Passing through the portal opened by Hela, waves of hot heat enveloped Rhode's body.

Looking around, the surrounding area was red, and the flames filled all of Rod's sight. If you stand here a little longer, the soles of your feet will be the first to bear it.

"This is……"

Looking at the unique scene around him, Rod's eyes showed a bit of surprise.

"This is the place of this trial, the endless lake of fire."

Beside Rod, Hela's voice came over, and she passed through the portal and came to the trial place with Rod.

From Hela's words, Rod seemed to realize something, and his eyes became solemn.

Rod noticed that, except for the scorched ground on the surrounding shore, where there was permission to stand on, the front was full of hot lava.

The hot magma filled all of this space, like an ocean, but the ocean was filled with not cold sea water, but never-ending flames.

The surrounding temperature has reached an unimaginable level. Rohde noticed that a nearby demon, because of touching the rising water mist, caused his entire arm to be covered with hot skin and flesh.

However, the damage they received did not make the abyss evil spirits feel afraid, on the contrary, they made their hearts happy. Many abyss evil spirits actively touched the nearby water mist with their bodies to seek physical harm.

If the magma in the lake of fire is too terrifying, these abyss demons will even touch the magma and seek greater pain.

Looking at the weird demon of the abyss nearby, Lot shook his head. Maybe it is not a good thing to follow the king of lust.

"Is this trial held on the lake of fire?" Luo Luo asked in a deep voice as if thinking of something.

"Your judgment is fairly accurate." Hela nodded.

"Except for the flame elves, how do we get to the depths of the trial? There should be something nearby that can help us." Looking towards the endless lake of fire, Rod showed a thoughtful color.

In terms of the current body of the little monster, it goes without saying that the fate of falling into the lake of fire is naturally needless to say. Creatures that are not immune to fire damage cannot move in the lake of fire. Even Hela does not have this ability.

In contrast, those creatures that are naturally immune to fire will undoubtedly have the advantage at this moment. Whether it is the big devil or the flame elves, their actions will not be hindered in any way.

Because of this, Rod believes that there must be important things left by the king nearby. Maybe it is a potion to resist the flame, or some special treasure, which can make the demons in the trial have a way to go to the depths of the flames. .

Sure enough, when Rhodes said this, Hela smiled with satisfaction: "You and I think the same. The demon lord doesn't know what will happen in the trial, but the kings must have prepared specials for us. We need to explore our own strategic things."

Inside the portal, he came here with Hela. In addition to the demons in the camp, there were many small dark yellow monsters. Before that, Rhode didn't know what Hela needed these little monsters for. Listen She said that, and Rod seemed to understand her intentions.

Soon, as the creatures on the other side of the portal came to the trial ground, Hela ordered them loudly:

"Our goal is the portal in the lake of fire, but now, we have to explore on the shore and find things that are helpful to us. Dear demon lords, lead your men to explore the shore area and find the danger first. Time to retreat and tell me the news, don’t conflict with other demons."

Following Hela's order, the nearby abyss lords responded and led the demons under him to explore, while Rod stayed in place, looking at the lake of fire ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Corion, you and the other flame elves, let’s explore up close in the lake of fire. If you find anything, remember to tell me as soon as possible." On the side, Hela looked at the controlled flame elves and said softly. .

Corion nodded, patted his chest and promised: "The mere flames don't bother me at all. I can even go to the depths of the lake of fire to find out. I can feel that there is something there that is attracting me... …"

Hela glanced at him with interest: "We will go there together."

Under Hela's signal, the flame elf immediately took action. He floated above the lake of fire and began to explore the surroundings, sneaking into the lake of fire from time to time to find useful things.

During this process, Lord on the shore did not make any movements, but his brows wrinkled deeper and deeper.

Rod recalled that he had heard the rumors about the lake of fire in the enlightenment given by Mexijia, but Rod did not care at the time. Maybe at this time Mexiga herself was locked up somewhere in the lake of fire, but Rod could not find her.

Shaking his head and not thinking about other things, Rod will pay attention and concentrate on this trial itself.

"Master Elott, what should we do?"

Just as Rhodes was thinking about it, a group of abyssal demons came to his side, and it was Lacie who had met before to ask this sentence.

Looking at it at a glance, including Lexi, there are a total of eight abyssal demons here. Compared with the other demons controlled by the abyss lords under Hela's command, their number is not much, but they are all controlled by Rhodes.

Following Hela's orders, these demons came to Rhode, the little monster who killed the original Abyss Lord, and waited for his command.

"You follow me, we explore along the shore." Rod thought for a while, then said.

Rhodes noticed that the place Hela arrived through the portal was near the shore of the lake of fire. The rest of the abyss lords led their demons to explore the strange land on the shore behind him. He planned to take the demons and explore along the shore.

From Hela's description of the trial, Rod realized that it is not a simple matter to occupy the door of pain.

If it is a simple attack, you only need to be the first to find the location of the portal and solve nearby enemies, but occupying means that you need to maintain control of the portal until the end of the first phase of the trial.

Even if the door of pain is first attacked, if it can't be held to the last moment, it will seem meaningless, and it will only consume the little remaining power in vain.

Rhodes didn’t know when the first phase of the trial would end, but judging from the scale of the demon lords participating in the trial, it would obviously not be possible to end within a few days. Rhodes still had time to hit a real strong In front of the enemy, first step up the current strength.

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