"The shrinking potion will cut the daisy rhizome into pieces... and tear it into pieces~"

She saw that Nietzsche did not take out a knife like the others, but instead used a wand instead of most of the equipment. This small change made Hermione narrow her eyes. You know, he was disliked by Snape for being 'magic'. muggle'.

Under the cutting spell, his daisy rhizomes were smaller and more uniform than the others'.

"This is the Potions classroom, not the Charms classroom." Snape heard him chanting a spell, swung his cloak, and strode over.

"Professor, I found that the smaller the daisy rhizome, the more soluble it is in the medicine." Nietzsche lit the fire slowly and threw the rhizome in in front of the other party while stirring.

Then he waved his wand and hung the shriveled figs and locusts in the air.

The magic squeezed them out, and the turbid lavender and black liquids were separated by Nietzsche... This was not in line with the textbook. Hermione opened the "Book of Potions" and it said that shriveled figs should be peeled and thrown away. enter.

"You took the wrong step." Hermione stopped what she was doing.

"This can reduce the failure rate of the shrinking potion. When the potion takes on a toxic orange color, most of the reasons come from the pulp of the fig." Nietzsche said calmly, "After such a long time, there should be some A backward place.”

He was actually lamenting the mature Granger.

But these words were very harsh to Hermione's ears - they were simply showing off that they had found a loophole in the 16th century.

(The shrinking potion was invented in the 16th century)

"Five points for Slytherin. It seems that Mr. Holmes's head is only made of elm wood on the outside." Snape showed some appreciation, "These things have a history of hundreds of years, so of course there will be some discrepancies."

He was not very surprised by Nietzsche's findings.

Rather, Snape's accident was actually only because the discoverer was Nietzsche, not Hermione Granger.

But it's a good start!

"What are you still doing? Weasley, Potter, Longbottom." The professor turned around and scolded impatiently, "Why don't you write it down quickly? Can you find these when you memorize them?"

This is a good method, at least Neville can increase the success rate to fifty percent.

Hermione had no intention of making potions during this class. She turned cold and became Nietzsche's backdrop, and his potion was indeed very successful - the shrinking potion made with fig juice was better than the others. more pure.

"You've made great progress. You can improve potions now...ah?" Hermione said intentionally or unintentionally.

"This shows that the foundation you laid for me before is very solid." Nietzsche did not hear her sarcasm and poured the potion into the bottle and put it in his pocket.

"Ahem... Do you have time at noon? I have some knowledge..."

Lavender and Parvati behind them perked up their ears.

"You'd better rest more." Nietzsche's reply was disappointing. "By the way, these are my notes. You can return them to me after you finish reading them."

After class, he didn't even wait for Hermione. He rushed out with his schoolbag on his back, as if someone was already waiting for her outside the classroom.

Hermione puffed up her face and threw Nietzsche's notebook on the table... Who cares? She would rather give her the notebook than go to the library. This explains the problem even more. Her intuition was indeed right. .

Lavender looked at Nietzsche's empty seat, then looked at the angry Hermione, and then showed a look of realization.

"I understand what Professor Trelawney means!"

Dear Mien, this is your ordeal~

Volume 1: Chapter 164 Hogsmeade Plan

"I said, what happened to you today?"

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom at seven o'clock in the evening, Grindelwald was very unhappy when he saw Hermione Granger, who had never relaxed her brows, her eyes were wandering, and she sighed from time to time.

You know, no matter how many people want to learn from him, they are not qualified.

"A war magic born out of a weather spell won't make you frown."

"I'm just a little tired. The classes and homework leave me with no other energy." Hermione said dryly with a grimace, "And the Divination class isn't as mysterious as you said. Now Nietzsche has surpassed him in the Potions class. Me."

The desks and chairs in the classroom were piled into the corners.

She raised her wand high and swung it towards the front of the podium. Thunder and lightning surged out from the dragon core strings, tearing a wooden man into pieces.

This is a lie~

In fact, Hermione always felt that the time wasted in the Divination class was better left to her and Nietzsche to study, instead of being like now, everything is so tightly packed together that there is no time to learn new things.

Grindelwald clasped his hands behind his back, not surprised by Hermione's words.

"Actually, 'suffering' refers not only to the body, but also to the spirit. Trelawney is also a descendant of the master of divination, and she is somewhat capable... Your biggest problem now is that you restrain yourself too much."

He is always so humble and polite, and is praised by students as 'the most qualified Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the past three years'.

Yes, in Grindelwald's view, if Hermione wants to break through, she must properly liberate that part of her nature. It's not that there is anything wrong with restraint, but restraint like Dumbledore's is a bit too conventional.

He always felt that Albus should have been the Minister of Magic back then to make the wizarding world a better place.

"But what should I do?" Hermione held her wand tightly, looked at the mess in front of her, and took a long breath.

"Who knows, I'm not one of your young people." Grindelwald said that he knew nothing about relationships. "Maybe you should spare some time to study, otherwise he will surpass you with others."

She quickly captured the words in the professor's mouth.

It sounds like Nietzsche was indeed learning from others, and while she was struggling with her homework!


"How do I know you?" He waved his hand to restore the wooden figure and continued, "Okay, you have no problem with controlling the magic power, but the power is not enough... Mother-in-law, be decisive!"

Hermione is always worried about this and that. This is a taboo in war magic, and its power is significantly lower, just like ordinary poison spells and jinxes.

A blue light flashed across the classroom.

But this time Hermione deflected the target, giving Riddle a chill as he just came out for some air.

"Is there something wrong with you? If you abuse me again, then you will deal with Voldemort yourself!" Riddle clutched his chest and screamed with feigned ferocity, "Young students are annoying and have the same virtue as Ginny Weasley. "

His already blurry figure now had a hollow in his chest.

Fortunately, he is just an image projected by his soul. A normal person would probably be dead.

Grindelwald glanced at him sideways, looking at Riddle's handsome face, but not as good as his younger self, and suddenly had an idea in his mind - Hermione and Voldemort were two extremes.

The former is too restrained, the latter is too crazy.

"I remember you were very popular at school?" Grindelwald said.

"Of course, if Dumbledore hadn't been staring at me, I wouldn't have wanted to be with those stupid wizards. They were just a bunch of..." Riddle thought about the pure-blood's face and thought of a name, " A school of goldfish."

She is very attractive to watch, dresses flamboyantly, is a social butterfly, and is stupid, but she is not a 'goldfish'.

"Then you can help this confused lady clear up her doubts," the old professor said.

"Her?" Riddle poked his empty chest, "Why?"

Give you face.

Grindelwald was not like Hermione, whose good temper was limited to classes and a few people.

"You won't have to suffer when you study Horcruxes tonight," he threatened with a smile, "or you can choose another French set meal... Believe me, none of the 'diners' in Paris can say anything bad about it."

Because those people are dead.

But this is a good reason. Riddle is full of the cunning and smoothness of his youth. These are the parts that Voldemort calls a 'Muggle', rather than the god-like greatness of a 'wizard'.

"Ahem! What troubles does this beautiful, gentle and smart lady have?" Riddle turned his head and bent slightly.

Hermione's face turned red from suppressing it, her mouth opened and closed again, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Obviously, she is worried that her connection with... her friend will be destroyed. She has known her since before coming to Hogwarts. What a great relationship. If it were me, I would definitely fight for it." Grindelwald stood up for her. said.

He was so considerate that he didn't even pierce the layer of paper Hermione had pasted on 'Nietzsche' and wrote 'Friend' on it.

"How about a love potion?"

The method Riddle gave was very violent.

"Why didn't you say the Imperius Curse?" Hermione asked.

"Uh... it's really difficult. We are wizards. What's wrong with using wizard methods?" Riddle patted his head, "You don't want to spend time and experience, and you want others to accompany you, then why not There are only love potions..."

He watched Hermione pause suddenly and curse under her breath.

Then he said with a bad smile: "Actually, love potion is not impossible. If he is also interested in you, it won't matter even if he finds out."

That's it?

Did Riddle use this method to gain popularity back then?

Hermione seemed to know a little secret about Voldemort's youth, which would definitely be a hit if published in the Daily Prophet.

But she definitely wouldn't do that, so after the tutoring class, as soon as she walked out, she met Lavender and his group, who were walking down from the astronomy classroom.

"Weren't you just there copying the starry sky map? Why did you suddenly come to the third floor?" Lavender also turned around and looked at the long corridor, "I was planning to tell you good news..."

"What?" Hermione didn't understand what she meant and quietly put the pocket watch into her pocket.

"Next week's Halloween night will be our Hogsmeade village open day!" Parvati didn't see anything unusual, and her attention was focused on the wizard gathering place that she longed for.

On that day, they will have a whole day without classes and homework...

Maybe this is a good opportunity?

She just wanted to take this opportunity to discuss academic issues. Of course, if necessary, she would also show off some of her newly learned war magic to make Nietzsche envious.

‘If you want to learn, I’ll teach you~’

Volume 1: Chapter 165 Date A Live

(This Sunday’s WBG finals, the author will take a day off. To be honest, the LPL fans can hack a team into such a bad way, which makes me, an old player, very disappointed, so I am no longer interested in WBG winning the championship.

The point is --- the shy can reward himself. For me, the championship is not important. What matters is that I have fun in the finals. )


The problem with Hermione's current magical attainments is indeed related to her state of mind.

His hesitant personality, coupled with the stimulation from Voldemort, makes him very resistant to many powerful magics. Therefore, Grindelwald needs external reality to heal the post-traumatic stress disorder brought by another reality.

In Dumbledore's words, it is love.

But Nietzsche didn't know what kind of storm he was in...

A week before Halloween, Nietzsche was still immersed in the letters brought by Mercury---about Moriarty's movements, the news of Diagon Alley, and Howard's questioning.

"Uniting Muggles and building a magic car factory can indeed speed up the integration of wizards and Muggles." Granger suddenly appeared behind him like a ghost, "Why didn't I think of it at the beginning... Tsk, damn it."

Nietzsche turned around and looked at the closed door of the Slytherin lounge.

Apparently, Granger followed a little snake in with the Disillusionment Charm... Wait, again?

However, when he saw the surprise on the face of this 'crazy' woman and the sound of admiration, he immediately raised his head. After all, he couldn't surpass the other party in terms of magic, so he could only show off at this time.

"But you can't replicate it~" Nietzsche opened the letter and read it.

People who make the same efforts may not necessarily get the same results.

This is unavoidable. Unless Granger is in her own world, her father is also the 'Savior of Scotland Yard' and her uncle is also the 'British Administrator', otherwise she can't complete the entire plan in a short time.

If it were a few days ago, Granger would definitely have said a few words to him from other aspects, but not today.

After reading the letter, Nietzsche suddenly felt that Howard was fortunately an ordinary person. If he was a wizard, this would definitely be a roaring letter like Molly Weasley-it was full of Howard's roars.

'Why are all the employees wearing black cloaks? '

'As an investor, I can't even enter the factory now! ’

But no matter how responsible Nietzsche was, he would still explain one by one, such as the robes those people wore were actually work clothes.

At this time, Warrington, who had just finished training on the Quidditch field, walked in. He threw his rain-soaked cloak and hung it on the edge of the fireplace. He first winked at Nietzsche, and then laughed with his friends.

Granger hid in the corner.

"We're going to Hogsmeade next weekend, Nietzsche~" Warrington pointed to the notice at the door and said.

"Just meet at the wizard village, what's wrong?" Nietzsche shrugged, and did not put the letter away, just naturally placed it on the table.

"Confused young man, you need some guidance now... George and Fred told us when we were playing a training match with the Gryffindor team just now. To be honest, I recommend you to go to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop."

But someone interrupted him, it was the chaser Adrian Puse.

"No, we should go to the Shrieking Shack!" He crossed his arms and said suddenly.

"Ahaha... yes, that is indeed a good place." Warrington nodded affirmatively, with the corners of his mouth raised higher than anyone else.

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