The magical amulet's ability to absorb magical elements did not weaken as Rhode's body dived into the water, but on the contrary became stronger.

When the snake-shaped corpse witch king took Rhode into the water and searched for other living creatures, the magic elements absorbed by the magic amulet became more concentrated, far more than the level before on the water, staining the seawater of Rhode’s body. Bright blue.

Consistent with Rod’s original perception, the magic amulet gathered this time was almost all water magic elements, and it was already difficult to perceive the existence of other magic elements.

Because of being underwater, the magical elements of the water system are naturally more concentrated, and they overwhelm all other magical elements with an overwhelming concentration advantage.

If Rhodes is willing to stay in the ocean surface area for a period of time, the magic elements gathered can even reach the level of the magic plain.

In this environment, even if Rhodes cannot directly condense the magic elements in the space into spells like elemental creatures, the water magic he casts can still get a very large bonus, which is also the magical plains. effect.

He has not yet confirmed the environment he is in. Although Rohde is able to reduce the water pressure with the imperial water thaumaturgy, and rely on the imperial qi thaumaturgy to provide the oxygen he needs, he did not dive too deep, but explored near the surface. .

There is plenty of light near the surface, and it is possible to see distant scenes, but if you look down, your vision will be obviously obstructed, and you can only see a dark one.

Rod rode on the snake-shaped corpse witch king that was transformed not long ago, and while exploring the surroundings, he tore off the broken clothes attached to the scarred wound and used healing magic for himself.

With the throes of pain, Rhode’s injury is gradually improving. Although the healing magic is not like assigning attribute points to physique, it can recover most of the injury in a very short time without leaving any scars, but It is also an excellent choice to recover from the injury.

During the exploration, Rod also discovered many creatures under the ocean, ranging from swimming fishes of various sizes and shapes to umbrella-shaped transparent jellyfish, and even the snake-like creatures that attacked Rod before.

Not far away, bubbles kept floating on the surface of the sea, and a group of swimming fish were squeezing into a ball, swimming in one direction. They were not many in number. Roughly looking at it, there were only a hundred.

Without finding the creature he most wanted to see under the surface of the sea, Rhode could only put his attention on other creatures, such as the small school of fish in front of him.

The snake-shaped creature under the sea was planning to prey on a school of fish not far away, but after sensing the existence of Lord and the snake-shaped corpse witch king, it sensed the danger in it, so it immediately gave up this idea and moved in one direction. Far away.

At the same time, when the snake-shaped corpse witch king controlled by Rhodes approached, the school of fish quickly changed the direction of movement, but Rhode had already taken the first step to release the cloud of death.

The dark cloud of death continued to spread under the water surface, forming large bubbles, and continuously rising toward the sea surface.

Under Rhodes's control, the cloud of death stopped the upward trend, and instead completely enveloped the fish school, eroding these swimming fish as it did with snake-shaped creatures before.

Under the erosion of the cloud of death, ordinary swimming fish naturally have no means to resist, and against these creatures that do not have any level at all, the cloud of death is enough to take their lives.

Seeing that the original school of fish was almost dead, the carcasses of some of the fish had sunk for a certain distance, and Rod did not wait any longer, and began to release his own death energy.

Under the full operation of the god-level spiritism, the flesh and blood quickly fell off the fish carcass, leaving only the fish bones in the completed form. The position of the fish eyes flashed with scarlet light, which was extremely eye-catching under the sea.

After Rohde completed the transformation, what appeared in front of him was the corpse witch king in the form of a group of fish, divided according to the rank level. At this time, the rank of this group of bone fish should have reached the sixth rank.

The scope of spiritualism almost covers all conventional creatures, whether it is on land or in the ocean, it is within its scope of action.

In Rhode’s impression, almost all creatures other than insects can be transformed into undead creatures by spiritism, but the rank of these undead creatures will be severely restricted by these creatures themselves.

For example, the group of bone fishes in front of Rod, they were just the most common fishes before they were alive, and they had no ranks at all. Under normal circumstances, even if other necromancers convert them into bone fish, their strength will not change much. The level of practicality is not even comparable to that of Skeleton Soldiers, and there is not much combat capability at all.

With the effect of the ghost king's cloak, everything is different. The transformation of undead creatures will no longer be restricted by the original rank, but will be increased according to Rhode's spiritism level.

The bone fish that Rohde had transformed were genuine corpse witch kings. Although they had a rank of six, the spiritual imprint they occupied was still the same as that of creatures without rank.

Without any hesitation, Rod immediately fully controlled the group of bone fish in front of him. Through the attribute values ​​given by the system, Rod knew that they did not occupy much of his own control spirit.

In the process of checking his attributes, Rod suddenly realized something. Rod found that he had a way to quickly confirm whether he was on the elemental plane.

In Rhodes’s impression, no matter which element plane it is, the environment in it is extremely special, and it can even be called a bad degree, far beyond the main plane can compare.

According to the conclusion drawn by Master Bracada, the four oldest elemental planes constitute the foundation of the main plane world. Without the existence of these elemental planes, there would be no sights of the main plane. The importance of the face is even above the main plane where ordinary creatures are located.

Under this circumstance, Rhodes believes that if there are players who can come to the elemental plane, the system cannot fail to reward them. The way of reward is naturally the racing achievement that Rhodes is familiar with.

Recalling the memories of the Elemental Plane in the previous life, what Rhode can confirm is that when the player comes to the Elemental Plane, he will indeed get a racing achievement.

If there is no related racing achievement display, it can also prove that Rhodes is still in the main plane at this time.

Realizing this, Rod once again opened the system log and looked at the end of the record, hoping to see information that was helpful to him.

A look of consternation appeared in Lord's mind. The records in the system log gave Lord the answer he most wanted to know. At the same time, it also let Lord understand his own situation.

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