‘Just for commemoration.’ Nietzsche said silently while lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

Volume 1: Chapter 95 So they closed their eyes

The rainy days in the UK are more suitable for the dinner on Halloween Eve.

At this time, the professors always prepare some candies. Of course, if someone is not afraid of death, they can also try to ask Snape for it... The professor will give it, but there is no guarantee that there will be no laxatives mixed in.

In the Great Hall, Dumbledore rarely took out his snack bowl.

He and the other deans were happily distributing candies to each little wizard, but every time it was his turn to share the cockroach pile, the wizards would scatter.

So Dumbledore could only eat chocolate cockroaches alone.

“I’m sure the calibration will not be finished.” Nietzsche said at the door.

"Hey! Look here!" Colin suddenly jumped out from behind the door of the auditorium and raised the camera on his neck, "Cheese!"

The magnesium powder began to burn, emitting dazzling white light and smoke. With a "click", the photo slipped out from the bottom, but Hermione looked embarrassed and angry, and the frightened look just now was all in the photo.

But at this time, Colin had been called over by others.

"You are laughing... what are you laughing at!" Hermione hit him, "Tell me! Did you do it on purpose."

"What does it have to do with me?" Nietzsche seemed innocent, "Didn't Colin always want to thank you? Besides... he just took a photo out of kindness."

But Hermione didn't completely believe his words, and kept a watchful eye in her heart.

Although Nietzsche never liked taking pictures and had no reason to need Colin, it did not rule out that he wanted to deliberately make fun of him.

Suddenly, there were several screams from the front of the Slytherin table, and several little wizards ran away with pumpkin lanterns and candy baskets. Snape showed a sinister smile, which was simply a vampire more Dracula than Dracula.

Lockhart, who was walking among the professors and students, was wearing a gorgeous red dress.

"Bad..." Nietzsche glanced at Lockhart and suddenly said.


"It's far worse than Snape's imitation. It doesn't have the charm of a vampire at all."

Hermione compared the two professors and could only cover her mouth and laugh... Indeed, when it comes to vampires, Professor Snape is still better.

"Is it possible... Professor Snape is not acting at all?" She laughed so hard that she almost couldn't breathe.

"What?" Nietzsche pretended to be frightened and said in surprise, "It seems that the old dean is a natural actor and doesn't need makeup... The vampire's indifference and disgust for the world have been melted into his bones."

At this time, Mercury threw a piece of letter paper from the air.

In addition to the greetings from the Grangers and Peanuts, there was also a photo attached.

Hermione's heart almost jumped out of her chest, because the photo showed a hanged man: Sherlock Holmes was hung to death by a rope on the top of the beam, with lifeless eyes and messy hair.

Nietzsche took over and turned the photo over expressionlessly.

'Merry Christmas, I say hello to John Watson on behalf of the hanged Sherlock. '

"He is simulating those murders and prisoners who escaped from the gallows." Nietzsche was not only amused, "He's used to it, this is his hobby."

"It's really...special..." Hermione's mouth twitched.

Lockhart raised his head proudly, stood in the middle of the crowd, and pulled Harry and Colin who were hiding. The two of them had bitter faces and dared not raise their heads. They could only let the professor pull them to the front of the guest of honor.

At this time, Nietzsche found that he dared to provoke Snape.

"Hahaha, Severus, why didn't you even change your clothes? Oh, you never change your clothes, do you?"

If Colin and Harry hadn't been pressed on their shoulders, they would have turned around and ran away.

What kind of fool is this who dares to provoke the most terrifying person in Hogwarts.

"Ouch! My cockroach pile!" Dumbledore looked at Lockhart who came over and accidentally knocked over his candy bowl.

The black cockroaches crawled all over the teacher's desk, each of which was six or seven centimeters long, and Snape just clenched his fists and endured those disgusting candies crawling away from him.

He waited until Lockhart ran away from the guest of honor seat screaming, and then took out his wand to clean it up.

Now even the Hufflepuff students couldn't stand it anymore-couldn't Professor Lockhart see that the deans were very annoyed?

Colin and Harry took advantage of the opportunity created by Dumbledore and immediately ran away from Lockhart. They picked up a wizard hat from the table and put it on their heads. They dived into the crowd and immediately disappeared from each other's sight.

"Come here!" Lavender stood on a chair, waving and shouting.

It was impossible to tell which college the people on the long table were from, because it was full of people of all kinds. Gryffindor and Slytherin were playing wizard chess, while Cedric was chatting with Wood and Warrington.

This Halloween party seemed to have turned into a salon here.

"Granger! My dad said you were sitting with the Muggle Queen at the time." Cedric said excitedly, "Do you want to be the Queen of England in the wizarding world?"

"What are you talking about?" Hermione said with raised eyebrows.

The idea was good and attractive, but she didn't want to spread some inexplicable remarks.

"It's George and Fred. They speculated based on the Daily Prophet..."

"You two!!" Before he could finish speaking, Hermione stood up immediately, pointed at the noses of the Weasley twins and said, "If you keep talking nonsense, I will tell Mr. Filch your night tour route! "

"Yes~ Your Majesty, we were wrong~" George and Fred fled to the other side, making funny faces.

Hermione's sharp attitude made Cedric immediately shut up and withdraw his curiosity.

But he was not idle either. Instead, he turned his attention to Nietzsche. He was holding a piece of butterbeer that he got from nowhere, and his mouth seemed to be unable to hold any words.

"I think you should always be crushed." Cedric said honestly.

"I thought you should be an honest person, but I didn't expect you..." Nietzsche was a little helpless.

"Hey! That's because you don't know it. We all can see the relationship between the two of you. Of course, I support you... At least Hufflepuff won't stop you..."

Cedric liked the current Slytherin very much, instead of talking about bloodline theory all day long.

Well, in fact, he himself also likes a witch from Ravenclaw House, and the relationship between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff is a little better than that between snake and lion... but that's all.

So he desperately wanted to find an 'ally'.

At this time, Cedric saw Miss Granger take out her wand and point it at the Weasley twins who were running away. The two were immediately caught. He looked at the girl who pointed at them and scolded them and swallowed. Throat.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione raised her smile again after warning George and Fred.

She apologized a little and combed her curly hair in a panic, but it was too late, Cedric had already seen another side of her. To be precise, it should be the most real side.

That smile seemed particularly terrifying amidst the screams the armors made, which sounded like fingernails scraping on a blackboard.

"Just now, Senior Cedric..."

"No! No... nothing!" Cedric immediately covered Nietzsche's mouth, held the butterbeer, and ran away screaming like a girl.

By the way, Nietzsche reminded him - what kind of witch is Qiu Zhang?

However, the most popular person on Halloween is not the coquettishly dressed Lockhart, nor Nietzsche and Hermione, but Colin Creevey, the only one with a camera. Wherever he goes, the crowd follows him.

Soon, the little film he had prepared was almost used up.

Dumbledore suddenly stood up, waved his wand, and extinguished the candles in the Great Hall, leaving only a few jack-o-lanterns.

"To celebrate, I specially invited a skeleton dance troupe this year!"

On the platform that was used to sort the courtyards in front of the guest of honor, several skeletons and various musical instruments suddenly appeared. They were beating drums and playing strings, attracting everyone's attention.

Lockhart ignored the obstruction and walked to the skeletons with the transformed violin.

"I'm going back to change a roll of film." Colin pushed past the people and walked toward the door.

The moment Hermione looked towards the stage, he winked at Nietzsche.

By the way, I can help you develop the photos~

Volume 1: Chapter 96 Halloween, but the second week

"Digory, Diggory, why did you lend the pitch to the Slytherin team for training?"

"I don't care, this year's Gryffindor team must win a championship, even if Slytherin wins the Academy Cup nine times in a row, it doesn't matter!"

After a few glasses of butterbeer, Gryffindor Wood began to forget himself... Although butterbeer had no alcohol, the ups and downs of the noisy crowd's music was very intoxicating.

Cedric couldn't refute, so he could only sit on the chair with a red face, his hands helplessly rubbing his trouser legs.

The Gryffindor students were not bored because Harry went to attend the death anniversary dinner. Even Hermione had to put on a smile and deal with the curious wizards.

"Penelope Crevat of Ravenclaw." A witch with long hair came over, and Percy followed her like a follower. She said in a friendly way, "Our dean always likes Mention you,"

Hermione followed Nietzsche's example and looked the other person up and down.

In terms of attitude, he is not as arrogant as Ravenclaw, but rather generous and a little humorous.

"Penello is the most outstanding prefect in Ravenclaw," Percy said.

But no one paid attention to the identity he deliberately named. Even Penello just nodded casually.

"What's the matter?" Hermione calmly directed a glass filled with juice to float in front of the two of them, "I don't think you will come to compete with me for 'Dean Ravenclaw's favorite student'?" ?”

"Of course not, I'm just curious about your study group...it seems like they don't just communicate about studying."

Penello glanced at the classmates who were shouting around the dining table.

Because of the argument between Warrington and other Quidditch players, the atmosphere gradually spread to other tables, causing the remaining wizards to lean in unconsciously, as if there was some force pulling them.

Nietzsche noticed that Percy's eyes always stayed on the Ravenclaw prefect.

"Don't you think this is what Hogwarts should be like?" He took over for Hermione and said with a smile, "Competition is just a way of connecting. Normally, we can still choose our own friends."

Nietzsche originally wanted to shake Penello's hand, but unexpectedly Percy shook it first.

Hmm... It seems that he is possessive and has a strong affection for Penello.

"As long as you don't violate school rules, that's enough." Percy leaned over and lowered his voice and said, "If it's convenient, help me keep an eye on George and Fred. I recently wanted to find some evidence to complain to my mother. They're a piece of cake."

What a good brother~

At this time, Hermione was pulled aside by another group of witches.

Four or five heads came close to her, and Hermione could even smell the fragrance of the shampoo on her friends' hair.

"Where are you now?"

"I don't understand..." Hermione was as slow as an old man when faced with the sudden question.

"Percy is chasing Penello now, just like you are chasing Nietzsche." Parvati said, "So are you holding hands, or...after all, you have known each other for so many years."

Hermione just rolled her eyes and said "no."

But this answer can't satisfy the desire of people like them - as roommates, they can no longer bear the giggles that Hermione makes from time to time while hiding in bed.

"This 'no', does it mean 'things are not going well between you', or does it mean 'you don't like him at all'?" Lavender tilted her chair back and put her legs on the table, looking very cool. .

Hold on, Granger... Hermione thought to herself.

The more she pressed, the more she couldn't mess with her hands and feet first, especially when facing this kind of lion that feeds on 'gossip', so Hermione took a few deep breaths and relaxed.

"I only have one question - why don't you ask Nietzsche to take the initiative?"

*Hermione launched her trump card: grafting new ideas onto others.

*The test is successful and the effect is outstanding.

Yes, even if Hermione and Nietzsche are really what these people guessed, then why didn't the other party take the initiative? You must know that she is a lady... and this is not inconsistent with the seriousness of the 'little personality'.

Now, it was Hermione's turn to question Lavender and the others.

"Well..." Lavender thought for a while, but didn't seem to think there was anything wrong.

"Is there a possibility, and I mean possibility." Hermione suppressed her racing heartbeat and said calmly, "Maybe I'm waiting for some guy who calls himself a 'gentleman' to take the initiative?"

Innocence doesn't matter anymore, she just wants to take revenge.

Hermione just wanted to watch them stare at each other, but she was speechless and helpless... How pleasant, she seemed to understand the mental state of people like Irene Adler.

In fact, Hermione's position was misplaced, because she often behaved very strongly, so they subconsciously placed Hermione on the active side.

But from a traditional perspective, Hermione is right...

"Love is war, and taking the initiative means surrender!" Parvati said suddenly, "You are right... As expected of Hermione Granger, who can easily see through the essence of things. Don't worry, we will help you. of!"

"Right, so...ah? Help me?"

Hermione felt as if a rock had been moved and hit her feet.

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