"I still need to deal with the press conference with Howard in the afternoon." Nietzsche always went out in the afternoon. "If we are lucky, there will be military orders after the first batch of finished products comes out."

Especially the group of people in the British Admiralty, they seem to be no longer satisfied with sailing on the sea.

"Then will you come back for dinner tonight?" The brown ball crawled out from a pile of brown paper full of notes.

Riddle was playing with Mercury to kill time. Listening to the conversation between the two, a smirk appeared on his face---how can these two mudbloods talk like husband and wife.

"I will." Nietzsche just stepped out and noticed the smirk, so he warned, "Be honest at home, I haven't started to settle the account last time."

Riddle was broken.

He spat a mouthful of non-existent saliva and shouted angrily: "What do you think I am."

But he regretted it as soon as he finished shouting.

Grindelwald glanced at him---I don't know what he is, but he looks like their son.

Fortunately, Hermione and Nietzsche didn't pay attention to his arrogant attitude...

The two of them looked at each other quickly, then turned their heads and went about their own business, especially Hermione, who realized belatedly that the conversation between her and Nietzsche seemed to have happened to her parents.

Grindelwald looked at the two of them, somewhat nostalgic for the past...

Volume 1: Chapter 144 Today's Wizarding World

Grindelwald had seen enough of cars and streets.

Not long after Nietzsche left, the old man pestered Hermione and insisted on going to see Diagon Alley.

"I'm a German wizard from France, can't I see the wizarding world here?" He said confidently, "Let's go, since your wand is made of vine wood, you can't just work in isolation!"

These days, he teaches in the morning and walks around in the afternoon.

He didn't feel tired, and he had already traveled all over London in just a few days. In addition to the novelty, after taking the subway and the car several times, he used Apparition most of the time to get by.

The helpless Queen of Gryffindor could only temporarily serve as a diplomat.

In this not very sunny England, Diagon Alley welcomed two "special" guests - the first generation Dark Lord and the incomplete second generation Dark Lord.

Sometimes Riddle really wanted to let her know who "Grendel" was, to see what expression she would have on her face.

"A glass of butter beer... Little Amber! Keep refilling for me!" The Leaky Cauldron was crowded with wizards, who were arm in arm and swinging their beer glasses.

The yellow foam settled on the table first, followed by the overflowing beer and whiskey.

This place is completely different from when I first came here in the first year of school. You know, most of the people sitting here are old ladies sipping sherry, but now it is full of young people and middle-aged wizards.

"There are a few guests on the second floor who need dinner, help me send it!" Tom, the bartender, shouted.

Hannah was wandering between the bar and the tables, and she slipped on the floor that her mother had just mopped, and the uncontrolled glasses fell from the air.

But she didn't hear the crisp sound of glass breaking.

It's Hermione! She came over with her wand in hand!

"Thank you." Hannah wiped the sweat off her face and said gratefully, "It's been so busy here lately."

"Do you look surprised?"

Hermione looked at her busy appearance and felt happy for the harvest of the Abbott family from the bottom of her heart.

"It used to be much easier than this. I don't know why, but I heard that many wizards found new jobs, so our place became their must-go place." Hannah waved her wand again and sent the cups to her father.

Of course.

After all, those wizards found new jobs in Westminster, very close to the Leaky Cauldron.

Only the Leaky Cauldron was the closest to the road to the wizarding world, so it naturally became a gathering place for these wizards. Hermione thought that she had helped her friends get some benefits.

"I heard from my father that the number of people coming here is almost the same as that of Madam Puddifoot's Tea House in Hogsmeade Village."

This was not the first time Hermione had heard of this wizard village.

Back in school, she always heard George and Fred say: There are many secret passages in the school leading there, so their small business will always have endless prank props to sell.

"They work for Muggles?" Grindelwald looked back at the busy street.

"I heard that some wizards sold Muggle houses." Hannah looked at the old wizard strangely, "Okay, I still have to help... There are no vacant rooms here recently, all are fully booked!"

What is a prime location~

Located at the intersection of Muggles and wizards, this is a natural geographical advantage.

Unfortunately, in addition to wizards from Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, the only ones who come here are those parents who occasionally send their little wizards.

However, the location where wizards work is actually very common, and Hannah didn't think of this matter to Hermione. After all, isn't St. Mungo's Hospital also in a Muggle department store...

She knew Granger was very powerful, but he didn't open a company~

Hermione arrogantly pulled Grindelwald in, and after knocking open the bricks, she looked at the slowly cracking stone door and said: "It seems that the confidentiality work is not bad."

This statement is almost a showdown.

Good guy, Grindelwald didn't expect that she already had this idea.

"What if the Ministry of Magic finds out?" Grindelwald walked on the cobblestone street.

"To correct, they are working for me and Nietzsche, not ordinary people." Hermione laughed from ear to ear, "So we didn't break the Statute of Secrecy. After all, wizards don't have direct contact with the outside world."

A little clever, but very useful.

Grindelwald began to appreciate Hermione's meticulous mind in his heart.

And they soon couldn't move, because the front was crowded with a group of wizard reporters holding cameras, and countless magic quills were writing and drawing on notebooks. Grindelwald was very impatient.

"Excuse me..."

Just as he was about to move forward, the crowd suddenly retreated, knocking him staggering several steps.

"Don't block the way, go back... go back!" A person in pink clothes squeezed out of the crowd and screamed, "We will investigate Black's escape to the end, please stay calm!"

"Is there any help from Lucius Malfoy?" a reporter asked.

"No, of course not." Fudge wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled reluctantly at the camera.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because... because..."

Fudge looked very difficult and didn't want to say it.

But the toad Umbridge beside him said in a shrill voice: "Mr. Malfoy is not in the same guard area with him! How could this matter be related to him?"

A group of them ran to the Leaky Cauldron, leaving only Hermione in deep thought.

Grindelwald casually took the notebook of one of the reporters, which was written on the report about the "Sirius Black Prison Break".

But Hermione's attention was on Lucius Malfoy.

"Not in the same area?" She looked at the backs of the group of people, "It seems that Malfoy spent a lot of money on this matter."

The explanation to the public was---sent to Azkaban, which was done, but the area where they were placed was not where the Death Eaters stayed, but the outermost layer of Azkaban, where they were locked up with ordinary dark wizards and thieves.

She looked at the draft, which also had Black's deeds written on it.

"He used a spell to blow up an entire Muggle street, killing thirteen people, injuring more than twenty people, and missing one person." Grindelwald read slowly, "It seems that the magic world is not peaceful now."

The two turned into Florin's cold drink shop, and the old and the young held their own boxes and sat outside to eat ice cream.

Grindelwald was a little emotional. He had to admit that the wizards were backward, and at the same time he admired the vision of Nietzsche and Hermione... The successive wars not only did not make them reflect, but made them more conservative.

Hermione turned her head and looked at the profile of Professor Grendel. She could feel a kind of loneliness.

That kind of loneliness was not loneliness, but...

It was like seeing through the future and seeing the powerlessness of the final outcome of things. No matter what you do, you can't change it, and you can only know the pain of the truth that others don't know alone.

"I really don't want to 'retire'~" Grindelwald looked at the ice cream in the box and sighed.


Hermione couldn't help but think of Professor Binns, who never retired.

"If you don't want to retire, just become a ghost." Hermione spread her legs, squinted her eyes, and enjoyed the sweet and sour strawberries like a cat.

Volume 1: Chapter 145 Children Make Choices

Before the start of each new semester, the school will send documents about new books.

But this year is different, because third-year students will face elective courses, and along with the textbooks comes a list of elective courses. And a... Hogsmeade Village Permission Form?

Sherlock, wearing a nightgown and carrying a bottle of whiskey, came over. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, a ball of fire spurted out of his throat.

"Burp~ Fire Dragon... Whiskey..." He squinted his eyes and fell half dead on the sofa, "I like this specialty, the flame seems warm in my throat, maybe I should ask Quirinus to buy more next time."

"You almost burned my course selection list!" Nietzsche lifted the table a little further away.

But Sherlock didn't look like he had done anything wrong.

Tsk! You know, Nietzsche hasn't been back for two weeks in a row! !

"Yes, yes, it's hard to imagine that someone in the Holmes family doesn't want to die alone." Sherlock said drunkenly, "I'm your father, so I still have to remind you---be careful not to be kicked out by Mr. Granger."

Nietzsche's face turned red all of a sudden.

"I was taking care of her!" He threw the permission form that required the guardian's signature in the other's face.

"Interesting, John said the same thing when Mary caught a cold, and now they are engaged... Let me see, ahaha, wizard summer camp." Sherlock raised his eyebrows and said unscrupulously.

After writing his gorgeous signature on the permission form, Nietzsche continued to read the third-year curriculum behind.

In addition to the required courses, the other six elective courses are: Protection of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runic Literature, Divination, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy Divination, and Alchemy.

There is no need to think too much about this, Alchemy is definitely required, and the second is Muggle Studies.

The former is because of work; the latter is because he wants to know what wizards think of Muggles. Only by knowing where wizards are wrong can he make corresponding corrections.

As for divination...

"Who would choose this?" Nietzsche frowned and said with disgust.

"Does the wizard's divination predict the future?" Sherlock suddenly became interested.

"No, it's 'prophecy', not 'foreknowledge'."

Sherlock immediately took a sip of wine, grabbed an apple from the dining table and gnawed it. He suddenly felt that the fortune teller had become boring. He looked at Nietzsche and almost said the reason for his contempt at the same time:

“Prophecies that make expectations come true are self-fulfilling.”

The Psychology of Robert Merton.

Selective screening will cause expectations to self-fulfill in another way, because people will unconsciously shape their behavior in order to conform to the ideal expectations in their minds.

For example - in the same class, everyone saw a tall man beating a short man, and the others did not think about the reason. They would only predict in their hearts that "the tall man is a bad person" because of this violence, and thus exclude and distrust him. ;

And then in bad circumstances, the tall guy does turn out to be a bad guy, and then people say, 'Look! We already knew he was a bad guy’.

So the prophecy came true.

"Then I'd better choose ancient runes and learn them." Nie circled the three elective courses in red ink and put the reply into the school owl's mail bag.

He was wondering what Hermione would choose.

Maybe it will be the same as myself?

But no matter what, I shouldn’t take the divination class...right?

Nietzsche really couldn't imagine that Hermione, who used restraint to maintain rationality, was holding a crystal ball all day long, talking like a gypsy, and tying a few cow bones to her curly hair. This was really such a contrast.

But in fact, Hermione really chose... To be precise, she chose everything, including Divination.

Nietzsche looked at the filled elective list and said in disbelief: "How did you even think of including divination and the protection of magical creatures?"

"It's me." Grindelwald said from the side. "I think it's necessary to know more about magical animals. Many wizards will rely on the power of animals when their magic is not up to standard."

He really didn't want to think about the past, because the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

So I can only act like a 'experienced person'.

"What about divination?" Nietzsche looked at the girl and blinked, "I don't think you are the kind of person who is willing to spend time, smear yourself with incense, and drink tea while looking at the crystal ball."

But this made Grindelwald even more unhappy. He said angrily: "Who told the prophecy to do that?!"

"It's mentioned in "Looking at the Future Through the Fog", which also includes tea leaf divination and ox bone divination..."

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