Heroes And Invincible Undead Magic God

Chapter 1640 Sheep Head Demon


Leahy's words were also heard by the enemies not far away. Facing the abyss demons who still had the intent to resist, the sheephead demon let out a cold snort of disdain.

"Let us teach them a little lesson and let them know how to show their respect when encountering a demon with a higher bloodline."

Under the orders of the sheep head devil, the nearby long-horned demon roared, as if something had been infected in the blood in the body, then they rushed towards Rod and his party.

For hell demons, fighting often does not require so many reasons. Every long-horned demon is stained with the blood of other demons.

In the promotion of the devil, praying to the king and offering sacrifices to soul fragments are much more effective than other methods.

Rod's gaze swept across the enemies who voluntarily approached him, and finally locked the sheep's head demon at the forefront of the team.

As the most powerful of these demons, the sheephead demon rushed in front of the horned demons, and the target he chose was also Rhode, who was the leader of the team.

When he noticed his actions, Rod was delighted. If the sheephead demon had been hiding behind the horned demon, Rod would have to spend a lot of effort to solve such an enemy.

Leaning on the body that was much bigger than the ordinary monster, Rod took the initiative to greet him.

What Rod was facing was the charge of the devil with the goat head bowed down. The sharp horns on his head were pointed directly at Rod. Rod had no doubt that if he was stabbed by a sharp horn, he would be caught by the goat. The head demon flew.

In terms of size, the sheep head demon is a bit taller than the abyss demon. When he initiates a charge, it is like a behemoth running wildly. If it is an ordinary monster, it may not be the turn of the sheep head demon to show off its sharp horns. Trampled into flesh by him.

But Rod was not afraid at all, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he had found a suitable opportunity from the offensive of the goat's head devil.

As the devil with the goat head approached, Rod raised his left hand, and the space ring on his index finger was shining.

A red sticky light curtain sprayed out of Rhode's ring, and instantly enveloped an area in front of him, and that place was the place where the sheep head demon must pass.

The scalding heat is flowing to the surroundings, seeming to be warning the surrounding creatures about how long and narrow it will be when it touches this light curtain.

The sheephead demon immediately noticed the strangeness and tried to avoid the direction of the charge, but the inertia brought by the huge body prevented him from doing this well. Half of his body touched the red one. Light curtain.

The next moment, his body surface, wherever it touched the light curtain, there was a hissing sound. In a short moment, his skin turned crimson, and a lot of blisters appeared at the same time, and many locations even began to melt. .

"You...what did you do?" The sheephead demon glared at Rod and said in pain.

Rod did not answer his words, but along the shore, approaching the endless lake of fire, put his hand slightly down, and completed the next filling of the space ring.

For a mage like Rhodes, who once possessed powerful spellcasting abilities, even an ordinary spatial ring can be effective in many cases under his control.

After cleaning the corpse of the little monster in the space ring, Rhode filled the magma in the lake of fire towards the inside of it. Once Rhodes needed it, he could spray the magma inside in a short time as a Kind of means to kill the enemy.

When Hela handed the Rhodes Space Ring to him, he obviously didn't expect that the Space Ring could still be used in this way.

Not only she, there are almost no hell demons who use the space ring like this, and only a mage with rich experience like Rhode can make this choice. For Rhode, who was weak at this time, these methods could help him very effectively.

Rhode made such a move almost instantly when he saw a large amount of magma in the lake of fire. Without the existence of these magma, even Rhodes would not be able to turn the space ring into a weapon.

The skin and flesh continued to melt under the burning of the magma, and there were faint traces of cooked on the right side of the sheep head devil's body. He rolled on the ground in pain, hoping to reduce the damage of the magma to the body in this way.

Even with the blood of a sheephead demon, it can't withstand the burning of magma. If you replace it with a normal demon, I am afraid that the magma sprayed by Rod before will be enough to take his life.

Looking at the painful sheephead demon, Rod did not show any mercy. He quickly stepped forward and made up another magma jet at the painful sheephead demon.

This time, the magma completely enveloped the goat's head demon's body, and all the flesh and blood on his body slowly melted in that pool of magma, and no breath came out.

The nearby long-horned demons, seeing the tragic situation of the sheep-headed demons, tried to step forward to support, but their actions were blocked by the surrounding abyss demons.

The abyss demons who have long been accustomed to pain will not be easily defeated by the long-horned demons. If it is one-on-one, the abyss demons will even have the advantage.

The struggling of the sheep-headed demon stopped, the long-horned demon screamed, and Rhode just gave them a cold look.

"Remember what I told you?"

When he came to a long-horned demon who was dragged by the abyssal demon, Rod grabbed the long horn on his head, bit his neck with one bite, and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood.

The blood diffused in Rod's mouth. Under the effect of the gluttony contract, Rod was accustomed to the jerky taste. He licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't let any enemy go."

Perceiving this move by Rod, the nearby abyss demons instantly became excited, screaming excitedly, and wielding the long whip in his hand even harder.

For a time, the long-horned demon added multiple injuries to his body, and could only let out a dull roar.

The abyss demons understood Lord's meaning, and they obviously did not have the upper hand in numbers, but they could rely on the whip to force the horned demons to gather toward the center, forming a tendency to encircle.

And Rod’s attention was placed on those long-horned demons who tried to escape. If a long-horned demon made a breakthrough, he would meet Rod first.

With the death of the Sheephead Devil, the morale of these long-horned demons was on the verge of collapse, and if they were allowed to run away, Lord's gain would be much less.

If it weren't for the help of these abyssal demons, Lot would only rely on his little monster body to keep all the horned demons. He could only watch them flee after killing a few long-horned demons.

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