Sitting on the sofa was Professor Lupin, who covered his face and trembled his legs.

"I think I should trust my friends." James Potter pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and calmly rejected the other party's proposal.

"This is not the kind of tricks between friends that you played when you were in school. You must think about it carefully..."

"But Sirius is Harry's godfather. If you are worried about the Black family, I don't think it's necessary." James said, "He has been my friend for seven years. In the last little time, I am still willing to trust him."

Nietzsche looked back at the frustrated Black and found that he was staring at James excitedly, as if the other party was talking to him.

As he looked at it, he suddenly smiled.

He raised his chin towards Nietzsche, as if to say: 'I'll say it'.

After confirming the thoughts of several people in the picture, Professor Dumbledore nodded and left. After a long time, Sirius suddenly walked to the window and looked at the swaying tree shadows outside.

Now, only the young Black and Peter are left in the Potter family.

Pettigrew was the least visible. He was short, like a dwarf, with a pointed mouth and a pair of front teeth sticking out. He was lying on the crib with a sly look, teasing Harry inside.

If everyone hadn't left, Nietzsche and Grindelwald wouldn't have noticed him.

At this time, Sirius glanced at Peter Pettigrew and suddenly shouted, "I've got a good idea."

"What?" James didn't understand.

"How about letting Peter be the secret keeper?" Sirius said, "Someone from the Order of the Phoenix has been passing messages to the mysterious man. They were all here just now and knew that I was the 'secret keeper'!"

He leaned back on the wooden chair, leaning back, with only the two legs of the chair on the ground, careless and a little anxious.

Peter Pettigrew on the side widened his eyes in surprise, as if he would cry at any time.

"What's wrong with you?" He stammered.

This sudden idea confused the Potters.

"'I am the secret keeper' will definitely be known to the Order of the Phoenix. Don't forget that there is an undercover agent of the You-Know-Who here. Peter, you should hide when the time comes, and don't bring anyone else here when the Fidelius Charm takes effect."

This trick of replacing the original with the new one made James think for a long time.

He first looked at Peter Pettigrew, and then nodded slowly.

"I founded the Order of the Phoenix, a temporary alliance to deal with Voldemort and the Death Eaters. It has absorbed many wizards who oppose Voldemort, but there are all kinds of people, so it is inevitable that there will be some undercover agents." At this time, Headmaster Dumbledore said.

So Sirius Black planned to use the "undercover" point to make his false news true.

And secretly changing the secret keeper to Peter Pettigrew was very reasonable from the perspective of logic and motivation.

But Pettigrew didn't seem to think so. He looked very panicked. His chubby fingers were retracted from the crib, and he took a breath of cold air. He pointed at Sirius Black angrily.

"The mysterious man will hunt down the secret keeper. Do you want to kill me?!"

"They don't know that you are the secret keeper." Sirius raised his voice impatiently, "Peter, our lives are not important. It's time to say goodbye to the stupidity of the past. You know, I am the one they are looking for."

"But... you don't know how powerful that person is..." Peter panted and said timidly.

At this time, the cry of little Harry broke the quarrel of several people, and Lily carried him back to the room.

Nietzsche and James both took in Peter Pettigrew's fear of the mysterious man, especially the latter, who reached out to comfort the other party with a bit of pleading in his tone.

James said: "I'm sorry, Peter... just think of it as Harry's sake."

This sentence is better than Sirius's explanation of ten thousand words.

Therefore, Pettigrew nodded silently with a gloomy face and agreed.

Witnessed by Sirius, Peter became the real secret keeper of the Potter family. Everyone present could see the contract and light condensed by magic---James and Sirius breathed a sigh of relief, but Peter was not so happy.

"I'll go back first." He slammed the door and left Godric's Hollow under the night.

With the sound of the instrument's 'click', the 'tape' was played and the picture stopped abruptly.

The cell was still the same cell, and Black knelt on the ground in regret, hitting the ground with his head.

Volume 1: Chapter 177 Hermione was led into the Bureau

Sirius was temporarily proven innocent, but his range of activities was still limited to the Room of Requirement, but at least it was not a cell, but a Gryffindor-style bedroom.

But the matter of Scabbers was thrown to Nietzsche.

He couldn't even do his homework these days, let alone modify an alchemical prop.

"Use runes to extend or strengthen the effect of magic, and use '?' to extend the effect of the hour conversion spell." Granger could only take notes alone in the library, "The total consumption of magic power remains unchanged, but the influence of the spell can be changed."

? (Rune: D?g), represents the spiritual light of the wizard, and also means growth, development and change.

Because Granger didn't know the spell for the hour conversion spell, she could only use runes on the existing time converter to change "hour" into "time and space".

Just as she was flipping through the information, a person suddenly appeared behind her.

"Mrs. Pince said there is one last copy of "Rune Translation" left. Can you lend it to me to read?" Hermione stood on tiptoes and tapped her shoulder.

Because Granger was wearing Nietzsche's school robe, it looked a bit small. The bottom of the robe should have just reached her ankles, but it barely reached above her knees when worn on her. But at least she didn't have to use the Disguise Charm anytime and anywhere. Dodged.

Anyway, I stay in the library all day long.

"I still need some time. If you don't mind, we can watch it together..." Granger turned around and spotted the smaller version of himself, then pursed his lips and smiled.

But Hermione glanced at the notebook in her hand and noticed something unusual - it was Nietzsche's notebook.

No, she would never admit it, because she was too familiar with it.

"Do you... know Nietzsche?" Hermione sat at the edge of the table and casually opened the book with her fingertips. Sure enough, the rune translation on it was his handwriting. "It seems that his ancient runes are barely adequate." Passed.”

Granger didn't expect that her powers of observation could be so meticulous in a moment, and he suddenly felt a headache.

She thought to herself: If I had known better, I shouldn’t have listened to Nietzsche.

When she drank the shrinking potion and went to Professor McGonagall to withdraw from the class, the three elective courses left were ancient runes, alchemy and Muggle studies required by Nietzsche Holmes.

So...because of this, Hermione had seen Nietzsche's rune translation notes.

"Ah~ that's right." Granger said with a sneer.

"It's really strange, why haven't I seen you?" Hermione squinted her eyes and asked, "He usually doesn't lend his notebook to others. By the way, not even Slytherin's Daphne has lent it... "

Seeing her look like she was asking for the truth, Granger instantly understood why he was disliked by others.

Moreover, after Hermione determined the target, her every move was as unpredictable as a cat, making it difficult for the other party to guard against. She regarded Granger as a thief---a villain who stole her position.

"I'm in seventh grade and will graduate this year." Granger responded immediately.

"Aha, senior sister... Actually Nietzsche showed me your potion knowledge, and I found that there are still many things I don't understand." But Hermione, the lion, chased after you and said, "If you If it’s convenient, can you teach me?”

She pretended to be innocent and blinked.

He is tall, has a capable style, and his eyes are very similar to hers...but the scar on his face was automatically filtered by Hermione.

Because she knew that Nietzsche did not pay attention to these, in a sense, she was trying to see Granger from Nietzsche's perspective.

"I'm afraid we don't have enough time. If you need this, you can ask Nietzsche to teach you what I told him." Granger didn't even have to think twice when he lied. He opened his mouth and said, "After all, I have to prepare Newt."

Hoho, there is indeed something wrong with this woman.

As a seventh-grade student who is about to take the ultimate wizard exam, how can he casually devote his energy to teaching others?

"My dear, you have to put your energy into studying~" Granger took the lead.

"Yes, so I also want to surpass Nietzsche...he is a Slytherin." Hermione's face was filled with a hypocritical smile.

To be honest, Granger never thought that the Hermione Granger in this world would be so difficult to deal with, like an underwater Kabbah. Once he grabbed someone's clothes, he would drag them underwater.

When she was in third grade, she seemed to be following Potter and Weasley around stupidly.

In the end, those two idiots didn't appreciate it.

"Then I'm really sorry, because I'm also a Slytherin." Granger held back her nausea and gave an excuse that she couldn't even believe. "Forget it, it's enough that I have Nietzsche's notes. You can read "Ancient Times" Rune Translation "Take it."

But to Hermione, these words sounded more like showing off.

It wasn't until the other party left that she held the "Ancient Rune Translation" and rolled her eyes, grinding her teeth in her mouth.

After returning to the dormitory at night, Hermione opened the dormitory door coldly, threw the heavy translation book on the bed, leaned against the bedside, crossed her legs together, and thought about Nietzsche and that Slytherin. 'The senior sister scolded her all over.

Lavender looked in the mirror and stopped putting on makeup after seeing the angry Hermione.

"Who made you angry again?"

"Who dares, unless that person doesn't want to learn from the perfect homework." Parvati said while lying on the upper bunk, "For the great Hermione Granger to have such a big reaction, it must have something to do with Slytherin's Nietzsche. "


The two of them looked at each other.

If you don't speak, it seems to be the acquiescence.

"Tell me, what kind of problems did you two encounter when you came out of Mrs. Puddifu's Tea House?"

"'s nothing. It's just that Nietzsche has a new 'friend' now." Hermione said coldly, "A woman in seventh grade who is about to graduate."

"So you are jealous." Parvati said bluntly.

"Jealous? Huh?" Hermione said in a panic, "I just think about him. Now many things are on track. Who knows if that Slytherin woman is a pure-blood undercover, or is doing it for money? some type of."

God Lavender took a sip of tea, then mysteriously stretched out his fingers and fiddled with the tea stems inside.

After about three minutes, she said in shock: "It seems that your luck is not good. This is a strong opponent. She has the advantage of age and experience... I have seen it played like this in movies."

"I don't have a sense of crisis."

"Ahem... None of us said you have a sense of crisis." Lavender carefully probed.

"I said how he was sneaking around recently and always running upstairs. Very good!" Hermione ignored them and threw the pillow against the wall. "Nietzsche is my friend. If I was deceived, I can't just sit back and watch."

Lavender and Parvati didn't interrupt. They just wanted to watch a good show.

After Hermione slowly calmed down, she said: "You are right to worry. We will help you find out the truth!"

"Yes, everything is for the great benefit."

Volume 1: Chapter 178 Misfortunes never come alone, but Sirius

Hermione finally couldn't help it. Under the instigation of Lavender and Parvati, on Monday morning, after finishing the Muggle Studies and Divination classes, several people began to secretly observe Nietzsche.

As usual, after he finished Transfiguration and Alchemy, he would go to the eighth floor.

"It's normal. He's rich, handsome, and has good grades. If it were me, I would also secretly seduce him..." Lavender could only comfort him at night.

She had tried her best to comfort him in her own way.

But as Hermione's financial accountant, she just wanted to secretly read the secret news of her boss, especially when she was on the front line, which made Lavender even more excited.

However, when it was nine o'clock in the evening, when curfew was about to start, the two people who were too excited to sleep pulled Hermione up.

"Can't it be during the day? It's curfew now." She stood at the door of the lounge and whispered.

"Are you going to be seen by Nietzsche and tell him: 'We have been secretly following you'?" Parvati couldn't hide her joy, "Don't be silly, this is a secret operation."

This is simply great. They share a dormitory with Hermione and have never been out at night.

Then, Hermione was half-pushed out of the cave, and under the protection of the Disillusionment Charm, the three of them quietly climbed to the eighth floor.

But the eighth floor was connected to several towers of the castle, and there was no classroom in the circular corridor in the middle. Hermione and the other two watched Nietzsche disappear in the corridor several times after going up the moving stairs.

"But we don't even know where they are." Parvati went around with them and returned to the moving stairs.

"Maybe it's some kind of secret door?"

Hogwarts even has secret rooms for statues and basilisks, who knows if there will be other rooms.

Hermione calmed down, she fell into deep thought, and then walked along the window of the corridor with her memories, took out her wand and said "Appare Vestigium".

Some places began to produce fragmented light.

But there were too many glowing traces on the stone brick floor. This was in school. Even if Hermione used the depth of color to distinguish, there were dozens of footprints, but her attention was on the cat's hair and cat's claws.

Then, she used magic to cover the entire corridor.

"Cats usually shed their hair for one to two months, especially Persian long-haired cats." Hermione smiled cunningly, "and Crookshanks always finds food on his own and returns on his own."

She should really thank Nietzsche for his character, but she admires her understanding of him even more.

That's right, Nietzsche, the lazy guy, rarely takes care of his cats, and always lets the clever Crookshanks solve problems on their own. According to this behavior habit, Hermione quickly found a way out.

Following the cat's footprints, Hermione soon found the place where the ginger hair fell---the tapestry where the troll beat the stupid Barnabas with a club.

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