But even so, he didn't want to put the pet mouse back into his pocket, because it was just vomited out by the cat, so it was too disgusting and full of fishy smell.

The witch knocked the cat's head hard, showing apologetic.

"It's always like this, it doesn't like to eat cat food, and always sneaks to Diagon Alley to find food when we are not paying attention..."

Nietzsche glanced and found that Crookshanks was looking at him, and then snored at the mouse Ron was holding.

"Excuse me, does it have some other bloodline?" Grindelwald suddenly came up to the witch and stared at the cat and said.

His unique heterochromatic eyes scared the clerk in the magical animal store.

"What a good vision, it is the bloodline of the catkin, but it is precisely because it is a mixed blood that no one has bought it. People don't like cats that are alone and suspicious." The witch swung her arms hard and raised the cat in her arms a little higher.

As a pet, people certainly like those clingy and cute animals...

Nietzsche didn't think so. He thought this cat was quite interesting, both in terms of appearance and character. For him, a pet that could solve other problems by itself was perfect.

It would find food by itself when hungry and play by itself when bored.

"Really? I think it's quite similar to you." Hermione whispered in his ear while holding the birdcage.

It keeps to itself, looks suspicious at everyone, and often behaves neurotically and crazy... Oh, if it looks like her in demeanor, then it is simply a replica of Nietzsche in character.

By the way, although 'Mercury' was purchased by Nietzsche and Hermione at the beginning of the school year, Hermione still uses it most of the time.

Don't ask why, because Mercury has a past that he can't bear to look back on. Even it tilted its head and looked at Crookshanks, as if thinking: If Nietzsche had a new pet, would he suffer less?

"Wizards are really short-sighted. They always look down on the insignificant lives at present." Grindelwald's words sounded like a sigh, but more like a mockery of himself.

His vision was because he had suffered losses in the past and had to make up for the knowledge of magical animals.

"Shouldn't snakes be afraid of cats?" Hermione said calmly when she saw him staring at her.

A pun!

"Who doesn't like cats?" Nietzsche seemed to be anxious and said seriously, "No one doesn't like cats. Besides, I'm just too lazy to take care of animals..."

"If it was Crookshanks, there would be no need to work so hard." The witch cleared her throat and interrupted appropriately, "Dear, catkins are very smart and are very good at protecting their owners."

She noticed that among the group of people, only Nietzsche was empty-handed.

This is a potential customer!

And the witch really didn't want to go around Diagon Alley every day, tired of looking for a half-blood catkin that always sneaked away.

"Okay, how much is it." Nietzsche was moved and made up his mind.

"The original price is ten Galleons, but it's really unsellable, so... five Galleons!"

The witch happily took the coin and put the cat on the table, and Crookshanks just stretched his body, slowly crawled to Nietzsche's seat, curled his tail and began to snore, and the clerk was relieved.

Finally, this troublemaker was finally sent away.

After confirming that Crookshanks did not show a bad attitude, in order to prevent Nietzsche from regretting, the witch left without looking back.

Crookshanks still dozed on the table without a care, relieving the discomfort of his nausea just now, and didn't care who his new owner was, as if he was ready to slip away at any time if he was not satisfied.

"I'd better put Scabbers back in the car." Ron's ears turned red, and he walked out with the mouse in his hand.

He would be like this when he was under pressure and had nowhere to vent.

Later, Nietzsche and Hermione walked around a few more times, listening to the conversations of wizards and buying various types of books, until they returned to Charing Cross Road from the Leaky Cauldron in the evening.

Along the way, Nietzsche would always tease Crookshanks in his arms:

"You are too heavy." "Why are you so serious?"

But Hermione always felt that he was taking the opportunity to ridicule, but there was no evidence.

It was as if he sold the cat just to tease Hermione. He deliberately raised his arm while sighing, and once Hermione turned her eyes away, he would deliberately exclaim like Lockhart and then change his position.

But no matter what Nietzsche did, she finalized the idea in her heart.

However, what was Nietzsche's real idea of ​​buying Crookshanks?

For fun? Want a pet? Because it looks like the serious or fake serious Hermione?

He himself didn't know. Maybe if he really wanted to say it, it would be a little bit of everything. After all, Nietzsche was very free-spirited most of the time except in serious occasions, as long as he could make himself happy.

"Pets usually follow their owners." She would never change this idea.

"Hmm~ Crookshanks has been in that pet store for so long, how come he doesn't even have a cat friend?" Nietzsche said nonchalantly, "It's so pitiful, but it doesn't matter, I won't despise you."

He stretched out his fingers and stroked Crookshanks's fur.

It was very fluffy, and the feeling was like... Nietzsche glanced at Hermione's hair.

Hermione's hair was furious, could she not understand what the other party meant?

Obviously he was saying that when he was in school, he couldn't make friends, so she was the one who was pitied, no! She was obviously the one who pitied Nietzsche... No, no! He was just talking about cats!

Hermione snapped her thoughts back in time.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly, otherwise she would have fallen into the other party's thinking trap again.

*Nietzsche adds one point first.

When it was time to say goodbye, Hermione said with a cold face: "Think about Smaug in the Forbidden Forest first. She will be very happy with your adopted new 'friend'...ah ha, I really look forward to meeting these two little guys. "

*Nietzsche felt a pressure and froze at the intersection.

*Hermione followed, earning herself a point.

"Really? I don't think they will necessarily meet. One is at school and the other is in the Forbidden Forest..."

"Perhaps Crookshanks bumped into Smaug when he went out to look for food one day?" Hermione smiled evilly and got back the game.

Nietzsche stared blankly at Crookshanks in his arms. No, there was nothing he could say to prevent it from meeting his Norwegian Ridgeback. If that guy in the Forbidden Forest knew that he had an extra pet during the holidays, he might cause trouble. What.

If we're not lucky, the Acromantula might become extinct.

He raised Crookshanks in front of him and said word by word: "You must not go to the Forbidden Forest."

But Crookshanks just yawned, blinked lazily, and then took Nietzsche's hand with his paws and put it on his ear. He was just a poor, unwanted mixed-breed cat. .

I didn’t understand what Nietzsche said, but I vaguely remembered the word ‘forbidden forest’.

Crookshanks: Forbidden Forest? What is that place?

Sometimes the more you remind me, the more interested the cat will become.

Grindelwald did not speak, but just followed the two young wizards, watching everything that happened in front of him with interest. He always thought about Dumbledore's reminder in his heart - to feel.

In fact, he agreed to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in order to study Horcruxes, and with some purpose.

Because Dumbledore felt that now was an era of change, and Grindelwald wanted to know the final direction of the wizarding world, so he walked out of the old castle in Austria.

At least for now, it's not bad.


Sorry, sorry, Fox sent the wrong chapter again, ahhhhh! !

Volume One: Chapter 148 The Meeting of Two Professors

(The order of the chapters has been changed...hell, the number of words in the changed chapters is greater than before, helpless...)

The next day, Nietzsche and Hermione were sent to the station by their parents, and they met again on the train.

Grindelwald had already found a good place at the end of the train, where there was very little traffic, and there was a window at the end of the train, where he could see the scenery passing by behind him.

He seems to be more diligent than anyone else.

"Hurry up, come here." Grindelwald urged, "I don't want to be crowded with other people."

"But this is usually a student carriage. Logically speaking, professors sit in the prefects' section." Hermione picked up her wand and directed the luggage to return to its place.

"It's so boring. Are there any clear rules?" But the professor said with disgust.

Even if there was this rule, he pretended not to see it and no one could stop his behavior.

Grindelwald looked at the students bouncing in the corridor curiously. His lively expression did not look like a centenarian at all. Nietzsche sometimes wondered--could it be that this professor also had his life extended by the Sorcerer's Stone?

Not only that, he also found that Professor Glendale would subconsciously clench his hands when the train started moving, and only relaxed slightly after a long time.

"You're nervous." Nietzsche unbuttoned his wizard's robe.

From his collar, a cat's head suddenly appeared like a magic trick, Crookshanks! It jumped out of Nietzsche's clothes and onto the table.

Grindelwald tried to pet him, but the cat showed no respect at all. It bowed its back and purred loudly at him, then nimbly jumped onto Nietzsche's lap and stretched out.

This surprised the professor, and he looked at Crookshanks with strange-colored eyes for a while.

"Me? Nervous?" He laughed, "Of course, I was resting in an isolated castle. When Albus came to the door, he said that at this juncture, I was the only one qualified for the job. "

Half truths and half lies.

But Grindelwald was not wrong. He was indeed locked up in a castle, and he was indeed surprised by Dumbledore's visit.

Professor 'Grendel' opened the window a small opening and breathed in the fresh air. An old wizard like him was unfamiliar with everything outside and was re-recognizing the world like a newborn.

"Maybe we can break the rumor about the curse." Hermione didn't object to this.

To be honest, even though she was at odds with many of the professor's ideas, he still helped her a lot, especially with the insights into magic and the war magic of ancient runes.

Powerful and mysterious, this is Hermione's intuitive feeling about Professor Grendel.

Suddenly there were footsteps in the corridor, and a second adult appeared at the door of a random compartment - he was carrying a suitcase tied with a rope, and his wizard robe was also covered with patches.

Nietzsche scratched the cat's ears and quickly looked at the other person from beginning to end:

This is a middle-aged wizard. Judging from his suitcase, thin body and unkempt beard, he is a frustrated wizard with a stable job.

His eyes are lifeless and hazy. When he opened the door and saw the three of them, his eyes staggered and looked at the empty seats. This shows that he is looking for a place to stay and is very introverted.

"Excuse me, the other carriages are full..." He lowered his head and looked very depressed.

"Of course!" Before he finished speaking, Hermione pointed to the seat opposite, "R... Professor Lupin, if you don't mind, you can squeeze in here a little."

The other party was very surprised.

"How do you know my name?" His voice was hoarse.

"It's written on the box." Hermione squinted and looked for a while, and continued, "Since there is a vacant position at Hogwarts, you are another professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

If Professor McGonagall were here, she might say: Because of Miss Granger's attentiveness, Gryffindor will get five points!

At this time, Grindelwald also shook hands with Professor Lupin and introduced him: "Just call me Grendel, we are colleagues this year... I didn't expect that you are the second person Albus called."

Lupin just nodded in agreement.

Good guy, one compartment has gathered the first and second graders and two professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"It sounds like you are very familiar with Professor Dumbledore." Lupin looked up at the luggage rack, then pushed down his dirty and tattered suitcase and placed it horizontally between his legs.

Nietzsche sensed Professor Lupin's thoughts in his heart: he cares about other people's opinions.

Generally, only people with very fragile psychology will act so cautiously---he is worried that his suitcase will be squeezed together with others.

Grindelwald nodded, did not deny the other party's guess, but simply said: "It seems that Albus just wants me to be your assistant. It doesn't matter. I will make a good teaching plan and will not steal your limelight."

But Hermione just sneered in her heart after hearing it.

Teaching plan?

After these days of getting along, the old professor is a real practical wizard. He pays attention to efficiency and practicality in spells and theories, rather than safety, and can do all kinds of black magic.

She believes that Tom Riddle has a deep understanding of this.

So, the students of Hogwarts will suffer this year~

"No, I'm just Professor Dumbledore's student..." Lupin said softly.

He was embarrassed, so he lowered his posture.

This is not modesty, but Lupin really feels that he is not qualified to be a professor. Now that he knows that Professor Dumbledore's friend is his assistant, he is even more uneasy.

So Lupin could only force a smile to Nietzsche and Hermione opposite awkwardly, and then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The magical thing is that Crookshanks is very fierce to Professor Grendel, but he doesn't show much aggression to this stranger. It's really strange, so Nietzsche lowered his head and continued to enjoy the fluffy and soft hair.

When the train passed the bridge, the windows began to slide out of knife-like water marks due to the rain.

The rain was getting heavier, and dark clouds gathered over the train, turning into a black ocean. At this time, Crookshanks began to scream suspiciously.

"There is danger..." Grindelwald's eyes immediately became sharp after seeing the cat's reaction.

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