It would be ironic enough if a Slytherin heir came from Gryffindor.

Besides, in Hermione's impression, Ginny had always been a timid little girl who blushed when she saw Harry Potter.

Parseltongue was even more unlikely. When Harry Potter was exposed for the first time in front of the Dueling Club, the Weasley family were shocked.

"But if not, then why would Draco spy on her?" Nietzsche opened the fence, walked into the chicken coop and looked inside for a while before continuing, "You can go to her dormitory and have a look, maybe you will see a few chickens that were not in time. Cleaned up chicken feathers.”

Hermione swallowed her rebuttal, turned around and left.

This was so ridiculous that she couldn't believe that Ginny Weasley would somehow collude with Draco.

But when she returned to the Gryffindor lounge, she found Ginny hugging her legs and curled up on the edge of the pillow. When she saw Hermione coming in, she quickly turned her head and wiped the corners of her eyes.

"There's no way Ron would do such a thing..." Ginny was as excited as a drowning person grabbing onto a piece of driftwood.

"I know he won't." Hermione sat relaxedly on the edge of her bed and looked at her messy bed calmly, "There must be someone who wants to ruin your reputation, just like they did against Harry Potter. That way.”

Her heart sank because under the bed there were a few feathers with burnt edges stuck to her shoes together with the soil.

"You..." She smiled hard.

"Did something happen?" Ginny asked strangely, "You don't think this has anything to do with Weasley, do you?"

"No, just remember to clean your shoes and don't bring in the chicken feathers from the lounge door." After Hermione finished speaking, she ran out of the dormitory.

But the one who was best offended was Ron Weasley, who was pushed to the forefront by Lockhart.

Because after the professor learned about this from a book fan, he took it upon himself to help Ron get through the difficulty.

He pretended to feel sorry for the student, sighed and said: "I know...I know, it must be hard to see your friends being attacked, right? I can help you forget that powerlessness and self-blame. and remorse.”

Although this sounds like an idea, the position is based on the fact that 'Ron brings Justin together'.

"I didn't harm him!" Ron gritted his teeth and stared at him, wanting to punch him. "I don't even remember such a thing."

"So you also..." Lockhart nodded repeatedly and said to himself, "It seems that you understand, yes, we can't stay where we are with regrets, we must go on with hope."

It wasn't until noon that Ginny heard the news from other professors that all the roosters had been killed.

She felt scared only then. Obviously, Hermione also felt that this matter had something to do with Weasley... Ginny was tense. In her eyes, every classmate and friend she chatted with seemed to be discussing "Weasley" Lay'.

So Ginny, feeling aggrieved, ran back to the dormitory and pulled out a diary from her schoolbag.

"Riddle, I've been feeling weird lately. Every time I wake up, I feel like I'm sleepwalking." She quickly wrote on it, "This is the same as last time. I always feel like I killed those chickens myself. ..”

TM. Riddle, who acted as a gentle and humble friend to Ginny.

"Why do you say that?" His handwriting replaced Ginny's words.

"Because when I woke up in the morning, I found that my whole body was sore and covered in feathers, as if I had killed all the roosters in school while sleepwalking, but I don't remember this."

The more Ginny wrote, the more frightened she became, and she could only hope in her 'friends'.

She longed to hear the answer she wanted to hear from here, even if it was comfort...

"Maybe you just think too much, Ginny, you are a person with a rich imagination. Besides, how could sleepwalking kill all the roosters? This is no small project." Riddle comforted her.

"But now everyone thinks it has something to do with Ron, even Hermione thinks..."

"Hermione?" Riddle suddenly wrote before she could finish writing, "I mean, she is your friend and your classmate, how can she doubt you?"

"I don't know, I just feel like she's avoiding me."

Ginny's words were like a warning bell, which made Riddle feel troubled.

"You're just too tired, please take a rest." He coaxed, "If you don't mind, I can let you go to the dream world to have a good rest. I have to say, even I like the dream you imagined."

Hearing this, Ginny was temporarily relieved, put the diary on her body, and fell asleep with worry.

(The Chamber of Secrets chapter has officially come to an end. What about Lockhart? Hey, the fox is going to use him to highlight the differences between the protagonist and Hermione.)

Volume 1: Chapter 118 Cooperation with Dobby

Riddle couldn't wait any longer.

On the night of Justin's murder, Draco met Ginny with the last bottle of Polyjuice Potion in hand.

I saw the girl standing in the fireplace in the lounge with dull eyes, respectfully holding the opened diary. She looked as if she was controlled by the Imperius Curse, which made Draco feel frightened just by looking at her.

"There is not enough time," the diary wrote. "Her and I have not yet fully opened our souls to each other, so I need you to help me."

It's now three months ahead of Riddle's vision, but there's nothing we can do about it.

Draco could only agree.

So Hermione cautiously approached Ginny's room the next day, planning to question her, but the problem was that there was no one there.

She initially thought that Ginny had kidnapped all her roommates, but that was not the case, because starting from the corridor on the second floor, the entire castle echoed with the warning of Principal McGonagall amplified by magic.

"All students return to various colleges immediately, and prefects are asked to take action immediately!"

Hermione did not do this, but went against the current in the wave of hundreds of people and ran to her dean.

"Miss Granger, what are you still doing here?!" Mag looked pale and glanced at the students who were leaving in a hurry from time to time.

"Ginny too..." Hermione wanted to say that she might be a suspect.

"Yes, something happened again." But Professor McGonagall's words made her eyes widen in disbelief, "The heir of Slytherin dragged Ginny Weasley into the Chamber of Secrets... Oh my god, it's really endless. No more.”

Hermione stood there numbly.

The facts seemed to have played a joke on her - she originally thought that Ginny was the one who colluded with Draco, but now she is the victim.

Then Hermione was taken to the staff lounge by the acting principal. Here, she also saw Nietzsche chatting with the professors. Some looked like they had just woken up, and some were scared out of their wits...

"What happened?" Mrs. Huo Qi, the flying course professor, hurried over.

"The Heir of Slytherin..." Professor McGonagall said sadly, "When Filch was cleaning the wall, he saw the last text and added a warning, which said: Her bones will be buried forever. Stay in the secret room.”

Professor Sprout covered his mouth and swayed, as if he was about to fall into a coma.

This is how to do?

If the mandrake is fully mature, it will take at least around June, when summer has already entered, but the basilisk in the secret room will not wait for them to prepare the resurrection potion.

Besides... no one knows if the little Weasley girl is lucky enough to escape death.

"That line of text is deliberately guiding others to search. We must stop it. If necessary, I will temporarily send the students home tomorrow..." Professor McGonagall pondered for a moment, and then made a difficult decision.

Then, she planned to gather her forces and capture the secret room.

Nietzsche walked back and forth in the staff room, his thoughts lingering a little longer on the character 'Ginny'.

He had actually been thinking: Since opening the Chamber of Secrets requires Parseltongue, why would Draco approach a girl who grew up in a wizarding family that likes Muggles?

When it came to Quilo last year, only Nietzsche thought of one thing - control.

"Where is Headmaster Dumbledore?" he asked.

"He is still dealing with Fudge and the school board at the Ministry of Magic." McGonagall said reluctantly.

"Don't worry, Ginny can't be killed so soon." Nietzsche's calm voice calmed the anxiety of several professors, "She is the key to controlling the basilisk. Someone may need her to be something..."

Snape gave him a rare look of admiration.

The more urgent the situation, the calmer Slytherin appears.

"How can you be sure?" The dean clutched the back of the chair tightly.

"If a person needs to suddenly have some unique skill, it is control...and Ginny is the middleman between the Slytherin heirs and the outside world. She cannot be petrified by the basilisk."

But Nietzsche was not finished.

The second half of the sentence is: But he may be killed by his successor.

But the good news is that at least he won't be killed at a glance like others, and at least he still has time to breathe.

At this time, the door to the lounge was opened again, but the person who came in was not Dumbledore, but Lockhart, who was yawning and smiling. He didn't know what happened, and thought there was another one. What new activity.

"Sorry, I just took a nap..." Lockhart greeted everyone with a smile.

"Welcome our third-level Merlin Medal winner." Snape's cold gaze cut into the other person's face like a knife, "Didn't you always say that this matter should have been solved by you a long time ago? Now it's time for you to show off your talents. ”

Lockhart's eyes began to dodge and he backed away.

"That's a basilisk. Besides, I never said anything like that..."

"So the much-anticipated Professor of Defense against Dark Arts only knows how to do some oblivion spells? Such a shameful little trick?" Snape said coldly, "This is your duty, Professor Lockhart. "

Nietzsche was a little impatient by the quarrel between the two.

what is this?

This is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, not the British House of Lords. If anything happens, it will be dumped immediately to the other party.

"Hermione, go to the lounge and call Harry. You can't go to the Chamber of Secrets without Parseltongue." He took off his wizard hat, threw it to the ground angrily, ignored Snape's cold eyes, and left the staff lounge.

Mag looked at the wrinkled wizard hat on the ground and seemed to think of something.

"Okay, Professor Lockhart, what are you waiting for now?" she said, planning to return to the principal's office.

"I...I know, I'll go back and prepare..."

But as soon as he took off, Professor Flitwick couldn't sit still.

"Minerva, you don't really want that fool to do this, do you?" he said doubtfully, "You and I both know who he is."

"Rely on him? I'm just looking for a reason to tell him to get out of here." McGonagall frowned and said, "Mrs. Hooch, Professor go prepare the Hogwarts train, and Flitwick and I will go to the Chamber of Secrets to explore the way."

When Nietzsche walked out of the courtyard, the black spot that had been hovering in the air began to gradually enlarge, and the Norwegian Ridgeback spread its wings, glided all the way down, and landed steadily on the ground.

Now that Dumbledore is in the Ministry of Magic, Malfoy must be there...

"Dobby!" Nietzsche snapped his fingers.

"Mr. Holmes?" As he expected, the house elf immediately appeared in front of him and said excitedly, "Mr. finally knows how to summon Dobby. It turns out that he still remembers Dobby."

But before it could say a few words, a pair of orange-red vertical pupils appeared in front of its face.

Sparks and ashes rushed out of Smaug's nostrils, which made Dobby grab Nietzsche's trouser legs tightly and dared not let go even if he died.

"Don't eat Dobby, don't eat Dobby!" It screamed and lay on the ground.

"Get up, it's my fire dragon." Nietzsche pulled up his trouser legs and stepped back a few steps. "Dobby... I don't need you to fight the basilisk. I just want to know one thing---Can you take others to Apparition freely?"

A simple and powerful house elf to die with the basilisk?

Excuse me, this is really a waste.

And Dobby still bulged his eyes, thinking about Nietzsche's possession of the fire dragon... This refreshed his sense of him again. You know, it's rare to find a wizard who can raise a fire dragon, not to mention that Smaug is not tied with a chain.

"Dobby can do it." Dobby said blankly.

"Very good... I need you to send it to the secret room when the time comes." Nietzsche looked up and looked at it, and continued, "Is there any way to make it close its eyes?"

"Dobby has heard that some wizards will punish fire dragons with eye disease spells." The house elf said.

As expected of a servant of the Malfoy family, even a house elf of the lowest status is so knowledgeable.

But Nietzsche looked at Smaug, who was blinking and eating the food on the ground, and finally gave up the idea, but then he took out a folded scarf from his arms and took out his wand to apply a status to it.


The original folded thin scarf was immediately as big as two blankets put together.

"Before that, remember to cover Smaug's eyes..." Nietzsche squatted down and explained the arrangement to Dobby carefully, "Then you will be responsible for doing what you are best at - hiding aside to protect Harry Potter."

"No problem, Mr. Holmes, this is absolutely no problem!" Dobby held a corner of the scarf and chirped.

Nietzschean never fights a battle without preparation.

Volume 1: Chapter 119 Preparations before the Chamber of Secrets

Lockhart was finally left behind.

This is the responsibility of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and the help given to him by McGonagall and other professors is to leave a Sorting Hat...

"It's over, no... I can't die here." Lockhart looked at the snoring Sorting Hat on his desk and muttered in despair, "How could this happen?"

He originally wanted to come here to add a glorious touch to his resume and let those former professors see his achievements.

But he didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen this year. Maybe escaping like this would make him a joke in school, but it's better than losing his life... After he stays silent for a year or two, he can make a name for himself again.

However, the person who opened the Defense Against the Dark Arts office again was Nietzsche.

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