"Dear guest, please turn to the left and don't hit the wall in front."

Under the leadership of Marion, Rod quickly escaped from the darkness that enveloped Sally and walked towards the hall where the Book of Silence exists.

Before leaving the darkness, Marion seemed to know everything that exists in the darkness. She could clearly know every corner during the journey, and reminded Rhode in an unhurried tone.

"Can you see everything in the dark?" Rod asked with some doubts after seeing the turning point on the road, exactly the same as what she had said.

"Of course I can't see through the darkness of Lord Sally, or that no one can do it." Suddenly, she covered her mouth as if thinking of something, "Excuse me, please forgive my offense...I Forget it, you should have this ability."

Rod waved his hand, but gave Marion a somewhat unexpected look. She didn't observe everything around her with eyesight, that is to say, everything in this shadow palace was in her mind.

At this time, Rod and his party had already escaped the darkness. Even if Rod wanted to verify this idea, there was no way to do it.

"It's been a long time since I saw Master Sally so happy. I thought there was nothing that could touch her heart."

When Rod secretly doubted, Marion took the initiative to say:

"Dear guest, all of this is due to your arrival. I can feel the joy and expectation that exists in the heart of Lord Sally. When she changed her dress, she had already shown all this to us servants, you Must seriously respond to her feelings, otherwise..."

"and many more."

Rhodes seemed to have thought of something and interrupted Marion's words.

"I came to the Palace of Shadows, this was only her request. She helped me solve a powerful enemy, so I agreed to her request, nothing more. As for feelings or something, it seems to have nothing to do with me. I am not worried about these things either."

Marion sighed: "This is the problem. A hundred years ago, Lord Sally was promoted to a legendary creature, and he searched all the powerhouses in this world, hoping to find someone who could see her in the dark. But she failed. Maybe there is no such person in this world."

Rod seemed to think of something, and fell silent for a moment.

In his memory, according to the narration of the tombkeeper in the plane of fire, it seems that earlier, Degar gave up his scarlet eyes, and naturally couldn't see the leader of the thieves in the dark. Except for himself who has scarlet eyes, no one has this ability.

"Since then, Master Sally has vowed that, whether it is a human or any other creature, she will definitely wait for the creature that finds her from the dark, that is, you." Marion continued.

"It sounds a bit bad." Rod spread his hands and said.

"You can't go against the will of Lord Sally, she is the real master of the shadow plane, anyone who dissatisfied her will be deeply punished." Marion warned.

"Perhaps." Rod did not take her warning to heart, but replied casually. He would not be frightened by these few words.

Soon, under the leadership of Marion, Rod returned to the hall where the Book of Silence was stored.

Without the cover of darkness, Rod saw the full picture of the Book of Silence. This huge book was dark yellow with a transparent firelight attached to the surface.

Rod just imagined as before, picking up the quill on the side and writing information on the Book of Silence, but Marion stopped him.

"Master Sally wants me to raise your authority to the highest level. This is a treatment that the regional leaders of the Thieves Guild cannot enjoy."

With that said, Marion flipped through the Book of Silence. She didn't know which side she had turned to. She actually took out a booklet embedded in it from the page on one side.

Noting Marion's actions, Rod realized that the Book of Silence in front of him was obviously not an ordinary classic. In addition to having his own will, it was also a powerful spatial treasure.

Like the stack of prophecy cards of Mexijia, it looks like there are only dozens of prophecy cards, but there are thousands of different cards in them, and the book of silence in front of you is the same, with unimaginable pages.

The pamphlet she took out from Marion was accepted, and the system log also reported its attributes for the first time.


【Book of Silence (Fragment Page)】

Type: Special items

Equipment level: 1 (0100)

Basic Attribute: Communicate the main body of the Book of Silence, and write the content in it, which will be known by the Book of Silence.

Special attributes: After passing information to the Book of Silence, contribution points will be obtained as rewards according to the importance of the information. Contribution points can be used to increase the level of the Book of Silence (fragmented pages).

Evaluation: A part of a powerful treasure that can transmit information across space has not fully demonstrated its potential.


Seeing Rhode looking curiously at the pamphlet in his hand, Marion quickly explained: "This is the torn page of the Book of Silence. Only the high-ranking assassins in the guild can own this treasure."

Rod nodded: "I feel that the true power of this treasure has not been fully demonstrated. It seems that only by continuously recording information in it can its true power be stimulated."

Marion took another look at Rod, and explained with a smile: "Your perception is very keen. You can understand the usage of broken pages in such a short period of time, but you don't need to be so troublesome. Master Sally explained. You want to increase your privileges to the maximum."

With that said, Marion wrote a few pens in the Book of Silence, and Rhode felt a rush of heat, uploading it from the pamphlet in his hand.


【Book of Silence (Fragment Page)】

Type: Special items

Equipment level: 5 (highest)

Basic Attribute 1: Communicate the main body of the Book of Silence, and the content written in it will be known by the Book of Silence.

Basic attribute 2: When holding the broken page in your hand, it will be regarded as a pendant type treasure. Holder's all attributes +3, reconnaissance skill level +1, eagle eye skill level +1 (not exceeding legendary level)

Special attribute 1: After sending information to the Book of Silence, contribution points will be obtained as rewards according to the importance of the information. Contribution points can be used to increase the level of the Book of Silence (fragmented pages).

Special Attribute 2: Obtain intelligence from the book of Silence by writing. The intelligence authority is equivalent to the rating of the thief. Cooling time: 3 hours.

Evaluation: A part of a powerful treasure that can transmit information across space. After being stimulated by special means, its potential has been fully revealed.


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