Seeing Fu Lisi actively blocking in front of her, Rod's expression changed slightly.

Relying on the power of the Lord of Plague, the current Rhode can defeat high-level demons that far exceed his rank, but when facing a high-level succubus who is also at the sixth level, the situation has changed.

The mental magic performed by the succubus can deeply suppress Rhode at the stage position. No matter how strong Rhodes's disease power is, as long as he is controlled by the mental magic, he will not be able to display it.

In terms of Rhode’s current comprehensive attributes, if it is placed on other creatures, it may have already completed the ascent of the stage position, and it is impossible to stay in the second stage. However, Rhode can maintain himself at a relatively high level through the system's restrictions on the stage position. On the low level.

Looking at the seemingly weak Fris, Rod’s eyes showed a bit of dignity. He must pay attention to the succubus’s every move. Once Rod has any slack in his heart, or intends to cross the succubus. , Helping Parion not far away, I'm afraid he will be under the control of mind magic immediately.

Perceiving Rod's alertness, Fliss didn't make a move at the first time, but with a smile, she slowly approached Rod, looking like there was no threat.

"You look a little special. I have seen many strange kinds of demons, but I have never seen a kind of demons like you. "Ten-armed Demon", may I call you that."

Perceiving Fliss's intention to delay time, Rod did not pay attention to her, just glanced at her coldly, and then released a burst of red mist from the disease pustule.

Looking at the spreading red mist, Fliss was keenly aware of the danger, her figure flickered, and she distanced herself from Rodela.

The spreading red mist acted on the other demons on the battlefield, but the fallen ones were not affected in any way. In one go, the fallen ones consolidated their original advantages.

Taking advantage of the gap between Fliss being forced to retreat, Rod took the time to look in the direction of Parion, and saw Parion holding a spear that was comparable to the big demon who attacked him, and seemed to be able to reverse it. Signs of suppressing it.

Rod noticed that Parion had his own unique understanding of the use of spears. He didn't even need to cast any spells, nor did he need to show the powerful effects of the artifact. With only subtle skills, he could even make up for the relationship between him and the great devil. The gap in attributes.

The more he observed Parion's battle, the more surprised Rod was. Every spear that Parion stabbed was firmly stuck in the most uncomfortable position of the great devil.

The enemy that Parion faced, the great demon Agran, had to find a way to avoid or block Parion’s attack, but his huge scythe was unable to exert its own advantages. He had only a powerful attribute, but was Parion, whose attributes are inferior in all aspects, is firmly suppressed.

Facing such an enemy, the great devil, in desperation, displayed the ability to hide from flames, and instantly came behind Parion, ready to rely on the giant sickle in his hand to divide the enemy into two.

However, the situation was the same as before, and Parion seemed to know the location of the great demon in advance, and turned the spear head straight to the direction where the great demon appeared.

Tiss’s heroic specialties can certainly help Parion to a certain extent, but more of it depends on his own strength.

"Is this... Eagle Eye Technique? Offensive Technique? Spear Technique? Or some other special skill?" Rod showed a puzzled look.

Rod had seen an ability that could perceive all the anomalies in his body. It was the Eagle Eye technique possessed by the high-ranking swordsman Samson in the illusion. At this time, the power that Parion showed, gave Rhodes the same feeling.

Parion’s exquisite skills in the battle have completely surpassed all the opponents in Rhode’s impression. Rhode never thought that someone could rely on their own special skills instead of relying on the value of the attribute. The great devil clashed, and even once had the upper hand in the battle.

Rod believed that the power that Parion showed must be related to the spear in his hand, and only the power that belongs to the divine weapon can do all kinds of impossible things.

Perhaps the artifact in Parion's hands is mainly to enhance the ability in melee combat.

Rod looked at Parion thoughtfully. If he didn't use the unique power of the artifact in the first place, he could still use hidden cards to explain it, but even when his life was at stake, Parion still used melee methods. It also made Rhode have to doubt the efficacy of the artifact.

He shook his head, as Parion showed his strength and suppressed the great demon in the battle. Now, Rhode no longer has to worry about his safety. Instead, it is the great demon. He should consider his current situation.

At this time, Rod, who had enough time, could also relax and deal with that high-level succubus seriously.

Unlike Rod, who can get a lot of information from just scanning the battlefield with his eyes, Fliss at this time is still shocked by the red mist released by Rod.

"What are you hiding? This is not the power of the greedy king! I have only seen such power in those ancient demons..." Fliss questioned Rhodes.

Rod did not answer, but raised his hand to prepare to cast the spell he had obtained in the illusion.

At this moment, Fliss seemed to feel something, raised her head, and lightly sniffed twice in Rod's direction, revealing suspicious eyes.

"I have an impression of the smell on your body. I must have seen you not long ago, but I can't remember the specific time... logically speaking, a demon with a unique appearance like you will be jealous after I have met once. Remember, it’s impossible to forget it so easily, unless you were not as long as you are now."

Speaking of this, Fliss seemed to have discovered something, her eyes were a little bit of astonishment: "I remember, you are the little monster next to Hela in the Temple of Revelation! I didn't expect you to become what you are now. So... are you an awakened one? Or is there a demon king who cares for you?"

Seeing that his identity was revealed, Rod did not have any quibble, and replied in a deep voice: "You are partly right, but only a small part."

While talking, Rhode drove the nearby red mist to move them closer to Fliss. As long as the red spots appeared on Fliss's body, Rhodes could immediately activate the water-soluble plague.

"Answer my question! How did you break through the limit of the little monster's bloodline and become what you are now?"

In the distance, Fliss’ eyes flashed with a pink light, and the light acted on Rod’s body. It was because Rod had always concentrated on guarding against the succubus’s mind magic. He was still deeply affected by this spell, and her consciousness became blurred. .

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