for a while.

"Everyone is on alert!" At this moment, there were big movements from the surrounding ships.

"There is a situation ahead, everyone, pay attention!" The voice mixed with profound strength came into everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, there were panicked discussions from the crowd on several ships next door. It was a noisy crowd, and it suddenly boiled.

The people on this ship changed their complexions and hurriedly looked towards the sea ahead.

But seeing the sky in the distance, I don't know when it was covered with a thick dark cloud, blocking the light of the sun.

Not only the blue sky, but even the blue sea has turned into a grim gray.

The large cloud of dark clouds moved quickly towards this side, mixed with lightning and thunder and violent storms, a sense of urgency that the mountains and rain are about to come.

The extremely low air pressure enveloped everyone, mixed with a frightening atmosphere, making the back chill.

"Not good!" Several Supreme Realm masters who hovered in the void with a watchful look and watched the movement in front of them saw something, suddenly the ground color changed, and they exclaimed badly.

The words fell, and an incomparably huge black shadow emerged from the dense dark clouds in the sea ahead!

It is a spirit beast similar to a shark.

Huge body, the size of a mountain.

The back is covered with heavy black and bright scales. On each side of the white belly, there are three fish fins of different sizes made of steel.

Of course, these are not the most distinctive features of this spirit beast. The most prominent thing about this spirit beast is the two rows of densely packed, sharp teeth like swords in the huge open mouth!

No one would doubt that if one bite by this spirit beast, it would be broken into meat sauce in minutes!

The fierce sabertooth emperor, with lantern-like eyes, gleaming, especially when he saw the group of adventurers, a predator's breath suddenly grew, obviously the one who came was not good!

"Hiss~" When everyone saw this scene, they subconsciously took a breath, and a pair of eyes almost didn't pop out of their sockets.

"It is the mutant sabertooth shark king, the existence above the legendary bloodline spirit beast!"

The knowledgeable adventurer recognized this huge spirit beast at a glance.

The sabertooth king? Or mutated and sabertooth king?

Many cultivators just want to cry without tears.

The sabertooth shark is the most aggressive spirit beast in the sea. Once the prey is selected, it will never die! This spirit beast is not only a saber-tooth shark, but also a mutant saber-tooth shark!

What kind of **** luck are they doing? Will you be so "lucky" to meet the rare and ferocious sabertooth king?

The saber-toothed shark sprinted out of the dark clouds, wagging its tail in the void, extremely flexible, no different from being in the sea. For a marine spirit beast of the sabertooth emperor's level, let alone staying in the air, even on land, as long as the time is not too long, there will be no big problems.

"It's the pinnacle of the Supreme Beast!"

"No, that's..."

The saber-toothed shark emperor's whole body, the azure light that is not strong, bright and dark, but also quite dazzling. However, under it, the Dao rune is still Xuanzun’s Dao rune...

"Half, half king..."

After finding out the strength level of the sabertooth shark emperor, the several supreme realm masters who were the first to bear the brunt, their complexions changed suddenly, and their eyes were suddenly full of solemnity.

If it is the sabertooth emperor of the Supreme Realm, they may have the power to fight together. However, a demigod-level sabertooth king, they are not enough to sweep the sabertooth king!

"Everyone stay calm! Follow my command!" Among the many adventurers, the most powerful and experienced man is a forty or fifty-year-old man.

He stood at the front of the team, swallowed, resisting the fear in his heart, and made his voice sound as majestic as possible.

"You and I will attack together!" The man thought for a while, and said to the other Xuanzun masters. Having said that, he immediately waved his hand, "The rest, as long as the Profound Sage's cultivation level, assists on the side!"

In front of the sabertooth shark emperor, the existence below Xuanzun was worse than that of ants, and whether that point of damage was simply negligible.

However, they have to unite all the forces that can be united!

"Axiu, let's go and assist them together! Stay by my side and follow me, I will protect you!" On the chaotic deck, the tall man said seriously to the woman beside him.

"Okay!" Axiu nodded, her eyes firm.


With an order, eight Xuanzun masters and hundreds of Xuansheng masters swarmed up and attacked the Sabertooth Shark Emperor.

"Stupid humans! You will all be my belly Chinese food today!" The spirit beasts of the Supreme Realm already have the ability to speak. It was just that at this moment the words came out of the saber-toothed shark emperor's mouth, especially cruel and cold.

Facing the attack of eight human masters, the sabertooth emperor's huge eyes flashed a lot of disdain.

"Little Xuanzun, dare to be presumptuous in front of my East Sea God Shark King!" It was another cold snort of disdain.

As soon as the voice fell, the saber-toothed shark emperor swung like a black shark's tail made of steel, and a huge wave of air emerged in response to the situation. Even those cultivators who are far away have something to be lifted. A sense of pressure!

What people did not dream of was that the eight masters of the Supreme Realm were so gently swept by the tail of the sabertooth shark, one by one, they were planted from the sky like rag dolls. Some fell directly into the sea; some stuck one end on the deck, unconscious!

"Master Xuanzun has fallen!"

"Oh my God!"

"It's over!"


Many cultivators had never thought that the sabertooth shark emperor was so powerful, and he could easily solve the eight masters of the Supreme Realm in a single encounter.

However, these supreme realm masters are all dependent on them. Even the strongest of them has fallen, who can they count on?

"Shoo~" A burst of air caught everyone's attention.

An orange streamer shot towards the sky from a ship below, and the target was pointed at the sabertooth emperor.

"Roar~" The orange streamer plunged into the sabertooth emperor's abdomen with lightning speed. Probably because of some kind of severe pain, the sabertooth shark emperor's huge body trembled like a mountain and let out a wailing.

Before everyone could react, in the crowd, a dark blue figure leaped towards the void, and in a blink of an eye, it confronted the sabertooth emperor at a distance.

The man was tall in a navy blue outfit. His face cannot be said to be handsome, but his facial features are quite fortitude, and the whole person reveals a breath of justice and cleanliness.

The man was holding a beautiful longbow with a rich orange light. The bow is almost two meters long, almost the same height as a man.

Longbow crystal texture, the appearance is very stunning. The bright and dark lights flicker alternately, adding a sense of mystery.

However, what is surprising is not this beautiful bow, but the man holding the longbow!

He turned out to be the man among the men and women they looked down upon just now!

"Human, you are looking for death!" The sabertooth shark was shot by an arrow, furious.

"Don't want to kill the innocent indiscriminately!" the man said in deep anger.

"How about I want to kill innocent people indiscriminately? You humble humans should become my belly Chinese food!"

"If you want to move them, step on me first if you have the ability!" The man opened his arms and stood in front of hundreds of adventurers behind him with a decisive posture.


Hearing this, everyone dodged for a while, and even more guilty of not daring to look at the man.

Who could have imagined that someone who was despised by them just now would come forward at such a critical moment? !

"You can't help yourself, I will tear you to pieces!"

"You think you can threaten me with an ancient magic weapon?"

"Overestimate fool!"

Hearing this, the man's face tightened, but he heard an anxious cry from below, "Brother Lu!"

"Axiu, you go with them! Hurry up!" The man eagerly finished, pursing his lips, his voice sullenly said, "I will find you!"

Axiu is not stupid. Facing such a powerful sabertooth emperor, how could Brother Lu escape easily?

"No, I won't leave you alone!" Axiu shook her head with a firm face. She couldn't do it anyway, leaving Brother Lu to face all the dangers alone!

Whether it is alive or dead, she will not abandon Brother Lu!

"Axiu, obedient!"

"Do not!"


"None of you guys want to leave here today!" The sabertooth shark roared to the sky, the sound wave shook the sky, the surrounding seas immediately changed color, and the dark tide was raging.

The sea breeze was more violent than before, and it blew in waves, coldly cutting like pieces of blades on the face, painful!

With the sabertooth emperor as the center, the sea began to rotate, gradually forming an extremely huge vortex.

"Since it is the food I believe, there is no reason to fly away!"

The sabertooth emperor shouted angrily, spit out a foul gas, and knocked the man into the air directly!

In front of the sabertooth shark king, if it were not for the strength of the gods, no one would be its opponent!

"Brother Lu!"

"Axiu, it's okay I will protect you, huh..."

"It's over, I don't want to die!"


"God bless!"


The huge waves lifted up, and the powerful force of the vortex pulled the boats toward the middle. At the center of the whirlpool, the sabertooth shark opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, waiting for food to be automatically delivered into its mouth!

"Beast, you are so bold!"

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