"Keep quiet in the library. This is the first warning. I will ask you to leave the second time." Madam Pince scolded unhappily.

Hubble shrank his head and smiled awkwardly to apologize.

"What did Nietzsche say?" Lavender asked.

"He is not in a good mood recently." Theodore almost lay on the table and stretched his head to the opposite side and said, "Except for Professor Quirrell who asked him to answer questions personally, no extra points were given for other classes."

After being deducted 100% by Malfoy and his group last time, Slytherin's hourglass seemed to be a little less than Gryffindor's.

But Draco didn't think it was his problem, but put the blame on Quirrell.

Everyone was in a bad mood, and they knew that Nietzsche and several Gryffindors were admitted to the school infirmary, so they were cautious when talking to them. After all, no one knew what Nietzsche would look like when he was really angry.

But at noon one day, some little snakes saw it.

That day, Nietzsche just came out of the school infirmary and happened to meet Draco.

"Isn't this the leader of the traitors?" He sniffed the smell on the other person and acted with disgust, "I knew it was a bone spirit as soon as I smelled it. He must have been beaten...haha."

Daphne looked at Nietzsche in confusion and said nothing.

Traitor... was the nickname given to Nietzsche and the anti-pure school by Draco and his group.

"How do you know it's a bone spirit? Yes... let me guess, you must have eaten a lot." Nietzsche didn't want to look at him any more and turned away.

"Why don't you see Granger? Are you that mud... Muggle-born who is still receiving treatment at St. Mungo's, hehe." Draco didn't want to miss any opportunity to mock him, "You deserve it."

This is what he heard from the chatter of Gryffindor in the Potions class.

Although he didn't know the reason, he just felt very happy and enjoyed it...and this happened to be what Nietzsche hated the most.

Nietzsche stopped at the steps of the corridor on the second floor with his back to them. Just when Draco was randomly guessing the reason, he suddenly couldn't speak, his face gradually turned red, and his hands began to scratch his neck.

He looked like something was stuck in his throat and he couldn't breathe.

"It seems that person said one thing wrong---you are more suitable for the Cruciatus Curse." Nietzsche's calm voice came from the other side, "To torture people for fun...ha."

This does not need to be transmitted to people with malice.

Nietzsche was very clear about his thoughts... He wanted to vent, especially when some of Draco's personality traits were infinitely close to Voldemort. He hated it even more.

Seeing Draco tearing at his collar helplessly, Pansy and others panicked.

"Do you want to kill him?!" She took out her wand and shouted in horror.

But Pansy didn't know what kind of black magic Nietzsche used, nor how many spells to break it. Just watching Malfoy struggling in a mess, she began to panic in her heart and began to gradually retreat.

She didn't know what happened to make Nietzsche's attitude change.

Draco suddenly gasped for air. He felt that Nietzsche was like a madman now. A series of coughs made the blockage in his throat better.

"If killing him could end the mess his father had made." Nietzsche said the most ferocious words in the calmest tone, "It's a pity that it can't be done... It's a pity that it will only backfire."

The most regrettable thing is that Nietzsche can't blindly fall into the desire composed of hatred as Voldemort hoped.

"You're crazy..." Pansy suddenly felt a little unfamiliar with Nietzsche.

Usually, Nietzsche would at most talk nonsense, and even if he took action, he would wait for the other party to take action first before starting to fight back.

But now it's different, that kind of disgusted gaze is like a sword without a stick to block it...He is not just as harmless, sunny and full of hope as Harry Potter and Granger said.

Or, they should be glad that Nietzsche has a bottom line.

"Traitor? What a derogatory word." Nietzsche said, "No, I want to do much more than that, Draco, do you think the bloodline of the Malfoy family is pure? You are the one who is really the most betraying."

"I don't allow you to slander the Malfoy family!!" Draco covered his throat and shouted angrily.

But Nietzsche ignored him and smiled instead.

"Coming to England with the Norman Conquest, the land and wealth obtained by serving William I, and then coming to the magic world as a noble pure blood..."

"If you insult my family again, it will not just be a matter between you and me!" Draco shook off the hands of Goyle and Crabbe, and he began to tremble with extreme anger.

The Malfoy family served a Muggle at the beginning?

What a joke! This is not the correct history that Draco believes.

"Why do you think I would regard you as... an opponent?" Nietzsche turned around in disbelief.

Voldemort hopes that they can keep each other warm.

It doesn't matter, he and Uncle Mycroft will cut off the teeth and scales of these venomous snakes one by one.

Volume 1: Chapter 72 Quirrell's Farewell Performance

When Hermione came back, it was already a week before the exam.

Madam Pince usually liked to watch the little wizards staying up late to study in the last few days.

After discussing, the wizards suddenly discovered that among all the subjects in the final exam, the most fatal one was the Defense Against the Dark Arts course which replaced Transfiguration.

No one knows what questions Quirrell will ask, because different teachers have different question styles every year.

"I just hope to get a P (pass) and go back to work." Ron looked at the books piled in the middle of the long table and suddenly felt a little sleepy. "Professor Quirrell should not be that strict. He seems to be easy to talk to."

He must have the "sleeping when reading" syndrome.

"You are right, but Quirrell is a professor with twelve Owls certificates, so you don't know what he will start with, from herbology to astronomy, runes..." Theodore spoke like a repeater.

"But he is indeed easy to talk to. The last time Harry had a headache during class, Professor Quirrell told him to go back and rest." Neville retorted.

Because they were in the library, their voices were very low.

But this made Hermione even more irritated. Everyone's voice was like countless mosquitoes buzzing in her ears.

"Professor Quirrell can't possibly give us something we haven't learned!" Hermione interrupted their chat and said in an almost commanding tone, "If you want to pass, don't even think about starting with the professor!"

On the day of the exam week, the little wizards from Gryffindor and Slytherin saw the test papers for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Just as Hermione said, as long as they had attended Quirrell's class, they would pass. They only needed to write "On the Classification of Dark Magic" and "The Difference Between the Universal Breaking Spell and Fighting Poison with Poison".

The first few days were all theoretical exams, and everyone was in the stuffy classroom, answering questions with the quills given by the professor.

But Nietzsche preferred the exams in the Potions class...Of course, it wasn't because the exams were easy, but because the basement was cool!


Although the quills had anti-cheating spells, some other Muggle wizards would tap the table lightly with their fingers, making sounds of varying lengths as a signal to send "urgent intelligence" to their companions at the next table.

With this trick, Neville helped Ron pass the Herbology exam steadily. Now, it was Harry and Ron's turn to repay him.

But suddenly, Harry's knocking on the table became more rapid.

"Da Da Da Da~"

"What does this mean?" Neville said to himself as he listened to the continuous, uninterrupted knocking sound.

He didn't know what happened to Harry suddenly, so he counted the number of knocks on his fingers.

"Potter, if you can't control your hands anymore, get out of the classroom." Snape's voice came from behind him, "Mr. Longbottom, should that be what you mean?"

The other lions and snakes sighed and covered their faces.

But the magical thing is that Snape only poisoned his mouth a little, and did not let Longbottom leave the examination room on the spot.

"Let me see who will have to retake the exam next year... Haha, Mr. Longbottom, there is still half a disappearance before the end of the exam, keep writing." The old bat sneered and wiped Neville's desk to the other side.

As soon as the theoretical exam was over, Hermione couldn't wait to sit next to Nietzsche at the dinner before the practical exam.

Although Nietzsche thought she was showing off... Especially for the final exam of History of Magic, Hermione almost memorized the entire exam content.

"It's easier than I thought. The Transfiguration exam did not involve the content of "Transfiguration Today". By the way, who did you fill in as the 'first Minister of Magic' in the History of Magic exam?" She asked nervously.

Nietzsche silently moved his chair to the side, and that was his answer.

"Can I not check my answers after the exam?" He suddenly felt that the Spanish cold soup on the plate was not fragrant.

"Wait a minute, I'll look for it..." Hermione liked to check the exam content again after the exam. After looking at the textbook covered with sticky notes, she continued, "I wrote 'Urik Gamp', aha! I was right!"

But generally after the exam, if someone laughs, someone must cry.

The smile will not disappear, it just moves from Hubble's face opposite Nietzsche to Hermione's face.

"Fuck!" Hubble glared at Hermione angrily.

The next morning was the exam for Charms and Transfiguration. The corridor was crowded with students. The professor would only call one student in at a time, and during this time, everyone was looking forward to the professor calling out their name first.

In any case, they could have some fun after the exams were over.

Compared to others, Hermione and Nietzsche were not too nervous. They were only thinking about how to spend the summer vacation.

"I've already thought about it. I'll go to the Oxford Library to look up runes first, then study medicine, and then preview the knowledge for next semester..." Hermione leaned against the wall, her tone full of warning.

But Nietzsche just said "Oh".

"Do you understand what I mean?" Hermione pursed her lips and bumped him with her shoulder.

"If you mean for me to accompany you, I may not have that much time." Nietzsche bumped back.

Lavender and Parvati, who were standing in front of the two, and Daphne, who was standing at the back of the team, pricked up their ears... There's something fishy. Are they planning to date so early in the summer vacation?

Hmm? Didn’t their parents stop them?

But Nietzsche and Hermione were like two children, bumping into each other and neither of them would give in.

"No! What I'm saying is, you are not allowed to interfere with my plans!" Hermione nodded slightly and said seriously, "You are not allowed to suddenly appear behind my yard during the summer vacation just to go to the store to buy a bottle of soda."

"And comics..." Nietzsche added, narrowing his eyes.

"No matter what it is, the relationship between you and me!" Hermione said viciously, making a slashing motion with her palm, "It ends after the summer vacation! Do you understand?"

Parvati was fascinated by what she heard.

what relationship?

Why had Hermione never told her?

Could it be that Theodore of Slytherin really said it right---there is a rift between Hermione and Nietzsche...

But Hermione's words suddenly changed and she added: "Of course, if you want to read some books, I still have no objection."

Nietzsche and Hermione were mentioned one after another.

"Just let this one tap dance across the table." Professor Flitwick stood on the pile of books as always, pointing to the pineapple in front of him and said, "This exam is too easy for you, so don't waste your time. "

Professor Flitwick looked at the report cards of Slytherin and Gryffindor students, and put an O (excellent) in advance behind the names of Nietzsche and Hermione.

Nietzsche and Hermione made the pineapple grow two calves, performed funny dance steps, and completed the exam.

"One more thing~ Miss Granger, you should know a lot about duels, right?" Professor Flitwick stopped Hermione who was about to leave, "I heard a lot from Quirinus. thing."

He was cheerful and seemed to be interested in the opponent's dueling talent.

Especially Miss Granger. Although this little witch is very smart, she is still a little constrained in the practice of magic... she is too well-behaved, which makes Flitwick feel a little pity, so she comes up with some ideas.

He planned to train Granger to be a genius in dueling.

"You mean the dueling club?" Hermione said with concern. "But those are only the talents of senior students..."

"I didn't let you join the dueling club. Because of your age, I can only let you watch from the sidelines." Flitwick cleared his throat and called the next student in a sharp voice to come in for the exam.

In fact, this is just taking advantage of the school rules.

Hermione is also deeply loved by the two deans of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, so as long as Flitwick doesn't say something, McGonagall, as the vice-principal, will just turn a blind eye. .

Especially when Flitwick heard Hermione visiting the school infirmary or St. Mungo's Hospital from time to time, this idea became even more certain.

At least let Hermione have the ability to protect herself.

The transfiguration test is to turn a mouse into a snuff bottle - as long as it is successful, it will be passed, and the exquisiteness will be an extra point.

Professor McGonagall rarely failed students...unless the student couldn't even succeed in the most basic transformation.

"Everything is ready." Quirrell stretched and continued to review the test papers in the office. "They are gradually relaxing their vigilance. Now is a good time, but I don't understand..."

He drew a big D (poor) in red ink on Malfoy's report card.

No matter, he just wanted to be willful today. Even if the test results were just passing, he still had to give Draco Malfoy an 'extremely poor' rating for his usual performance.

"What?" Voldemort said listlessly.

"Why aren't you worried about Snape? He might have betrayed you long ago."

"He is the least likely to betray me..." Voldemort smiled sinisterly, "Who do you think told the news about the Potter family back then, huh? He was just like those people who thought I was dead. "

But now Voldemort does not want to be exposed in front of Snape prematurely, because keeping him is of great use.

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