But he was pretty lucky, at least the steam slowly turned from white to light blue. At this time, he added valerian and sleepy bean juice, turning the potion into a light snow-blue liquid.

It's like scooping up the part of the lake where the moon is reflected.

Nietzsche first cut the sleepy bean in half with a silver knife and then squeezed out the juice from the sides.

"Did the clever Mr. Holmes remember it wrong?" Snape was surprised when he saw his operation. "The book talks about slicing sleepy beans... not squeezing..."

"Backward. Any Muggle who has gone to school knows that squeezing will put stress on the object and make it easier to release juice."

How else would freshly squeezed juice come from? .

Nietzsche wished he could squeeze a box of beans into a large pot of sleepy bean juice and pour it into the wizard responsible for updating the magic book.

"It seems you are not stupid." Snape suddenly appreciated it. "In fact, the textbooks were all written by wizards in academia, and the most recent one was before 1946."

More than fifty years, half a century.

It’s hard to imagine what the wizarding government is doing. Is it just for socializing every day?

This is the problem. Wizards have no idea how far behind they are. They are still complacent because they know magic and engage in academics in a pre-reflective manner.

"So the lack of potion geniuses is not a problem for wizards at all!" Nietzsche said angrily, "This is an irresponsible attitude. If the Ministry of Magic can unify standards and update them in a timely manner, the number of academic staff can at least be doubled!"


Snape snapped at his student.

He understood all these truths. There was only one Potions Professor at Hogwarts, and he had almost no one he could talk to. The suppressed and strong desire to have academic conversations with others was always suppressed in his heart.

With some fear, Snape realized why professors Quirrell and Flitwick liked Nietzsche.

He was always playing into his own favour, and once he was in the zone, Nietzsche would trick himself into it too.

"You don't know anything about the magic world, so stop pretending here." He glared at Nietzsche and the imperfect pot of living hell potion, "You don't even...even standard potions. can not complete!"

Nietzsche said calmly: "Professor, I just did what the book said."

"Because that's wrong! Finally, stir counterclockwise seven times and then turn clockwise..."

Snape stopped while he was talking and just stared and breathed heavily.

Looking at the unclear pot of hell potion, he realized the other party's careful logic, and his just rebuttal gradually entered Nietzsche's logical system.

He wasn't threatening, just drawing Snape in with the facts.

If it were class now, Nietzsche felt that he would definitely be deducted a few points. Looking at the professor's increasingly gloomy face, he immediately laughed and retreated to the door step by step.

Snape didn't stop him, he just stared at the other person and carefully retreated to the door until he left the classroom.

The danger was too dangerous. Just for a moment, Snape realized that anger was emerging in his heart. The key is that this anger was not dissatisfaction with Nietzsche, but...

To the Ministry of Magic.

"Am I really wrong?" Snape sat weakly on Nietzsche's seat, covering his head in pain.

Was every step he took from the beginning wrong?

Volume 1: Chapter 36: All parties gathered

Quirrell's mood improved as the days passed.

It's not because of the curse experiment, it's mainly because he doesn't have to worry about the discipline in the classroom, and he doesn't know when the Slytherin snakes stopped making jokes in the classroom.

Although he didn't know what happened, he could clearly see that the backbone of Slytherin's new life had quietly changed.

"Do you know... why Defense Against the Dark Arts contains some poisonous spells and curses?" Quirrell turned his gaze in a circle, looked at the silent classroom and nodded with satisfaction, "Because... because fight fire with fire!"

The Crushing Curse and the Petrification Curse are both curses, one of the three major black curses.

But wizards really have too few defensive means, so using curses to attack curses is very common in the magic world... Quirrell was in a good mood, and was even willing to stutter and talk about something in-depth.

Whether these first grade students understand them is another matter.

"Haha, isn't his unique skill using garlic to scare away vampires?" Draco was still snickering.

But some of the Slytherins around him just nodded and smiled in agreement. In fact, they had already begun to despise Draco in their hearts.

Nietzsche saw with his own eyes the twelve OWLs certificates in the professor's office. Does anyone really think that a professor officially hired by President Dumbledore would be helpless when facing vampires?

Everyone just took it for fun, but I didn’t expect that some people actually believed it.

What kind of garlic smell...a wizard who graduated from Ravenclaw, who doesn't have some quirks, as long as he can learn something real, that's enough.

As soon as get out of class ended, Nietzsche ran up without hesitation and grabbed Professor Quirrell who was about to leave.

"Professor, our delayed experiment..."

He looks much more confident than before.

"I've been busy with too many things recently, I'm sorry." Quilinas immediately took a step back and kept a distance from Nietzsche, "But the good news is that I have... gained some new insights recently."

The notebook that originally belonged to Nietzsche flew out of his pocket, and there were also a few pieces of kraft paper.

These were all experimental data about the levitation spell. Nietzsche smoothed the kraft paper, folded it carefully, and clamped it in the notebook like a bookmark.

But there was also a signature of Professor Quirrell in it.

"I have accumulated too many questions recently."

"I know, this is for you to borrow books..." Quirrell tapped his forehead lightly with his fingers, and then retreated to the stairs, "Don't worry, you can digest my new knowledge a little bit, how about after Halloween?"

Nietzsche discovered his changes and was happy for him from the bottom of his heart: "It's a deal."


It's as beautiful as the rising sun, everything is the same as before, but it also contains a brand new beginning.

Now it has been more than a month since the start of school, and Nietzsche has become accustomed to life in Hogwarts. It must be said that this place is indeed much better than some private aristocratic schools.

Being able to do research with professors and have meat every meal, this place is simply heaven!

"Good afternoon!"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Holmes." Madam Pince put down the book in her hand, with a surprised expression.

Which student greeted her last time? It seems that I can't remember it clearly.

"Hogwarts Library can have so many books and protect them so well, thanks to your existence." Nietzsche handed over the signature and rubbed his hands impatiently, "I want to borrow the restricted area."

"Show up quickly."

Madam Pince just smiled lightly in the face of his praise, and then swept the paper with her wand.

However, the handwriting did not change, which meant that this note with the signature of the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was not forged. You know, she had seen too many storms in her time.

"You are just a first-year student..." She went back and pointed to a road, "In the innermost area, you will see a place blocked by ropes. If you don't have permission, all books will scream when they are opened."

Mrs. Pince is very familiar with this little Slytherin.

Although she has been an administrator for a long time and has seen all kinds of students, sometimes when she sees a Slytherin coming on time every day and never making any noise, it is hard for her not to pay more attention.

Because Nietzsche really stayed there alone to read, instead of taking the opportunity to talk to his classmates.

This is a studious and polite child... her first impression.

"In fact, I don't know what's there yet, just looking for books suitable for research."

"The restricted book area records very profound black magic. If you are just for research, I recommend the second row of the area." Madam Pince joked, "The reason why the books can be preserved is that students like you will not destroy them."

An ordinary faculty member is usually hard to notice.

Students are not ignoring, but often just used to it, just like drinking a sip of water before going to bed, it has been regarded as a very sparse and ordinary thing.

Nietzsche walked all the way to the innermost part and finally saw a small independent area in the corner.

The bookshelves here were blocked like the monuments in the museum. He didn't look around curiously. After all, Madam Pince was the expert here, and she would never deliberately make things difficult for him.

Nietzsche listened to Madam Pince and started looking for it directly from the bookshelf in the second row.

"Powerful Potion?" He stuck out his tongue, "This is the favorite of the old bat... Please, some magic books..."

Fortunately, there were not many banned books, and Nietzsche finally took out "The Fifth Element: Exploration" and "The Most Toxic Magic".

The first one was recommended by Professor Flitwick at the beginning, and the second one mentioned the origin of black magic, which was perfect for Nietzsche's research.

When he opened the book, a gust of wind pressure surged from the pages.

There was a warning in the preface of the first page of "The Most Toxic Magic":

'This note was written by Godlot in El Horn. In addition, the most evil invention of Horcruxes will not be discussed or guided'

"Interesting, in a book that records black magic, there are actually things to be afraid of." Nietzsche grabbed a handful of food from his pocket and read it while chewing nuts, "Who cares, I haven't heard of it."

Quirrell always said that black magic is a shortcut to modern spells, but there is more than one shortcut.

From the previous chapter, many recorded black magics require emotional mobilization. Although it is very effective for the effect of the spell, the disadvantage is obvious---people who are always in an emotional mood will lose rational thinking.

"Can black magic crush boulders? Let enemies be covered with pustules? This is not the credit of magic, but the wizard... Anger and hatred only bring out the wizard's true thoughts."

"We often see that wizards can easily do these things, but they can't bring the dead back to life. It's not that wizards can't transcend death, but we can't understand death..."

When Nietzsche saw this, he had a general idea in his mind: "The effect of magic cannot exceed the description of language."

So that's why the wizard's spell has never improved. In the final analysis, it's because of insufficient creativity. Their society stopped in the cave, so they couldn't see the rivers and seas outside.

Not being able to see means they can't describe it, so magic can't reach it.

Wizards must integrate with ordinary people, not only for the sake of future life, but also for the sake of wizards themselves. They have been trapped in the information cocoon for hundreds of years.

What a bullshit "Muggle Protection Act", it is clearly a murder weapon that traps half-bloods and Muggle-borns here.

"Do you know that you are eating owl food?"

When Hermione passed by the forbidden book area with a few books in her arms, she saw Nietzsche smiling foolishly with her head down. Her whole head was completely blocked by the books, and she was swaying when she walked.

"Who? Me?" Nietzsche came back to his senses, looked down, and found that he had picked up the wrong pocket.

The bread he had taken from the dining table was in his left pocket, and none of it was missing, while the owl rations in his right pocket were already missing more than half. He ate for a long time and didn't find any problems.

Nietzsche was still wondering why the bread filling today was full of nuts.

"Do you know that you are a little..."

Nietzsche: "Full of passion?"

Hermione: "Crazy!"

She turned her head with difficulty, looking at the black bangs left by her ears, a little depressed, and the other person's gray-blue eyes were full of vitality.

"I understand." Hermione stamped her feet and said angrily, "You just let those people come to disturb me on purpose so that you can learn something new... I tell you, this is impossible! You should also be responsible!"

"I... I don't remember hating you so much."

But Nietzsche still searched his memory.

When he found that he really didn't let anyone harass Hermione, he nodded affirmatively.

"Study-group!" Miss Conformist gritted her teeth, held up her dark circles, and growled from her throat, "I don't know where a group of crazy Slytherins came to find me, and they shouted your name!"

She was so emotional that she even parroted in a shrill voice: "Oh~ Nietzsche recommended us to come here" "He said this place is very suitable for studying..."

Hermione's hair, which had not been taken care of for a long time, became more messy. At this time, Hermione completely lost her calmness and majesty in front of her classmates.

For her, Nietzsche was the culprit who caused her to be busy from beginning to end.

Is this also in Nietzsche's calculation? ! Damn it!

"But you can refuse."

"Come out and help me carry books!" Hermione ignored his innocent expression, stood outside the rope, and stretched out her hand, "I am in charge of the Gryffindor people, but Slytherin is yours, you said it yourself."

Hermione was the one who should be wronged. It seemed that the group of Slytherins came to deliberately make things difficult for her.

If they came to learn from each other, it would be fine, but the problem is that they didn't know what Nietzsche said, but after coming here, they showed their courtesy in various ways, as if she was the first-year student president.

At first, she was a little embarrassed, but after a few days, several Gryffindors led by Neville were unhappy.

"Isn't this good?" Nietzsche took out his wand and used the levitation spell to reduce Hermione's burden. "The two colleges have begun to try to communicate. Team leader Hermione, you can't neglect it."

"Do your two fathers know what you look like in school? You are really a typical Slytherin."

Hermione looked at the floating book, grabbed the air with her free hands, and after moving a few times, she immediately lightly dropped two fists on Nietzsche's back.

This was her last stubbornness.

"Shut up! From today on, you take care of your Slytherin! If there is any diplomatic conflict, I will... I will..." Hermione held it in for a long time, "Nietzsche, you don't want the Watsons to know your performance in school, right?"

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