Hermione, as the only student who survived, could only be responsible for carrying.

She helped her friends out of the classroom, and only when they returned to the common room and Snape could not suddenly jump out of the corner did they burst out their anger, denouncing Snape with all kinds of curses.

"I will curse Professor Trelawney in his divination class!" Lavender shouted angrily.

"Yes, he just let me sit there and watch you get bullied." Hermione tried to comfort.

"Yes, what's more disgusting is that he actually let you..." Lavender's voice suddenly stopped, blinking at the other party, "Dear, you got the advantage, so don't be a good boy here."

"But compared to these, I think Snape's class is pretty good." She changed the subject.

At least let them know the habits of werewolves.

Some black-and-white views are harsh, but the important thing is that apart from those, there are still many things that can be summarized in a class, some of which are even more detailed than what is written in the book-for example, the fighting method of werewolves is mainly biting.

It can be seen that Professor Snape has quite a lot of insights on dealing with werewolves.

"I'm also very interested in that magic." Hermione imitated Snape's gestures, "The magic that acts directly on objects... and the dark magic similar to the cutting curse, I don't know if he will teach us."

"Yeah, I can guarantee that if we learn it, he will let me use it on Harry first." Ron rubbed his shoulders and sneered.

"Because I'm used to Nietzsche's way of speaking, you can question Professor Snape, but you can't question his ability." Hermione put her hands on her waist, "After all, he is sometimes weird."

When it comes to scolding Snape, Ravenclaw, who is best at sarcasm, has to give up the throne.

"If there is a ranking among freaks, Snape's ranking must be 'Snape'." Harry is a bit venomous, not to mention that he is deeply influenced by the Weasley twins, "The second one is 'Draco'..."

"No, no, no, Draco Malfoy is ranked first in the 'most annoying ranking'." Neville corrected on the side.

The topic that Hermione had just turned around was pulled back by them.

"But there is a gap of more than a hundred pages between werewolves and hinkypunk, and there is a whole XXX-level and XXXX-level dark creatures that have not been mentioned." She held the heavy book and turned the topic away again in disbelief.

This is easy to make people think deeply.

However, Gryffindor, who was in a rage, would not think too much.

"Who knows, maybe Snape just wants to laugh at us, maybe when he teaches others tomorrow, he will be hinkypunk or Kaba, snow monster..."

"What if he teaches this class to Slytherin tomorrow?"

"Then he is a twisted pervert who simply tortures students for pleasure... Oh, this is what I heard from a Muggle wizard in Ravenclaw, and it is very suitable for Snape." Neville on the side interrupted.

Hermione sighed helplessly, changed her clothes, and stood up from the stove.

"You guys can just keep scolding here. I'm going to the library."

"Really? Don't you usually start doing your homework at this time?" Parvati pretended to be inattentive and lowered her head to decorate her scratched nails.

"Because I'm not sleepy recently!"

They looked at Hermione's back, and they were surprisingly quiet until she got out of the hole in the portrait, and then they started talking again.

But then again, Harry always talked about the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and complained about Cedric and Qiu Zhang, which made them have to think of a very important thing.

Ron raised his hand first: "If the final is between Gryffindor and Slytherin, I bet we will win."

Volume 1: Chapter 174 Nietzsche's Secret

During Gryffindor's class, Nietzsche was taken to the headmaster's office.

As soon as he entered the door, the phoenix Fawkes flew over from the headmaster's desk. Nietzsche raised his arm in surprise. He never thought that this phoenix would welcome him so much... But sadly, Fawkes just passed him by.

It landed steadily on Grindelwald's arm.

"You really haven't changed at all. Tell me, how many times have you died?" Grindelwald teased Fawkes's beak.

Nietzsche put down his arms awkwardly, and muttered viciously in his heart: Maybe Dumbledore needs to give his phoenix a pair of half-moon glasses.

This is the difference. It's better to raise a pet yourself. At least his own Norwegian Ridgeback will definitely bump into him---Smaug is good in everything except being a little stupid, but the stupider he is, the more loyal and easier to control, and Nietzsche likes this.

"Is Sirius Black found?" Dumbledore cleared his throat and called Fawkes back.

"Yes." Nietzsche said coldly.

His tone made Dumbledore curious.

"The Dementors are a group of creatures without any intelligence. They only want to end the "mission" issued by Fudge as soon as possible. They are now restraining their instinctive desires. If they continue, I'm afraid the wizarding residents will be killed."

The current situation is very strange. At the Ministry of Magic, Fudge insisted that he could control the Dementors.

Therefore, for the sake of the wizards in Hogsmeade village, Dumbledore must hand over Sirius Black as soon as possible. Once the Dementors can't control their desires, they will attack the surrounding wizards or directly rush into the school.

After all, Azkaban has a fixed 'canteen'.

So Dumbledore crossed his fingers under his chin and told Nietzsche the reason for his anxiety.

"Blake was locked in a room." Nietzsche sat in his old seat and said selectively, "It's because of a... friend of mine. She didn't want Blake to be handed over immediately by Professor Grendel."

"Does Granger know about your inseparable 'friend'?" Grindelwald threatened sinisterly.

If I hadn't been inside Hogwarts Castle that night...

Things began to get out of Dumbledore's control. He frowned and glanced at the high-spirited Nietzsche in front of him. He felt a lot of fatigue for no reason - the other party's wings were becoming more and more full.

"What are you going to do with him?" Dumbledore sighed. "Lock him to the room where I go to the toilet. It's really a punishment."

It’s not a question, it’s a yes.

Now that Sirius has fallen into Nietzsche's hands, he will definitely take the opportunity to do something.

"You know, I heard some things from him... about what happened twelve years ago." Nietzsche said casually, "For example, the witnesses were accused of being criminals, but I am more curious about what you planned to hide. Harry how long."

His words were like a big stick, hitting Dumbledore on the head.

Obviously, Nietzsche knew a lot about what happened twelve years ago, including the role that Harry Potter's parents played in the Magical War. No wonder his face looked cold from the moment he entered.

The son of a hero, he had a childhood like a slave.

If Harry Potter had been calm for his age since he was a child, as if he was carrying some great task, Nietzsche would have accepted it.

"It turns out that the Muggle's 'Gas Explosion' was just the impact of the Magical War!" Nietzsche said sarcastically.

He took out a bottle of Veritaserum from his pocket and placed it on the table.

Not only was it a humiliating cover-up, but the Potters... they died in a betrayal, and the root cause came from the prophecy that Voldemort completed on his own. What made him even more sad was that Harry Potter was like a **** toy. .

Don't know anything!

Not even Sirius Black was a friend of the Potters.

"So you want a show trial? Again?" said Dumbledore. "If Black is innocent, where is the evidence?"

Nietzsche opened his mouth and was about to add something, but when he saw Dumbledore's wise blue eyes, he suddenly changed his mind. Granger's reminder suddenly appeared in his mind.

That's right, he is the one taking the initiative.

If Riddle were here, he would definitely look at Dumbledore and say: Hypocrisy, I’ll just say it.

"If you don't mind, please allow me to mobilize Gilderoy." Nietzsche paused and continued, "But the public trial I advocate is open to everyone...including Harry Potter."

Muggles too.

If it is confirmed that Sirius Black was wrongfully accused, it means that there is a lack of law, and this is Nietzsche's selfishness.

And Gilderoy is very suitable for this kind of interrogation work.

Another point is Dumbledore - if Sirius was a Dumbledore sect before his 'rebellion', then why has no one tried to overturn the case from beginning to end?

Of course, he could understand, after all, Peter Pettigrew had been 'dead' for twelve years.

Being so stimulated by Nietzsche, Dumbledore could no longer suppress his emotions. He was like a child struggling with which flavor of ice cream to choose. He walked around the office and disturbed the principals hanging on the wall. annoyed.

"Since you care so much about whether Sirius was wronged, why don't you go and see for yourself?" Dai Lisi, who was a medical worker, was very gentle.

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, and the dust-laden past resurfaced in his heart again.

"Hey, that Slytherin kid over there, come here." Principal Black stood up from his chair and said happily, "Take me off the wall, I want to see Black's last single seedling."

Later, Nietzsche came to the corridor on the eighth floor holding a portrait of Principal Black.

He walked back and forth in front of the Room of Requirement three times, and then an iron door suddenly appeared on the wall, but Dumbledore stood like a wooden stake at the door, motionless.

"Are you scared?" Grindelwald could tell something was wrong at a glance, and comforted him while stroking the phoenix's tail feathers.

"I...I don't know." Dumbledore said in a daze. "In fact, I once believed that Black was innocent, but then that idea disappeared along with Peter."

But Principal Black laughed dismissively.

At his urging, Nietzsche helped the principal push open the door. As the light poured in, the four of them soon saw Sirius Black tied up in chains.

The other party narrowed his cloudy gray eyes, and immediately turned his head away when he saw Dumbledore, trying his best to hide his face.

"At least now you can be sure that he doesn't hate you that much," Nietzsche said.

"Lift me up, I can't see anything... That's great, the Black family is not extinct yet." Principal Black said with a thick nasal voice, "Black boy, turn your face! Hurry up!"

Dumbledore slowly came closer, while Grindelwald quietly held the wand in his hand.


"Professor, you shouldn't have come." Blake bent over and buried his face in his knees.

In this room of requirements, the vicious criminals described in the newspapers are like regretful children.

He is so guilty that he doesn't even want to show his face.

"Do you hate me?"

"I hate, but I only hated."

Volume 1: Chapter 175 (Two-in-one) The changed timeline

If Sirius Black was caught by Grindelwald or other professors, he would definitely be handed over to the Dementors, allowing the Ministry of Magic to remove the pressure on Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.

But what puzzled Dumbledore was who snatched Sirius Black from Grindelwald? Who was helping Nietzsche? What happened back then?

"Black, you are the secret keeper of the Fidelius Charm."

Although Dumbledore once believed Sirius, he had to ask this question without evidence.

From the beginning to the end, the pair of turbid and sharp blue eyes never moved away from the other person. Nietzsche just glanced and turned his head away. He couldn't stand the headmaster's penetrating eyes.

There was a little pity in it.

"The Fidelius Charm is a kind of oath magic that can hide secrets in the body of a living person. Unless the secret keeper takes the initiative to reveal the secret, no one in the world can know..." Grindelwald explained to Nietzsche on the side.

Secret, this concept involves everything.

In other words, relying solely on subjective ideas, wizards can hide the things and objects they need to keep, and truly conceal the truth.

And twelve years ago, Dumbledore wanted to use this magic to protect the Potters-Dumbledore himself became the secret keeper, because he was the person who least needed others to consider the issue of loyalty.

But Nietzsche whispered in confusion: "Principal Dumbledore is the safest as a secret keeper."

Sirius Black banged his head against the wall in pain, curled up into a ball, and this crazy look made Principal Black sigh.

"Look at what the Dementors have tortured people into..." he said distressedly.

"No, I was the secret keeper back then. The Death Eaters and Voldemort knew that I was the biggest threat, and James thought... that it was shameful not to trust friends." Dumbledore said.

In other words, the headmaster can be the secret keeper of two secrets at the same time, but this "zero risk" is only temporary.

The Fidelius Charm will connect Secret A and Secret B at the same time because of Dumbledore, the secret keeper.

Once Dumbledore dies, the person who knows Secret A will also become the secret keeper of Secret B. Therefore, the risk of the Potters will increase exponentially after Dumbledore's death.

"Wait, if you become the secret keeper, you just need to hide secretly back then." Grindelwald said with his eyes wide open.

"But who will deal with Voldemort?" Nietzsche shook his head, "In the entire magic world, only Headmaster Dumbledore can stand in the front line to fight against it. He is destined to go to the front line of the magic war."

Therefore, the accident of the Potters is just a microcosm of the magic world.

Everyone rushed to take the blame on themselves, and arrogantly thought that they were protecting and pitying Harry Potter.

"You didn't lie. I once believed that you would never betray James and Lily, but... I need an explanation from you about the secret keeper." Dumbledore's eyes flashed, and his tone was much more relaxed.

He seemed to have seen something.

Nietzsche took the headmaster's change in his heart and frowned a few times.

He guessed that Dumbledore had used some magic to detect Sirius again. This idea made him guard against it... not specifically against the headmaster, but against other wizards.

What if one day he just said a word to someone and his thoughts were seen through?

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