"You little bastard, you're going to pay for this!" He ran towards Draco frantically, waving the broomstick in his hand.

"I didn't break any school rules!" Draco took a few steps back and said calmly.

"No! You're talking too loudly... No loud noises in the corridor." Filch grabbed his collar and yelled, "I'm the castle manager here, I'm going to tell the headmaster... Say you insulted the staff!"

Crazy, Filch has gone completely crazy.

Draco just said a few harsh words and ran to the second floor to avoid being hit by the broomstick.

At this time, the bell rang, and Filch could only watch Draco hide in the History of Magic classroom, and he was so angry that he jumped at the door.

History of Magic is recognized as the most boring class in Hogwarts, but it's okay for Nietzsche. Today, everything in the class is the same as usual, but every few seats you can see someone holding a copy of "Hogwarts: A History".

Obviously, it has become a hot commodity during this period.

"Today, let's learn about the International Wizarding Conference of 1289..." Professor Binns read the text in a dry, monotonous voice.

But what happened recently destined this magical history class to be not silent.

"Professor!" Theodore raised his hand.

"Don't ask about the 'Chamber of Secrets'!" Binns seemed to have expected their actions and said impatiently, "I have already told Gryffindor this story in the last class, a ridiculous story."

Seeing Theodore withdraw his hand in dismay, Draco was very proud.

He quickly mocked: "Aren't you familiar with Gryffindor? Why don't you ask them?"

The pro-pure-blood faction launched a blitzkrieg against the non-pure-blood faction. Faced with the continuous voices, the latter could only keep silent. They had never been so eager for Professor Binns to stand up and maintain order in the classroom.

However, the ghost professor just drooped his face and continued to talk about his own International Wizarding Conference.

"Did you see the writing on the wall? The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. You Slytherin traitors will be cleaned up by the heirs." Blaise Zabini said arrogantly.

"This is Slytherin. You guys who are disloyal should get out, right?"

The half-blood wizards led by Theodore Nott were defeated under such a fierce attack.

"Salazar Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets will release a monster. It will clean up all of you who are not worthy of learning magic!" Draco's words made those people dare not speak out.

Finally, Nietzsche could no longer bear it. He couldn't bear to see his hard work start to show signs of decline because of some rumors, so he stood up without signaling.

This surprised Binns a little, and his eyes moved away from the rigid text.

"Mr. Holmes, I know what happened recently, but now it's class time..."

"No, professor, I want to hear about Salazar Slytherin." He raised his head slightly and looked down at Draco in his seat, "I don't believe a founder would be so despicable."

"Salazar was forced away by other founders because of this! But I think he did the right thing. Muggle-born wizards are unreliable..." Draco said in a low voice.

With Nietzsche's words, the atmosphere in the classroom became sharp again.

Professor Binns sighed, took off his glasses tremblingly, and looked at this student who was always very quiet with his cloudy eyes... He is very smart, isn't he?

Because he just wanted to know about the founder of Slytherin, not to listen to those ethereal stories.

"Salazar Slytherin... It's really nostalgic. I still remember that he invited me with joy." Binns' voice was as slow as a tractor, "People have too many misunderstandings about him, really..."

At this point, the professor made a move that surprised many students-covering the book.

"So the rift between Salazar Slytherin and the other founders was because of the problem of magic education?" Nietzsche said.

"That's what reliable historical data says..." Binns hesitated, but still said it.

His words seemed to be an acknowledgment of Draco, which greatly suppressed the momentum of the non-pure blood faction.

Because the founder of Slytherin was like this, according to this, their current actions are indeed contrary to the original intention of the founder, so a small number of people began to doubt their own "position":

Are they really trying to make Slytherin better?

"Historical data are written by people, and we can't know whether there are subjective ideas of the author in them." Nietzsche leaned on the table and said word by word, "Professor, you are the one... who is still alive."

Professor Binns trembled, he was stared at by Nietzsche's gray-blue eyes, and was a little dazed.

Is he still alive?

Isn't he just a ghost who is not completely dead?

"Salazar Slytherin personally invited you to be the professor of magic history, which shows that you have a good relationship with him, he trusts you very much! Admire you!" Nietzsche's voice was not loud, but it still shocked him.

Countless rumors have turned Slytherin into a villain who focuses on bloodline.

But the Sorting Hat has never said that Slytherin does not accept half-bloods and Muggle wizards, which makes him completely different from the "madman" in the world's impression.

"You are a history professor, and only you have experienced that era... So, tell me about it." Nietzsche handed over the right to choose.

Bins looked around the classroom and suddenly felt strange when he looked at the students below.

How many years have I not raised my head to look at these students seriously.

Hundreds of years? Thousands of years?

"In that era, ordinary people were afraid of magic, so wizards suffered a lot of persecution, but although Salazar hated those Muggles, he was very tolerant of Muggle wizards and never opposed them to come to study."

"Regarding the cracks in magic education... It's not like that, at least I heard that Salazar didn't mean that..."

Bins paused, as if because of Nietzsche's words, he returned to the era when he still had a physical body.

How funny he was at that time, how popular he was with Salazar and the students~

"In fact, he thought that wizards couldn't just hide like this. For Muggles... He actually had some extraordinary ideas, such as establishing a new regime, but this would inevitably lead to war, which was also painful for Muggle wizards."

"But Salazar didn't force Muggle wizards to make a choice. He just picked out the students in his own college, so those wizards without ambition and ideals were thrown to other founders."

"But Godric was not a fool. He quickly saw through Salazar's ideas, so the two began to quarrel."

This is normal. After all, in that era when Muggles and wizards were in opposition, Slytherin would not easily let a wizard without ambition follow him to study.

And the wizards didn't know about this, and could only guess the reason for Slytherin's departure through their own imagination.

The story of Professor Binns unfolded in front of everyone. In this huge and complete biography of Salazar Slytherin, Draco's blitz seemed to be useless.

So Nietzsche launched a counterattack without hesitation.

"So Slytherin never thought of cleaning up the school?" Nietzsche said with narrowed eyes.

"Of course not! This rumor is simply an insult to Hogwarts!" Professor Binns couldn't help but pound the podium, blowing his beard and glaring, saying, "He founded Hogwarts for the students."

What is this feeling?

Binns guessed... This should be the "anger" that he had experienced for a long time.

Volume 1: Chapter 99 Salazar Slytherin said

Nietzsche always dealt with his enemies in this way.

He was like an experienced hunter, able to accurately grasp the opponent's weaknesses, and then implement different means according to his mood and objective influences.

"Impossible! Slytherin was forced to leave, he must have left something behind..." Draco was still stubborn after facing the facts, "Maybe that magic monster is to protect the purity of the bloodline!"

"Impossible?" Binns was so angry that he laughed, "I am the same age as Hogwarts, I tell you... Salazar may not be a good person in today's moral values, but he is definitely not a bad person."

He sternly ordered Draco to shut up, not wanting to hear any rumors that discredit Slytherin.

Nietzsche could clearly analyze from the professor's mouth that Salazar Slytherin did not believe that Muggle wizards were not worthy of learning magic and was unwilling to accept Muggle wizards like the pure-blooded ones.

He had to do this... because being entangled with those Muggles who opposed wizards would only disrupt his ideals.

But Headmaster Dumbledore admitted the existence of the Chamber of Secrets, so what was the real intention of the terrifying creatures that Slytherin kept in captivity in the rumors?

Was it a biological weapon prepared privately for the ideal new regime?

Nietzsche looked at the deflated pro-pureblood faction, but he didn't feel relieved. He had to punish them.

So after class, he stayed...

"Anything else you want to ask?" Binns only half stayed in the classroom.

"I don't understand. Since the historical data recorded are not so objective, why don't you write a biography about Slytherin?" Nietzsche said, "Do you just watch your former friend become so evil in people's hearts?"

However, Binns was a loyal academic. When he was alive and after his death, he taught with historical data recorded by others.

But when Nietzsche mentioned this today, he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

"It's too late..." Professor Binns was busy organizing his notes, "Who would believe what an old ghost said?"

Speaking of which, he was also very guilty.

He was invited by Slytherin to become a professor, but in the end he failed to preserve the other party's dignity.

He looked at Nietzsche and sighed, feeling very uncomfortable... In fact, he could understand the student's thoughts. He didn't agree with him, but at least he wouldn't oppose it.

"Yes, you are the only professor in this college who has been there since the school was founded. Your presence can curb those rumors." Nietzsche took a step forward and whispered softly, "Slytherin is definitely not an evil or stingy person."

"This... I can only talk about this in class..." The professor had no good solution.

"We can write a biography, a story about Salazar Slytherin. Are you going to let such ridiculous rumors be taken as facts?"

Of course not!

A great founder of Hogwarts turned into a dark wizard who proposed the theory of pure blood and wished those Muggles and half-blood wizards to die before leaving the school...a madman comparable to the Dark Lord?

Binns's soul, which has been buried in the dust of the years, seems to have felt the call of history.

who is he?

He is a professor of history of magic!

"You're right, students shouldn't waste their energy on the so-called 'clean school' argument... No problem! If you don't understand, you can come to me at any time!" Binns agreed smoothly.

But here comes the question, what is the name of this biography?

Professor Binns had just left for a while when he suddenly stuck his head out of the blackboard again.

"How about "The Legend of Slytherin"?" He expressed his slightly old-fashioned idea.

"Professor, what people are afraid of is Slytherin's radical, ultra-era thought, which is something that cannot be touched...it cannot just be said to be a biography." Nietzsche did not laugh at him, but thought about it seriously,

"Then...what do you think it should be called?"

"We are telling it through Slytherin's mouth, so let's call it "Thus Spoke Salazar Slytherin"."

"So...Okay! Let's call it this!" Binns muttered while getting into the wall, "Yes, he is talking, we are just recording what he said."

Nietzsche walked out of the classroom and stood in the circular corridor of the castle, showing a satisfied smile under the sunlight through the glass.

Since the pure-blood faction likes to talk about Slytherin House and Slytherin, then he will punish him severely and let the world see who is the real 'traitor'.

But even Nietzsche himself did not know that one day in the future, those pure-bloods would be forced into desperation because of this book. When Draco thinks back to that day in the history of magic class in 1992, he will feel deeply fear.

As a result, Hermione began to see Nietzsche often in the library.

At noon on this weekend, many people were huddled together in the auditorium to keep warm and rarely walked alone, so Hermione tiptoed and gently moved behind Nietzsche, stretching her head to peek at what he was writing furiously.

The table is covered with yellow kraft paper, and against the wall are books such as "A History of the School" and "Outstanding Wizards of Ancient Times".

She noticed that Nietzsche seemed to be writing a novel, and there was an opening sentence casually left aside:

'When Salazar Slytherin was thirty years old, he left the swamp of his hometown and ran to the mountains. He and like-minded wizards created Hogwarts, where he could enjoy the wizarding world to his heart's content. Loneliness. ’

'For ten years, he had no reason to be tired, until one day he changed his mind - one dawn morning...'

"He said to the sun: 'Great Sun, if the people you illuminate are gone, will you still feel happy?'" Hermione couldn't help but read this wonderful sentence.

"If there were no snake, no eagle, no badger, no lion like me on this lonely mountain, you would definitely feel bored on your journey of light... I need to bring this gift to everyone."

Nietzsche suddenly dropped his quill, gathered all the unfolded drafts on the table into his arms, and then lay half of his body on them.

He didn't expect Hermione to come.

"I thought Slytherin was the kind of dictator who was full of prejudices." She put her hands behind her back and stuck out her tongue playfully.

"That was before, not from now on," Nietzsche said angrily.

Being peeked at and being watched while reciting were completely different feelings. He just wanted to run to the bathroom and wash his face with cold water, but Hermione moved a chair and sat on him as if nothing was wrong. next to.

It looked like she was just sitting here and not ready to let Nietzsche go.

"Aha, I thought you were going to challenge the monster in the Chamber of Secrets alone." Hermione reached out and grabbed the paper from his arms and continued to read, "Why did you suddenly write a biography about Slytherin?"

"This is a weapon!" Nietzsche's ears turned red and he shook the manuscript paper in his hand. "This is a weapon for killing one's heart."

"But who are you going to show it to? Would the publishing house like the work of a... student who has not graduated?"

Hermione had been on tenterhooks for several days because of his previous actions, so when she really faced Nietzsche now, she naturally lost her good looks and her attitude was very unfriendly.

It’s as if Nietzsche is saying: Hey! Let me borrow your Potions homework and copy it.

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