In the dark night, in the camp where the Crusaders were stationed, the fires around the guard tower were distinct.

The guard in charge of vigilance is holding up the torch, guarding against all possible crises. Near Diya, where the terrible group of heathens are, they can't be careless.

In places out of the sight of these guards, where shadows and darkness intersect, countless small and dense pitch-black creatures have already surrounded the campsite. They are lurking here, as if waiting for something.

On the sentry tower, a guard seemed to have noticed an abnormality. Just about to sound the horn, the dark creature that had already climbed up the sentry tower rushed towards his body.

Under the influence of unknown power, the guard only felt that his body was softened, his body no longer had any strength, and his consciousness became blurred. The darkness enveloped him a little bit. He felt extreme fear in his heart, but he couldn't do anything. Can only watch the light nearby gradually recede.

Not only on this sentry tower, but also in various locations in the camp, such things happened. The pitch-black creatures kept taking the lives of nearby guards. In front of this force, the guard's resistance was useless.

Finally, with the death of many guards, the horn sounded from a distance, and one guard exhausted his last strength to spread the news of the enemy's attack.

"What happened?" The general in the camp quickly asked in the center's camp.

"An enemy is coming, it's Ms. Spider!" said the bishop, who had arranged his clothes first.

"Damn it's pagan!" After learning about the situation, the general quickly ordered: "Burn up the hot oil and light the hay in the camp, so that the spiders dare not approach!"

Soon, bursts of pitch-black smoke rose from the camp, and the light of the fire dispelled the darkness of the night, and the hideous spiders were also invisible under the light of the fire.

After seeing the enemy's appearance, the fear in the hearts of the nearby Crusaders eased and their morale stabilized. They began to follow the command of the general to guard against the incoming enemy.

At this moment, a burst of golden light burst out from the sky above the camp, and all the darkness was dissipated, and the camp was suddenly bright as day.

"It's a high priest! They will help us." The bishop said quickly.

The general nodded, and at this moment, as the darkness was dispersed, a terrifying figure appeared in the eyes of everyone in the camp.

It was a figure wearing a long black dress with a veil on her face and a huge spider lying on her head. Under the shining of golden light, a terrifying shadow stretched long behind her.

Looking at the hidden figure, the nearby crusaders showed different eyes, either fear or anger. They have recognized that the unique figure appearing here is the notorious infidel, Lady Spider.

As she moved forward slowly, the surrounding Crusaders all flinched. At this moment, a man wearing a white robe with a golden look in his eyes took the initiative to greet her.

"The high-ranking priest can help us hold Ms. Spider, we only need to deal with those spiders." Looking at the unique figure, the bishop said quickly.

The general nodded. He knew that compared to Ms. Spider herself, the spiders nearby were the most difficult existence to deal with.

Anyone, as long as they are bitten by those spiders, their body will be eroded by terrible plagues. Even if they are cured with holy water, they will leave scars that will never heal.

"Master, what should we do?" a heavily armed knight asked. Even a knight can hardly deal with those spiders, which are beyond the scope of ordinary enemies.

"Fighting around the fire, those spiders dare not approach." The general thought for a while and quickly replied.

Fortunately, these spiders also fear things, they fear flames. As long as the nearby hay is ignited, with the help of flames, these spiders will hardly approach actively.

However, bursts of painful shouts attracted the attention of the generals. He noticed that the screams were the crusaders standing around the fire and resisting the spiders. This time, the spider did not retreat because of the flame, and even took the initiative to pass through the flame, burning all over and rushing towards the nearby crusaders.

"How could this be..." He said in a daze, this was something that had never happened in the previous battle.

At this time, the emergency of the situation made him unable to think about it. In a short moment of hesitation, the spider had already caused heavy casualties to his men.

Under the spider's fear of life and death, the torches in the hands of the Crusaders lost their effect, and the wildly waving blades couldn't hurt those fast-crawling spiders. In the distance, the high-ranking priests who were at war with the Spider Lady had no time to cast spells to help the Crusaders.

Not only that, bursts of red fog began to spread in the battlefield, bringing more serious negative effects to those crusaders, and all the crusaders who came into contact with this burst of red fog showed abnormalities on their bodies.

Seeing that under the spider's attack, the nearby Crusaders were defeated. At this moment, a thin figure stood between the Crusaders and the spiders.

"In the name of God, you filthy creatures, roll back where you deserve it!" He roared, and in front of him was a black spider rushing like a tide, and he was like a reef blocking the front of the tide.

"Bishop, come back soon!" The general was taken aback, then shouted.

Having said that, he had already foreseen the fate of the bishop. No one can do this in front of the group of spiders and survive.

"I dedicate myself to God, and I pray that the gods in the sky will show that supreme power, break all the darkness in front of me, and let the world reappear!" The bishop did not obey the general's words, facing the constantly influx of spiders, he Open his arms and chant the prayer aloud.

A holy light emerged from his body. Under the radiance of this light, the spiders stopped moving as if they were petrified.

The bishop raised his foot and stepped on a nearby spider, his eyes bursting with a pious light: "God has answered my prayer, don't be stunned anymore! Under the blessing of God's glory, destroy these enemies!"



Following the bishop's words, the crusaders who saw this scene on the battlefield with their own eyes uttered fanatical shouts. They forgot their fear and worked with the bishop to destroy nearby spiders.

The change in the bishop's body instantly rewrote the battle. The still spiders were trampled to death one by one, and the rest retreated.

At this moment, in the hearts of these crusaders, the bishop in front of them was already the incarnation of a god, and even the generals of the team bowed their heads to him religiously.

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