"A terrible infectious disease." Snape rushed to say, "It's so sad, it means he can only be alone all his life - to the end - but it's also perfect, because everything is fair, he deserves the suffering he has suffered."

Nietzsche had never seen Snape mock someone so much.

Because that kind of hatred is completely inconsistent with his behavior, the brewing of the potion must be a request or plea from Headmaster Dumbledore, so the relationship between Professor Lupin and the Headmaster must be very close.

But the question is---why is Lupin so poor?

Answer: He did not accept Dumbledore's help.

Then Lupin must be a person who demands himself with extremely high moral standards, which also means that the reason why Snape hates Professor Lupin will be more profound and is by no means a trivial matter.

Professor Snape had a cold face throughout the whole process, and came to the Dark Magic Defense Office on the third floor with the potion.

He just stood at the door, as if waiting for the door to open automatically. Nietzsche rolled his eyes and could only knock on the door for him.

"Come in!" Lupin said loudly inside.

Snape didn't go in until the other party opened the door.

There was a water tank in the corner of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. In it was a monster with a pointed face and covered with water plants. This should be the content of the next class---subduing an adult Grindylow.

Sitting next to Lupin was Harry Potter, who couldn't go to Hogsmeade today.

"Your medicine." Snape said dryly.

Nietzsche found that when Professor Lupin looked at him, his expression was flustered.

"I'm showing Harry the next course..." Lupin said with a smile, "Thank you, Severus, just put it on the table, I'll drink it later."

He had tried his best to show his goodwill to Snape, but it was a pity that it was completely useless.

"Well, interesting." The dean said, "I just showed Nietzsche the process of making this potion."

"Really? It seems you made a profit." Lupin turned his head and praised Nietzsche, "This medicine is very complicated, and only a few people can make it."

For Nietzsche, the real fun is that he can't see any trace of hatred from Lupin.

It doesn't seem that he and Snape have had any friction.

"The real complexity is not the potion, but the inventor---Damocles Belby. No one knows the detailed production method. Fortunately, I know Slughorn, and he happens to be very familiar with Belby."

Snape ignored Lupin and just told Nietzsche with his head down.

But his behavior is just showing off, telling Lupin: I am better than you!

"It's amazing." He said with a light smile.

"Indeed, he is more amazing than you."

Then Snape left the office with his head held high in a victorious manner, even though Professor Lupin did not seem to care about the outcome of the duel. He held the wine glass in a depressed mood and drank the potion with a bitter face.

Then he looked at Nietzsche and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "He thinks highly of you."

Volume 1: Chapter 169 Hogwarts Annual Drama

This Halloween dinner was the same as usual, with delicious and rich dishes, live bats flying around... Oh, the bat sitting in the guest of honor, shrinking his body, and watching everything with cold eyes was the biggest.

Professor Lupin was chatting happily with Dean Flitwick, but the latter was talking more and the former was listening.

"Where is Professor Grendel?" Hermione stretched her neck, but did not see the skinny figure, but the banquet did not seem to be waiting for him.

"Who knows, maybe it's in a martial law school..." Nietzsche thought of some bad memories, and then complained, "It's interesting, every year when something happens in Hogwarts, it always happens at this time. I hope this new professor is not an undercover." Hermione, who was sitting at the Slytherin table, couldn't think of a word to refute, but just sighed. After all, on Halloween Eve, all the people in Hogwarts would gather in the hall to celebrate. She, a Gryffindor, sitting in Slytherin, didn't seem very out of place. On the contrary, no one would disagree... Even if someone was unhappy, they didn't dare to express it openly like Malfoy and others. Now Slytherin is dominated by Muggles and half-bloods. This change was obviously noticed by Professor Lupin, who said curiously: "If I remember correctly, the relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin has never been good..." Happy? Lupin glanced at the side and happened to meet someone's sidelong glance. Sorry, he hasn't been extravagant enough to think about it. "The times of Muggles and wizards are progressing, and Hogwarts will certainly not remain unchanged." Dumbledore interrupted appropriately, and his wise blue eyes made Lupin feel much more at ease.

"In fact, I was just shocked by Severus. You didn't even stop him..."

Lupin wanted to make a joke, but soon shut up.

Because he found that Miss Granger, who was very smart in class, was talking happily with a Slytherin boy. This scene seemed even more weird with Snape's gaze, so he consciously covered his face with a wine glass.

"It's really interesting. Maybe our new professor who is not in good health can't stand seeing others doing well." Snape wanted to use all the spells that he didn't use on Lockhart last year on him.

Lupin chuckled and shook his head bitterly.

However, what happened in the guest of honor seat could not affect the people below.

No one cared about how complicated the relationship between the four colleges of Hogwarts was in the past. They all cheered and enjoyed the impromptu program composed of ghosts at the end of the banquet.

Unfortunately, only the Bloody Baron was not in a good mood. He just stared at Lady Grey of Ravenclaw in a daze.

Just as everyone was about to leave their seats and put an end to this perfect weekend, Professor Grendel ran in from the gate. He held his waist and limped to the guest of honor seat.

This scared Dumbledore, and he didn't think much about it. He subconsciously hugged the other's waist.

Looking at the attitude of the headmaster and the professor whispering to each other, Nietzsche and Hermione suddenly had an ominous premonition in their hearts...

"Wait!" Dumbledore stood up, put his wand against his throat, and called Percy, the president of the Student Union, "There is a very unfortunate news. All students will stay in the hall... My decision at the beginning was indeed correct."

His last complaint was only heard by the people in the rows closest to the guest of honor seat.

Nietzsche, Hermione: The annual good show has begun~

"Albus, what happened?" Dean McGonagall didn't understand what happened suddenly.

Not only the students, but even the professors were a little caught off guard.

"The Chamber of Secrets was opened again?" Wood, who had just teased Cedric, put away his smile.

"This is impossible." Warrington next to him took a sip of pumpkin juice and said vaguely, "The basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets has been killed... But it's hard to say, maybe there are some pets left by other founders hidden in the school."

But Nietzsche and others soon understood what happened, so that all the students had to stay in the hall and couldn't go anywhere.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, making the surrounding fire burn more vigorously, and those eternally burning candles illuminated the ceiling where the storm gathered as beautiful as the evening.

"Just now, news came that an uninvited guest came to Hogwarts..." Dumbledore nodded to the people around him.

Grindelwald said in a loud voice: "Bad news, the person who came is Sirius Black, a criminal from Azkaban; but there is also good news, I found him, and before he was about to break into the Gryffindor common room."

The whole audience fell into a dead silence.

After a long while, Grindelwald, who did not receive any response, clapped his hands impatiently, and the students woke up from the shock.

"A murderer? Or escaped from Azkaban?!!"

"Sirius Black, the number one lackey under the command of the mysterious man!"

Such exclamations came one after another.

But Grindelwald did not want this kind of response.

"Didn't you hear the good news at the back? Huh?" He repeated again, "I found him!"

Hermione looked at the old man who was blinking on the stage and felt a little funny, so she took a deep breath, mustered up the courage to shout a few words loudly, and made some wizards around her shut up. She never did this normally.

But today was an exception~

"So did you catch the fugitive?" Hermione waited until the scene gradually quieted down, and asked on behalf of the others.

Looking at Granger, who was more effective than the prefect, Lupin silently glanced at Snape who was silent... It was rare that he didn't deduct Gryffindor's points for "disputing the professor".

"Do I look like I've been caught?" Grindelwald pointed to his waist.

"We're done..." The audience immediately sighed.

Snape and Dumbledore cast doubtful eyes at him at the same time---a legitimate professor who had never beaten a malnourished fugitive was afraid that it would bring shame to Hogwarts if he told others about it.

"Black is nothing, I caught him at the beginning, but he has a helper!" Grindelwald explained.

"Even you are not sure?" Dumbledore pondered for a while and asked seriously.

Although Grindelwald had not touched a wand or eaten anything good for nearly 80 years, it stands to reason that not everyone can do it.

And Snape... He simply doubted Grindelwald's ability. After all, there was a precedent of "show goods" before.

"Do you want me to burn the school down?" Grindelwald scratched his face, and his eyes swept from left to right, finally stopping in the direction of Slytherin, "By the way, Nietzsche Holmes, come with me later."

Okay, the situation has escalated.

At present, not only Sirius Black has entered Hogwarts alone, but also his accomplices, who may be Death Eaters. When thinking of this, Hermione became worried about Nietzsche.

He was the one who was involved this time.

"Miss Granger, I hope you and Percy will guard the hall together, and the rest of the faculty and Professor 'Grendel' will conduct a comprehensive search of the castle. If there is anything, just ask the ghost to pass on the message."

Dumbledore has set tasks for everyone.

Originally Percy was a little proud, but after hearing that Hermione Granger would carry out management tasks together with the two student union presidents, he seemed a little annoyed.

Of course he was angry. A third-year student was on an equal footing with the student union president in terms of temporary authority...

It was too unruly.

What’s interesting is that Hermione, who has always been law-abiding, accepted it very reasonably.

"Pay attention to your own safety and don't be so arrogant, you hear me!" She raised her hand and was about to straighten Nietzsche's collar, but the burning eyes of the others made her put this idea aside in embarrassment.

"I know, I know." Nietzsche responded perfunctorily.

"Be careful~" Daphne deliberately shrilled and mocked, "When did you become so annoying."

The two of them shouted in unison: "It's none of your business!"

Volume 1: Chapter 170 Where did Black go

"Filch closed the entrances to all the secret passages."

"Where did the Fat Lady go?"

"I heard from Filch that she was startled..."

There is only one door to enter the hall, which is already safe.

So Grindelwald took a few professors, some of them searched for traces in the corridors on the second and third floors, and the other part went with Hagrid to check the forbidden forest outside the castle.

This matter is really a bit strange.

"To be honest, Black is most likely coming for Harry Potter." Professor McGonagall said worriedly, "Besides that, I really can't think of any reason why he dared to escape into the school."

Do you really think these professors are just for free?

Nietzsche held his wand and followed the professors. His keen insight discovered the connections around Harry.

Sirius Black, who escaped from Azkaban, risked his life and ran all the way to Hogwarts just to kill Harry Potter, to help Voldemort, who didn't even know if the Death Eaters were alive, eliminate the danger?

"If you want to kill someone, you should hide more carefully." Nietzsche was puzzled, "and you should tell Harry."

Believe him, no one knows murder better than him.

"Because he is a lunatic, he was already a lunatic twelve years ago, and even tricked everyone into it..." Professor McGonagall shut up.

But Lupin on the side shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no relationship.

Minerva McGonagall and Lupin seemed to know Sirius very well. The former's face was full of sadness, while the latter's eyes were full of anger. He had always been a good person and would not get angry when Snape laughed at him.

"The reason we didn't tell Harry was because... he couldn't bear the truth." Lupin's voice was trembling.

"What happened back then?" Nietzsche pressed, "Harry Potter wouldn't be angry to death or seek revenge on Black just because he blew up a street, right?"

McGonagall looked at Lupin, asking if she wanted to tell him.

"Go ahead, everyone else knows these things anyway..."

"Twelve years ago, before Sirius Black blew up a street, something else happened - he was an undercover agent and a friend of Potter's father, and sold the address to the mysterious man." Professor McGonagall pounded the wall hard.

Ah~ the intricate and vague network of relationships immediately became clear.

Nietzsche did not expect that there was another generation involved behind Sirius Black, so it was understandable why the professors did not tell Harry - Harry Potter, who was full of adventurous desire, was the kind of person who would definitely seek revenge.

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