"May the magic be with you, Professor."

Quirrell flipped through the notes alone, and then hid them in a secret cabinet.

To be sure, he at least found in Nietzsche what he had most hoped for.

That's it...it turns out that hope is always by his side.

Outside the window was the wizard's joke, and inside was the ticking of a clock. Quirrell, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly burst into laughter, with a smile that contained some madness and pain, as well as a mockery of himself.

He thought of Nietzsche's evaluation of himself:

Unexpectedly, he was even more powerful than Snape...

"Time, what I lack is time."

He saw a kind of respect from Nietzsche that was different from the respect between students and professors, more like a partner. Quirrell completely relaxed his body and held his forehead. He seemed to really see himself standing in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by thousands of people. Look up.

Sometimes, he always fantasizes that he can go further and learn something that makes people respect him...

But it didn't matter, he had now seen new hope from Nietzsche. Everything in front of Quirrell was floating, but before he started to try the floating spell to regain his life, the thoughts in his head became sluggish.

"Can I really get what I want from him?"

Volume 1: Chapter 27: Pure blood is dead, mixed blood is here to stay

The sun came up, and after the first weekend, everything was running as usual.

Just looking up, you can see that in the hourglass above the auditorium, there are many fewer gems of the four colors than last week. Obviously, many people did something that violated school rules over the weekend.

Nietzsche thought back to last week's Transfiguration class. Whenever a student made a mistake in transfiguration, Professor McGonagall would always reprimand a student loudly for their mistake, and then add a sentence at the end:

"If you are serious, you can also complete the transformation task in the first class like Miss Granger."

Perhaps Hermione didn't know that she was actually hated by Slytherin.

Professor Quirrell has remained unchanged, but occasionally people notice that he goes straight back to the office after class and does not stay in the classroom for too long.

When he returned to the classroom at noon on Monday, Nietzsche found a group of people gathered in front of the bulletin board for discussion. When he got closer, he realized that some little snakes were biting each other in the lounge again.

Everyone was watching a brand new notice posted on it, with two brooms crossed and it read:

This Thursday, students from Slytherin and Gryffindor will have flying lessons together at Rolanda Hooch on the lawn beside the Black Lake.

Nietzsche looked at the broom in a daze, and had only one thought in his mind: He would never ride around on a broom until he died.

What era has it been? Times have changed! Flying around on a broom... If Sherlock knew about it, he would definitely join forces with Mycroft to laugh at him.

He would rather ride on a skateboard that can fly with jets.

"Why are the first-year students not qualified to participate in Quidditch!" Draco complained loudly, "You know, I was riding an outdated model and escaped the Muggle one... Something was spinning. ..”

He seemed to want to say that he had dodged the helicopter.

Not just Slytherin, on this day, the same news was received in the lounges of every house.

On the way to the History of Magic classroom on the second floor in the afternoon, Hermione seemed to be infected by this atmosphere. She kept complaining about flying lessons and Quidditch.

"It seems that all students from wizarding families have ridden, but we haven't... What if we can't fly by then? Will there be points deducted? Will we fail the exam because of our poor performance?"

Hermione's muttering made Nietzsche feel like his head was getting bigger.

She always felt that she felt anxious because of her Muggle background. Hermione sometimes envied Nietzsche for having an active thinking mind. At least she had never seen him anxious because of anything.

"You actually don't like it..."

"Why do you think I would like to fly around on a broomstick?" Nietzsche clicked his tongue, "Although I am curious...but that's it, no! I hate sports, especially football!"

While walking up the marble stairs, Nietzsche was suddenly bumped into.

Warrington, who was a lot bigger than him, glanced at Hermione with disdain and said to Nietzsche: "Maybe Malfoy is right, you Slytherin traitor... Maybe you and that pure-blood traitor can also do it." Let’s play together.”

Pureblood traitors refer to the Weasley family.

Draco, who was walking in front, turned his head and showed a sarcastic smile, which made Hermione on the side even more irritated.

"The people in Slytherin are not very smart. He obviously bumped into me on purpose..."

But Nietzsche held her back.

Just when Warrington deliberately bumped into Nietzsche in the crowd and staggered backward, he stuffed something into his hand. When he opened his hand and looked at it, he realized that it was a small note.

There is a name on it---Marcus Flint.

This is very intriguing. Didn't this person have a conflict with him last weekend?

"Is that a curse word?" Hermione frowned and said angrily.

"Actually, it's a help. Maybe Malfoy's assistant is a bit tricky..." Nietzsche said unhappily after entering the classroom, "He is a senior student, and his strength... is currently above mine."

But this was only for now, after all, he had only learned magic for a week.

Obviously, Draco Malfoy is very interested in this duel, and he even wants to find a capable assistant.

As for the two bodyguards Goyle and Crabbe? I'm afraid Malfoy himself knows that they both have a headache when they see Nietzsche, not to mention being assistants in wizard duels.

They don't want to become long-term residents of the school infirmary.

"This is unfair... Forget it, this is really Slytherin, and he will do anything for honor." Hermione was already irritable, and she was even more helpless, "But why should he help you?"

But if you think about it carefully, you can know the undercurrents under Slytherin:

Half-bloods have suffered from pure-bloods for a long time~

In fact, under the entire unspoken rules of Slytherin, pure-bloods are also the constrained party, but they are also the beneficiaries and have to maintain and inherit the entire system.

On the contrary, half-bloods and Muggle-borns, as slaves who are oppressed to the extreme, are more likely to stand up and resist.

"He's not helping me, dear Miss Granger, he's helping himself!"

Although it seemed that those people seemed to treat Nietzsche as a bet or a tool, he didn't feel disgusted. On the contrary, he felt that this group of people was not hopeless.

He finally understood why the Sorting Hat said that Slytherin was his starting point...

Professor Binns was reading the text, and people were sleeping or chatting below. Few people could listen to half of the content of the textbook.

After Nietzsche hurriedly drew a few horizontal lines on the thin history of magic textbook, he stopped.

Then his attention was completely focused on Professor Quirrell's personal notebook. The words on the cover had begun to blur due to fading.

"Evil Curses, Countercurses, and Curse Breakers"

Turning to the first page, you can see a passage recorded by Quirinus Quirrell during his student days:

"The essence of evil curses and curse breakers is evil curses."

This sentence almost runs through the entire notebook. Nietzsche spent half a day yesterday, Sunday, to understand the meaning.

In layman's terms, the spell to counter the evil spell is a sharp spear. Its relationship with the evil spell is that the tip of the spear faces the tip of the spear. The opposite effect of the evil spell is used to offset the effect of the evil spell.

The anti-evil spell is a shield, which is used to prevent the effect of the evil spell in advance, such as the fire and moisture spell and the second-year spell stop.

"Locomotor mortis (legs stand stiff and stop dead), derived from the spell to counter the leg lock spell, can offset the weak leg spell to a certain extent, but pay attention to the interval between casting..."

No wonder Quirrell always said that black magic is the shortcut to the modern spell system, because the whole system tends to fight violence with violence.

But the theory must be implemented, so Nietzsche needs a handy experimental subject.

That's right! It's you! Mercury!!

While Hermione was not paying attention, Nietzsche immediately lowered his head and slipped away with the crowd. He went down the stairs in the central courtyard, bypassed the boathouse at the pier, and came to the owl shed on the top of the hill.

As a pet of the Holmes family, life has always been difficult, whether it is the pug raised by Watson and Sherlock at home, or the current owl.

Not only do they have to deliver letters and newspapers, but they will also be caught and used as guinea pigs in their spare time.

If I had known that as an owl, I would also be used as an experimental subject...

The inside of the owl shed is a room similar to a barn, which is divided into two areas---school owls and pet owls purchased by students.

When they saw Nietzsche coming in, they all screamed and circled overhead, and he only needed to find the most unique one among the group of owls, because Mercury would not be excited by his arrival.

Soon, Nietzsche found the owl that was facing him, but its head was turned back 180 degrees.

"Mercury, we have a great mission, you don't want Hermione Granger to be bullied in tomorrow's duel... Freeze quickly!"

This can't be blamed on him.

If you want to blame someone, you can only blame Mercury for being too naughty. It's a big deal about Hermione, how could he run away? As a pet, you should always worry about the safety of your owner~

So, a scene that frightened many owls appeared in the shed:

One of their kind was made weak in the legs by the little wizard in front of him, from struggling hard at the beginning to losing his eyes in the end.

Is there still law?

If there is an owl court in the shed, they will definitely sentence Nietzsche to death by hanging!

Volume 1: Chapter 28 The First Clash between the Last Man and the Superman

"I want to settle the old and new accounts together!"

Malfoy rubbed his sore wrist. While others were enjoying their weekend, he was the only one who repeatedly steamed a whole bucket of slugs in the basement without sunlight.

And the most ironic thing is that this matter was praised by Dean Snape in the potions class.

As for why he was put in detention...there is no need to think about it. It must be that Nietzsche complained to the professor and said something about dueling.

"It doesn't matter. You can show that mudblood what Slytherin is like tonight!" Pansy moved his head to her thigh and nodded in agreement, "How did that guy Marcus promise you?"

"Does he need to consider it?" Draco snorted contemptuously, "You know, my mother used to be a Black family, so she has some kinship with the Flint family..."

This is still a positive statement. To be frank, the Flint family now has to rely on the charity of these families.

Draco Malfoy vowed to make himself a figure no less than his father. The Malfoy family will become stronger in his hands. In addition to Potter, it is naturally worth making friends with people in this house.

However, Daphne, who was standing aside, watched the two close adults coldly, but had to put on a smile like a bodyguard duo.

Fate has already marked the price for everything in secret.

Did Nietzsche really complain to Snape?

I am afraid that this kind of thing is impossible in Daphne's eyes. How could a wizard who dared to isolate Slytherin do such a thing? Besides, it is said that Malfoy and the dean have a good personal relationship, and it is impossible to punish Draco for such a small matter.

On the other side, Nietzsche, who is at the top of the dark tide, is still in a tower.

"Dragon scum!" Harry led Nietzsche to a giant portrait and said to the fat lady inside.

Then the fat lady first looked at the people around Harry, and then noticed his bow tie, and was very surprised, but despite this, she still made way for the two.

"Slytherin students haven't been here for a long time..."

"Can't other colleges interact with each other?" Nietzsche stopped in front of the tunnel behind the portrait.

"Of course!" The Fat Lady laughed, "Godric welcomes every wizard and friendly Muggle, except for the Hufflepuff common room... because Ms. Helga thinks it is a kind of protection."

No one knows how to enter the Hufflepuff common room, and people from other colleges can't enter.

Under Harry's guidance, Nietzsche came to the Gryffindor common room for the first time. The temperature here is completely different from the outside, and it reveals a kind of warmth from the body and mind.

The whole common room is dominated by warm red tones. There is a huge stove in the middle, and several round tables and comfortable soft sofas surround the fire in the middle.

The space is circular, the windows are covered with stained glass, and most of the other areas are made of volcanic stone.

"Will this be bad..." Neville shrank his head and said cautiously.

"No problem, no problem!"

Harry admitted that he had a great affection for Nietzsche. Unlike Hagrid, Nietzsche was more like a brother, especially when he stood in front of him and beat Dudley.

The savior from the Muggle society did not have so many twists and turns.

If you play well, you are friends. If you don't play well, go and eat at the same table with Malfoy. What about the college...

Nietzsche looked at Harry in front of him and felt a little uncomfortable---

He was bullied by classmates outside, bullied by classmates at home, and his parents lost their lives in the first magic war, and he himself was inexplicably named the "savior".

This kind of person is not crazy, it is simply a miracle of life.

Harry was stared at by him and felt hairy. He touched his face and said, "Wait a minute, Hermione should not be ready yet... Hey! Parvati, go call Hermione!"

"How did you do afterwards?"

This made Neville on the side a little confused, but Harry seemed to understand what he was asking.

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