The soda water that had just been served to Nietzsche began to cool rapidly.

He took a sip and it tasted good... cold, just like ice cubes, but the wizards who ordered butter beer and mead were not so comfortable.

Countless shadows descended from the sky, and they shuttled through the streets and alleys.

The entire Hogsmeade village was like a Christmas card, but it was covered with mold spots.

"Minister Fudge..." Madam Rosmerta hugged his arm.

"Don't worry, they can see through many disguises." Fudge felt the softness on his arm, and his mind began to become active, which made Hermione feel sick. "If Black wasn't here, they would leave."

The Dementors gradually approached, and no one knew what they looked like under their deep black hoods, and who they were looking at...

The arms that stretched out like corpses were covered with scars of dead people. Even some fifth and sixth grade students could only cover their mouths and try their best to restrain themselves from screaming.

The two Dementors, from the left and right sides, began to stick to the faces of those people one by one, slowly appreciating them.

Every wizard who was checked could no longer laugh, and Nietzsche felt that these Dementors seemed to be taking the opportunity to secretly eat some "small snacks".

When it was his turn, the Dementors hesitated for a moment, because Minister Fudge was sitting next to him.

"Minister, do you think I am Sirius Black?" Nietzsche held down Hermione's raised arm, took a sip of cherry soda, turned his head, and said very gently.

He did not feel any fear, nor was his happiness sucked away like those wizards.

"You are joking, I am afraid Black does not dare to imitate you." Fudge made a joke.

He waved his hand, signaling the Dementors to jump over the people around him, but it was completely useless. The Dementors leaned down, and a foul smell came to his face. Nietzsche could sense that the face under the hood was staring at the table next to him.

By the way, Dementors can see through disguises, which means Harry Potter can't hide.

But Fudge became impatient.

"What are you doing? If Black is talking to me, can't I tell?" He raised his eyebrows and scolded, "I arrested him personally that year. No one knows Black better than me."

Since the boss said so, the Dementors could only step back angrily and bypass the people at Nietzsche's table.

After the Dementors moved away, Nietzsche found that not only the Three Broomsticks Tavern, but also other large and small stores began to have Dementors enter. It seems that the Ministry of Magic was indeed frightened by Black and Granger.

Just when Hogsmeade was shrouded in darkness, he saw a dazzling silver light rushing out from the alley next to the post office.

It was a goat made of white mist. After driving many Dementors out of the alley, it was still rampant everywhere, scaring the Dementors patrolling the streets and at the door of the store.

"Filthy, disgusting thing!!" The goat opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar.

Fudge suddenly slapped his thigh and hurriedly drove out the two Dementors in the store.

"What are you doing?" He said to the goat unhappily, "Aberforth, you accused the goat of improper magic and it was hung in the Office of Administration. Do you want to be accused of "obstructing public affairs" again?"

"My customers are scared away!" the goat roared.

Nietzsche and Hermione opened the door a crack and stuck their heads out to look.

Judging from this goat's patronus, the Patronus Charm can not only resist the erosion of dark magic and Dementors, but also be used for communication.

"This is to strengthen the vigilance of Hogsmeade..."

"So you are the one who brought the Dementors to people?" The goat pawed its front hoof, lowered its head, and pointed its horns at the surrounding Dementors, "The last person who offended me had his nose crooked by me!"

"You dare? Your brother won't interfere with my work!"

"He is him, I am me, Fudge... You can try."

It turns out that there are still people who dare to confront Fudge head-on.

Moreover, Nietzsche found that Fudge did not dare to resist too much. You know, if it was an ordinary wizard, Fudge would definitely send Dementors and other Aurors to catch him. Just "obstructing public law enforcement" was enough to clear it.

Fudge whispered something to the goat again, and the goat returned to the alley next to the post office in the mist.

"Okay, everyone, go back to school quickly." Fudge shouted angrily, "If you don't like Dementors, I will replace it with a dragon to guard here next time."

No one dared to go out first. Fudge left, but the Dementors were still floating in the sky.

Hermione hoped that Aberforth could stand up and help, but the other party seemed to only care about the tavern, because the goat stood in the middle of the alley, motionless.

Finally, she raised her wand helplessly: "Expecto Patronum!"

The silver smoke made the tavern warmer. She raised her head and signaled the Hogwarts students to follow her.

"Follow closely, be careful of those Dementors..." Hermione maliciously bumped Nietzsche with her shoulder before leaving, "After all, you haven't learned the Fiendish Flammeus and the Patronus Charm yet~"

They walked along the Three Broomsticks pub towards Hogwarts, knocking on the doors of shops one by one.

Nietzsche followed the end of the team. When Hermione received several Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw wizards from Madam Puddifoot's Tea House, she was enjoying everyone's envy, but she could only sigh alone.

"Excellent Patronus Charm. When we return to school, I will give you ten points... Oh no, twenty points!" Professor Flitwick screamed at the door of the tea house.

Every time Hermione was praised, she would turn her head and smile proudly.

In Honeydukes, Professor McGonagall had been waiting for a long time. After seeing that everyone returned safely, she paid out of her own pocket and bought a piece of chocolate for everyone... Except Harry Potter, who secretly ran to the cellar.

"I really wish I knew what my Patronus was~" Hermione came over.

"Okay, okay, I know you have learned the Patronus Charm." Nietzsche held Crookshanks and quickened his pace.

Volume 1: Chapter 188 Darth Vader's Same Battle Suit

This Christmas, Hermione went home as usual, leaving only Nietzsche in school.

All he needed to do was to look at the Marauder's Map with Harry. Because Black had not sent any news for a long time, the ink spot marking Peter Pettigrew had been staying in the Gryffindor Tower.

There were very few people staying in school this time, but the hall of Hogwarts City still had twelve Christmas trees as usual.

On Christmas morning, Nietzsche was awakened by the heavy pressure of Crookshanks.


"Merry Christmas." Nietzsche was going to turn over and sleep in during the holiday when he didn't have to do homework or go to class.

But when he faced the wall, he found several boxes piled in the corner. At the bottom of the dim lake, he sat up from the bed wrapped in a quilt.

The appearance of several gift packages seemed to be wrapped in several tattered plastic bags. The colored paper packaging used as the appearance of the gift boxes was larger than the surrounding packages, but also dirtier.

Nietzsche was too lazy to get off the ground and took out his wand from under the pillow.

The smaller boxes floated up and were roughly torn open by an invisible hand, revealing the gifts inside:

Several plates of candy, cookies and a pair of wool socks.

"Uh... Principal Dumbledore's." Nietzsche glanced at the red and yellow socks and immediately knew who they belonged to.

The box of cookies must have belonged to Mary. If he hadn't seen the signature on the card that came with it, he would have thought that these decaffeinated cookies came from Mrs. Hudson.

And Sherlock gave two toothbrushes.

"Is there any mystery?" But Nietzsche played with it for a while and found that there was no button that could eject a sharp knife from the toothbrush head.

He opened the entire box again and found nothing else. He only found a sentence on the Christmas card:

For personal use and as a gift.

Perhaps there was some deeper meaning or bad taste. Nietzsche threw the two identical toothbrushes away and finally focused his attention on the two huge, tattered packages.

"The package is flying."

The two big gift boxes almost knocked Crookshanks off the bed.

Nietzsche tore open the package and gasped. A black-green cavalry breastplate fell to the ground. The material was smooth, but when he touched it, he found that it was still a little rough, as if it was welded with many scales.

He then opened the second package, but as soon as he tore a gap, something slipped out.

It was a pile of tiny black-green scales... Nietzsche tried to use the flying spell and the floating spell, but found that the scales were not summoned at all.

There were also two small balls wrapped in metal and a page of parchment.

'There are too many scales of the basilisk. Because it is impossible to get them all at once, Dobby took the initiative to make some of them into armor for preservation and use. Dobby remembered that many pure-blood masters did this in the past. '

This is really...

"This is really the best gift I have ever received!!"

House elves are really... They have a long lifespan. While serving several generations of families, their brains will also record the knowledge of several generations of families, including but not limited to alchemy and secret spells.

No wonder those families sometimes prefer to chop off the elves' heads and hang them on the wall rather than grant them freedom.

Nietzsche couldn't wait to put it on, but he regretted it in less than two seconds-it was too cold!

The cold that penetrated his underwear and skin woke him up instantly, without any sleepiness.

"The hardness... feels okay, but I don't know if the magic resistance effect has weakened."

Crookshanks tilted his head, and he only saw Nietzsche excitedly holding a knife, gesturing and poking back and forth at his arms and chest, making several sharp friction sounds.

But using a knife alone was not enough, he then took out a first-year revolver from his luggage, put one of the guards on the ground, and fired a shot at it. The high-speed rotating bullet and the guard produced some sparks.

Nietzsche checked it and found that it did not penetrate. He wiped it with his fingertips again... There was no dent, only a little scratch.

This is a good thing. He quickly put away the remaining pile of scales, and finally put on a school robe on the armor and walked out of the dormitory.

"Leave some of the rest for Hermione?" Nietzsche thought as he walked out of the basement. "Let me think... I can make another level 4 anti-curse helmet that matches the wizards, and it must be fully protective."

The basilisk's eyes can also be hung around the neck.

By the way, he couldn't tell Hermione that the golden ball was an eye, or she would find it disgusting... After all, who would hang the eyeballs of a living creature on their body.

The whole school of Hogwarts was very deserted that day.

There were more than a few students in the hall: Neville went back to be with his family, Ron sat with Harry holding the mouse Scabbers, and there were two dejected freshmen and Astoria from Slytherin.

There was only one dining table in the middle, where students and professors ate together.

Even Filch, who was usually gloomy and impatient, changed into a tuxedo on Christmas... Although it looked very old.

"Merry Christmas~" Grindelwald said happily when he saw Nietzsche coming over, "Albus, I'm glad you invited me to join - your - party."

"Don't be silly, eat as much as you want"

Harry and Ron sat side by side, with a brand new flying broom on their legs.

"This is the latest Firebolt!" Ron stroked the streamlined birch carefully, "A Christmas gift of international standard in the true sense. Really good. If anyone gives me one, I will be his godson."

"I hope your saliva won't drip on my cushion." Harry said venomously.

But Nietzsche found that the two of them sang the same tune, and their eyes flicked to him from time to time.

Obviously, this expensive gift must be shown off.

"Before you came, we had heard it once." Astoria cut a baked potato and said helplessly, "The most expensive Christmas gift... Later they will ask: 'Hey~ What's your gift?'"

Nietzsche just sat down and really heard Harry ask this.

"What's your gift this year?" Harry cleared his throat and pretended to be familiar with it. "I'm just curious, just asking casually. Of course, the gift's intention is the same as the Firebolt."

At least a month after Christmas, Harry Potter will definitely talk about the Firebolt.

But the problem is, he had to choose Nietzsche because he didn't envy anyone else. Instead, the other party's small action aroused his competitive spirit.

"Can anyone come at me?" Nietzsche stood up and tore open his collar with both hands like Superman, letting the black and green plate armor shine because of the candles and torches. "Anything, except the killing curse."

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Harry thought he had provoked the other party, and quickly put the Firebolt back into the bag.

"Petrify all."

Perhaps Snape could no longer bear the atmosphere of this table. After hearing Nietzsche's "request", he raised his finger and cast a petrifying curse. He couldn't treat Harry, so he could only vent his anger on Nietzsche of his own college.

But Nietzsche saw the attack and didn't use the barrier spell to intercept it. He just stood there and let the gray magic power fall on him.

Even though the professor's attack was a wandless spell, it was as powerful as that of an outstanding seventh-year graduate, but Nietzsche didn't even stumble. The spell passed through the school robe, but was blocked by the snake-scale breastplate inside.

"Thank you, this is my gift, everyone." Nietzsche sat down briskly.

Everyone was a little confused. They only saw the spell appear, flash, hit Nietzsche, and then... nothing happened.

"This excellent craftsmanship can be compared with goblins." Grindelwald's eyes flickered slightly, and his voice rose a few points, interrupting the competition between the two sides of the long table, "Which master's work is it?"

"Dobby, a house elf... No, it's a free house elf."

"In that case, it is indeed a priceless treasure." Dumbledore put an end to the competition and said with ease and joy.

At this time, the door behind the auditorium was pushed open again. It was the professor of divination wearing a pair of frog glasses. Trelawney's clothes were very gypsy-like, and her whole body was embellished with those metal picks.

She spread her arms and flew over like a dragonfly.

"I thought Sybil was still in the attic and didn't want to come out..." Professor McGonagall said rudely.

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