"It's a beautiful thought."

Wu An snorted, he knew this would be the result.

At the same time, the five old stars of Holy Land Mariejoia frowned, feeling angry for the first time in so many years.

Facing a small pirate group, it's really cool to have the ability to make them angry.

"have not Get it yet?"

Wulaoxing asked in a deep voice. The officers below were trembling with fear. As the most sophisticated naval force, they could not even capture a small pirate group.

"Tell Akainu and Kizaru to come back to me."

Wu Laoxing directly ordered them to come and capture the Wuan Pirates. Akainu and Kizaru were still needed. They had fought against the Wuan Pirates and were more likely to know.

Wherever they were hiding now, Akainu and Kizaru were stunned when they heard what happened.

Both parties could see the disbelief in each other's eyes. Are you kidding me? The most sophisticated navy could not find Wu An's hiding place. If this was revealed, it would become a joke.

?0Please give me flowers.....

Seeing that Wu Laoxing was anxious to see them, he didn't delay much. Although they were a little gloating about their misfortune, they still controlled their facial expressions before walking in, making fun of the person with the highest power, fearing that they didn't want to live anymore.

"You have three days to find the Wuan Pirates."

How could Akainu and the others refuse to agree? They could only nod and bow, and the Five Old Stars were in a much better mood.

Then let them leave, a typical throw away series after use. Akainu and the others did not dare to complain. Power can suppress everything, so how could they have the courage to resist.

They sighed to each other, adjusted their state, and went all out to capture the Wuan Pirates. There was a lot of hatred between them. The Wuan Pirates must be captured and tortured for the rest of their lives.

Let’s talk about the bounty hunter who was let go before Wu An.

When he returned to a safe place, he immediately posted a message to the circle of bounty hunters. This message was about how Doflamingo betrayed them. Except for him, all the other bounty hunters suffered. To the poisonous hand.

The circle of bounty hunters has exploded one after another. In all these years, so many people have never lost their lives just to capture the Wuan Pirates.

Although they are usually rivals, they will also fight when they encounter the same bounty order.

But this time is different. Their companions have been killed. I wonder if it will be their turn next time.

The bounty hunter who posted this news did not forget to bring the Wuan Pirates with him.

This time, in order to capture the Wuan Pirates, the bounty hunters cooperated like never before, and the bounty was divided in half.

Unexpectedly, he was tricked by Doflamingo. It was Doflamingo who gave him the idea about their cooperation, thinking that their cooperation would be successful and take down the Wuan Pirates, and he didn't need a Splitting money, such a good thing, of course they agreed.

Anyone who disagrees is a fool.

"I just said there is no such a good thing."

Among them, the bounty hunter spoke up. He wanted to participate at first, but he didn't have any part in it. He was still angry at first, but now it's better. They all died. It's a good thing he didn't go, otherwise Wan would have been ruined.

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He said that he must cause trouble for Doflamingo, but in his heart, he was very glad that he was not involved in this matter in the first place.

Fortunately, God did not kill him.

"We must bring Doflamingo here."

They were very sorry for the death of their companions. This was not God's will, but man-made. It was all the fault of Doflamingo, maybe it was him who let them all die.

Same, day.

Other bounty hunters raised their hands to express their agreement. This can be called genocide. Those who rely on bounty hunting died in such an unexplained way. How could they not be sad? They are all seniors who usually meet people with bounty orders. If you have any questions, you can still ask them for advice. It's better now that everyone is gone.

No matter how they usually snatch the reward order, they are still unanimous in exposing it to the outside world.

Otherwise, next time, this kind of thing will happen again, and they will have nowhere to hide.

The bounty hunters were discussing how to capture Doflamingo and torture him to relieve his anger.

"By the way, who is this Wu'an Pirates Group? It can take care of them all."

Those are all veteran bounty hunters. Even if they are surrounded, it is a common thing. How could they be solved so easily by the Wuan Pirates, who have no reputation?

"I've never heard of it. I guess it's a new pirate group. It's not famous here."

Who would use such an unsophisticated name as the name of a pirate group? He looks like a new member at first glance, and he still doesn’t know how high the world is.

"The Wuan Pirates should also be taught a lesson and show them some face."

"The Wuan Pirates don't have a reward, so who are they going to capture?"

They suddenly thought of a question. No one in the Wuan Pirates knew anyone, and they were not famous, so why should they be arrested?

They definitely don't have a reward.

"Aren't they the crew members of the captured Hell Demon Lord? How did they become the Wuan Pirates?"

its not right!

They were obviously the crew members of the captured Hell Demon Lord, why did this change?

"They're the same person."

The bounty hunter who was let go by Wu An spoke with a fearful expression. From the beginning, they were the same person.

"I said so."

The bounty hunter who just questioned patted his chest, how could the unknown pirates let so many veteran bounty hunters work so hard to capture them.

After thinking about it, it turned out that that was the name of the Hell Demon Lord. They had never known the Wuan Pirates all this time. It turned out that the famous Hell Demon Lord's name was Wuan.

These days, there are so many people who take the name of the pirate group with something like the sun in it.

The Hell Demon King's pirate group is always so strong, and he directly uses his own name as the name of the pirate group.

For a moment, they couldn't help but feel worried about themselves.

Very few people know the real name of the Hell Demon Lord, let alone the true appearance of the Hell Demon Lord, so to speak.

Before they could react, their whole bodies were trembling when they thought of the words Hell Demon Lord. This name was really too scary for them.

Silently remembering in his heart, Wu An, these two words must not be provoked in the future. Unexpectedly, he was the Demon King of Hell himself.

Because Wu Laoxing posted all their portraits to let them know that Wu An is the Demon King of Hell, and these two are the same person, not two people.

"Are you still going to arrest them?"

A slightly nervous voice suddenly came out, and the two words that came to my lips were swallowed hard.

"What are you going to do?"

He said angrily, they are already like this, why are they still looking for death?

"Other operations are suspended, and all efforts are being made to capture Doflamingo."

There was ruthlessness in their eyes. Although they couldn't touch the Hell Demon King and the others, they could still deal with the mere villain Doflamingo, just because he had killed dozens of people.

The bounty hunters discussed together that Doflamingo must pay for his life.

And Doflamingo in the Shampoo Islands already knew everything that happened.

It was rare to show a sense of panic. Doflamingo was very smart. He already knew that all the bounty hunters who came were killed.

Eyes rolling, the other bounty hunters are not fools. With a little research, they will know that what happened in the Chambord Islands will be revealed by then.

The artillery fire was aimed at him, and the Wuan Pirates couldn't defeat them, so they could only vent their anger on him.0

The last thing you can do at this time is to stay here and wait for them to come. Isn't this asking for death?

Doflamingo thought of the most comprehensive solution. The only solution was to leave here first and wait for the rest of the matter to pass.

Doflamingo is not sure when they will come. At this time, the only way is to leave as soon as possible, and the rest will not be a problem.

Wu An had already expected that Doflamingo would escape from here. According to his character, he would definitely come back after a while.

"Watch him and don't run away."

At this time, Wu An had already asked his crew to dress up in disguise and guard the entrance to the Chambord Islands.

They are still wanted criminals, and there is no security here. They will come to patrol with the navy. If they recognize them, there will be another battle. He does not want to waste his energy on them.

Fanoka nodded, finally understanding. The captain, regardless of the danger of being discovered, was so anxious that he asked them to stay here just to prevent Doflamingo from escaping.

If he escapes, those bounty hunters will have nowhere to vent their anger.

Everyone else has become accustomed to the fact that the captain must avenge himself.

Wu An took them leisurely and waited here. No matter what Doflamingo was disguised as, he could see through him at a glance.

Luo was a little helpless on the side. He and Doflamingo were incompatible. Doflamingo would definitely not let him go when he saw him. Luo was a little worried that he would ruin their plan.

"You have nothing to worry about. He can't eat you. Besides, we are here."

Wu An gave Luo a reassurance, telling him not to be so nervous and act as if he was about to go to the battlefield.

There is really no need to worry so much, Luo is not embarrassed at all when he is seen.

They all knew about his relationship with Doflamingo, and there was nothing to hide.

After all, he was the one who betrayed Doflamingo in the first place, there is no doubt about it.

Wu An didn't seem to know about this. In fact, he knew it better than anyone else, but he just didn't say it. This made Luo a little unpredictable. Shouldn't he be beaten?

Let him not do what he did before, or he has enough confidence.

258 can’t leave

I think he will definitely not betray him. Although these two words are unpleasant, it is also true.

Luo has never been able to figure out Wu An's thoughts. Faced with such a person who knows his thoughts and is sure to keep him from leaving, it is enough to prove that he is not his opponent, even if this idea has circulated in his mind for thousands of times. This time, I was still a little frightened.

There is no guarantee that he will be silenced by the captain one day, but he still has something to protect his life. As long as he does not do anything excessive, I believe that the captain will not silence him.

They stayed here for ten minutes, but they didn't even wait for Doflamingo.

Fan Oka kept dozing off, and he was really about to fall asleep in this boring waiting life.

"Captain, he's not here yet."

Nami opened her mouth and yawned, Wu An looked thoughtful. He just guessed that Doflamingo would leave today. At what time specifically, how could he?

You know, this is nothing like the previous life. In the previous life, Doflamingo never provoked bounty hunters, let alone escaped. But it is different now. This kind of thing has already happened. People like him will not escape. Are you still waiting to die?

Obviously it is not possible. No one will wait to die, but Doflamingo will not wait to die. He values ​​his life very much.

He believes that he is a noble and cannot fall into danger so easily.

"Be patient. How many times have I told you, be patient, be patient."

Wu An took the trouble to repeat seriously, they are good at everything, why can't they be more patient.

Don’t you know the consequences of being impatient?


They answered in a muffled voice. The captain was right to ask them to be patient, but waiting for someone like this was too much.

"Keep him from leaving here and not hurt him."

Wu An warned them nonsensically, which shocked them.

"Captain, you don't have a fever, do you?"

"Why do you want to protect Doflamingo?"

"You can't hurt him yet?"

The words of several people made Wu An feel a little dizzy.

"It's not about protecting him, it's about keeping him from leaving here."

Wu An emphasized again that if he didn't leave here, it would mean that the bounty hunter would come and cause trouble for him.

"This is not to protect him."

And they just watch the show on the sidelines and don't need to worry about anything else.

Fan Oka muttered, Wu An found out why he was so arrogant.

"If we don't take action, someone will naturally deal with them, not to mention why waste our efforts to deal with them."

Wu An spoke angrily, and Fan Oka nodded in realization.

He said such words simply out of anger.

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