I hope the Prime Minister, who is still dealing with Northern Ireland, will not hear this kind of news, otherwise he will be pissed to death.

Nietzsche tried hard to make some analysis in his mind:

Professor McGonagall is also the Vice-Principal on the envelope, and there is no spare manpower for the job of welcoming new Muggle students. This means that Hogwarts is a small school and is short of manpower;

Judging from the crucibles and clothing sold, wizards are also very far away from human society, probably because they can use some unknown methods to block signals.

"Is that...an orc?"

Hermione looked at the short creatures guarding both sides of the Gringotts gate. They looked very much like the orcs living underground in "The Lord of the Rings".

This kind of ugly thing is what makes Sherlock lose his temper.

He even knelt down and pinched their long, pointed ears without stopping them. When these dwarf-like creatures became a little angry and showed signs of raising their hands, he immediately dodged behind Snape.

"They are goblins. Miss Granger, who thinks she knows everything... is not an orc."

Hermione pursed her lips and was about to say something when she was pulled in by Nietzsche.

When she passed the first bronze gate and the second silver gate, she found some poems engraved on them, which were warnings about stealing financial reports:

Asking blindly and getting something for nothing will be punished severely...

"Did you offend the professor again?" She looked down at her grasped hand, not knowing that a touch of pink had already appeared on her face, "This is the first time he and I have met, and he is so fierce."

"Ignore him, that's all Professor Snape. When he first came here, he was almost shot by my fathers."

"With... a gun?!"

"We are investigating a recent murder. Besides, who asked him to wear the same black cult robe as the Duke."

"You always have a reason, Nietzsche!" Hermione puffed her face and growled, "You haven't learned your lesson yet. If the professor gets angry and expels you, it will be over!"

Nietzsche looked at the Grangers and his family, exchanged pounds for a pile of golden coins, and idly looked at the majestic marble hall.

Hundreds of goblins sat at the counter, weighing different coins on copper scales.

He saw a giant who was taller than ordinary people, holding a thin boy with black-framed glasses, squeezing through a small door from the hall.

Wait...Has he seen that little boy somewhere?


A roar shouted him back to his senses.

"What's the matter, Miss Obedience?" He looked into the other person's chocolate-colored eyes and answered naturally, "I understand...Yes, you will watch me, um...Okay, please come on. "

It had been two years since he beat up the fat guy named Dudley and transferred to Hermione's school.

Nietzsche looked at Hermione who was blowing up like a lion every time. He knew what the other party was going to say. So Hermione, who was robbed of her words, was stunned for a moment. Nietzsche had finished her lines. What should she say?

But what is certain is that she became even more irritated when she looked at Nietzsche who was so indifferent.

"Next time, I won't help you!"

"Ahem... I'll treat you to some ice cream later? Don't forget, wizards must learn, otherwise their lives will be in danger, so Hogwarts will not expel students indiscriminately."

Hermione thought about what Professor McGonagall said before and nodded.

Suddenly she looked at him strangely: "By the way, you won't bring a gun to school, will you?"

Nietzsche put his hands on his cane and was silent for a moment.

"Of course I won't bring it."

Of course he would not take it on his own initiative. If Watson and Sherlock took the initiative and put the Colt revolver in the suitcase while he was not paying attention, then they would have nothing to do with Nietzsche.

"Speaking of which, when you hit someone, you don't use those...magic powers, right?" She squeezed the other person's thin arm and complained, "How can you beat three senior students with a body like yours? "

"Congratulations, Hermione Granger, you finally discovered the blind spot, although I usually call this the 'Force'."

"how did you do that??"

Is she the only one who loses control? !

"I won't tell you. I'm sorry, Hermione. Even in the new school, you can't surpass me." Nietzsche said leisurely, "You used to be number one in the school, just because I didn't transfer to another school."

"Nietzsche! You deserve to have no friends!!"

The boy froze and turned his head stiffly.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Hermione felt a little ashamed. She hesitated and tried to explain that she was just joking, okay...she just took it too casually because she was too excited.

"If you have friends, why bother bothering me with rules every day?"

Damn it, she didn't think she was angry... Nietzsche looked at Hermione's awkward look and smiled heartlessly.

Hermione felt that she was quite patient. After all, she could read an entire dictionary by herself, but for some reason, once she talked to Nietzsche, her patience would be quickly worn out by him.

Grind until not a single bit is left.

"I'm just teasing you. Actually, I don't know why."



Volume 1: Chapter 8 The Unicorn and the Fire Dragon

Five pounds is one gold galleons, which is equal to seventeen silver sigrams and twenty-nine copper naits.

Nietzsche looked at the bag full of galleons in his hand. He had never thought that Watson, whose wallet was controlled by Sherlock and Mary, could actually get the goblins to refuse to exchange pounds for wizard coins.

After all, goblins had no use holding Muggle money, so a limit was set.

"If you stop gambling, maybe we can take down the entire Diagon Alley." Nietzsche said bitterly.

"Happiness is priceless! Son!" Watson puffed out his chest and said righteously for his few hobbies, "Just like you beat so many people, I have never been angry about the compensation. Pass."

It seems reasonable.

Hermione's eyes widened.

So that’s it. No wonder Nietzsche is always good at making excuses for himself. He learned it from his own family?

What a good person, but he went astray... Hermione was heartbroken and vowed to straighten Nietzsche's head, and not let him continue to break school rules and find excuses for herself!

Professor McGonagall led them out of the bank, telling them about the school's lessons.

"Let's buy books first, and then go to Ollivander's to buy a wand." She pulled out the wooden stick that was different in style and pattern from Snape's. "A must-have for wizards, unless you can master wandless casting. "

Casting spells without a wand?

It sounds unusual, just like the highest level of target shooting is that you don't need to hold a gun in your hand.

"You mean the little stick made of fir wood?"

McGonagall was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the Muggle in front of her could see the material at a glance.

"It's not just fir wood, there's also a heartstring of a fire dragon inside... I know that Muggle factories have mass production capabilities, but believe me, every wand cannot be completely reproduced. There are only twin wands, and no two are exactly the same. "

"As if there are no two identical leaves in the world?"

The professor cast an appreciative look at Watson who interrupted.

"I have spoken out in the Muggle world before. Although I haven't been in contact with it for a long time, I don't know how it will develop, but this is basically the truth."

Ollivander's Wand Shop is on the south side, directly opposite Gringotts.

The appearance of this store is more shabby than other stores that sell cauldrons and clothes. The signboards hanging on it seem to be about to fall off at any time, and the golden letters are also peeling off.

It read: House of Ollivanders, made since 382 B.C.


Nietzsche opened the door and was choked by the dust and pungent incense that hit his face.

The shop looked small, with a bench placed in the center of the room. Hermione looked curiously at the wand placed on the purple cushion, while Miss Granger and Mr. and Mrs. Watson followed closely behind.

As for Sherlock Holmes...he doesn't know where he is.

"That...wand...you bought from here?" The boy cast a pitiful look at the two professors.

Sorry, he really couldn't imagine how the wizarding world, separated from human society, could live in such misery. It seemed that the economy was as miserable as England before the implementation of Thatcher's plan.

"Nietzsche!" Hermione secretly pinched the soft flesh around his waist, "Teach me a lesson... It's because you don't respect the teachers that they didn't speak for you."

Professor McGonagall just shook her head and looked at the two of them with some envy in her eyes.

And Snape simply turned a blind eye.

Hey, who doesn’t have a childhood sweetheart? It's a pity that fate plays tricks on people...but fortunately, at least these two freshmen don't have to experience what they experienced in their time.

"Ollivander! We have guests!"

Immediately afterwards, at the end of the room, a "clang" sound came from the corridor where countless small boxes were stored.

The old man known as Ollivander, with skills that were beyond his age, slid down a movable wooden ladder. He also held a pile of sticks in his arms that had not been stored in time, which were probably the raw materials for wands.

When he saw Professor Snape next to McGonagall, he began to feel inexplicably frightened.

"It's the first semester of school so soon." The little old man hunched over, walked quickly to Hermione, and pulled her arms involuntarily, "Which hand do you prefer?"

"Right hand."

"Try this, aspen trees and white river monsters have spines. The clearer your morals are, the stronger they are."

Hermione began to feel confident after listening to some "honest" and "elegant" words, which were obviously tailor-made for herself. Unfortunately, she just blew up the cabinet next to her with a slight wave under the guidance.

The violent explosion frightened the Grangers.

Fortunately, Watson had seen a lot of this kind of thing, and he habitually pulled up his windbreaker to block the flying sawdust for the three of them.

"No, no, change!"

"Cat leopard hair..."

"Werewolf Mao is close to black magic...well, you are also not suitable for black magic..."

Almost trying it one by one, Hermione went from confident at the beginning to embarrassed, hesitant, and finally numb.

Nietzsche was secretly observing from the side and listened to Ollivander's words. It was the wand that chose its owner, and the one must have a matching heart. This not only reminded him of Eastern divination and Gypsy tarot cards.

He looked at the mechanical watch and reminded: "Is there any grapevine wood?"

"Grapevine wood?" Ollivander waved his wand and flew out a box from the messy ruins. "Grapevine wood is matched with dragon heartstrings. To be honest, this kind of wand core is suitable for wizards with strong learning ability."

The amazing thing is that Hermione waved her hand mechanically this time, and only a little strong wave was emitted.

There was no small tornado, and no explosion occurred.

"Perfect!!" Ollivander looked at Nietzsche excitedly like a child, "How do you know she is suitable for vine wood? Generally, people who use this kind of raw material are wizards with lofty aspirations!"

"Am I such a person?" Hermione was a little surprised, "Why don't I know."

"You are just suppressed. If you don't follow the rules..."

Hermione moved a few steps to the side, away from Nietzsche. In her eyes, the other party was like the villain in the superhero comics, thinking about how to use words to seduce others all the time.

She understood that Nietzsche must have changed his strategy:

He wanted to make himself like him!

Unfortunately, Nietzsche didn't know the storm of thought in Hermione's mind, but he got goose bumps when she stared at him.

Hermione Granger's eyes became sharp...

"Sir, which hand do you use?"

"Right hand."

"Try this, laurel wood with the tail hair of the thestrals, deadly, their owners have always acted uprightly, which is completely different from those Slytherins, even for honor, they are aboveboard."

It sounds like a gentleman's wand.

Under the gaze of an old gentleman like Watson, Nietzsche...of course did not succeed.

They are all in the same boat with the Holmes family, and they have nothing to do with uprightness, especially Nietzsche who grew up hearing all kinds of murders.

"Pear wood." Ollivander was not panicked.

Based on the side that Nietzsche showed before, he recommended another wood that is enthusiastic, generous and wise.

Nietzsche touched the wand, but unfortunately, the energy just poured out violently through the pear wood, and the lightning rubbed Ollivander's scalp and flew to the roof, and a thunder exploded in the room.

After trying dozens of wands in succession and Ollivander renovating the house seven times, he finally felt a feeling he had never felt before.

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