Tiger vaguely felt that this was not good. After all, these slaves were innocent, but they needed more time, and they were powerless in the face of such things.

"Feel sorry."

Tiger always has sympathy when facing vulnerable groups. This is normal. As the captain, Wu An must ensure their safety.

However, at this time, he must be ruthless and not take them all away.

Tiger's apology was drowned in their snatching sounds and their respective insults.

On the other side, a fire broke out in the residence of the Tianlong people, which caused all their navy to come to put out the fire, and everyone was scrambling to put out the fire (badg).

During the process, the Tianlong people kept urging them, wanting to see if the jewelry and money could be saved, but unfortunately they disappeared without a trace, nothing was left.

"What caused the fire?"

Kizaru was also at the scene, and several marines took out torches and wine jars.

Kizaru immediately understood that the previous navy branch was burned like this.

"Did you see anyone suspicious?

Kizaru continued to ask, and the Tianlong people looked at each other, what is a suspicious person?

"I saw a few bold guys who came to cause trouble here."

The female Celestial Dragon spoke after being knocked unconscious before.

"What do they probably look like?"

Kizaru seemed to have grasped a point. He believed that as long as he followed this investigation, he would definitely know who was the person who set the fire?

"A fish-man all red."

The Tianlong people tried hard to recall their appearance, but could only remember the fish-man, and did not know the rest.

Murloc? There are many murloc slaves here. Whether they are slaves here or not, they may be people from outside, or even the Wuan Pirates.

Kizaru is really afraid of them. During this period, there are not many things about the Wuan Pirates.

"Go get their portraits."

Kizaru ordered them to bring over the portraits of the Buan Pirates and let her identify whether they were the Buan Pirates.

"I told you how you do things. You don't even know when outsiders break into this place. You are all a bunch of trash. I really don't know what the use is of raising you."

The Tianlong people used their ability to think in pieces again, which made Kizaru vaguely impatient. Facing the Tianlong people, he had to show 200% patience, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

"This was a Navy mistake."

Kizaru's attitude is very sincere. Whether he is so sincere in his heart is another matter.

"Do you all know what a big mistake this is? Do you know how much gold and silver has been lost?"

The more they talked, the angrier they became. They didn't even know that their nice residence had been burned down. It contained the gems, money, and all their belongings that they had accumulated for many years, but now it was in ruins.

The corner of Kizaru's mouth twitched. He was trying his best to endure it. He was also very anxious about things like a fire. What could he do about such a thing?

The officer who came from the prison on the side was trembling, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible, for fear that the Tianlong people would notice him and involve his anger.

The Tianlong people were discussing at this time, with heartache on their faces. Those are their lifeblood. Now that their lifeblood is gone, they are like headless flies, getting angry at whoever they catch.

"Tell me what big things you can accomplish."

In this noisy environment, Kizaru kept thinking in his heart, why did he set the fire? .

231 It’s really them

The slaves in the Holy Land are not so bold. They are all afraid of the Celestial Dragons, especially the slaves. If this is discovered, the Celestial Dragons will not let them go.

Kizaru shook his head to himself. This idea was obviously untenable. Who could it be?

It is impossible for anyone to climb up the Red Earth Continent, not to mention that there are patrolling navy there. What are they going for?


A word flashed through Kizaru's mind, prison, but what was in the prison that was worth letting them set fire to?

"Is the prison guarded?"

Kizaru was eager to verify his idea. The officer who was trying to reduce his presence suddenly heard that someone was talking to him. His first reaction was to pretend to be stupid.

"I'm talking to you."

Kizaru roared angrily, whether he really couldn't hear or was pretending to be deaf.

"Ah! Oh."

The officer's reaction was slow, and Zai subconsciously did not answer his words.

Kizaru wanted to kick him now, it was really disgusting.

At this time, all the eyes of the Tianlong people were focused on him. The officer was about to cry but had no tears. What was going on?

He pretended to be deaf and dumb just so that the Tianlong people would not notice him, but now, no one noticed him. What is the situation?

"Just tell me what I asked you."

The Tianlong people couldn't stand this officer. They were already angry in their hearts. Now they wanted to take action and punch a few times. The Tianlong people restrained this thought forcefully. They were high-ranking people.

Gui, how can you beat these lowly people? It's not like your hands are dirty.

"The prison is unguarded."

The officer spoke so quickly, he was afraid that if he was a step too late, they would kill him.

"Why aren't you guarding him?" Kizaru strode forward, kicked him viciously, and hurried towards the prison.

When the other Tianlong people saw Kizaru leaving, they were a little confused. What did this mean?

Why go to jail if you're not investigating how the fire broke out? Are there still people setting fire to prisons?

This is the best thing. The Tianlong people think that burning those lowly slaves to death is not a big deal. There are many slaves, so it is not bad.

"They killed people." The female Celestial Dragon just now had a look of grief and anger on her face.

"Our people."

The Celestial Dragons cried and cried, and the Celestial Dragons suddenly became sad. To be able to kill the nobles, this person must be extremely bold.

"I will definitely take revenge on him."

The Tianlong people each clenched their fists, and when they were caught, they would be cut into pieces.

"Where is the general?"

The navy who just ran to get the portrait came over with a roll of portraits and looked at this place in confusion. The general was completely missing, but it looked like a gathering place for the Celestial Dragons.

"Going to jail."

The Tianlong people spoke angrily towards the navy. Their attitude is still not very good.

The navy quickly ran away, looking for Kizaru.

"Did something happen to the general?"

The officer hurriedly followed him. If something happened, the general might skin him.

"Brainless stuff."

Kizaru stared at him fiercely, his footsteps were windy, and after a while, he arrived at the prison.

"Why is this door open?"

As a general, Kizaru was extremely sharp, and there were more and more seeds of doubt in his heart.

"Maybe I left it just now and opened it accidentally."

The officer didn't think it was anything. The prison door was open. Isn't this normal? The reason for the panic just now was all due to the group of Tianlong people who also mobilized troops when there was a fire.

The officer could only complain about this in his heart, but would never dare to say it out loud.

"You better hope it's okay."

Kizaru spoke gloomily, and the officer couldn't help but shrink his neck. The general was so scary. He always felt a chill on the back of his neck. When he looked back, he found nothing.

Kizaru stepped into the prison step by step, hoping that the prison where ghosts were crying and howling was now too quiet.

No one knew what was going on. The further he went, the more bad premonitions he had in Kizaru's heart.

"Where are the people?"

When Kizaru saw the empty prison, his fists clenched.

"Isn't the person here..."

The officer spoke lazily, thinking that the general was making a fuss. When he saw clearly that the prison was empty years ago, he couldn't say anything anymore.

"Where is it? Open your eyes and see."

Kizaru grabbed his neck and lifted him with brute force.

The officer's body was shaking constantly. He left just now, but he was still here, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye. This is really strange, really strange.

?0Please give me flowers.....

The officer childishly rubbed his eyes with his hands, thinking that everything that happened years ago was just an illusion. Unexpectedly, no one was left in the prison and disappeared out of thin air.

Not long ago they were here, putting out fires.

All these people are gone.

"Give you a minute, you'd better tell me everything clearly."

Kizaru had completely lost his patience. What kind of trash was this? He couldn't even stand a living person.

"They were still here before putting out the fire just now."

The officer's face turned pale with fright, and he spoke tremblingly. Kizaru held his forehead. This was not what he wanted to hear. Why didn't he understand?

"I want to know, have you seen anyone come in here?"


Kizaru tried his best not to be overwhelmed by anger, and killed him in anger.

The officer shook his head honestly. He had no intention of making anyone suspicious. He was suppressed by Kizaru's anger. He was a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

Kizaru frowned. He wanted to understand the cause of this incident. The person who set the fire must not be alone. They chose to attack in the east and west just to save the slaves in the prison. It was not easy to get up to the Red Earth Continent, and it was still not easy to get down. Easy, they won't be able to get out within a few days.

Kizaru's eyes were clear, and now he only had one doubt, that is, who are they?

To have the courage to climb up the Red Earth Continent, come to the Holy Land of Marie Joa, and rescue the slaves from prison.

At present, I really can’t think of anyone other than the Wuan Pirates. Is there anyone else?

"The general brought their portraits."

The navy holding the portrait came here panting.

Kizaru and the others returned to the same place, holding the portrait of the Buan Pirates and showing it to the female Celestial Dragon from before.

"it's him."

The Tianlong people pointed at Wu An's portrait. Low pressure was constantly filling the air around Kizaru's body. These people were really hateful.

Just now, he was holding on to the idea that maybe it wasn't the Wuan Pirates, but he didn't expect that it was really them. Kizaru kept thinking tightly in his heart that they must not have left here yet.

If we search now, we will definitely be able to arrest them. Kizaru took a deep breath, we must successfully arrest them and let them have a taste of everything.

232 Between flowers

What it's like to be in prison.

Ten minutes ago, Wu An took Hancock's two younger sisters and successfully took them out of the prison. Looking at the slaves who were constantly fighting for each other, there was always a voice deep in Wu An's heart, telling him that he must save them, otherwise he would regret it forever. Fortunately, he did not go against his will. Wu An and the others used their domineering power to give others no mercy. The slaves who had their collars untied were all untied.

At this time, they were exhausted and it was unrealistic to leave.

Fortunately, he is familiar with the terrain here, knows where to hide people, and knows where they will not search.

At this time, they were hiding in the depths of the Holy Land, Mariejoia.

[Between flowers]

"How brave you are, Captain."

Tiger's admiration for Wu An was not just a little bit, but he told the freed slaves that the "670" position of the Red Earth Continent was really up to them whether they could successfully leave here. However, they did not leave and continued to hide here.

Deep in the holy land of Mariejoia here lives the highest ruler in the world, Im!

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