There is another important reason why Rod is unwilling to deal with these two chambers of commerce.

After dealing with these newly transformed undead creatures, Rhode’s current experience value has reached 21,700 points. At this time, Rhode has enough experience to advance to the fourth-order necromancer.

Therefore, staying and continuing to fight, although you can get other benefits, you also have to face the Eri garrison who is about to appear here.

Rod knew that the news of the Necromancer's attack on the town had been completely passed on at this time, and he stayed to continue the battle. Obviously, the risks outweighed the benefits.

At this time, Lord no longer waited, but immediately boarded the bone dragon, ready to return to the city of sorrow.

As for Lal on the side, Rhodes still chose to bring him. Although Rhodes had planned to end the battle in Eri, he thought of the soul missions that he might face next, Rhodes knew that Ral still had a lot of usefulness.

On the side, after receiving news from Rod, the vampire who was eating flesh and blood also put down the food in his hand, turned into a bat, and stayed on Rod's shoulder.

As the bone dragon lifted into the sky, the surrounding undead creatures left one after another. Under the leadership of the centaur leader, the undead centaur on the ground immediately rushed away from the city gate.

Not long after Rod left, the remaining small number of ordinary people in the city walked out of the freelance chamber of commerce that originally sheltered them.

Seeing the death of the undead creatures, these ordinary people finally breathed a sigh of relief. They no longer need to worry about their lives. Only after seeing the corpses at the entrance of the town, did they rekindle their anger towards the necromancer in their hearts.

However, even if these ordinary people resent the Necromancer in their hearts, they have no power to retaliate against the Necromancer. For them, if the Necromancer returns and attacks the town again, they still need to spend money to request the asylum of the freelance chamber of commerce.

However, at this moment, these ordinary people seemed to have forgotten the horror of the Necromancer, and took the initiative to come to the battlefield to contain the bones of the original guard. For these ordinary people, the corpses all over the place, like purgatory scenes, did not dispel their will.

For them, the corpses in front of them belonged to the soldiers who had protected them. In this situation, even if a few knowledgeable people realized that these soldiers had been transformed into undead creatures, no one would turn them into undead creatures. Speaking out, but quietly converging these corpses.

At this time, many people fell into pain because they found their relatives in these corpses, but this was also of no avail, only making the atmosphere of sorrow permeate the scene.

For these ordinary people, maybe they can't help these soldiers in battle. Until now, they didn't know the identity of the Necromancer who came to attack the town, but at this moment, all their hearts were hostile to the Necromancer.

The identity of the Necromancer and what they do is destined to be hostile to other races. After the end of this battle between Diya and Eri, the Necromancer will be suppressed by the rest of the race for a long time, and it will not be fully recovered until the second expansion is opened.

At this time, just as these ordinary people converged on the surrounding bones at the city gate, in this city, as a faint blue light twisted, a small portal appeared in the center of the town.

Inside the door, an old elf wearing a pale green robe quickly walked out.

If Rhodes still stayed here, then he could recognize at a glance that the old elf in front of him was the court mage Ed who had chased him during the previous battle.

If Rod did not choose to leave immediately, but stayed and continued to clean up the remaining personnel in the city, then at this time, Rod would face the court mage Ed who came using the gate of time and space head-on.

During the period when Rod was avoiding Ed, Ed had no chance to come to find Rod because of the intensification of the fighting on the border.

In addition, Ed had been able to lock Rhodes’s eyeball treasures. When Rhodes hid in the cave, it seemed to lose its effect, and he did not expose Rhodes’s position. Under this situation, Ed He could only put Rhode aside for the time being, just to report on the possible occurrence of bone dragons in the territory.

Ed has been paying attention to the intelligence of the existence of the bone dragon in Eri during this period, and is planning to rush to the location where the bone dragon appears once he learns the existence of the bone dragon.

It wasn't until the previous moment that Ed had heard of the location of the bone dragon, so he immediately passed through the gate of time and space and rushed to the city.

Since there is no magic guild in the city, the burden of forcibly opening the gate of time and space, even the palace mage Ed, is still unbearable.

The Gate of Time and Space is already considered an extremely powerful magic, once it is used well, it can easily change the course of a war.

Because of this, the Gate of Time and Space also has considerable limitations. The most important point is that there needs to be a corresponding building in the city that can provide coordinates for the Gate of Time and Space.

Generally speaking, there will be such coordinates in the magic guilds in large towns, so that after the start of the war, powerful wizards can quickly join the battlefield in this way, but for such a small town, magic is Even if the meeting does not exist yet, it is naturally impossible to build such a building that provides coordinates.

Therefore, in this situation, the door of time and space is difficult to open.

Since there is no stable coordinate, once the wizard forcibly opens the door of time and space, it is extremely easy to get lost in the turbulence of space, to be involved in a plane that does not know where, or even to be torn to pieces by the interlaced space.

This is the limitation of the spell of Time and Space Gate.

Therefore, in the absence of coordinates, even the most powerful mage would not choose to forcibly open the door of time and space. For a powerful mage, such behavior is obviously to put his life in the hands of luck.

However, the court mage Eddard forcibly opened the gate of time and space without coordinates and came to this town.

Ed knows that his behavior is not to completely surrender his life to luck, but to make some preparations in advance.

At this time, a dead leaf appeared in Ed's hands that was gradually turning to ashes.

Ed knows that before opening the door of time and space, the leaf in his hand is still intact, glowing with a crystal luster, but under the current circumstances, this leaf has obviously completed its mission.

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