Firenze wanted to turn back and grab Harry's collar and put it on his back, but as soon as he reached out, he heard something sliding on the fallen leaves, very fast, and rushing towards their group. .

As for the green light in Harry's mouth, Nietzsche quickly understood it.

"Hehehe...Avada Kedavra!"

Volume 1: Chapter 68 Don’t go gentle into the good night

It was at this point that Harry's wound began to be excruciatingly painful.

When the pain reached a certain level, he couldn't even see clearly what was happening in front of him. He could only vaguely see a few green lights flashing from the side, and then his feet suddenly hung in the air.

"Take him and leave first!" Neville suddenly shouted after seeing Harry being lifted onto the horse.

"Neville, now... now is not the time to be a hero." Ron bent down to minimize the possibility of being exposed.

Everyone understood what was going on with that flash of green light. It was not a green spark spell. The spell spoken from the hoarse throat was a real life-killing curse, and anyone who touched it would die.

Neville's legs were shaking, and he was clutching his wand like a two-handed sword.

"When I was young, Uncle Algy almost made me drown on the Black Lake Pier once in order to make me generate magic waves, and another time I almost fell to death from the balcony of my home... This is nothing."

If the mysterious man is really coming towards Harry Potter, then he is willing to be truly brave once, even if it is the last time.

Although he was indeed afraid of... the kind of death that was so close at hand.


"Everyone is petrified! The ground is frozen and the sky is freezing!" Neville had just heard the sound of the trees shaking. His nerves were tense and he immediately threw everything he had learned towards the other end.

But even after those curses passed through the bushes, they made no sound.

"The child of the Longbottom family...huh?" The owner of the voice seemed a little surprised, "Come closer and let me see... You, like your parents, like to show off, and they must have learned their lesson now. "

Nietzsche noticed that Neville suddenly collapsed.

His eyes were staring at the surroundings, and tears would appear every time he blinked. The moonlight shined through the gaps in the leaves and hit Neville's face, illuminating the water marks on both sides of his cheeks.

But even so, Neville just bit his lip and didn't make any sound.

"Save it..." Hermione hid behind her and quietly handed the pistol into Nietzsche's hand.

"Poor your parents still remember you now?" The mysterious man let out a low chuckle.

The voice suddenly sounded farther away, and the other party seemed to want to chase Harry, but at the same time, Hermione raised her wand high and fired a red spark into the sky, and the bright red light instantly enveloped the area.

Taking advantage of this gap, Nietzsche spotted something moving in the forest and quickly raised his hand to shoot.

After two loud noises in succession, Nietzsche subconsciously kept pulling the trigger forward, making several empty 'click' sounds.

"I told you to save money!" Hermione covered her ears and cursed loudly.

"Only two rounds, how can you save me." Nietzsche knew that he was wrong and inserted the fire stick back into his waist, "Now you can save one thing from trouble..."

"Neville, cheer up!"

Ron looked at his dull companion, tugging at his robe anxiously. Perhaps the force of the tug was too great, and he accidentally tore a sleeve. At the same time, he also made himself fall.

But Neville was covering his head, shaking his head absentmindedly, sobbing slightly.

It's hard to imagine that he dared to attack the mysterious man just now.

"He was affected." Hermione observed Neville's eyes and then said, "The pupils are dilated and he can't concentrate... It may be a kind of black magic that can affect people's minds. Ron, you stay here This protects him."

After hearing the reassuring sound of horse hooves in the distance, Nietzsche and I immediately ran after him.

After seeing the staggering man in black robe, the two raised their wands at the same time, and the magic power containing determination and anger enveloped the mysterious man. The other man was like a baby bird in an egg, struggling to survive in the constantly squeezing space. struggling.

"Only he would take this kind of...little trick seriously..." The mysterious man's cloak was torn off.

What is that?

The place where the whites of the eyes should have been were completely filled with black, with only a small scarlet pupil in the middle, which seemed to be the source of violence and hatred. The mysterious man bent his hand at a weird angle and pointed at the two of them.

Just a flash of blood-red light, and Hermione felt a stinging pain in her chest.

She pressed her heart hard and sucked in the cool air around her. Is this the only way to alleviate the pain...? No, if she didn't, she would forget to breathe because of the severe pain.

Nietzsche had to free his left hand to hold the fallen Hermione.

"Impossible...the Unforgivable Curse..." She endured the excruciating pain and let her voice escape from between her teeth.

"Holmes, don't block my way. This is a warning." The mysterious man pushed away the squeezing magic power, but there was some appreciation in his tone, "Shouldn't Slytherins help each other?"

He seemed satisfied with Nietzsche's portrayal of Slytherin.

The collision of magic power and magic power destroyed the surrounding trees, and the impact knocked Nietzsche away. Those places closer to the mysterious man were turned into sawdust.

There is a huge difference between the magic power in the body of a young wizard and an adult wizard.

"So you are the one whose name is not even mentioned. You look a bit ugly... Do all the Death Eaters who join you have their noses cut off?" Nietzsche, who was lying on the ground, gestured to his face. A few times.

"This is the symbol of Slytherin," the mysterious man said angrily.

As he spoke, a few drops of silver-white liquid fell on the ground, which was the unicorn's blood.

"Then why don't you turn your head into a snake... a snake man?" Nietzsche deliberately said in a contemptuous tone, "If that's the case... I hope, I hope the founder of Gryffindor is not a lion. The human-faced beast.”

This indeed angered the mysterious man, who stepped hard on Nietzsche's chest.

It's the chest again... Nietzsche can't remember how many times his ribs have been broken. He can now smell the rotten smell on the other party's body.

"You are a master of spells and a genius. I...actually valued you very much at first." The mysterious man suddenly laughed and looked at Hermione next to him, "Is it because of this mudblood?"

"I can tell Harry the direction to leave." Nietzsche's attention was distracted by the curse.

"No, it doesn't matter anymore. I have plenty of opportunities to kill him...and are as annoying as a fox. Holmes, you and I are very similar, really, so I plan to help you understand something." Reality."

The mysterious person will not take revenge directly like ordinary people.

He loves to make people feel pain and regret, so he likes to start from some of the weakest places.


Just like what happened just now, Nietzsche did not feel the pain that was worse than death, but Hermione's suppressed sobs and the sound of convulsions rubbing against the fallen leaves made him feel the pain that penetrated his bone marrow even more.

The mysterious man seemed to be showing off his best trick, and every syllable of the spell was very clear.

"Drill the heart--gouge--the bone--"

"Holmes, as wizards we should not suppress ourselves... You must take this class, Potter? I have never paid much attention to it. Let me guess... Dumbledore must like you very much, right?"

"It's because of your eyes, huh?"

The unicorn corpse was placed on Hagrid's path, and his target always seemed to be Nietzsche Holmes.

"Mimble Wimble!" Nietzsche angrily poked him with his wand.

But the tongue-stuck curse was only offset by the white iron armor curse.

"Four seconds have passed?" The mysterious man's scarlet eyes only contained madness. "As a reminder, the Cruciatus Curse can only exist for a maximum of fifteen seconds. Your mudblood will either go crazy or convulse to death."

"What do you want!" Nietzsche spat on his trouser leg.

"Kill me, Holmes... If you have the guts, just use some decent spell to stop me..."

The light disappeared, and there was only endless darkness where the sun could not shine. With her convulsing body, Hermione unconsciously moved towards Nietzsche little by little, and the dry leaves made a crackling sound.

Silent people roar silently in the good night.

The corners of Nietzsche's eyes were a little moist. In the end, he could no longer maintain his rationality.

"Crucio..." Those hatred and anger could no longer be suppressed. He tremblingly raised his hand and raised the wand containing unicorn hair. The crimson light was like the blood flowing from the wand.

He had never wanted someone to die so much.

That kind of desire was infinitely amplified by Hermione's sobs. He followed the description in "Poisonous Magic" and hid his desire in magical energy and released it repeatedly towards the other party.

If it doesn't work once, do it twice; if it doesn't work twice, do it three times...

'Hermione will be safe only if he dies and he feels pain, can't you help me! ’ Nietzsche stared at the magic wand in his hand, angrily cursing, begging, and scolding the dead things inside.

Nietzsche promised that he would not do what Voldemort wanted and that he would never compromise.


He was roaring, roaring.

Angrily scolding the light's retreat.

Volume 1: Chapter 69 Don’t go gentle into the good night

One of the three unforgivable curses, Nietzsche used it under duress.

Although he didn't know if it had any effect, at least he could see the mysterious man's hands trembling, and he staggered back two steps and stopped casting the spell.

Nietzsche seemed to hear a cry in a trance...perhaps it was an auditory hallucination.

"Look, you are so similar to me." The mysterious man's voice was not serious, and he was still talking leisurely, "We relied on ourselves to make those people change their ideas about themselves..."

Nietzsche quickly stretched out his hand and pulled Hermione, who was unconscious half a meter away, under him.

"I never care what those people think of me." Nietzsche tremblingly took out a licorice stick from his arms and chewed it in his mouth. "I didn't change other people's minds. It was them who saw the other person. kind of hope.”

The other party looked in the direction of Hogwarts Castle and pondered for a moment, not intending to continue to waste his hard-earned life force.

"Sometimes I really want to kill you, but it's too cheap. I hope you can live until the day I return to my body, Holmes..." He played with the wand in his hand.

"Of course I will live. By the way, do you still remember your own lackeys?" Nietzsche completely blocked Hermione behind him, not giving any chance. "I'm afraid there will be fewer of them recently. Their thoughts are not on you. "

Sow discord? Or was it a threatening confession?

But these had no effect on the mysterious man who launched the first magic war.

"If you care about Muggles so much, then...just think of it as a gift from me." The mysterious man with a snake face waved his hand gracefully and said leisurely.

The undetectable gas was certainly his creation.

When purebloods kill people, he just helps them along, and doesn't seem to care about the purebloods' so-called plans.

"Voldemort is dead... but it doesn't matter. Even if you don't take action, I will kill a few purebloods." He backed away slowly, and his figure gradually disappeared into the darkness where the moonlight could not shine. "It's not up to you to take action. Can."

After seeing the other party disappear without a trace, Nietzsche chewed on the licorice stick, calmed down, and felt his surroundings vigilantly. As long as there was any movement, he would be prepared.

If Voldemort took action himself, he would be shaking the mountain and shaking the tiger.

But if Nietzsche and the Muggles take action, it will allow the pure-blood family to stick together for warmth... No matter what, it will be in line with Voldemort's wishes.

"They're there!" Ron's anxious voice came from behind, followed by the sound of horse hooves.

When the rest of the people arrived, they could only see Nietzsche standing under the moonlight with his face covered in mud and blood. He only had a thin shirt on his body, and next to his face and feet was Hermione covered in wizard robes? Granger.

Everything around him was destroyed, which meant that Nietzsche was in direct confrontation with that man.

Ronan's face was filled with sadness.

"Nietzsche! Hermione... Hurry! Help us and send them to the castle!" Hagrid ran over with a dead unicorn on his shoulders, "How's it going? Is Granger... That beast doesn't even spare the child..."

But Bain only hesitated for a moment before stopping Hagrid.

"Leave it to me." He said, "You guys...responsible for guarding the surroundings!"

After Bain selected a few centaurs, he picked up Nietzsche and then placed the unconscious Hermione on top of him. A pair of strong arms hugged the two little wizards at the same time, looking very relaxed.

"I'm a damn wounded person. Do you know she's very heavy?" Nietzsche complained.

"Then what do you want, sit on me?" Bain yelled back as he hurried on, "I'm a centaur, not a mule!"

With the centaurs accompanying him, Nietzsche finally felt relieved. Even if Voldemort returned home, he believed that Bain would risk death to send the two to Hogwarts Castle.

Then his eyelids gradually drooped.

The administrator Argus Filch, who was about to close the gate, was so frightened when he saw the centaur team carrying weapons and running towards them in a menacing manner that his legs weakened and he collapsed on the ground.

"You...what did you do to the students?" He saw Nietzsche and Hermione who were all injured, and he tried his best to look fierce and threatened, "I want to tell Principal Dumbledore, you Attacked students!"

He also said that Principal Dumbledore would make the centaurs pay the price and drive Bane and Ronan out of the Forbidden Forest.

For a moment, he forgot to trace why these students were attacked by centaurs in the Forbidden Forest.

"Poor ignorant man." Bain rarely lost his temper.

Filch stumbled up the steps, but after only two minutes, Professor McGonagall rushed over.

When she saw Nietzsche with blood on his face and unconscious Hermione, she was as frightened as Filch. Professor McGonagall glared at the group of centaurs, raised her right arm, and then the stone statues on the walls of the hall began to come alive. Come over.

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