Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 5 Chapter 5: The ancient road of stars is now!

"I remember that there are two things I forgot to tell you!"

"What's the matter?" Zihou asked suspiciously, feeling nervous for no reason.

It must be a very important thing that Yeran can pay attention to.

"One year ago, the ancient road of stars appeared!" Ye Ran's words were concise, but the expression of Zihou suddenly changed.

"The ancient road of stars is here?!" Zihou whispered, then its tone sank, "How could this be..."

You know, the ancient road of stars is extremely rare, sometimes even once in ten thousand years. To see the ancient road of stars, a great opportunity is needed.

"Why did it appear a year ago!" Zihou frowned, and his heart sank unchanged.

Since the Ancient Star Road appeared a year ago, it is absolutely impossible for it to appear again in the short term. If she expects to go to Shengu through the ancient star road, she doesn't know how many years to wait!

She can wait for a year or two, but what about thousands of years?

She can't wait!

She doesn't know whether the Demon God Teleportation Array in the Endless Forest exists or not. Even if it exists, it may not work.

If the teleportation array can't be used, how can she go to Shengu?

In Zihou, the more I think about it, the heavier my heart becomes, and the whole person is as weak as I am out of strength.

Ye Ran sees the reaction of Zihou in the bottom of his eyes, and he also knows why Zihou reacts so violently. The man with the physique of the gods dusk was dragged by the power of the rules to the gods and ancients in that war. The girl in Zihou naturally wanted to go to the gods and ancients to find him.

It is not good when the ancient road of stars appeared, but it happened when this girl appeared in retreat, which is indeed a pity.

"There must be a lot of people crossing the ancient star road to Shengu, right?"

"A lot of god-level cultivators have gone!" Ye Ran nodded.

There is no shortage of ambitious cultivators on the vast continent, but anyone who knows that the ancient road of stars can guide them to the ancient gods will go.

Because the lowest requirement for crossing the ancient road of stars is the strength of a god-ranked king, even if many practitioners want to go, they can't get what they want. After all, there is no god-ranked holy body, but it can't bear the power of the vast stars.

"Except for a few of the Moyun Emperor's subordinates who stayed in Moyun City, most of them went to Shengu." Ye Ran groaned for a while and continued.

He knew that the relationship between Magic Cloud City and Zihou was extraordinary, so he thought that Zihou must also care about the situation of those people in Magic Cloud City.

"All gone?" Zihou was not surprised, but his expression was a little trance.

Liuying, gusty wind, even cold moon. . . They are all gone. She suddenly envied Mo Yunhuang's subordinates, at least, they can now follow him!

But for her, let alone being with the unfamiliar Yunhuang, it is still unknown whether she can go to Shengu!

"Girl, in fact, you don't have to worry too much about this matter. Didn't I have one more thing left? This second thing, for you, may be a turning point!"

Ye Ran's brows frowned slightly, her tone of voice was not very sure, but it was enough to lift the spirit of Zihou. Whenever there is even a slim hope, she will firmly grasp it.

Under the expectant gaze of Zihou, Ye Ran slowly spoke, “On the night three days ago, a star fell from the sky and fell in the depths of the endless forest.” Ye Ran said, her voice sinking Shen said, "Originally, the falling stars are not strange, but the strange thing is that at the moment that star fell, extremely terrifying space power escaped from the depths of the endless forest!"

Ye Ran feels incredible now even thinking about it. The power of that terrifying space is more than the ancient road of stars! You know that the holy city is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the endless forest. He can feel the power of space here, and you can imagine how strong the power of space in the endless forest that night. !

This is why he thinks this matter will be a turning point for Zihou.

"The power of space?" Zihou whispered, thinking of something, the color in his eyes deepened.

"Could it be..." A bold conjecture formed in the mind of Zihou.

"Uncle Ye, are you sure that the star has fallen in the depths of the endless forest?" Zihou asked eagerly.

"I'm pretty sure!" Even though Ye Ran was a little strange about Zihou's reaction, he nodded and confirmed.

This news has also been spreading over the past few days. Many cultivators outside the Endless Forest saw it with their own eyes that night, and they couldn't be wrong.

"It must be!" Zihou clenched his fists hard, his stunning face was full of excitement.

In the ancient forbidden miracle in the Western Wilderness, she saw from the ancient map that there was a first-level ancient demon teleportation array located in the deepest part of the endless forest.

Since there is extremely strong spatial power coming from it, it is very likely that the first-level teleportation array still exists, and can even be used!

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" Why are you so excited?

"Uncle Ye, I can't explain it clearly for a while, but it's very likely that I can go to the ancient gods without going through the ancient star road!"

The Demon God Teleportation Array is much more reliable than the Ancient Star Road, and it teleports in time, without any risk of falling into the riot space!

Ye Ran raised her eyebrows, and probably understood why Zihou was so excited.

The specific reason is no longer important, what is important is that this girl has found a way to go to the ancients. In other words, seeing her so happy, he was also infected by that joy, happy for her from the bottom of his heart!

After calming down, Zihou changed his mind and thought of the strangeness.

"How can the fallen stars activate the Demon God Teleportation Array for no reason?" In fact, the so-called fallen stars are the meteorites we often call. Ordinary meteorites are just ordinary rocks, how can they activate the ability of the Demon God’s Teleportation Array?

"This fallen star must be extraordinary!" Zihou clenched his fists and said inwardly.

"No, I have to go to the Endless Forest!" Zihou made up his mind that no matter what, the Endless Forest must be visited.

However, before going to Endless Forest, she still has one thing to do.

"Uncle Ye, I need you to help me if I have a favor."

"If you need my help, you can just say it, why are you so polite!" Ye Ran gave Zihou a light glance and smiled.

"Hehe, then I'm not welcome!" Zihou shrank his neck and smiled.

"This is the formula of the Nine Turns Exorcism Pill. It records the spiritual plants needed to refine the exorcism pill. Uncle Ye asked me to find it for me. The more the better..." said Zihou To give a pill to Ye Ran.

Ye Ran took a rough scan, looked at Zihou and asked, "You want to make alchemy?"

"Hmm!" On the way from the East China Sea to the Holy City, I found that many people were still suffering from death. The number of exorcism pills I refined before the retreat was far from enough. There are only a few alchemy masters on the mainland who can refine the Nine Ranked Pills. Over the past year or so, the amount of pill that they have refined is just a drop in the bucket. So I want to take this opportunity to step up refining a little pill. "

Alchemy masters on the mainland are scarce, and even those two nine-turn alchemists who are rich in experience, such as those in the Eastern Region, produce nine-turn pill.

After all, not everyone is the same as her, possessing the supreme alchemy treasure of Wanxiang Baoding and the top sacred fire of Suzaku sacred fire, capable of making thousands of pills in one furnace.

"Since I am out of customs, I can refine as many as I can refine, and I can save one!"

Ye Ran was moved in her heart. For nothing else, just cherish the common people for this girl, with great love inside. Although this girl looks cold and cold, even indifferent, in fact, only those who know her know that under her cold appearance, there is a most sincere heart. She will do her best to help those who really need help.

How can such a girl not be affectionate?

"Okay, I'll let people prepare! Don't worry, although the holy city is not as good as before, there are still these spiritual plants!" Ye Ran nodded.

"Allow someone to send medicinal materials to Shengyin Square, and then notify them and tell those who need exorcism pills to go directly to Shengyin Square to get them. I can make the pill and distribute it directly."

Holy Seal Square.

After the war, in Shengyin Square, that side of the high platform will never be seen again. As early as in the great battle two years ago, that high platform was shattered into dust.

The dilapidated square, pitted, no longer looks like exquisite luxury. Around the square, the crowd is sparse, how can there be the lively scenes of the past?

Such a gap makes people who have witnessed its prosperity feel sad.

"Listen well, good news, great news!"

In the quiet square, there was a cry of excitement.

The sparse crowd was instantly attracted by the attention, stopped and looked at the man shouting excitedly.

"What's going on?"

"Where is the good news?"

"Say quickly, don't hang your appetite!!"

. . . . . .

Everyone yelled, and gathered towards the man.

Urged by everyone, the man hurriedly explained with a smile, "It's Zihou Lord! Zihou Lord will make alchemy in Shengyin Square later!" Mentioned the name Zihou, The man almost flashed his tongue with excitement.


"real or fake!"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Otherwise, why did you hear that Zihou will come?!"

. . . . . .

Like the cultivators in other parts of the mainland, the cultivators in the Holy City are also very sensitive to the name Zihou.

"It's not a dream, it's all true! It was said by the palace owner himself!" Seeing that someone doubted himself, the man waved his hand and explained anxiously.

"Since the palace lord said it, it must be true! Oh my God, Master Zihou actually visited the holy city again!"

"Master Zihou! I can actually see Master Zihou again, I'm so excited!"

"No, I want to go back and change my clothes, and I can't let the Zihou adults see me so decadent!"

"Pull you down, Zihou masters can't see you! Zihou adults will see you, you are so ugly!"

"I think we should tell more people about this news!"

. . . . . .

Knowing that Zihou is about to appear in Shengyin Square, many cultivators rushed to tell each other when they were excited. It didn't take long for the whole holy city to know.

The winter in the holy city is usually exceptionally cold, even in the midday, there is still a howling cold wind, cold into the bones.

However, this does not extinguish people's enthusiasm.

A hundred thousand cultivators squeezed the Sacred Seal Square on the third and third floors. The enthusiasm of the people was high, and they looked forward to it in the cold wind, and almost melted the cold.

When Zihou came to Shengyin Square from Xuantian Palace, it was such a spectacular scene.

For a moment, she was shocked. She even had a brief trance, wondering if she had gone back two years ago!

It was like the scene when she first came to the holy city and competed with Yun Ling here.

The crowd of hundreds of thousands waited patiently, noisy but not chaotic. The upturned faces were full of joy and expectation, and her eyes were filled with shining light, which made her feel moved.

When she first came, she also passed by Shengyin Square and saw the withered picture. She thought that for a long period of time in the future, she would never see the crowded scene of Shengyin Square. But the scene before her made her have to overthrow her previous thoughts.

"Why, I didn't expect so many people?" Seeing Zihou paused there, Ye Ran couldn't help laughing and joking beside her.

"Uh..." Zihou twitched the corner of her mouth, rolled her eyes and said, "I thought there would be only a few people who let them come to get the pill!" She never thought of those who were not dead. The injured cultivator also came. And looking at this situation, I am afraid that the remaining people in the holy city are basically there!

"That's because you underestimated your charm!" Ye Ran smiled and shook his head, then pointed to a place in front of him, "Look there."

Zihou looked in the direction that Ye Ran pointed, and saw a huge sculpture. Ten meters high, like a giant guarding here.

The sculpture is located in the center of Shengyin Square, replacing the previous high platform.

The sculpture is obviously a woman. Long hair and white dress, enchanting posture, stunning appearance. She stepped on Qinglian, she felt a long wind, and she was extraordinary, like the **** of war!

"This..." After seeing the sculptured woman clearly, the corner of the eyes of Zihou twitched fiercely.

Isn’t she the prototype of this sculpture?

In other words, is this cruel and sturdy person really her?

She felt that she was a gentle person. . .

"When did you get it?" She didn't see it when she came for Mao.

"It's been a long time." After that war, the people of the Holy City spontaneously carved this sculpture here, just to commemorate the woman who saved all living beings from the water at the most critical moment in the mainland!

Ye Ran said, and then said with emotion, "If it were not for this sculpture, I am afraid that many people would not have supported it until now."

For the first time in his life, Ye Ran realized that faith can have such a powerful force. It can support one's faith, rekindle one's fighting spirit, and let people see the dawn of hope in the dark.

Zihou was silent.

She never thought of becoming someone's faith, and never felt that she had the ability to save the world. However, if her existence can inspire the faith of those struggling to survive and give them the courage and perseverance to persevere, she is willing to be the dawn that pierces the darkness and brings light to everyone.

"In the past?" Ye Ran asked softly.

"Okay!" Zihou nodded, and the two landed together in the center of Shengyin Square, below the sculpture.

"It's Zihou adults!"

"Master Zihou, you are finally here!"

"God! My goddess!"

. . . . . .

The moment Zihou appeared, the whole crowd was boiling. The shouts of excitement all over the sky were thrilling. The faces filled with excitement and excitement were filled with smiles, and even many people were so excited to cry.

People who have not experienced it will never understand. When you are in the darkest moment of your life, you are almost unable to hold on. The existence of a person is like a dawn, illuminating your way forward and guiding you out of the trough of life. What kind of emotional dependence is that?

"You are so enthusiastic, I can't concentrate on refining alchemy!" Zihou walked around and joked with a smile.

Her voice became more and more beautiful, because she was dyed with a smile, without the high coldness of not eating fireworks, which made people feel particularly cordial.

Their beliefs, the goddess of their hearts, are not far away, making them feel at ease.

Hearing that, everyone's voices stopped abruptly, and hundreds of thousands of people could hear the needles falling in an instant, which is not unpleasant.

"Puff~" Zihou didn't hold back a laugh. Many of these people suffocated back without saying a word to play, and their necks became thick!

"Be quiet, everyone, let the adults of Zihou be good for alchemy!"

"Yeah! Don't bother the master Zihou alchemy!"

"It's so lucky to be able to watch Zihou adults do alchemy!"

. . . . . .

After a few calls sounded, the crowd fell silent, silently, observing everything in Zihou intently.

Zihou, which has always been thick-skinned and doesn't care about other people's opinions, is a bit embarrassing for the first time in his life when so many people watch it carefully.

However, she has a strong temperament and she is used to it.

Excluding the superfluous thoughts in the heart, Zihou sinks into alchemy.

Lingzhi medicinal materials have been prepared, Zihou sacrificed the Wanxiang Baoding and began to make alchemy.

When she retreats under the sea, she often goes through the steps of alchemy in her mind over and over again. So after nearly two years, Zihou is not unfamiliar.

Zihou's alchemy skills are the same as her cultivation talent, which is famous in the mainland. From the gray-haired elderly to the three-year-old children, no one does not know the amazing talents of Zihou.

However, few people have actually seen Zihou alchemy.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly a great honor for everyone present to see Zihou, the number one alchemy master in the mainland.

No one's eyes widened and looked carefully. I'm afraid I missed the wonderful part in the blink of an eye.

Melt the spiritual plant, fuse the spiritual fluid, until the final condensed into a pill. Refining the Nine Turns Exorcism Pill is already at hand for today's Zihou.

It didn't take long for a furnace of Nine Turns Exorcism Pill to be refined.

The vision of heaven and earth induced by the nine-turn pill is not as exaggerated as the **** pill, but at the moment the surrounding world is changing color, it symbolizes the successful refining of the nine-turn pill.

The faint fragrance escapes from the Vientiane Baoding, and drifts into everyone's nose with the breeze. Even if the fragrance of the Nine Turns Immortal Medicine is smelled, it makes those people with low cultivation level instantly refreshed and energetic.

"Good smell!"

"Master Zihou is so amazing!"

"This is the first time I smell the fragrance of Nine Turns Pills!"

. . . . . .

Seeing the success of Zihou refining, the surrounding crowd burst into cheers.

Although they have heard of Zihou being powerful in alchemy, seeing Zihou in such a short period of time refining a furnace of nine-turn elixir, let them intuitively feel Zihou) "Fighting alchemy skills!

The elixir was not distributed immediately. Zihou followed by refining several furnaces of elixirs, and has been refining all the medicinal materials before finally stopping.

Tens of thousands of elixirs were placed in huge prepared jade plates, and were distributed by some holy monks in Xuantian Temple to everyone in need.

Those cultivators who were wounded by death and suffered from not having exorcism pills, after getting the exorcism pills, they were simply grateful.

"My injury is healed!"

"Mine is fine too!"


. . . . .

The effect of Jiuzhuan pill is immediate. Those cultivators who took the pill immediately after receiving the medicine, but after a quarter of an hour of conditioning, all the dead energy in the body was expelled and purified, and all the injuries healed. Even the other properties of the Nine Turns Pills have cured some of the hidden diseases that have been accumulated for many years!

In the next few days, Zihou was refining exorcism pills in the Holy Seal Square. This can be said to be a feast for many cultivators.

Zihou has been refined for three days and nearly 300,000 pills. Fifty thousand of them were given to the cultivators in the holy city who were wounded by death, and the remaining Zihou were kept, ready to be taken to Demon Cloud City.

Three days later, outside the Xuantian Palace.

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