Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 6 Chapter 12: Second, ask for votes! ! !

"City Lord, it's not good, all the violent beasts are coming to Sky City!"

When this news spread into the study, both Xuanyuan Zifeng and Qin Shuang's expressions changed.

There are countless beasts around Sky City, even the number of powerful ancient beasts is immeasurable. Once these fierce beasts rush to Sky City in a frenzy, the consequences are simply disastrous!

Xuanyuan Zifeng said to Zihou with a serious face, "Now is not the time to speak, Ziyun kid, you also come with me to see how things are going?" go away.

Zihou naturally has no reason for rejection.

The three immediately set off and rushed towards the city gate.

Standing on the towering city wall and looking into the distance, you can see a white line approaching in the direction of Sky City, like a tsunami. As it approached, the white line gradually became thicker, and the ice and snow flew like an avalanche. After the white line, the white beasts were desperately rushing towards Sky City. While running, these fierce beasts kept their hair up and howled in fright.

"God, so many fierce beasts!"

"In the end what happened?"


The sudden wave of fierce beasts stunned everyone. This kind of scene has never happened in the history of Sky City.

As Xuanyuan Zifeng came to Zihou on the city wall, keenly felt a few powerful breaths. She was taken aback in her heart. Not for anything else, but the auras represented by the aura are as powerful as his father!

There are several super powerhouses in the realm of emptiness hidden in the sky city!

If this is the case, then in the face of these fierce beasts attacking the city, there is no need for Sky City to worry, right? However, from the reaction of her dad and the three other powerful people in the too virtual realm, it was obviously not that simple!

Qin Shuang seemed to have seen the doubts of Zihou, and he answered the puzzles in her ear at the right time, "The fierce beasts in the wind and snow are no better than the beasts on the side of the ancient gods. I have heard the foster father talk about the ancient **** They can be suppressed by the power of the cultivation base. But the fierce beasts in our Snowstorm possess a certain magical ability. To some extent, they can almost ignore the power of human cultivators!

"Is there no way to use them in Taixu?" Zihou felt a little weird.

Qin Shuang shook his head, "This is not certain!" The ancient fierce beasts with the strength of the gods are naturally not opponents in the realm of emptiness. But so many of the ancient fierce beasts of the gods gathered together, and each of them seemed to be close to running away, and the result was really hard to say.

Xuanyuan Zifeng was discussing something with several other Taixu people at this moment. Outside of Xuanyuan Zifeng, the other three powerhouses in the Supreme Void Realm were all gray-haired old men. Xuanyuan Zifeng respected them more.

"It's impossible... The old man has never seen something like this happen in Sky City for tens of thousands of years!"

"The fierce beasts in the snow-wind territory have always harbored mysterious powers. With such a large-scale riot, they are still coming towards Sky City. Did something happen in the city? Zifeng, is there anything new in Sky City recently? An outsider?" an old man in the realm of emptiness asked Xuanyuan Zifeng.

Xuanyuan Zifeng suddenly thought of Zihou, he nodded, and said, "Yes, that person is a member of my Chaos clan. I have already met him. I think this matter should be nothing to him. Relationship..." For some reason, Xuanyuan Zifeng didn't want these fierce beasts to be attracted by Zihou. It's not that these fierce beasts caused disaster to Sky City, but...

Xuanyuan Zifeng's eyes deepened.

"Regardless of the reason for these fierce beasts' riots, let's control them before discussing the origin of this matter." The third old man said. He wanted to be the oldest of the three old men. His eyes looked like a dry well, and his breath was restrained like a sword that had been covered in dust for a long time. No one can peep the slightest from him, just feel that his whole person is like an old antique, the vicissitudes of life are so scary!

Xuanyuan Zifeng and the other two old men nodded. The top priority now is indeed to control these beasts. However, from an angle invisible to the three of them, Xuanyuan Zifeng frowned slightly. The timing of the recurrence of the old injury is too coincidental. He can hardly use much soul power now! But with so many ancient fierce beasts, if he doesn't take action, it will be difficult to suppress it with the other three!

Xuanyuan Zifeng was a little helpless. The realm of Taixu is placed in the ancient gods, unless the four ancient giants that have experienced the full maturity of the thunder tribulation can basically kill all the beasts in a flash. But the wind and snow are different, the situation here is really special!

"Zifeng, is your old injury recurring?" The eldest old man observed the situation carefully and saw Xuanyuan Zifeng's condition at a glance.

Xuanyuan Zifeng nodded helplessly.

The other two elders also sighed, one of them humanely said, "Even if Zifeng is unobstructed now, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the four of me to control these fierce beasts..." He paused, his eyes flashed, and he sighed. "If there is the jade of the four souls, all this will not be a problem..."

Zihou did not hear the conversation between the four. She stood on the edge of the city wall, watching the approaching army of fierce beasts with a focused expression. Seeing those fierce guys about to hit the walls of Sky City like a huge wave, everyone straightened and became extremely nervous.

Qin Shuang had also gone to one side and joined the members of his team and began to command the soldiers defending the city to put up a defensive battle. However, this is the first time such a thing has happened in Sky City. All people panicked and have no experience of facing such a thing.

Zihou gazes around in the tide of beasts like the tide, and suddenly focuses on a huge beast.

"Ancient Beast-Bite of the Icefield!" Zihou whispered, and a bright light flashed through her eyes.

"Yes!" Zihou clapped his hands violently, but the excitement made everyone around him startled.

Zihou has no extra thoughts about paying attention to other people. At this time, she had already thought of a solution to the problem.

She didn't think too much, she jumped, turned into a Changhong and fell on the open space in front of the city gate below. In front of her, the beast tide came quickly, making a loud noise. The vibration of the earth shook the small body of Zihou up and down. In front of these huge and numerous beasts, she is so small that she can be ignored!

Because the walls of Sky City are extremely thick, there are no warriors below. All the soldiers are either in the sky or on the wall. So Zihou jumps to the next level, how unexpected it is.

"Oh my God, is that kid going to die?"

"Is he looking for death? Ah, I don't want to be like that for death! Doesn't he know that he will be trampled into meatloaf by the beast?"

"Quickly, think of a way to save him!"


For a while, the people around either took a breath, were dumbfounded and forgot to react, or yelled. No matter what the reaction was, it was undoubtedly shocked by Zihou.

The actions in Zihou naturally fell in the eyes of Xuanyuan Zifeng for the first time. The elders were calm, but Xuanyuan Zifeng couldn't calm down.

Although he and Zihou have only met for the first time, his love and care for Zihou from the bottom of his heart and not under his own control make him worry about Zihou) all the time. ". Right now, seeing Zihou actually went down the city wall to face the beast tide, his heart was immediately held together!

Those nasty beasts are only a few meters away from her!

Xuanyuan Zifeng's back was sweating coldly, and big beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. He was probably so worried about Zihou that he was so frightened that he forgot to react.

Zihou under the city wall, facing the frantically surging animal tide, leans forward slightly, with a thrilling arc drawn in the corners of her red lips. Those dark and deep eyes held a brighter light than the sun, moon and stars.

She thought just now, since she can use the power of the crystal of the sun to extinguish the bite of an ancient beast and icefield, does this mean that the beasts in the Snow Wind are afraid of the power of the seven treasures?

Zihou unfolded her hands up to the sky, and after a burst of bright light flashed, a complete piece of jade of four souls appeared in her hand! It is no longer scattered fragments, but a complete jade of four souls!

Like the Crystal of the Sun, the last piece of the jade of the Four Souls was also found in the 13 continents.

At the moment the jade of the four souls is finished in the 13 continents, the sun and the moon will disappear, and the beasts will surrender!

Since it is the source of life for the four ancient giant beasts, the jade of the four souls must have the absolute power to control the beasts! In this regard, Zihou is full of confidence.

Zihou's face shrank, and the jade of the four souls kept turning in her hands, and rays of light scattered around her with her as the center.

"Ah!" Zihou raised up to the sky with a clear whistle, and the jade of the four souls in his hand suddenly dropped like an arrow from the string and rushed to the void.

The little jade of the four souls, like a ball of light, gleams with the four colors of white, blue, blue and red gold alternately.

"Four souls gather, ten thousand beasts!" The figure of Zihou whirled up to the sky, with a clear drink and shaking mountains and rivers!

Before the words fell, the jade of the four souls buzzed, and the sharp sound almost cracked the eardrum! Several white snow-capped mountains in the distance collapsed or even shattered because of the humming sound!

The jade of the four souls rose several times, dozens of times, hundreds of times! It didn't take long for the jade of the four souls to press like a mountain on the void of the wide ground in front of Sky City. Its light enveloped countless beasts below!

At the moment when the jade of the four souls appeared in the hands of Zihou, on the old faces of the elders in the realm of emptiness on the wall, there was a rare emotion called surprise on the old faces that had never been emotional.

"The jade of the four souls!" The old man who said that everything would be easy if there were jade of the four souls, did not hold back his exclamation. He never expected that what he said casually would become true!

Even the oldest old man was a little surprised.

"Buzzing~" The chaotic sound came from the shaking jade of the four souls, mysterious and lofty, like a brahman singing. At the same time, among the large rays of light, runes flew out from the jade of the four souls, and finally disappeared. From a distance, in the light of the jade of the four souls, there seems to be a rain of runes!

All the fierce beasts below had completely softened as long as they were completely shrouded in the light of the jade of the four souls, and they all lost their previous violent mania as if they were detached.

When the rune rain fell, strands of energy flowed into their bodies from their body surfaces.

Zihou has a sharp look, stretches out his hand to grab the void, and at the same time shouts, "Back!"

The jade of the four souls began to change rapidly after the voice of Zihou fell, and turned into streamer back to Zihou. After Zihou rotates its body to catch the jade of the four souls, it gazes over a large area of ​​fierce beasts. She raised her hand and raised her voice, "You still can't tell me to go back!"

Whether it is her movements or her tone of voice, all are extremely domineering, like a king who is overwhelming. As soon as she gave her order, all the fierce beasts were still very weak in the first moment, and in the next moment they looked like they were beaten up with chicken blood. They got up and rushed in the opposite direction without saying anything...

It wasn't until the ferocious beast frenzy walked away and disappeared into the vast horizon in the distance that everyone came back to their senses.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Xuanyuan Zifeng tried his best not to show his expression. He looks calm, but only he knows how many ups and downs his mood has gone through in just a short time!

"This nasty brat..." Xuanyuan Zifeng shook his back teeth and muttered to himself viciously. He really wanted to catch that stimulating kid and spank him!

"The fierce beast finally left, great!"

"Oh my God, this is incredible! I think it's like a dream!"

"How did he do it! That thing is amazing!"


The fierce beast frenzy retreated, and as soon as the crisis was lifted, everyone's heart in their throats finally fell, greatly relieved. They couldn't help but revel.

When they wake up from the excitement and joy and watch Zihou, they are already in a different state of mind.

The people of these Sky City didn't expect that the kid who jumped off the wall would save them World City, and also saved many lives!

"Long live Ziyun!" Qin Shuang was so happy. Her sturdy, sword-like eyebrows were raised high, waving her strong arms up to the sky and shouting.

When this statement came out, thousands of people echoed him.

"Long live Ziyun!"

The excitement is deafening, the mountains whistle and the tsunami, it has not subsided for a long time...

No matter in that world, no matter what age, people always celebrate victory in hysterics; and the joy of all victory is often moving.

However, in such an atmosphere, Xuanyuan Zifeng’s complexion gradually sank...

When Ziyun first came to Sky City, the fierce beasts in the Snowy Region rioted; and the seven treasures and four soul jade in his hand. All these made him have to think about some aspects...

He did not conceal his thoughts in front of a few venerables, because he knew that the few venerables he thought of naturally also thought of...

Sure enough, when he raised his eyes to look at the three nobles, the three nobles also looked at him at the same time. Their eyes were all holding a vague but extremely excited emotion...

After this incident, Zihou undoubtedly became a well-known figure in the world. From top to bottom, no one in Tianxiacheng disrespect her.

Of course, our Zihou didn't think about doing anything to make people remember her. She has been indifferent to those reputations for a long time. She did this to a large extent because of her father, who is the city lord of the world.

However, Zihou never expected that she accidentally involved a big secret in this move, which changed the trajectory of her life!

We don't know what life would be like in Zihou if it hadn't happened. However, isn't the greatest charm of life that there is no if?

After the fierce beast attacked the city, Xuanyuan Zifeng left without saying hello to Zihou. However, before Xuanyuan Zifeng left, his expression was a little strange, and he even glanced at Zihou with a complicated look.

As for Qin Shuang, he also had some things to deal with, and he left after notifying Zihou. Zihou had to return to Qin Shuang's house alone.

In Qin Shuang's residence, Zihou has always recalled the complicated look in Xuanyuan Zifeng's eyes when he left. She even felt that the elders of the Void Realm with him seemed a little different from when they first met...

what is the problem?

Just when Zihou fell into my own thoughts and puzzled, there was an urgent knock on the door...

------Off-topic ------

Today, it is more than ten thousand changes! Asking for a monthly pass for the first time with confidence, give some face...


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