Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 5 Chapter 22: A magic weapon!

"Since you have accepted the Breeze List, then let me go! The old family master summoned you."

"I'm afraid not now." Zihou refused.

Although she already knew the identity of the old man in front of her. Feng Lao once mentioned to her and Xiao Yu'er some things about the great elder Lu Qianqiu and the seven elders. Among the seven elders, two, five, seven, three elders were completely on Lu Hanjian's side. Three, four, six, three elders supported Lu Feiyang. As for the great elder Lu Qianqiu, remain neutral. Although he remained neutral, Lu Qianqiu loved Lu Feiyang very much and regarded it as if he had come out.

Lu Qianqiu was taken aback for a moment, as if he had never thought that Zihou would refuse. Without waiting for what he said, the words at the end of Zihou gave an explanation.

"The Great Elder Troublesome went back and told the old city lord that he is unwell today, and he will visit him tomorrow."

Although Lu Qianqiu disagrees a bit, but thinking of the battle between Zihou and Lu Guangyuan just now, it will definitely consume a lot of money, and it may not necessarily be injured. Even if Zihou is the winner of the list, can't let people drag the body to meet the old town owner, right?

Lu Qianqiu nodded and said, "Okay, then tomorrow..."

"See you in front of the city lord's mansion tomorrow morning." After that, Zihou turned around and left. Xiao Yuer followed closely, and soon the two disappeared from the crowd.

"This kid, it's quite interesting..." Lu Qianqiu looked at the distant back of Zihou, raised gray eyebrows, and muttered to himself.

When he inadvertently turned his gaze to the little fish next to Zihou, his face changed slightly, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes...

When Lu Hanjian was discussing something with the two elders in the study of Lu Hanjian in the city lord's mansion, an urgent voice came from outside the door, "The city lord is not good, something has happened!"

Hearing this, the two elders in the room looked at each other, and both saw the color of doubt in each other's eyes.

Lu Hanjian's eyebrows frowned slightly, his face became a little serious. His rules are clear to his subordinates. If it weren't really urgent, his subordinates would not disturb him at this time. So he said solemnly, "Come in and talk!"

The door opened, and one person hurried into the study, knelt down on one knee and reported in a flustered expression, "Town Lord, it's not good, someone has picked up the breeze list!"

"what did you say?"

"Who is it?"

The two elders spoke at the same time, with surprise in their voices. Not to blame the two elders. The Breeze List has been posted for more than ten years now, and many people took the list in the first few years. Until the Emperor's alchemy master of the Shenhuo Pill Sect threatened that Lu Feiyang's injury could not be cured by the Peerless Bao Pill, obviously fewer people took the list. Later, Qingfeng City also strengthened the conditions for receiving the list, so that few people have accepted the list in recent years. It was a year ago since the last time I took the list.

"The subordinates don't know who it is, they only know that it is a young man who is estimated to be twenty years old. Not only did that person take the Qingfeng list, but even..."

"Even what? You said it!" The Fifth Elder couldn't help but urged.

"That person also killed the Seventh Elder!"

"What?" Not only the two elders, but Lu Hanjian was also taken aback. It was hard for him to believe that Lu Guangyuan was dead, or killed by a young man!

"You said that Old Seven is dead, but are you sure?" The second elder asked with a sullen expression while pulling the collar of the reporter.

"Indeed, sure... The Great Elder also rushed over, and it failed to prevent the fall of the Seventh Elder..."

The second elder loosened his hand and let go of the guard, but his entire face was condensed and lost in thought.

"Who did it first?" the second elder asked blankly.

"The second elder Hui, it was the seventh elder who did it first, saying that the person who took the list seriously injured a disciple of our Qingfeng City for no reason, and the seventh elder wanted to seek justice for that disciple."

"After that kid took over the rankings, did Lao Qi choose to continue doing it?"

The guard didn't know how to answer for a while. He recalled, then nodded, "Yes!"

"You go out first." Lu Hanjian waved his hand and said. The guard listened and ran out after nodding in response.

"The Seventh Elder clearly knows the consequences of matching the players, why does he still do this?" Lu Hanjian frowned and said.

The second elder did not speak, but the fifth elder changed his complexion, lowered his voice and said with a guilty conscience, "Could it be that the kid knew what happened back then, and the seventh elder planned to kill someone?"

Thinking of this possibility, the Fifth Elder's face suddenly turned pale.

The second elder finally spoke at this time and said cautiously, "This possibility cannot be ruled out. We all know the character of the seventh. He has always acted cautiously, thoughtfully, and will not do anything out of recklessness. Today he knows to kill those who take the list. In the end of the game, he just did this. It must be that kid who knew some ulterior secret!"

"What happened back then, how could that kid know?" Lu Hanjian stood up suddenly, pressing one hand on the table, his eyes gloomy and unclear.

His temper seemed to suddenly become a little irritable.

"Although most of the insiders were killed by us back then, Han Jian, don't forget, that guy Lu Feng escaped with Lu Feiyang's orphan!" The second elder frowned and said solemnly.

"Lu Feng..." At the mention of this name, Lu Hanjian couldn't help gritting his teeth and clenching his hands into fists.

He laid out carefully and planned for a long time. He thought it was all omissions, but he never expected to be taken advantage of by a small guard. Lu Feng not only fully knew their conspiracy back then, but also escaped with Lu Feiyang's son!

Over the years, because of this person, he was restless and worried all day long, afraid that one day Lu Feng would bring Lu Feiyang's son back. His father is still the real power holder of Qingfeng City. Once the events of the year are revealed, not only will he lose everything he has now, but the rest of his life will also be bleak!

Do not! He would never allow this to happen! Lu Hanjian wants to live a bright and beautiful life, and instead, he will truly become the master of the Qingfeng City, standing at the highest point of the entire southern continent!

Lu Hanjian's eyes flashed a touch of decisiveness, and he said, "No matter if the kid who takes the list knows the secret of the year, he must die!"

The two elders nodded. They and Lu Hanjian are grasshoppers on the same rope. If the events of the year were exposed, they would definitely die without a place to bury them!

"I'm going to find out where the kid is now, and rush him before he goes to see the old city lord..." The fifth elder reached out and wiped his neck, meaning it was self-evident.

Lu Hanjian and the second elder nodded, and the second elder added, "Since that kid has the ability to kill the seventh, even if he is not strong, he must have a lot of hole cards. You have to do it yourself, and remember to bring more. Strong manpower!"

"it is good…"

Zihou has long known that this night will not be peaceful. In the dark night outside the restaurant, the killing shadows shuttled back and forth, but they came and went without a shadow, no one noticed.

"Big Brother Yun, they're gone!" After Xiao Yu'er hid under the window and watched the situation outside for a long time, he turned his head and lowered his voice to Zihou.

Zihou sits cross-legged on the big bed in the room, closing his eyes to rest. When she heard Xiao Yu'er's words, her lips twitched and said, "Look, they will come back again!"

Xiao Yu'er nodded, and continued to look outside from the window.

Sure enough, after a while, the man in black who had left here just turned back again and pushed in rudely.

Xiao Yu'er sat on the ground, covering his mouth and looking at the several men in black who were walking towards him, not daring to gasp.

"Fifth elders, we found out that the two people stayed in this room of this restaurant, and the people who saw them also said that they never came out after they entered this room!"

"Fifth Elder, other restaurants have also been searched, but no one was found."


Several people in black lowered their voices and spoke in a deep voice. The man in black at the forefront was wrapped in a black costume, his face was covered with black cloth, only a pair of gloomy eyes were exposed.

The Fifth Elder glanced carefully across the room, not letting go of even the slightest details. But this room is not big, and there is no hiding place, so it's clear at a glance.

Actually let that kid run away!


The Fifth Elder secretly annoyed. He thought, if he can't solve the kid who took the list tonight, when he meets the Old City Lord tomorrow, everything is hard to say!

After a while, the Fifth Elder waved his hand and frowned fiercely, "Go!"

After all, the group left soon.

Soon after the group of people in black left, Zihou, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, opened his eyes.

"Big Brother Yun, what is going on? Why can't they see us?" Xiao Yuer was very curious. They were clearly in this room, exposed to the vision of this group of people, but this group of people couldn't find them!

This is so strange!

Zihou smiled mysteriously and said, "I used a magic weapon..."

Xiao Yuer nodded half-knowingly. Although he still didn't know why, he probably knew that the group of people in black couldn't see them because he had a powerful magic weapon in his hands!

He thought, that magic weapon should be more powerful than the precious white fire bath golden lotus that Big Brother Yun gave him?

The magic weapon mentioned in Zihou is actually the Haotian Tower. The Haotian Tower is one of the Seven Great Treasures of the ancient times, and its powerful ability has not yet been fully discovered. At least, Zihou currently only knows that the Haotian Tower has a strong space power, which can play a role similar to a space ring while still ignoring the rules. For example, cut off the soul contract.

Zihou just used the special ability of Haotian Tower to transform this space. Even though they are in this room, they are no longer in this room...

This night, passed safely. On the second day, Zihou asked the way to Lujiafu alone. The reason why she did not bring Xiao Yuer is because it is not a good time for Xiao Yuer to recognize her ancestor and return to her ancestry.

As soon as Zihou arrived in front of the Lu Family Mansion, a group of people greeted her from the inside. At first she thought it was the Great Elder Lu Qianqiu, but when she looked up, she realized that it was not...

------Off-topic ------

Concerned about when the Nanzhu female pig will meet, I can only say that soon...

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