And Dumbledore did not disturb them. He whistled happily and hummed a little tune and left. He planned to go see Harry Potter.

"Well... you are a smart man. Let me tell you straight." Quirrell sighed, "I plan to go to Oxford University to meet a friend in August, and I can testify to some pure-blood murders."

Hermione quietly took a cookie from the table.

The sound of the cookie being bitten made Nietzsche and the professor turn their heads and look at her at the same time.

"No, you guys are talking, why are you looking at me?" Hermione was a little embarrassed and hesitantly said, "I had nothing to eat all night and I was hungry in the morning. Is there any problem?"

"No, I just suddenly thought of something." Nietzsche lifted the quilt and sat up.


"I just planned to accompany Miss Granger to the Oxford Library. It seems that it's on the way during the summer vacation."


Volume 1: Chapter 75 Fortunately, God bless Slytherin

Harry finally knew what happened.

At least Dumbledore told him that Quirrell wanted to kill himself and stop Voldemort by his hand, but the headmaster chose to keep it to himself as to whether he was still alive, because he had good reasons to keep it a secret.

A few days later, the report card came out.

"Look! I have one more O (excellent) than you!" The sharp-eyed Hermione jumped and waved her hands when she saw Nietzsche coming up from the basement.

"Nonsense, it's impossible!" Nietzsche didn't believe it.

"I've been waiting here since morning, and I'm the first one to see the report card posted on the notice board." Hermione took his hand and shouted very proudly, "Get out of the way, everyone... Our grade is the second to see the results."

Nietzsche found himself on the list of Slytherin first-year students.

By comparison, he found that he and Hermione only differed by one potion class score, which inevitably made Nietzsche feel that he was being targeted.

"Why are you excellent and I'm E (good)?" Nietzsche rubbed his eyes and shouted, "The final exam is the forgetfulness potion, and I can recite the steps backwards! It must be a conspiracy!"

"Who is the conspiracy behind Hermione? The head of Slytherin?" Lavender said, "That's enough, we are thankful to pass the old bat's hands."

Nietzsche was very unhappy. This must be Snape's revenge. He suddenly understood the dissatisfaction of Slytherin at the beginning-the head of Slytherin did not target Gryffindor.

"You'd better be careful of Granger. For someone who doesn't stay in bed just to see the report card, there is nothing she can't do." Nietzsche poured out his grievances to Hermione's roommates.

Harry was also very happy. At least he didn't have to retake Snape's first-year content.

For the potion exam, Gryffindor generally believes that "passing is victory."

"Hey, Draco, why are you so sad?" Ron leaned over, his eyes on the notice board, and a gloating laugh came out of his throat, "I know... Defense Against the Dark Arts 'D', very bad! Haha!"

"That lunatic---" Draco said with a dark face, pushing the crowd away and leaving here.

"What a pity, why didn't Professor Quirrell give him a 'T' (troll)?"

But this was just a small episode. At the end-of-year banquet in the evening, Nietzsche had forgotten about the results.

The hall was filled with Slytherin's green and silver, and flags with snake patterns were everywhere.

The Slytherins celebrated their seventh consecutive championship. Their cheers were completely different from the quiet and calm atmosphere at the beginning of the school. It seems that this year's Slytherins have a bit of Gryffindor.

Harry was the last one to come. When he came in, he had a photo album in his arms.

"The new year is over. As far as I know, Slytherin is currently leading in points..." Before Dumbledore could finish his words, thunderous screams and applause rang out from the Slytherin table.

Gryffindor and Ravenclaw followed closely behind, and finally Hufflepuff.

"Yeah... that's great, but I think some things that happened recently at the end of the semester need to be taken into account." Dumbledore cleared his throat and turned to the Gryffindor table, "including Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom."

Snape's smile gradually froze, but he finally sighed.

The Gryffindors were so nervous that they stood up and stared at the declaration of Headmaster Dumbledore. They looked very excited. It seemed that they had guessed what the Headmaster was going to say... maybe they could turn defeat into victory?

"Ron Weasley, 50 points for playing the most exciting chess game!"

"Neville Longbottom, for his friends, he never backed down from the dark wizards even though he knew the consequences, 50 points!"

"Harry Potter, for courage and bravery, I want to add 50 points to Gryffindor~"

"And Hermione Granger, for decisiveness and not caring about the differences between colleges, Gryffindor adds 50 points."

This added 200 points, directly surpassing Slytherin. The deafening roar of the lions seemed to blow the roof off the house, especially George and Fred, the two of them even jumped on the table to dance.

Gryffindor surpassed Slytherin by a full 80 points.

But Nietzsche just didn't say anything, raised his glass, shook it towards Hermione, and clinked the glass in the air.

"In addition, we also need extraordinary wisdom and thinking...especially when facing danger, we must distinguish what is the right choice..." Dumbledore waited until Gryffindor finished celebrating. After that, he continued.

This time, he turned around and pointed at Slytherin.

But what's the use? Even if you add fifty points, you can't surpass that group of lions.

Slytherin just glanced at the principal dejectedly and looked at the green banner behind the guest chair, feeling a little unwilling and sad.

"Nietzsche? John Holmes, keen thinking and observation, and the courage to trust others... Sometimes I have to admit that it is not enough to have the courage to face the darkness, we also need to resist!"

"In the process of resistance, we are free, so...Slytherin plus one hundred points."

Snape's head, originally buried in the bowl, suddenly raised his head and looked at Dumbledore in horror - was someone pretending to be the principal of Hogwarts?

The Slytherins were in disbelief.

"One...hundred points?" Theodore twirled his fingers like a fool, "So we overtook Gryffindor and won seven consecutive championships?"

After a long time, the Slytherins burst out with a startling cry. This time, their voices were louder than Gryffindor's before, and this time Dumbledore did not stop them, but sat down.

At this time, Snape immediately grabbed Dumbledore's clothes and pulled him towards him.

"I thought you..."

"Why?" the principal interrupted him, "Does it matter who wins the championship? Points will be deducted for students who violate school rules, and points will be added for doing the right thing. This is normal...Okay, Severus, Be happy."

Nietzsche noticed that Professor McGonagall shook hands with Snape and did not show any unpleasant expression.

It's just that Professor Flitwick looked a little sad, as if he regretted Professor Quirrell's 'sacrifice'.

On the contrary, it was the dean who smiled awkwardly, then looked at the little snakes below who were out of control, and did not stop them, saying nonsense like "pay attention to etiquette".

"It's because of Nietzsche!" Warrington stood up and raised his glass, "Fortunately!"

Fortunately they have Nietzsche Holmes.

In Slytherin, talent is very important, intelligence is also very important, but making the right choice without harming the interests of everyone is the greatest. Now they have seen...

They reached across the pureblood seats and gathered around a Muggle wizard.


"God save the Queen!"

Wait a minute... Did you sneak into some weird celebration?

Theodore, Hubble and others raised Nietzsche up to the same level as the wine glass being held high by everyone.

"Everyone, I'm so lucky to have you...for freedom." Nietzsche smiled happily. He enjoyed the cheers and excitement of the wizards. That emotion infected him, "For the greater Slytherin and Hogwarts." "

These wizards are so simple and can be molded~

By the next day, the wizards' luggage had been automatically cleared, and even the toad that ran into the toilet appeared in Neville's cage. Hagrid took the students on board the wooden boat home and came to Huo Germode Platform.

Nietzsche seemed to have not recovered from his joy. He stared at a "Flower Care Manual" for a long time, and suddenly laughed alone again.

His laughter startled Mercury in his cage.

"I can finally rest for a while." Hermione curled up on the chair like a puddle of mud and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Simple Hermione Granger didn't know what kind of trouble she would be involved in when she returned home.

No matter what, the boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge, let’s get some sleep!

(How could Quirrell die? How could a good man like Fox just make a bad move so casually?)

Volume 1: Chapter 76: Harry, who pretends to be powerful

"If I remember correctly, you are not the kind of person who likes to press flowers." Hermione said without raising her head while holding the book.

The girl's body swayed slightly with the rumble of the train, and the summer sunshine made her brown hair appear orange, like the orange-flavored Bozi soda sold on the street.

After a series of events, Hermione became much calmer than when she first entered school.

"This "Flower Care Manual" was sneaked out of Quirrell's office. It has strict instructions on potted plants and plant specimens... However, the owner of this book is not Quirrell."

Nietzsche tilted the book a little, revealing his gray-blue eyes.

"Let me see...Moriarty..." He turned the book over and faced Hermione, as if showing off his new discovery, "Maybe this is Quirrell's Muggle friend."

Hermione nodded uncertainly and made no response.

The train stopped at King's Cross Station before dinner. Hermione and Nietzsche changed out of their wizard robes in the carriage and corridor respectively, and put on cool short-sleeves and shirts again. To Hermione's surprise, she saw her parents this time.

Granger and Watson were chatting about medical issues, while Mr. Granger and Sherlock were observing the wizards around them.

"They're coming down!" Mrs. Granger first noticed the two little ones carrying the luggage.

Hermione put on a smile, ran as usual, and then flew into Mrs. Granger's arms. She put her arms around her mother's waist... This made Mrs. Granger laugh from ear to ear, so she rubbed Knead the brown hair dumplings.

She certainly missed her mother, especially while at St. Mungo's Hospital.

"How is your stay at school?" Mr. Granger instinctively sensed a clue, but he was not sure.

Hermione carried the luggage herself, held his hand and said, "Everything is fine."

She shook her head at Nietzsche almost imperceptibly, signaling him not to tell her what they had experienced.

This time, there was an extra guard on the partition wall, but he didn't seem to notice that the two families were Muggles. He just kept ordering no more than three people at a time.

"Relax, even if he knows that we are not wizards, he can't do anything." Sherlock turned sideways like a gentleman, "You two go first?"

This trick worked well for Mrs. Granger as she stepped on her husband.

Mr. Granger felt a little aggrieved, so he stepped forward and quickly took off his wife's wool sweater, acting like a gentleman.

"Look, Watson, I said...marriage is a tomb." Sherlock watched the Granger family walk past the load-bearing wall before returning to his mean face, "I've seen your A boring, sad future.”

It's back, it's all back, Nietzsche was so moved.

Saying the most unworthy words in the calmest tone, this is the Sherlock he knows.

"I think Mr. Granger enjoyed it a lot." Watson grabbed Nietzsche's shoulders and forced him to his side. "As for dying should enjoy it by yourself."

When they passed through the wall, there was no fluctuation at all, and Watson just blinked habitually a second before hitting it.

Looking at the station crowded with ordinary people, Nietzsche felt a little relaxed. Before he took two steps, he saw Harry holding an owl cage, standing at the door of the station, following a couple and a fat man in despair. Walk.

The man's eyes were angry, and while talking to Harry, he glanced at passers-by from time to time.

Soon, the little fat man he and his wife were holding suddenly froze in place, daring not to take another step forward.

"What's the matter, baby Dudley?" the woman asked.

"'s him!" Dudley pointed at Nietzsche who was passing by and said hesitantly, "That madman, I saw him coming out of that wall... He was also one of those people. "

Nietzsche grinned, deliberately looking sinister.

But Harry rolled his eyes and waved hello to Nietzsche equally deliberately.

"Go faster!" Vernon bulged his eyes, tugged on Harry's clothes, and shouted angrily, "We don't have time to waste here, and we don't welcome your friends...especially him !”

He watched as Nietzsche approached and pulled Dudley behind him.

Dudley was so scared. He didn't expect that the person who sent him to the hospital before was actually a freak.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley?" Watson looked at the other party's posture with some disdain.

"Your son was expelled, so you sent him to that...that place full of freaks?!" Vernon's face turned red and he was very savage, "Stay away from us."

Sherlock did not participate, but just looked at the Dursleys:

Vernon Dursley was as fat as his son, with no visible neck, and a thick beard. He was very chauvinistic, which was related to his job. He was probably a middle-class person who often talked with people about business;

Petunia Dursley has thick bones and a long face. Judging from her attitude towards her son, she is a professional housewife and is very dependent on her family, almost to the point of... losing herself.

"Is it because of this kind of thing that you transferred to another school?" Watson stared at Dudley for a few seconds and complained.

Penny looked at this gentleman in a top hat with disbelief. She didn't expect that as a parent, he would have such an attitude.

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