Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 6 Chapter 2: Tragic wind

The turquoise plain came to an abrupt end, and a large black area at the end appeared abruptly.

That large patch of ink has no end, like endless ink splashed from the clouds, intertwined with the blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green water, forming a strange artistic conception...

Here, everything is black. The black boulder soil, the black river, and even the plants on the mountains are black!

The pitch-black mountains stretch endlessly, winding and majestic, like black dragons; the black lonely peaks are like a great sword pointing towards the sky! The black old tree, withered branches, without a leaf, let alone the slightest vitality.

Above the endless black, clouds steamed and misted. The black mountains and giant peaks and white clouds combine to form a black and white picture.

This is the Nine Nether Demons.

The oncoming breath was chilly and shuddering. The huge peak of the black endless mountain range in the distance is like a huge ancient beast dormant!

If it weren't for the courageous adventurer, he wouldn't dare to step closer here! Even the daring adventurer who wants to enter this unpredictable black area has to consider it.

"No wonder that Jiuyou Demon Realm is always inaccessible!"

Zihou slowed down a few hundred miles away from the Jiuyou Demon Realm, muttering as it approached the Nine You Demon Realm. This place is full of weird atmosphere, which makes people feel frustrated. However, Zihou is also keenly aware that although the Nine Serenities Demon Realm looks very eerie and terrifying, it is definitely a different kind of dark...

Stop in front of the giant peaks that are close to each other. Zihou looked around blankly.

She only knew that the Demon Palace was in these Nine Nether Demon Realms, but she didn't know where it was. No wonder she didn't inquire about it beforehand. It is really the mystery of the magic palace. I am afraid that no one on the mainland knows where it is except the people of the magic palace, let alone how to get in.

Zihou had to rely on my own experience and intuition to find the entrance.

The two giant peaks plunged into the sky, and most of them were hidden in the clouds. There is a wide canyon between the two lonely peaks, extending to the end of the field of view.

Zihou held his chin, pondered for a while, and muttered to himself, "There must be a mystery in this!" This Nine Nether Demon Realm looks lifeless, and has no aura, definitely not. Suitable for cultivators to take root here. And Emperor Mo Yun unexpectedly chose to be here as his base camp, indicating that there must be an unknown mystery in the Nine Serenities Demon Realm...

Zihou the more I think about it, the more I feel possible. Right now, she began to look for the entrance more carefully.

These two giant peaks are towering and majestic than the other peaks in the eye, very much like a gate. Zihou then had an idea: Could this be an entrance to the magic palace?

Her divine consciousness continued to spread toward the depths of the Nine Nether Demon Realm like a tide, trying to use divine consciousness to investigate the situation inside. But to her disappointment, she didn't know the reason, her spiritual sense just penetrated in, like a stone sinking into the ocean, no news!

So strange!

Zihou is a little surprised.

In desperation, Zihou healed and withdrew the divine consciousness. After thinking for a while, she began to shout, "Excuse me, this is the magic palace?"

The voice of Zihou reverberated continuously between the cliff walls, one after another, until it disappeared without any response. Zihou repeats the words just now, but the voice is raised a little higher. Like the first time, no one answered her this time. Zihou looked as usual, and after a while, it was put on the throat again to repeat the words before the third time.

This time, there was finally a response, "Who came from?"

Hearing that, Zihou her eyes brightened, she hurriedly said, "Under Ziyun, come and visit His Royal Highness the Devil! Please also tell this friend to pass on." Zihou thought, she had already said When the name is reported, Mo Yunhuang will definitely come out to see her in person soon!

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel...

"If everyone who comes to visit our Lord will be summoned by Lord Lord, shouldn't our Lord be so busy? I advise you to leave quickly!”

Obviously, many people have visited His Highness the Devil Emperor!

Then there was another voice saying, "Yes, you go back, our Lord will not see you!"

Zihou was a little annoyed, and retorted, "How do you know that your Lord will not see me? You do your own thing without telling it, so you are not afraid that your Lord will guilt you after knowing it?"

After Zihou was said, the two of them remained silent for a long time. Just when Zihou thought that the two people probably didn't want to pay attention to her and left, the void in front of her was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, and there was a light ripple.

Immediately afterwards, a man in a black costume and a black cloak walked out of the void.

When Zihou saw that person at first glance, he was 100% sure that this magic palace must be Mo Yunhuang's power! Because this person's dress is so similar to those Moyun Guards in Moyun City in the vastness, almost exactly the same!

It was probably Aiwu and Wu, and the unhappiness in Zihou was also gone.

"I have already passed on. You wait here. But you can remember that if you have any dirty or despicable thoughts that can't make it to the table, I advise you to dispel it as soon as possible!"

"What?" Zihou shook his head lightly, with an incomprehensible expression?

"What? Didn't I say clearly enough?"

Dirty thoughts? she was?

Suckling the corners of his mouth, Zihou looked at the man with a silent look. Although the man was wearing a black cloak, the material of the cloak was a kind of light gauze with holes, which could vaguely see the person under the cloak. Zihou analyzes from various aspects, it can be determined that this person is quite young, probably in his twenties.

Without waiting for what Zihou said, the man continued to speak, "Of course, if you have nothing to do with our Lord, just to pay homage to our great Lord, then you are dead!"

Zihou: "……."

She was completely speechless.

She very much doubted whether the Mo Yunwei in front of her had practiced too hard, and instead broke her brain? Is she okay to find something to pay tribute to their great lord?

Ok. She said that Mo Yunhuang was great and she agreed, saying that he deserves the admiration of many people. This is also true. But, it's not enough to put this on your lips, right? People who don't know think how narcissistic the Devil Emperor Mo Yunhuang is!

Zihou chuckled, curled your lips and asked the letter, "Looking at your Lord will all die, isn't it good? Isn't it too cruel?"

"Huh! Our Lord can be respected by anyone!" The man glared at Zihou.

Zihou shook his head...sigh. She understood, this Nima is simply Mo Yunhuang's diehard fan!

Seeing Zihou shaking his head and sighing, the man said again, "Are you afraid? I tell you, it's too late! You'd better pray for something important, otherwise...huh..."

Zihou has been unable to complain about this little brother's brain. She secretly decided that she must ask Mo Yunhuang where he found such a wonderful work!

Soon, another Moyunwei came. As soon as the Moyunwei appeared, he said to Zihou, "You want to see our Lord, we are not qualified to report, you should first ask us whether you agree with the protection of the wind!" Obviously, from this Moyunwei It can be seen from the expression and tone that he also feels that Zihou is here to make trouble!

After listening to Zihou, his eyes lit up. If the wind is really coming, then everything will be easier!

As a result, Zihou calmed down and began to wait for the wind to come. As for the two Mo Yunwei, they were staring at her, straightening their bodies and waiting for fear that she would run away.

I thought that the wind would arrive soon, but I didn't expect the wind to appear after waiting for Zihou for a long time. She frowned and asked, "Didn't you say that your wind protector will come? What about people?"

Zihou didn't think that Mo Yunwei was lying to her... Sure enough, the Mo Yunwei who went to report also seemed a little confused. He thought for a while and explained, "It may be that the guardian of the wind has other important things!"

Other important things?

Zihou raised eyebrows. She doesn't think so. If Haifeng knew she was here, she would definitely come over as soon as possible. As for why she is hanging her up and telling her to wait?

Zihou thought for a while, and then asked the later Moyunwei with a drunken expression, "When you passed on to your Guardian of the Storm, you surely said my name?"

Hearing this question from Zihou, the face under the Moyunwei's cloak flushed slightly, and he couldn't say a word for a long time. When he was about to say it, a lazy voice came over, which happened to hold back his words...

"Which one is not long-eyed? Excuse me, my dream!" The romantic voice, now lazy, with a vagueness of not waking up.

This voice is highly recognizable, even if the person has not been seen, Zihou can already determine the identity of the coming person.

"The Wind Guardian is so pleasant. It's such a good day to sleep!"

Soon after the sound of Zihou fell, the void beside the two Moyunwei suddenly fluctuated. I think the people inside are so anxious to come out, so that the originally peaceful void is not just like ripples when the two Demon Cloud Guards came out just now. This time, it was more like smashing into a boulder, and there was a huge wave...

Haifeng was dreaming and did not expect to hear the sound of Zihou in Jiuyou Demon Realm at this time!

He was stunned for a moment. After making sure that he was not a hallucination, he hurried out in a hurry...

The figure that enters the goal, the familiar can no longer be familiar. Who else is not their devil concubine?

Hayate's eyes were staring, his mouth opened and opened, and he wanted to say but couldn't say anything. The whole person is in a state of complete confusion.

"Devil... Devil..." After a long while, Haifeng finally found her voice.

Zihou but smiled. It's just that the laugh is a bit crooked.

Haifeng is not afraid of every day, but not afraid of Zihou. Seeing Zihou smile like this, he felt a hairy heart and a cold sweat broke out on his back.

In order to relieve the pressure, or to transfer the hatred, Haifeng glared at the Mo Yunwei who was going to report, "You **** fellow, why didn't you give your name clearly when you came to report!"

Haifeng almost cried. He wants to know that the person here is the devil concubine, he will definitely rush out and kneel to greet him immediately!

The scolded Mo Yunwei looked dazed. Forgive his brain for some reaction. Come on. He couldn't understand why their high wind guardian seemed so afraid of this malicious visitor?

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