But if that's the case...

"But it doesn't make you so annoying, right?" Nietzsche felt that she kept a secret.

"She said I was deliberately closing my Third Eye." Hermione showed no interest in the strawberry pudding that was brought to her. "You just didn't hear the tone, as if I had done something unforgivable."

But Lavender raised her eyebrows and glanced back and forth between the two people.

"Are you sure this is what Professor Trelawney is talking about?" She winked at Nietzsche playfully.

"Okay, I'm full!" Hermione picked up Nietzsche by the back of his collar and pushed him. "I'm going back to rest first. I have three elective courses tomorrow."

She was trying to avoid something, which made Nietzsche even more curious.

Unfortunately, Hermione didn't give him any chance and just yelled that Lavender should remember to take up Transfiguration lessons tonight.

The helpless Nietzsche could only sit in the lounge, sorting out his alchemy textbooks, and was planning to write a letter to his beloved Mr. Quirrell. Because there was no curfew at this time, everyone was wandering around the school.

At this time, a figure sneaked in.

It was Draco, his arm covered with bandages, being helped in by Goyle and Crabbe.

"Damn Rubeus Hagrid..." he warned several people, "I'm going to tell Fudge about this, wait until my father comes out, huh, I want that stupid guy to be expelled... Ouch, Get out of here!”

Crabbe suddenly tilted to the left, hitting his injured arm.

"It was this stupid cat that hit my foot."

Crabbe and Goyle were bow-legged and swaying back and forth, which made Draco even more impatient.

They were about to teach Crookshanks a lesson, but he quickly got into Nietzsche's lap and curled up in front of the stove, but Nietzsche ignored them. After his own cat had enough brushing outside, he hugged it back to the bed. .

It was still the same on the second night of school.

In the middle of the night, Nietzsche heard a slight movement, and then felt a weight on his leg. He thought: Perhaps Crookshanks ran up to keep warm again.

I simply didn't care.


Because he always had trouble sleeping with something on his legs, Nietzsche could not enter a deep sleep state so quickly, so in the second half of the night, he would always hear subtle movements outside the door.

After he opened his eyes with difficulty, he discovered something creepy - there was a figure on the bed.

Nietzsche's right hand quietly touched the pillow, his magic wand was hidden underneath, but the figure seemed to see through his thoughts. Then, his left and right hands were tied with a rope and tied to both sides of the bed.

'Hogwarts is really the safest place. ’

This is the lounge, the lounge!

Last year it was Dobby the house elf, who is it this year? !

"Who are you?" the figure asked first.

Nietzsche raised his head, and the cold feeling on his neck made him sure that it was either a magic wand or a sharp knife... Whatever it was, it was not good for him.

"Miss, this is Slytherin's dormitory. Before asking others, could you please tell me who you are?"

He originally wanted to raise his feet to clamp the other person's neck, but suddenly he found that Crookshanks was still sitting on it, staring at him and looking at him with his head tilted. He had no sense of crisis at all, which was completely different from the previous movements on the train.

So I could only look at this 'lady' again (from the sound of it).

"Little traitor." Nietzsche was not relieved, and raised his head again and scolded his Persian cat.

"You are not allowed to scold Crookshanks!" The other person sounded angrier than himself, and the wand poked his throat harder.

"This is my cat!"

"this is mine!"

He and 'she' suddenly quarreled over the ownership of Crookshanks.

"It's so interesting. It seems that I have to go to Diagon Alley and ask them if they used a pet to defraud two people out of their money." Nietzsche laughed angrily and tugged on the rope with both hands.

A silent transformation spell, the danger level is moderately high.

But the smile on his face quickly solidified because the other party took off his black hood.

When the sparkling moonlight passed through the lake and the floor-to-ceiling windows and shone on the person's face, what appeared was a mature and scarred face... Nietzsche didn't recognize her, but he always felt familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere. .

Especially those chocolate eyes.

"Don't tell me that you crawled onto the bed in the boys' dormitory in the middle of the night just to own a cat... Ouch!"

Nietzsche's stomach was hit, not hard enough, just enough to make him want to vomit.

But...it's worth it!

He didn't expect that the joke he made on Crookshanks would actually come true.

Volume 1: Chapter 156 The Second Granger


"According to the shadow position of the moonlight, it's around three o'clock in the middle of the night...probably."

"No, I asked for the date!"

"September 2nd, no, it's the 3rd now."

When the familiar-looking woman heard the date, she frowned and walked back and forth in the room, with no intention of letting him loose anyway.

Nietzsche stretched his neck and stared at Crookshanks, but the other person just lowered his head. After making a few slight humming sounds, he moved from his legs to his face, covering his face with fluffy hair. .

After a few minutes, Nietzsche felt something licking his wrist, and then it bit the rope.

You're still a good bastard, I'll settle the score with him later.

The freed right hand immediately grabbed the wand under the pillow and launched a sneak attack from behind while the other party was muttering to himself.


A thick rope flew from the air and tied to her like a swimming dragon.

But it was completely useless. There was just a flash of silver light next to the woman's body, and the magic spell summoned by Nietzsche was bounced away and disappeared into a wisp of smoke.

Nietzsche didn't think he could defeat the enemy with one move. At the same time, he jumped up from the bed. A dull buzzing sound immediately sounded in the room, and the restrained light only illuminated half of his face.

But the other party's reaction was also very quick. The moment Nietzsche raised his wand horizontally, she also pointed it at him.

"Get out of the way, Crookshanks!" The other party had no way to fight back after being sneak-attacked, so he could only stand there and stare.


Crookshanks jumped up from the bed, wrapped his arms around Nietzsche's neck, and hung them on his chest like a pendant.

"Who are you?" Nietzsche stared at the opponent's hands and feet and threatened, "Once there is any movement, the dean of Slytherin will rush here as soon as possible..."

The strong light made the other party feel dazzled, so he could only squint his eyes and put up several iron armor spells in front of him.

"This is really Slytherin's specialty." She sneered and said sarcastically, "If I remember correctly, this should be the dormitory of Draco Malfoy and those two bastards."

Nietzsche was a little surprised, Riddle should be the only one who knew that he was good at the show.

However, the other party's words revealed a lot of information - this was supposed to be Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe's dormitory, but it was not the first night after entering the first grade.

"You must have found the wrong dormitory. If you are here to seek revenge, he is next door to me."

"Really?" The opponent raised his wand and while wrestling with Nietzsche, he used his left hand to cast a wandless spell.

After a bright light flashed, Nietzsche's feet were hooked by invisible hooks, hanging upside down in the air. Before Nietzsche could think about how to solve the curse and how to deal with it, a red light flashed by, and the wand fell from his hand into the opponent's hand. .

The real battle was over in an instant.

While using magic to block his own attacks, he can also use his free hand to cast spells silently and without a wand.

They were not on the same level at all. The other party obviously had a wealth of experience and would not give any chance to pretend. This made Nietzsche feel helpless for the first time.

"I surrender...Besides, this is true." Nietzsche hung upside down and raised his hands.

Great, I'm not here to find him, so that's okay.

Perhaps seeing that Nietzsche was not hurt, Crookshanks took five steps into two steps and jumped into the man's arms. This move made the other person put down his wand... but not Nietzsche.

So he could only feel aggrieved and temporarily become the Hanged Man.

"This is strange. I have been to Malfoy's dormitory before, and I remember it very clearly..."

"May I ask, when did you come?"

But the woman didn't pay any attention to Nietzsche. She just held Crookshanks and looked at him for a while, and then said to herself: "Do you think this person is worthy of my trust? Crookshanks, it's great that you are still alive." alright."

Being tied to the bed and having his magic wand taken away from him, Nietzsche did not feel humiliated, only now!

When watching this crazy woman and Crookshanks talking to themselves together, he always felt that something was wrong - as if a husband could only watch his wife acting coquettishly in the arms of other women and felt ashamed.

"Ha! I understand." Nietzsche gritted his teeth and said, "You were ordered to protect Draco, right?"

"What?" The other party raised his head blankly.

Who else had been to Malfoy's dormitory before?

It's not from the Malfoy family. He can't think of who it is. Now they dare to extend their hands and feet into the school. It's really disgusting. That's right. They released the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets last semester. What else? They didn't dare.

"You are pretending..." Nietzsche was about to recite Watson's words after he lost his gambling, but he was silenced.

"No, you can't follow this kind of thing." The other party ignored Nietzsche's shout and turned to the cat and said, "As expected, you should still go back to Gryffindor, and you must go back."


Crookshanks roared lazily, and jumped from her arms into the quilt that still had residual warmth.

It has demonstrated its right to belong with actions, and now, only Nietzsche and this crazy woman are left staring at each other.

"It's really strange. I've never heard of someone like you in Slytherin." She glanced at Crookshanks, paused, and then continued, "But Draco and I do have a relationship... .”

Nietzsche let out a throaty "Aha!" and swayed vigorously.

Even if the opponent makes a move, he will still hit him with his head.

"I want to kill him, he is the prey, I am the hunter... Granger will never compromise." Nietzsche could understand every word spoken by this crazy woman, but together they made him in a trance.

Wait, Granger?

Does Hermione have any other secluded wizarding relatives?

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The mad woman who was annoyed by his howling broke the poisonous spell and detached Nietzsche's tongue from the roof of his mouth. He was so happy to be able to speak language again.

"Granger?" He was a little dizzy, or maybe because he was stunned by the news, "Why have I never heard Hermione say that her parents and sisters are wizards here."

"What are you talking about? I am Hermione Granger." She frowned and said, "Besides, you are not allowed to say this name."

'Hermione' is Granger's nickname.

"You are Hermione, and she is also Hermione, so..." Nietzsche licked his lips, gestured at the other's figure and appearance, and said in disbelief, "So there will really be cars like "Back to the Future" in the future?"

As for the other party's warning, he completely threw it behind his mind.

Why, he is now hung up. Why can't he talk a little, and it is difficult for him to associate this crazy woman in front of him with the usual Hermione.

Granger's mouth twitched.

"So what happened between you and me in the future that you won't let me call your name?"

"Shut up!" Granger said angrily, "I don't even know you. If Crookshanks hadn't insisted on being with you, I wouldn't have come here... Maybe you would have died in the hands of those Death Eaters in the future."

Aha~ Crookshanks.

Nietzsche twisted his body vigorously, turned half a circle in the air, glared at his cat, and turned back with difficulty.

Little traitor.

"You broke Hermione's schoolbag, you have to pay for it." Nietzsche's starting point is always surprisingly tricky.

"I didn't know what your relationship with Crookshanks was, so I just wanted to take the opportunity to drive it away from your arms." Granger clenched his fists, restraining his anger, "I also want to ask what your relationship with Hermione is!"

Nietzsche rolled his eyes, and when he thought of the previous humiliation, malice surged in his heart.

"Ah~ Who knows what the relationship is, this is a long story~"


(As usual, the heroine of this book is called ‘Hermione’ and the other is called ‘Granger’)

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