Regarding the oddities in dress and behavior, Mrs. Hudson simply ignored them---who doesn't have some quirks?

"Is that gold Galleons?" Hermione pulled Quirrell and whispered in her ear, "But I read the introduction and said that the currency of the wizarding world is not real gold..."

"Don't worry, I used gold galleons to get it from the leprechaun. It's not a trick of the Irish leprechaun."

Quirrell told the other party not to worry.

"Downstairs is Colonel Philips. He likes to be quiet... As long as you don't scare him on purpose, he is a kind person." Mrs. Hudson showed her landlord's appearance, "Looking at you, you don't look like an ordinary person."

It wasn't that she saw through Quirrell's identity, but that he was 'ordinary' in terms of money.

Paying the rent with gold casually, and being very low-key, like the explorer in the movie who goes to the ancient tombs every day to hunt for treasure, sitting on countless money... Mrs. Hudson has already started playing the movie in her mind.

"Are there any taboos?" she continued.

"No, it's all up to you." Chilo said softly, "If you have anything to do, just knock on the door in advance..."

"Oh~ I can understand, no problem." Mrs. Hudson covered her mouth and secretly smiled, "Everyone has their own little secrets. It's normal. The last tenant in your room still liked the same sex. woman.”

Landlord: Wink~

Quirrell's mouth twitched and he just smiled politely.

The room was just above Holmes' house. When I opened the door, I found that the furniture inside was quite complete. It smelled like the late 19th to early 20th century. Most of it was made of wood and covered with a dustproof cloth.

He carefully avoided the cobwebs and dust, and kept his clothes from getting dirty.

"You guys watch first, I'm going downstairs to order some iced juice." Hudson handed over the key.

After she went downstairs, Quirrell immediately snapped his fingers. The dust and dust-proof cloth in the room were blown up by the breeze, and even the leather sofa was brand new due to the cleaning spell.

Hermione was extremely envious - she also wanted to be a neighbor with a professor!

"I...can I come over and ask for something on a regular basis?" she hesitated, "I found some new books at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in Diagon Alley, and I want to preview some new knowledge with you for the next semester. prepare for."

"Of course, Miss Granger..."

It was Nietzsche's turn to be unhappy, and he put his hands in his pockets in protest.

"What's wrong, you didn't plan to come to Baker Street."

"But there is an option to preview." Hermione said proudly, playing a childish word game, "Sorry, I didn't come to Baker Street to play with you, I came to ask Professor Quirrell for advice!"

"Women are so fickle."

"It's 'girl,' Mr. Holmes. Please be careful with your wording."

Seeing the two people bickering again, Quirrell suddenly felt a little funny. He stretched out his waist and threw himself on the sofa like a child. Then he turned sideways and enjoyed his hard-won retirement life.

Because of Voldemort, it's impossible for the wizarding world to show up, but Mrs. Hudson's place is pretty good...

In the next few days, when Nietzsche walked from the bedroom to Quirrell's house with his hazy eyes open, the one who opened the door was Hermione. She never seemed to sleep in, and every time she came, she would hold a lot of Book.

"It's already eleven o'clock. Are you still in aestivation after hibernation is over?" Hermione said.

Nietzsche was standing at the door in his nightgown, holding a plate of biscuits in his hand, which was the 'breakfast' he had just asked Mrs. Hudson for. He yawned lazily, turned sideways, and passed through the gap between Hermione and the door frame. Squeezed in.

The girl touched the top of her head, indicating that his black hair would rise.

But after Nietzsche tried it several times and found that it had no effect, he ignored it and simply let it go. This made Hermione roll her eyes - she was so elegant at school, but even more sloppy when she got home.

"Boring...if only I could use magic."

Nietzsche kicked off his slippers and lay on his side on the plush carpet with his bare feet, scratching his waist like a monkey while talking.

"Can't you go to the table and eat?" Hermione kicked him gently and scolded him harshly, "The crumbs will stain the carpet..."

"There's a plate coming." Nietzsche wiped his hands on his dressing gown a few times, nonchalantly.

He casually pulled Hermione's schoolbag and found an opened Hogwarts envelope inside. In addition to reminding students to take the Hogwarts train back to school on September 1st, it was also a new book list for the second grade.

There are nearly ten books in total, which cost more than twenty gold galleons in total. It is no wonder that the Weasley family is poor.

"In the second grade, you should have started to get in touch with some knowledge of dark creatures." Quirrell poured a cup of coffee for the two of them with his own hands. "If necessary, you can go to the Forbidden Forest to gain some practical experience."

"'Breaking with the Ghost', 'Walking with Ghouls', 'Walking with Trolls', 'A Year with the Tibetan Yeti'... Lockhart... all written by Gilderoy Lockhart, this Is man a big shot?" Nietzsche said.


Quirrell choked on his coffee and beat his chest violently.

"Gilderoy Lockhart." Hermione grabbed the schoolbag and recited the character introduction fluently, "A holder of the third-level Order of Merlin, and a member of the Defense League against the Dark Arts... and has the most charming smile. prize."

She took out a copy of "Magical Me" from her bag. On the cover was a wizard wearing exaggerated and gorgeous clothes, smiling at them with blond wavy hair.

Very handsome...but Nietzsche was always allergic to handsomeness.

Lockhart on the cover showed a row of white teeth and waved hello to him and Quirrell.

"I bought this from Flourish and Blotts Bookstore yesterday..." Hermione raised her eyebrows and said deliberately, "There are not many professors who are handsome and capable."

This sentence annoyed Quirinus Quirrell, and he put down the cup heavily.

"Really?" Quirrell said grimly, "Why doesn't it say the great Gilderoy? Lockhart made the Philosopher's Stone... If I wasn't guarding against the Dark Lord, how could he have a chance to come across this position? "

Nietzsche found that he seemed to be familiar with this person, so he hurriedly asked.

"But if he wasn't powerful, why would Dumbledore appoint a professor?"

"That's because no one dares!" Quirrell also lay down and took a biscuit and put it in his mouth. "You must know that the Dark Lord publicly cursed this position at the time. No one dared to go. No more than one person submitted an application throughout the year. "Hand."

At this time, he looked very proud again, knowing that he was invited by Flitwick and Dumbledore, not out of self-recommendation.

You can tell the high and low at a glance.

"Maybe." Hermione sat on the sofa and put her feet next to Nietzsche's head.

"The new textbooks are all books written by himself. It seems that this is an extremely narcissistic person." Nietzsche pretended not to care, "But it doesn't matter, I understand... Even Granger is unavoidable. into such vulgarity.”

Isn't it just that he is a little more handsome than him? This is only temporary.

"Really? But he has the Order of Merlin, Level 3." Hermione retorted.

Nietzsche couldn't think of anything to refute, so he winked at Quirrell: This man is about to surpass you.

"The third-level medal only recognizes wizards who have 'contributed to the accumulation of knowledge or entertainment.' Besides, now even Fudge can award himself a first-level medal. Reading his book is better than reading the black magic literature directly."

However, there was no need to remind Quirrell that he would speak out because he was really unhappy.

From his words, Nietzsche knew how much water the Order of Merlin held now...

"I temporarily believe that you two are not maliciously slandering me." Hermione took a copy of "Traveling with Vampires" and blocked her sly, fox-like smile. "But the stories he wrote are quite good."

"Story?" Quirrell and Nietzsche looked at each other and sneered disdainfully at the same time.

There's no story like their discovery of the true uses of magic from standard spells.

Of course, it was definitely not because he disliked Lockhart's silly smile with white teeth... Quirrell looked at the cover of "Magical Me" and subconsciously touched his bald head.

I think back then, he also had hair.

Volume 1: Chapter 80 Attack on the Parliament Building

There wasn't much going on in the first half of the summer vacation. Hermione and Nietzsche spent most of the time studying under Quirrell's guidance. The two of them read those Gilderoy Lockhart books almost as stories.

There is only some knowledge about the habits of dark creatures, and it is too scattered. It would be more convenient to listen to Quirrell directly.

And because of the "Regulations on the Abuse of Magic by Underage Wizards", Quirrell also lent his wand to the two little ones, so their application and progress in magic spells was very fast, and their research on the nature of magic was not left behind.

Anyway, Quirrell can cast spells silently and without a wand. Except for necessary complicated spells, he can solve them all with a snap of his fingers.

It was not until mid-August that Nietzsche received the good news from Mr. Weasley.

It was about the eavesdropping plan. He said that the operation was successful because some information about sizing up Malfoy was recorded, so Nietzsche also found a small piece of tape in the yellow kraft paper envelope.

The sound inside is very small, but at least you can still hear a general idea:

"Joseph, how are things going with the Muggle side?" A voice so cold and toneless came from the tape recorder.

"Those MPs and ministers who wanted to kick us out of the Muggle industry have been dealt with... Are you sure you want to do this? Kick out the entire parliament?"

The man called Joseph hesitated.

"It's the Muggles themselves who are dog-eat-dog. It's enough to ensure the land of the Malfoy family... Dobby, Dobby! The damn house elf... I don't know where he went."

Hermione, Sherlock, and Nietzsche gathered in a circle, and they heard a series of curses.

After taking a breath, he heard Malfoy continue: "By the way, your son has been having a hard time at school recently. I heard from Xiaolong that there is something wrong with the Slytherin trend in the school recently..."

"What the hell, they are a bunch of young brats. Without Dumbledore's protection, they still have to do things against us. Well, Arthur went to your house with a search warrant before and didn't notice this, right?" "

"Hmph, it was just for some dark magic items, I would have given them away a long time ago..." Malfoy sneered several times.

Then the recorder made a few crackling sounds of firewood and then went silent. Nietzsche knew that it was the effect of Floo powder.

It was over here. Although the pure blood was very cautious and seldom interacted with each other, some details could still be found out. Sherlock listened back and forth several times before confirming the pure blood's motive.

"I'm afraid it's not just the Prime Minister. Those people in the Four Holy Temples know about the existence of wizards, and they know it very well... I'm afraid the previous British Lord Chancellor wanted to cut off the feet of pure blood from Wiltshire."

"Joseph... Quirinus, do you know this person?"

Quirrell thought about it and let his brain, which was active again, work again.

"I have some impression. It seems that he is the head of the Flint family. I have heard the Dark Lord mention many names." He was not sure, "I haven't fought him either, so I don't know the details of the other party..."

"What is their relationship with the Ministry of Magic?" Sherlock immediately threw out the second question.

"If you want to know the politics of the Ministry of Magic, you should look through the introduction of the ministers of the past." He let a book fly out of Nietzsche's bedroom, "One of the Flint family is a minister and the other is the wife of the former headmaster."

Very close... No, not just "close", it should be a part of the Ministry of Magic.

Many places on the book introducing the Ministry of Magic were filled with Nietzsche's red ink. Sherlock looked at his son and said nothing.

He also knew one thing: about Nietzsche's things in Hogwarts, combined with the books he was interested in recently, he was afraid that a little detective would not be able to satisfy him, so he was the administrator of the magic world?

From the ministers of the past, we can see many familiar surnames - Flint, Parkinson, Rawl...

All Death Eater preparation families.

Especially when the Parkinson family was the minister, it was forbidden for Muggles and wizards to marry, and Minister Flint made a statement that "Muggle new tools will interfere with wands."

No wonder the Dark Lord chose pure blood back then, at least he could instantly control most of the resources and voice of the Ministry of Magic, but unfortunately he took a wrong step and died at the hands of Harry Potter's parents.

"I know what you are thinking... But even if I can accuse anyone, the Ministry of Magic will not hand the other party over to the Muggle government. Quirrell feels sorry and regretful for this.

This move, Moriarty made the first move after all, so he is ahead temporarily.

If the Ministry of Magic does not hand over the people, then it is also possible that the governments of the two worlds will start to become enemies.

For a moment, everyone fell silent, but Hermione suddenly smelled a hint of smell, and she thought of Thomas Rosslan's motive-to take back the Malfoy family's land in Wilshire.

"He is the Chief Justice, who has the ability to use the law and authority to forcibly take it back... We can completely fulfill his "last wish." Her rational logic is like a deadly poisonous blade.

There is no need to stab into the heart, just a slight scratch on the skin is enough.

Sherlock was very appreciative, as if he found the shadow of someone in her. He began to look at the girl again, and the position he estimated in his heart was slightly higher.

"Good sense of smell, if you are not a wizard, your achievements will not be small." He said, "Now I can understand why Nietzsche let you be an assistant. "

So at the end of August, on the morning when the Houses of Parliament were about to announce the end of the first half of the Parliament, Hermione didn't even have time to eat breakfast. She put on a plaid shirt and a baseball cap and went out.

The Grangers didn't know their daughter was going to face a terrorist attack, and thought she was going to play with Nietzsche again.

The Houses of Parliament in the United Kingdom are the Palace of Westminster, located in the center of London, England. Together with the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Admiralty, they are all near Whitehall, and today is the time for Joseph Flint to take action.

"But how do we get in?" Hermione stood in the Victoria Tower Gardens, which is open to the public, and looked at the members of various departments in formal attire, and couldn't help feeling panic.

It's hard to imagine that once these people died, Britain would be directly paralyzed.

For this problem, Quirrell just took out a complicated floor plan and stretched out his two hands, motioning them to grab it.

"Apparition... This is a compulsory part of the ultimate wizard assessment." Quirrell said confidently, "It may not be comfortable for the first time, so I told you not to eat breakfast, hold on tight. "

There was only a 'pop' sound.

It was as if someone clapped their hands hard in their ears, and then Nietzsche and Hermione felt a squeeze, as if they had turned into rubber bands and were forced into a pipe.

But it was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, the four of them arrived inside the Palace of Westminster.

Nietzsche covered his mouth, and his stomach seemed to churn.

"Although Mycroft can't get us in, he can get... uh... the floor plan." Sherlock was also a little dizzy, holding the wall with both hands, "As long as we have precise coordinates, we can get in."

"If I don't know the location and thickness of the wall, we will be stuck in the wall." Quirrell explained.

His voice was a little trembling, but not as bad as the other three, after all, he was used to the side effects of Apparition.

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