Heroes And Invincible Undead Magic God

Chapter 1642 Rest and Promotion

He didn't care about the reactions of other demons around him. After dealing with the corpse of the long-horned demon, Rod came to the side of the dead sheep-head demon.

Even as a Tier 5 creature, the Sheephead Demon still cannot resist the magma. His body gradually melted under the burning of the magma, and even his bones could not survive.

At this time, the cooled magma turned into rock, and the damaged sheep's head demon body could neither be transformed into undead creatures, nor could it be used as food.

Lord came to its corpse mainly for one thing.

Under the burning of the magma, the only part of the Sheephead Demon was intact, and that was the sharp long horns on the top of his head. His long horns are preserved along with the skull.

As a demon with decent blood, the sheep head demon only has the head part, showing its resistance to magma. As its bloodline further improves, its resistance will be greatly strengthened, and it will finally complete its transformation in its bloodline, and when it becomes a real great demon, it has absolute fire resistance.

It is a pity that the sheep-headed demon in front of him has no such opportunity again. When he meets Rod, his fate is already doomed.

Picking up the skull of the goat head demon, Rod struggling to break off the two horns on top of his head, and then took out a few slender bones and melted them together with the magma in the space ring. In this way, he got two horns. Simple sharp bone spear.

Holding the bone spear in his hand, Rhode could hardly feel its existence. It was lighter than all the weapons Rhode used in the past, and it was extremely inconvenient for Rhode to wield it.

But for the current Rhodes, this is the best weapon he can find. Due to the special environment in hell, Rhodes has hardly seen any sophisticated weapons except for the long whips of the demons.

Perhaps those demons with higher status are eligible to have better weapons, but most of the demons that Rhode has encountered currently do not have such abilities.

Rod tried to raise the bone spear, tilting his body backwards slightly, forming a throwing posture.

This is somewhat similar to Rhode’s throwing of the Titan Arrow before. It is also a very light thing to throw, except that the lightning is replaced by a real weapon. Rhode tries a little and can quickly use it.

After disposing of the corpse of the goat head demon, Lot continued to eat the pieces of meat prepared for him by other demons.

During the period, Rod did not forget the corpses around him. He relied on the blood of the horned demons to plant a unique transformation ritual around him.

Relying on the effect of the transformation ritual, the death energy continued to gather towards these arranged bones, and before long, they would be able to reappear in front of Rhode as undead creatures.

While Rod was fast eating, the succubus Tiss sat down beside him, cupped her face in her hands, and just looked at him like that.

Rod was unnaturally seen by her, and his eating speed slowed down a bit. Then he glanced at her coldly and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"I seem to have found something that can make me complete." She looked at Rod, and said softly.

"Complete?" Rod seems to be aware of something. Tiss had said some words about succubus and incompleteness in her previous words, but Rod did not care. In his opinion, this may be something of the king of eroticism. This idea may also be.

Tiss nodded: "Master Hela once said that a crippled succubus can seek love from other demons to make himself complete, not just among the servants of the lust king."

"Listen, I don't care if you are incomplete or complete. If you can't be a hero, you will die. Do you understand?" Rod gave her a glance and said.

She stopped talking, just looked at Rod like that.

Shaking his head, Rhode no longer cares about the succubus, but instead focuses his attention on the current pile of food.

As the eating process continued, Rod’s size began to increase significantly. By now, he is a bit taller than the shofar demon before. When he stands upright, the ordinary abyss demon can only reach his chest. .

At the same time, a series of prompts came from the system log.


"The contract feature [Desire for Gourmet] is detected, and you get an increase in attribute value based on the amount of food."

"You gained strength +5, speed +2, physique +4..."

"Detected [Proof of Binge Eating], your satiety is maintained at 30%..."


Even if he eats food that is higher than others, Rhodes can't feel the fullness he deserves.

The desire for power, relying on the existence of the gluttony contract, transformed into a desire for food. Rhode wanted more food, but no matter how much food, it seemed that he couldn't really satisfy him.

After checking the information in the system log, Rod moved his lower body with satisfaction, feeling a greater power coming from his body, and he seemed to begin to understand why Mexijia left such guidance for himself.

For Rhodes, the contract with the Glutton King seems to be the only one that can greatly improve the character's attributes without consuming experience points, and this is what Rhodes currently needs most.

After killing the Goathead Demon and the Longhorn Demon, relying on the characteristics of the little monster’s bloodline, Rod’s promotion options include these two kinds of demons, but they can’t meet Rod’s needs, so Rod naturally doesn’t. With such a demon bloodline, he would not choose to be promoted.

"what is that?"

"I don't know... It seems that Master Elott made it out."

The rumors from the abyssal demons reached Rod's ears, and he followed the reputation with a satisfied look on his face.

Not far away, the transformation ritual has completed its effect, and the neatly arranged demonic bones have stood up in the form of undead creatures. In the hollow eye sockets, the soul fire is extremely weak, waiting for Rhode’s control. .

The only thing that made Rhode dissatisfied was that these resurrected undead creatures were all the lowest-level skeleton warriors.

Since the flesh and blood of these long-horned demons were separated before the transformation, only their bones were used for transformation, so naturally only skeleton-type creatures can be transformed.

At this time, Rhode does not have the ability to transform. Even the transformation of undead creatures needs to rely on rituals. Converting them into skeleton warriors is currently Rhode’s only choice.

Shaking his head, although the strength of these long-horned skeletons is not good and the number is not large, it is better than nothing.

Relying on the spiritual imprint, controlling the soul fire of these skeleton warriors, Rod Xiu was almost ready, and soon, he led the other men to continue on the road, toward the magic dock that the Longhorn Demon confessed before his death.

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