This statement played right into Nietzsche's mind, but he showed no emotion of joy or surprise.

"I'll think about it." He gave Hermione a nonchalant expression.

Sirius Black on the side covered his ears. To be honest, if he could, he would rather he heard nothing.

This woman is so terrible!

"What did she say?" Hermione looked at her warily.

"It's nothing... just don't be as crazy as her." Nietzsche made a face and reassured her, "Don't you understand yet? Don't worry, I still have a bottom line."

It was none of Moriarty's business.

Volume 1: Chapter 182 The Weasley Family’s Christmas Gift

On Christmas Eve, Arthur Weasley touched the money bag in his pocket and had been looking sad since he came out of the Ministry of Magic.

It's almost Christmas, and the salary has been paid, but it is too difficult to support the family with this meager salary, not to mention that since the birth of the child, Molly has quit her job and works as a full-time housewife at home. .

Outside a small village in Devon, England, he used magic to prop up a barrier and walked alone in the light snow.

He didn't stop until he reached a crooked house about six stories high. There was a sign at the door of the small yard that read: 'The Burrow'.

"Are the children back?" Arthur saw the figure in the chicken shed and walked over quickly.

"Bill and Charlie are still working outside, but I heard from Ron that he and Ginny plan to stay with Harry at school." Molly paused when she heard the sudden footsteps.

"Then it looks like we are the only ones at home this Christmas~"

Arthur hugged his wife with his arms from behind, and was not worried that the clucking of chickens around him would break the atmosphere.

"Clean up your car first!" Molly rolled her eyes and continued to throw grains into the chicken coop. "Also, you are too polite to those goblins, so you are responsible for cleaning them..."

"This is this month's salary."

Molly Weasley weighed her money bag and sighed similarly.

And King Galleons would be great. Based on what happened before, the Fudge faction in the Ministry of Magic ostracized her husband, and even almost cost him his job --- because he worked in the Department of Prohibited Muggle Items and also produced Reported magical device.

Between the eavesdropping incident and last year's magic car, if Dumbledore hadn't been responsible for it, Arthur probably wouldn't have survived.

"Have you ever considered anything else, dear."

"What? Haven't I been expelled from the Ministry of Magic yet?" Arthur's briefcase slipped from his hand and he hurriedly picked it up from the ground. "Don't worry, at least Ginny can graduate."

"If I were you, I would spit in their faces," Molly said angrily.

But the Weasley family is famous for being good-natured people, especially Arthur. Even though he was so marginalized, he still smiled shyly and laughed with others in the office.

Arthur threw it away casually, and the briefcase grew a pair of legs on its own, running through the slightly white yard and running into the house.

He watched his wife swaying as she walked, swaying slightly as she fed the chickens, and then swayed along with him: "Moli Xiaochan, didn't you think that I was a good person back then, so you went on a date with me at four in the morning? ”

The other party's face turned red all of a sudden, he was very shy, and he threw the grains harder and harder.

Whenever she gets a little angry, Arthur will use this nickname to tease her, especially when combined with the experience of being almost caught by the former administrator Apollyon Pringle when he was young, it is even more effective.

"I never complained, except... George and Fred wrote a letter..."

"What did they say again?"

"About your magic car." Molly turned around and said hesitantly, "There are many wizards working in a factory in Diagon Alley recently, and they said you are very suitable to lead those people there..."

In Hermione's words, it is to be a leader to lead the wizard workers.

When he heard the magic car, Arthur's car suddenly lit up, but turned off again the next second, because he knew that Molly would not allow him to do these things. Doing some unknown things behind his wife's back was already It's the limit.

He felt that he should not continue to challenge the opponent's limits.

The two people, who received no answer and could not give an answer for a while, cleaned up the garage together before entering the house.

The furniture was cluttered together. The living room had several comfortable sofas and a large radio made of wood. There was also a large fireplace near the kitchen with a jar filled with Floo powder.

"But you said..." Arthur's two thumbs met, "You never approved of my handling Muggle things."

Molly poured a glass of warm wine from the kitchen, took advantage of the fact that the child was not at home, and turned on the wooden radio, saying that the radio station dialed the music program of the Weird Sisters.

"That's because of your job and the laws of the wizarding world... Do you really think I believe that the trinkets sent by the Muggle postman are just for collection?" Molly sat next to him, "Please, yes I clean the garage every day.”

Her hand on the back of her husband's hand and her gentle tone slowly calmed Arthur's nervousness.

Because she is Weasley's wife, she is very happy for her husband to be happy with those hobbies, even if some hobbies cannot be disclosed and are not traditional in the wizarding world.

And from George and Fred, you can see Arthur's naughty temperament...

"Because I love you, I support you. If you don't like sitting in the office and reading documents day after day, then I will support you."

"No, it's just a little...sudden." Arthur stammered.

In fact, he had never thought that he could serve as a leader. In the Department of Prohibited Muggle Items of the Ministry of Magic, there were only two people including himself. He had worked in the Ministry of Magic for decades, let alone the director. .

Arthur panicked and choked to tears while drinking.

"Did George and Fred say anything else?"

"There is also a series of phone numbers...Muggle phone numbers. The Muggle coins you collected are of use." Molly thought for a while and continued, "I heard that someone was interested in your magic car and asked you to go there. Apply for a patent?"

What it is?

Probably another word invented by Muggles.

"Magic car? Patent!" Arthur's breathing gradually became heavier. "That is a proof used by Muggles to distinguish exclusive rights, could a wizard get these things?"

His work experience told him that there must be a wizard who brought this kind of car to the Muggle market.

Is it illegal?

It was indeed illegal before the Muggle Protection Act expired, but since the Protection Act expired due to the relationship between the Chamber of Secrets and Ginny, this law is only used to distinguish magical equipment and dark magic items.

He just happened to step on the line of Ministry of Magic law, just like he did before.

"You...what about you?"

"I can do it. Anyway, George and Fred have confirmed that there is no problem. As far as you are concerned, you are just telling other wizards how to make a qualified magical flying car." Molly smiled brightly.

She hadn't seen her husband like this for a long time. It was like returning home in despair and finding out that she had won the Golden Galleons from the Daily Prophet.

But this news is bigger than the Golden Gallon Award.

Think about it, with one month's salary, Arthur can take his family on vacation in Egypt...

"I don't know." He rushed into the room and came out again with a piggy jar in his arms. "Today is not April Fool's Day, right? You are definitely teasing me... Yes, you just want to take it My collection is a joke.”

Like a child showing off his favorite toy, he shook the jar vigorously in front of his wife, making a series of jingles.

It was filled with all kinds of Muggle change, some of which were exchanged for Nats at Gringotts, and some of which were left over from shopping in Muggle shops. But their future destination may be a new place: the phone booth.

"I'm not lying to you, it's true! You lucky ghost!" Molly was amused by him and laughed.

"So, I don't have to worry about being fired at any time?!"

"Perhaps you can fire others in the future."

"No! I won't fire anyone casually!" Arthur pinched his nose and imitated Fudge's tone and said, "Hey, Arthur, you know the recent public opinion, I have to let you and Lucius avoid the limelight. "

Damn it, he did nothing wrong!

Molly coaxed: "Yes, yes, of course you won't, because you are a qualified leader."

"Should I buy some books to read, such as "How to Gain Power"...Wait a minute, I remember Percy has one, and I'll go look for it in his room later..."

Seeing his excited look, Molly had to get up and hold him down.

"Okay, I'll make dinner later. Go to bed early tonight. Make a call tomorrow and tell Mr. Howard that you were introduced by Lockhart and Quirrell. Then we'll go to London to see places together."

"Okay...then I'll prepare the candles."


Arthur kissed his wife hard.

"Candlelight dinner, the most popular way of romance among Muggles."

Volume 1: Chapter 183: Don’t keep this book for too long!

(As for the Dementors incident, the original story was because Sirius used Animagus to sneak into the Quidditch field and sat on the highest platform to watch Harry's game, not because the crowd's happiness attracted the Dementors.

So the fox moved the original dementor plot to another place...hehe)

(Also, don’t always worry about me cutting the book! A fox will never, never cut a book!!)


Last semester is coming to an end, which also means Christmas is coming.

In order to make teaching more interesting, Professor Flitwick equipped the classroom with new colored lights in advance - once students get close, they will turn into fairies with flapping wings.

But this was not good news for Nietzsche, because he would always hold Crookshanks in class (to warm his hands), so his cat would suddenly go to the lanterns in the middle of class. While running.

To this end, Professor Flitwick also hung a new sign on the classroom door: No pets allowed.

On the last weekend, they were able to go to Hogsmeade Village again. Everyone was very happy, but it was a pity that they could not spend this Christmas in the wizarding village.

"So you can go to Mrs. Puddy's Teahouse again."

Lavender lazily practiced magic, waving her wand and dueling with lightsabers with Parvati.

"No, I won't go there!" Hermione sniffed her frozen nose.

The Room of Requirement was much more lively than before. Lavender and Parvati were training for duels and recording spell experiments, while Hermione and Nietzsche were practicing the Patronus Charm under Grindelwald.

Granger is wandering around the castle. Maybe she will leave after this Christmas.

Of course, she would sometimes drink the shrinking potion and wander around the campus like little Hermione. She would always go to meet professors such as McGonagall and Sprout under the guise of studying.

"Concentrate!" Grindelwald knocked the two of them on the head. "What you are about to learn is the most famous and powerful white magic. Its depth is so profound that no wizard can understand it so far."

No one knows who invented it or how it came to be.

The only thing that can be understood is that the wizards who can use the Patronus Charm have always been high-ranking officials of the Wizengamot or the Ministry of Magic.

Some people believe that the Patronus Charm represents the connection between the wizard and the entire world - because some rare wizards summon the image of the Patronus to be an animal or magical animal that has been extinct for thousands of years.

For example, Hedley Fleetwood's mammoth patronus, and the invincible Andros's giant patronus.

These records are all written in Principal Dumbledore's White Magic Research.

"Its incantation is... Expecto Patronum."

Grindelwald deliberately prolonged his tone, but Hermione and Nietzsche did not show any curiosity in response. They just looked at the old professor, wanting him to give a demonstration or something.

However, the three of them just stared at each other.

"Then what?" Nietzsche asked doubtfully, "Don't you know how?"

"Do you think I'm some kind of magician?" Grindelwald slapped his forehead and said grumpily, "Actually, I'm waiting for you to practice and fail before you demonstrate it again, and I hate this magic."

He stroked his beard, not wanting to look at Nietzsche again, as he was tired of looking at it too much.

"So you're unhappy?" Hermione took advantage of the gap in seniority with a bit of coquettishness in her tone, "The book says that if a wizard is in a low mood, the spell may fail."

She looked at the professor longingly, as if begging him to show his hands.

But how could Grindelwald withstand the pure and curious eyes of such a little girl, let alone Hermione who was good at acting? He looked down at the crudely made wand in his hand, not knowing what happy memories he was thinking about.


The professor drew a circle in the air with his wand, and a lot of silver-white mist poured out from the tip of the wand.

I don't know if it was a problem with the wizard himself or with the wand. Nietzsche found that after the gas gathered in the room, there was only a vague shape.

Even though this huge patron saint was squatting on the ground, it still had to bend its back slightly. Everyone in the room unconsciously stopped what they were doing. Judging from the slightly spread wings, it looked like a pair of wings. Fire dragon.

Yes, Nietzsche would not admit his mistake. He also had a free-range Norwegian Ridgeback in the Forbidden Forest.

However, Grindelwald looked up and felt a little disgusted.

But the back of this fire dragon is not ridged like Smaug, but has a row of razor-sharp ridges, and wings like bats. If it stood up, it should be more than thirty feet tall.

" this the Black Dragon of the Hebridean Islands?!" Sirius held the dining table with both hands to prevent him from falling off the chair.

"It seems that there is someone knowledgeable." Grindelwald flipped the wand nonchalantly and dissipated the fire dragon patron saint. "Ah... I still like the way it looks in the fierce fire."

The black dragons of the Hebridean Islands are aggressive by nature. In the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, each one needs a territory of at least one hundred square miles.

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