
Since he rescued Rowling, Rod has been far away from this ancient and magical land, but now, he is back here again.

From Sally's mouth, Rod learned that Elasia, who belongs to humans, had a glorious past.

The human beings who follow God once gained supreme power, but now, the power that belongs to God has long since disappeared. The only thing that can prove the glory of the past seems to be the angels in the cloud city. As for the knights and nobles on the bright side, Rhode never paid attention to them.

"Are your men ready?"

Followed Sally through the dark portal and came to the Thieves Guild in White Rock City. Luo said in a deep voice, "This is close to the south of the mainland. If you need it, I can summon the necromancer and vampire from Verning. Come to help."

"Didn't I tell you? You can't reveal your identity."

Sally shrugged indifferently.

"Under normal circumstances, it can't attract the attention of the archangel. Fortunately, there are guild members among the followers of the demon king. They have a unique gem in their hands that can summon the fire of the doomsday from the sky, even the archangel, I can't ignore this flame."

"You mean, doomsday crystallization?" Rod seemed to have thought of something and asked actively.

Sally snapped her fingers and pointed at Rod: "Yes, that's what they call that kind of gem."

Rod nodded slightly. If the Doomsday Crystal is used to summon the advent of the Doomsday Judgment, it might really attract the attention of the archangel.

It just so happened that there were signs of demon believers' activities in all parts of Elasia. The existence of those demon believers undoubtedly better conceal the true purpose of Rhodes and his party.

As Rhodes thought about it, Sally had been flipping through a booklet in her hand, writing something with a quill pen from time to time. The book in her hand was somewhat similar to the one that Rod received not long ago, except that it had thicker pages.

A burst of heat emerged from Rod’s heart. He lifted his head, his sight seemed to penetrate the thick wall of the quiet chamber, and he saw the flames falling in the sky.

"They have already started." Sally reminded.

Rod nodded. Long before Sally reminded him, the demon blood in his body came to indicate that he could feel any use of the Doomsday Crystal.

"The archangel is resisting the flames of the sky. It's time to head to the Treasure House in the Clouds." After receiving the information she wanted, Sally closed the pamphlet in her hand and quickly came to Rod's side and said softly.

"Wait..." However, Rod did not act immediately.

In Sally's puzzled eyes, Rod held the eyeball pendant hanging in front of him.

Now that he knows the identity of the archangel who is stationed here, the treasures in front of Rhode can also come in handy.


He meditated on the name of the archangel in his heart, and the eyeball pendant in Lord's hand slowly opened, conveying the situation in the distance to Lord's mind.

Among the clouds, the golden-crowned and golden-clad seraph was raising her slender fingers to point to the sky, ripples spread from her fingertips, and horizontally transformed into a huge portal, wrapping the crimson sky.

The flames falling from the sky, before touching the ground, were sent away by this golden portal, not knowing where to lead.

Feeling the scene from the farsighted pendant, Rod's complexion gradually became hard to look.

"It's not the time yet." Rod said in a deep voice, "With that archangel here, the fire of doom is not a threat at all."

"Really?" She tilted her head with some suspicion. After seeing Rod's solemn expression, she reopened the pamphlet in her hand.

Watching the new content on the pamphlet, her complexion changed, and there were more different things in her eyes when she looked at Rod.

"It seems that what you said is true... The archangel cast a spell to block the fire of the doomsday, and did not leave the treasure house in the cloud for half a step."

Rod took a deep breath. Although angels are a symbol of omnipotence, different archangels have different abilities that are good at using them.

Gabriel, who is stationed in the Treasure House in the Clouds, is better at casting spells. If Rod is right, she is wearing the crown of the oracle that she had seen in Kane's memory.

In addition, the battle armor on her body is not ordinary, the surface is covered with a layer of golden light, even if he looks from a distance, Rhode can feel the sacred aura attached to it.

The spell she used to block the fire of the doomsday was exactly the door of another dimension that Rhode was familiar with. Once upon a time, Rhode also used such a spell to resist the enemy's attack from the air.

If Gabriel was stationed at Standwick, I am afraid that before that, Rhodes would not be able to rescue Rowling with the Doomsday Judgment. Her existence is equivalent to a legendary mage with no weaknesses.

Under the blessing of the oracle crown, Rhodes believes that whether it is a regular spell, or the magic of the underground world, or even the undead spell, she can display it as long as the archangel is willing.

"The Doomsday Crystallization can't work, do you have other plans?" Rohde asked quickly, shaking his head.

Sally curled her lips: "The archangel is really difficult to deal with. Even if it is me, it may not be able to defeat her. Now, it seems that there is only one way."

"Temporarily retreat and come back later?" Rod asked with some doubts. According to the style of those thieves, this seems extremely possible, but for Rod, there may not be such a good opportunity in the future.

"No, I just broke in." Sally said slowly, "Although I can't defeat the archangel, there is no problem holding her for a while. I have tried, even the archangel can't Seeing me in the dark, the dark can conceal all traces of action."

As she said, she seemed to have thought of something, and sighed slightly: "It seems that I can't enter the treasure house in the cloud with you. The treasure house in the cloud contains rare treasures in the world, but every treasure is stained with powerful things. Curse, don't be fooled by those treasures, just take what you need most."

From her words, Rod seemed to have heard something, and asked: "Then what about you? Don't you want to know the secret of the fall of the holy city?"

She smiled slightly: "I have found the most precious treasure. I don't want you to have too many curses on your body."

With that said, she took out a treasure and handed it to Rod: "This is for you, I think you will need it."

Lord took the treasure that Sally had taken out, and after using the system to identify the efficacy of the treasure, he glanced at Sally with some doubts.

Without asking much, Rod nodded: "I will make good use of this treasure."

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