His keen intuition told him that magic cannot be accomplished by waving a magic wand and reciting a spell.

Volume 1: Chapter 10 I am fire! car! king!

Self-study is ultimately limited.

So Nietzsche went to Granger's house, so that he was not self-taught.

"Chapter 15 of "Defense Against the Dark Arts" contains the 'Definition of Dark Arts'. This is the most boring book I have ever read. I really don't know how you can continue reading it."

Hermione was sitting in the living room, drinking black tea and looking at the gradually turning yellow leaves in the yard, with a copy of "Hogwarts: A School History" covering her knees.

"So you are a practical person now?" Nietzsche felt the aroma of black tea and the sweetness of honey spreading on the tip of his tongue, as lazy as a cat, "Although "Defense Against the Dark Arts" is all theory, it is all basic. ”

However, this theoretical book written by Wilbert Slinka was not popular at all among the wizarding community.

However, it can be seen from the "Theory and Origin of Defense" in the second chapter that this book is too metaphysical, like a lighthouse floating in the sky, so it is no wonder that it is not popular.

However, Nietzsche felt that it was a good idea to enrich the magical foundation of Muggle wizards.

"Anti-jinxes are just to make jinxes easier for people to accept...so offensive curses are considered dark magic." He turned to the chapter Hermione said and began to read the uninteresting words.

In Chapter 15, the author even makes it clear that wizards should not use offensive and defensive magic.

"But some defensive spells are also jinxes, curses, and poison spells. What about your wand?"

Unicorn hair, while stable, cannot cast powerful spells with dark magic properties. This obvious shortcoming prevents this wand from being overly powerful.

But Nietzsche was not as worried as Hermione.

"It just means I can't use it too smoothly. Don't forget about white magic and standard spells."

"It doesn't matter, my wand can control these defensive spells." Hermione said arrogantly, "No big deal, if you are bullied in the future, just come to me... After all, I am one year older than you."

Nietzsche's eye twitched.

Hell, when will school start again? He couldn't stand Hermione looking like a victorious peacock anymore.

Her competitiveness was stronger than Nietzsche imagined.

He climbed from the sofa to Hermione, grabbed a handful of biscuits and stuffed them into her mouth.

"I can't even stop your mouth from eating."

But Mrs. Granger happened to come to the living room at this time, planning to call the two of them for dinner. She was a little surprised when she saw Hermione and Nietzsche grabbing each other's wrists and twisting each other on the sofa.

"Although I didn't mean to disturb you two...but..." she looked at her daughter and said, "But at least you can't be seen by your parents, right?"

Hermione: "Mom! It's all Nietzsche's fault!"

Nietzsche: "It's all Hermione's fault!"

The two stared at each other, then turned their heads away one after another.

The days flew by as the two chatted. In the early morning of September 1st, Nietzsche and Hermione arrived at King's Cross Station in the envelope, and were looking for 'Platform 9?'.

Like a headless fly, Hermione dragged her luggage from beginning to end without seeing the 9° sign.

"Do you think a wizard who is isolated from the world would hang a sign on a road that is full of ordinary people?" Nietzsche looked around, "There are four pillars at each platform..."

Hermione suddenly came to her senses and answered: "So it's the first pillar of platform nine?"

"It should be right."

But here comes a new question: How do they get in?

Nietzsche was carrying a birdcage, and he followed Hermione as he looked helplessly at the four support columns of Platform 9. After a while, Hermione even began to doubt Nietzsche's reasoning.

But fortunately, reinforcements showed up.

"It's all Muggles here..."

A short, chubby woman was talking to four red-haired boys, all of whom had an owl, followed by a red-haired girl.

Muggle...the word immediately cheered up the two of them.

So both the Granger family and the Watsons saw the four boys pushing their suitcases, crashing into the dividing pillar between platforms nine and ten, and then disappeared.

Ah ha, they found it!

"So, I...leave?" Nietzsche turned his head and looked at the Watsons.

"Go! Be safe!" Watson raised his eyebrows towards his suitcase and coughed deliberately. "If you need help, open your treasure box."

There was a little less sadness between them than the Grangers.

It's just that Mary and John Watson simply thought that it would be a blessing if their children could be more settled and not cause any trouble on the first day of the new school.

Hermione looked behind her, then back at her parents.

She felt a lot more uneasy than Nietzsche. You know, it is somewhat unfair to adults and children for a twelve-year-old child to stay away from the city and go to a truly 'strange' world.

"I'll be back at Christmas."

If Mrs. Granger hadn't wanted to let Hermione out of her sight if it weren't for the fact that the magic in her daughter's body would lead to life-threatening problems.

"Protect yourself, and don't let your relationship with your classmates get too bad..."

While his wife was warning his daughter, Mr. Granger didn't say much.

After he hugged Hermione gently, he turned around again, took Nietzsche's shoulder and whispered: "You know...she is not good at interpersonal relationships, so if anything happens, you can write and tell her I'll be fine."

Mr. Granger knew Hermione's personality.

If she encounters any grievance, she will definitely hide it in her heart.

Although this is very common in the adult world, as his daughter, there can be "one" small exception.

“Be like a man and don’t let a lady get in your way.”

"This is actually the definition of capital society, Watson, don't forget the 'vanishing bride' case." Nietzsche said in a rough voice, imitating Sherlock's demeanor and making faces at his father, "Besides, she One year older than me."

Of course he would help her, although Hermione always disagreed with his approach.

But sometimes, cutting first and playing later can still be very effective.

Under the watchful eyes of his relatives, Nietzsche took the lead and crashed into Platform 9, holding the birdcage in his left hand and dragging his luggage in his right hand.

His instinctive fantasy did not come true. He did not feel any obstruction. The space was immediately enlarged. A dark red steam train was parked next to the platform. The slogan on the train was:

Hogwarts Express.

The sound was very noisy. In addition to various people wearing wizard robes, there were also pet cats of different species running into the carriage along with the crowd.

Before Nietzsche could take a closer look at the entire platform filled with thick smoke, someone suddenly pushed him in the back.

"What's wrong?" Hermione shrugged her nose, frowned and waved her palm to dispel the thick steam in front of her.

Nietzsche did not speak. He concentrated his energy, and everyone's faces, conversations, and appearances were gathered in his eyes, including but not limited to the Harry he saw before being surrounded by several red-haired boys getting into the carriage.

And a boy with blond hair looked at the passers-by around him with an arrogant expression.

"It's nothing, I'm just waiting for you." Nietzsche shook his head to get rid of the messy messages in his mind.

The sun rarely shines in the early morning in England, and the two of them carry their luggage and embark on the train to the unknown.

In fact, the interior of the carriage was not as crowded as expected, but rather spacious. There were carriages on both sides of the corridor. In order to be quiet, Nietzsche and Hermione kept walking forward until they were stopped by a student.

With neat short hair, a tall figure and strong muscles, Nietzsche speculated that the man in front of him should be good at sports.

On his chest was a mark: a "P" engraved on a yellow and black background.

"The prefects' carriage is behind this. Only prefects and professors from each college can... Sorry."

"Well, it looks like we're at the end of the road."

Hermione chose the innermost carriage for freshmen.

The train started, and the people on the platform began to be forgotten. It wasn't until they turned a corner and the platform was no longer visible that the sounds in the other carriages gradually became quieter...but only compared to before.

To pass the time, Hermione took out "The Rise and Fall of Dark Arts" from her schoolbag and read it.

"Did you know that the Harry you helped before was mentioned in several books?"

"If you are talking about "Magical Events of the Twentieth Century" which is as thick as an American history book, then I did see Harry Potter's name."

Nietzsche was indifferent to these. He took out two bottles of Coke, pointed with his wand and said "Immobulus". Frost immediately appeared on the surface of the glass bottles, as if they had just been taken out of the freezer.


This is the perfect way to unlock the curse! !

The names given by wizards to spells are not just literal meanings, such as the freezing spell... This spell can cool down, but this is only a side effect.

It can paralyze animals, making them appear frozen.

Nietzsche lifted the linen cloth on the birdcage and pointed his wand at the owl in the cage. Before Hermione could react, the owl, which Hermione and Nietzsche jointly funded, stopped moving.

"What are you doing to my Mercury again?!"

Hermione had only been taking her eyes off Nietzsche for ten minutes when something happened.

"It belongs to us." He looked at the owl still flapping its wings for a second, and said uncertainly, "I was just experimenting with the reaction of the freezing spell on living things. This reminded me of hibernation plan'"

"After we bought it from Diagon Alley, it 'died' twelve times in two months!!"

Hermione gritted her teeth, stood up, took the birdcage from Nietzsche's hand, and thawed the poor owl.

It's like someone pressed the play button and was freed from the freeze-frame state. The actions of the previous second and the next second are not awkwardly connected due to freeze-frame.

"Why so serious? (Why are you so serious?)"

"Shut up, you are not the Joker, and I... am not Batman."

Hermione didn't bother to pay attention to him and started reading again, but this time, she held the birdcage next to her butt with her other hand.

The car finally settled down, and the sun shone through the car window on the girl's brown hair. She bit her lips and read the contents of the book quietly.

But Nietzsche always felt that this scene was somewhat similar... Wait a minute...

Isn't this what Watson and Holmes look like at home?

Thinking of this, Nietzsche cast a pitiful look at Hermione. What a pity, she turned out to be just like Watson.

"Sorry, have you seen my...toad?"

There was a knock on the carriage door, and then it opened a crack, revealing half of a round-faced boy's body and head with a sad face. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Hermione tucking her curled hair behind her ears.

But when he looked at the books in their hands, his mind became even more confused.

Wait, that doesn’t seem to be the book list prepared for first grade, right?

What the hell, is Hogwarts so cursed now?


Just as the other party was about to close the sliding door in disappointment, Nietzsche stood up.

Like Hermione, he always felt uneasy when he thought about a strange magic school. Even if he memorized all the official and unofficial history of the school, he still didn't feel safe.

But the opportunity came to my door.

"If you don't mind, we can help you look for it together." He immediately changed from his casual attitude to a warm and humble one.

"Thank you! My name is Neville Longbottom!"

Nietzsche turned around and blinked at Hermione, who immediately understood what he meant.

The Longbottom family was one of the twenty-eight holy families. Nietzsche, who had been confiscated the right to use Mercury, planned to go out for a walk.

So Hermione closed the book and put it away: "Really...but you are right, this is indeed a good reason."

Neville Longbottom: Did I just miss something? Were they talking just now?

Attempt to connect to shared brain...Connection failed.

However, it is always a good thing to have enthusiastic people willing to help you.

Nietzsche put on his windbreaker, picked up the metal cane from the corner, put on a felt hat, and walked out with Neville hooked up. In just a moment, he took the initiative in his hands.

"Are you a noble?" Neville looked at Nietzsche's temperament and shrank his head.

"No, I'm just an ordinary Muggle wizard."

"Phew, it's okay... I thought you were from a family like Malfoy."

"The Malfoy family? Are there any wizards or nobles?"

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