However, Draco didn't see this scene, because he was facing away from his mother, blocking Hermione's way.

Almost at the same time, Narcissa just turned around and put a smile on her face. She was as dignified and beautiful as an ordinary Muggle lady.

"I've been delayed for a long time because of some irrelevant things. I hope..." Narcissa's tone was actually full of apology.

"It's okay, come on in... The royal family is almost out of money recently." The man waved his hand casually and said nonchalantly, "But fortunately, we still have taxpayers to support us, so it doesn't matter."

Hermione stood on tiptoe desperately, trying to look over Draco's shoulder at the two gorgeous princes and princesses.

Then she thought of a way to deliberately look at Draco with contempt and try to provoke him.

"Look!" She pointed to the front and said, "As soon as Mr. Malfoy entered Azkaban, your mother found a Muggle... Ha~ The world of adults. It's a pity that I will never experience this kind of life in my life. "

Draco turned his head, and he unexpectedly found that dirty Muggle holding his mother's hand!

But for now, he could only suppress the rage in his heart, rushed up, hugged Narcissa from the waist, like a child acting coquettishly to his mother, which knocked her forward a few steps.

Narcissa naturally pulled her hand away and covered it with a handkerchief.

Then Hermione pretended to be a curious child and quietly followed the attendants, trying her best to eavesdrop on the chats of several people.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand pounds... This is just the money I got from the royal family's special funds. It doesn't include the investment from the French guys. We only need to wear their clothes and take a few photos to get the harvest." Big money."

"Mr. Malfoy's father invested in some businesses when he was young...What? You want to exchange everything for gold?!"

"The family is in trouble, okay, I understand...don't worry, trust me, this will not have any impact on our friendship."

Hermione followed them until they entered the viewing platform at the highest point of the exhibition, and then she could no longer stop.

When she returned, she found Mycroft supporting his cane with both hands, bending slightly and staring at the ground. His dull expression seemed to be that he had seen a piece of cream cake that had been trampled on the grass.

After he took the bug back from Hermione, he returned to his previous calm demeanor.

"Who invited them here?" Hermione looked at the surroundings with curiosity.

"Second-rate princes, princesses, etc., they are not directly related anyway." Mycroft took a sweet cake from the cart and stuffed it into his mouth distractedly, "They actually took the tax paid and distributed it to the wizard. superior."

After swallowing a small piece of pastry, he continued: "Because my bosses who have paid taxes have always been dissatisfied with the extravagance and waste of some members of the royal family, so the Prime Minister has been thinking of ways to stop using royal funds."

But this is not enough.

It sounds like Malfoy had a small part of the funds managed by the dukes and nobles a long time ago. Although he couldn't get back the legal money, he could at least lay off employees.

Narcissa's exchange for gold was also to preserve the strength of the magic world...

Wizards, after all, are still reluctant to part with those things, and this is why Mycroft asked Hermione to be prepared. At least before the war, she had enough confidence to support and protect herself.

At the same time, Lockhart's new book is also selling like hot cakes in Diagon Alley as always.

But the only difference is that Nietzsche was added this year. Under the overwhelming publicity, many people also planned to try the 'different biography of Slytherin' recommended by Lockhart.

""Thus Spoke Salazar Slytherin"?" Some wizards flipped through it curiously, "I always thought he was an old madman."

Once you get involved with Slytherin, nothing good will happen.

It's not just school, because of those things in the past, when they think of Slytherin, they will subconsciously think of the dark wizard, and then the mysterious man... But this can't be blamed on them, after all, the Slytherins themselves are very satisfied with this fear.

But this book is quite different - it actually tells the story of the founder of Slytherin when he was young.

It’s hard to imagine that the sunny, ambitious, unscrupulous Salazar Slytherin here would be the disheveled weirdo who invented the theory of pure blood in people’s memory.

Although it is ridiculous, no one dares to refute the truth. The first page of the book is printed:

'For now, I would like to thank the ghost Professor Binns Cuthbert'

"It's that old antique from Hogwarts!" a wizard joked in the tavern.

"Let's read Lockhart's new book, Flying looks so cool." Another wizard said drunkenly, "I have a friend who used to live in a Muggle house. It’s all this kind of stuff.”

"What does this mean? Isn't it just that the carriages in Hogwarts have been replaced with iron sheets?" Some people disagreed.

But the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley was full of people, and their saliva drowned the ignorant wizard.

"Idiot! It's the Thestrals that pull the cart at Hogwarts. Do Muggles have Thestrals!"

"Let's talk about Salazar Slytherin. You will understand after hearing about the Chamber of Secrets case in school this year. This young Slytherin is completely different from that old madman!"

"Although Binns is the most boring person in class, I don't remember him ever mentioning such a thing when I was in school."

Tom looked at the wizards who were quarreling over a few novels, and touched his head impatiently. These guys might start fighting after quarreling.

So he took out his wand and put it by the pool.

'Nietzsche... Holmes... This name sounds so familiar.' Bartender Tom Abbot heard the names from the wizards' mouths.

By the way, isn't this the little lunatic who bankrupted the Malfoy family a while ago?

Volume 1: Chapter 136 Tripartite Talks

While Nietzsche and Hermione were preparing magic cars, and the Queen and the Prime Minister were preparing a weight loss plan for the royal family, Dumbledore came to a bay in Austria to relax.

Tom Riddle was with him. He looked at the eerie castle in front of him, and his heart was full of doubts---he suspected that Dumbledore wanted to find a place where no one was and kill himself silently.

"Hypocritical old man, where do you want to take me?" Riddle shouted behind him.

Dumbledore ignored him, just pulled up the wooden window on the shore and drove slowly over. When he stepped on the uneven and polished smooth road, he suddenly felt guilty.

But he suppressed it again the next second.

The purpose of his coming here was to meet an old friend.

"Speak, mute?!" Riddle, who was impatient, saw Dumbledore passing through the corridors without saying a word, and he began to panic and get scared.

The uneasy and insecure situation made him very irritable, and this situation continued until Dumbledore opened a door, because he saw Dumbledore's old friend---an old man who was about to die.

The other party was like a skeleton, so thin that only skin was wrapped around the bones.

"I thought you had forgotten this place." The old man who was almost dried up sat in the middle of the hall, with only a moldy dry bread on his plate. "Which student of yours is this, the one you like the most?"


Dumbledore called out his name softly.

Yes, no one would have thought that the friend of the greatest wizard in the world today would be the most terrifying first generation Dark Lord back then. Even Riddle did not expect it. He looked at everything happening in front of him in astonishment.

Gellert Grindelwald, a figure that once made wizards all over the world terrified and admired.

"He used to be my student." Dumbledore put the diary on the table and sat down calmly.

Grindelwald, who almost lost his will to live, observed silently for a while, and then said: "I believe you are not here because of an item that stores souls, or you are too old to even solve such things."

Although Riddle knew that he was telling the truth, he felt humiliated to hear such words in person.

It seemed to tell him - boy, the Horcrux you made with so much effort is just a joke in the eyes of Dumbledore and me.

"This kind of thing? I make all the wizards in Britain dare not even mention the name!" Riddle stood behind Dumbledore and said angrily, "I will surpass you in the dark magic in the future!"

"Well... powerful idiots are really distressing." Grindelwald commented accurately.

Because of their powerful and unstoppable power, they try to distort the world into what they imagine, while stupidity makes people unable to predict their next step, maybe randomly picking a unlucky Muggle? A student?

The unarmed Grindelwald was not afraid of the so-called "Voldemort" at all.

"What about you, dear Albus." He took a bite of moldy bread, but didn't eat much, and spit out a fallen tooth, "It is worth making you come all the way here, it must be someone who is more difficult to deal with than Voldemort."

Dumbledore waved his wand, and a large bowl of fish porridge appeared on the table.

"Nothing is worth it or not. Besides... I'm just worried about the future of the wizarding world."

"Hahaha... You always imagine yourself as a saint, carrying those who have been lost!" Grindelwald laughed, "The wizarding world does not need my and your salvation. Those pathetic ants can only see the candies placed in front of them."

He laughed so hard that tears came out, and sticky rice grains flowed from his mouth to his beard and clothes.

But Riddle knew what this 'senior' was laughing at. The Dark Lord who once shocked the world, led the Witch Party, and was determined to change the wizarding world was finally defeated by Dumbledore---by his best friend.

So he simply laughed at Dumbledore's jokes.

At the same time, he also thought in his heart: If it were me, I would never let the people around me betray me.

"Muggles are innocent... This will cause a war between wizards and Muggles... Albus, you won, but now you turn around and come to me because of the wizarding world." Gellert looked at him deeply through the food.

This glance almost contained the emotions of nearly a hundred years.

From excitement, to struggle, regret, and nostalgia, everything finally returned to calm, as silent as the sea outside the window.

"Thanks to our Riddle, his soul outside is thinking about resurrection every minute and every second, thinking about how to make a comeback, and he even wants to bring the entire human race back to the slave society it once was." Dumbledore said.

He no longer had the dignity of a headmaster, like a child, his fingers unconsciously tapping the grain of the wooden table.

"A madman made you like this. If you had believed me and broken the Statute of Secrecy, we wouldn't have to worry about the consequences of the exposure of the magic world..." Gellert was also like a really strong and competitive child.

"I'm against you, not because of the Statute of Secrecy!"

Dumbledore seemed particularly angry. He pushed his half-moon glasses and said seriously: "It's your disregard for life and the harm you have caused to Muggles and wizards. In this regard, Nietzsche did better than you!"

Roar~ This is a brand new name.

Gellert's eyes narrowed immediately, and his hands clasped the bowl hard.

"So you are just here to show off?" He pretended to be calm and said, "Who was the last person you mentioned... I remember, Newt Scamander, it seems that you have a lot of students who are proud of you."

"Not only that, in fact, I don't know if his behavior is reasonable..."

Of course, he didn't just want to show off, but to understand Nietzsche better, because he saw the shadow of Gellert in the other person more than once.

The same youthful vigor, the same eyes, but the starting point is completely different.

This aroused Gellert's interest. It seemed that what confused Dumbledore was the greater future. Because he couldn't see it clearly and because it was unknown, he felt worried, as if the magic world would collapse in the next moment.

"Compared with this... Riddle... and me, how about that?"

Gellert didn't care about Riddle's obedient appearance at all.

Not to mention how many people he had seen, and the most important thing was that he heard Riddle's roar in the castle word for word.

"The method is the same, but the purpose is completely different." Dumbledore hesitated and expressed his opinion, "He gave me the feeling that wizards did not rule Muggles, but... serve?"

But he thought about it and still felt that it was not right, so he changed his words and said, "No, it should be to let wizards regain their human identity."

"So that Nietzsche, is he treating wizards and Muggles equally?" Gellert showed a completely different view at this time, "Then give up, he and the magic world will have a battle sooner or later."

On some issues, he is closer to the truth than Dumbledore.

Failure does not mean that he is a weak person, and his age of over 100 has already turned into experience, engraved in Gellert's mind.

"Why do you say that?" Dumbledore said hurriedly, "He is not in dispute with the Ministry of Magic, but with the pure blood and Voldemort's faction. Maybe he intends to let Muggles and wizards go further hand in hand."

"You think too highly of Voldemort, Albus... It's just a fuse."

Now it was Riddle's turn to be unhappy. He stood up eagerly and stared at the skeleton-like old man in front of him.

"Fuse?" Riddle repeated the word with curses, which was an insult to him, "I am the one who really understands wizards, and those Muggles are just a bunch of greedy things!"

He once chased after Gellert's name, but now it seems that it was just wishful thinking~

Riddle tried his best to explain himself as the real 'savior' of the magic world, saying how hypocritical and hateful those Muggles were, but this kind of words did not make Gellert regard him as a confidant.

The other party took out a hookah from his pocket, took a puff, and said lightly:

"Boy, I don't care what you have experienced, how despicable and hypocritical you think Muggles are, but it has nothing to do with me. Why do you think I want to unite wizards all over the world? To build a new order managed by wizards?"

"It is a prophecy. Those Muggles have weapons to destroy the world. You don't understand Muggles at all, let alone their arrogance and greed for power and profit."

He just blew a breath and was choked by coughing, which forced Dumbledore to look away.

The hookahs surrounded Riddle, showing one prediction after another that Gellert had made: thunder, explosions, flying limbs and a dazzling light like the sun.

This is the talent that belongs to Gellert Grindelwald alone, and it is also the greatest misfortune.


"Fear was my biggest motivation when I was young~"

Volume 1: Chapter 137 The Value of the Dark Lord

In fact, Gellert thought that after defeating him, Dumbledore would become a politician like the Minister of Magic.

But he didn't. Instead, he chose to return to Hogwarts at the height of his prestige and serve as a professor of Transfiguration...Of course, Tom Riddle later became his most concerned student.

The immature Voldemort was very surprised after hearing what Gellert said:

He couldn't imagine that the first generation of the Dark Lord was actually because of fear.

But thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel proud---at least Voldemort would not be afraid of Muggles.

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