Arriving at a position not far from in front of the ogre priest, Rhode stopped, and then said:

"Look around, this is the result you want, right?"

Seeing the puzzled expression of the ogre priest, Rhodes knew that he couldn't understand what he meant.

Without the centaur leader interpreting his meaning clearly, Rhode could not communicate with the ogre priest normally in words.

Before leaving, he thought of Rowling, who was in deep meditation. In order to prevent any accidents, Rod still let the rest of his undead creatures stay at the entrance of the cave to prevent possible enemies, so he did not let the centaur leader follow.

Even though he had expected this a long time ago, Rhode still said these words to the ogre priest, regardless of whether he could understand it or not.

Rhode’s original plan was disrupted only because the ogre priests were unwilling to execute it, causing Rhode to become quite angry.

At this point, after attacking the ogre tribe, it is almost impossible for Rhode to get their referrals.

Even if the ogres agree to introduce Rhodes again, Rhodes will have to worry about whether they will have any ulterior motives. Once they pretend to introduce themselves to Tanan's position, and then frame themselves up, Rhodes needs to worry even more.

Rod did not expect that even in the face of the threat to the life of the entire tribe, the ogre priest in front of him could not make up his mind.

In that case, Lord did not intend to say anything to this group of ogres, but directly started the battle. Under the assault of the ghost dragon, the ordinary ogres had already fled around and could not support this ogre at all. Demon priest.

For many years of servitude, under the rule of the mage, the wisdom that these ogres could have had, there is nothing left at this time. In the face of the attack of the ghost dragon, the ogres in the tribe fled frantically, just thinking To escape from here.

In the field, the ogres who were still able to remain calm and planned to fight, except for the heroic ogres fighting the ghost dragon, were the only ogres priests in front of Rhode.

Rhode can understand the general idea of ​​the ogre priest at this time, but this does not hinder Rhode's decision.

Although he could not understand the meaning of Rhode's words, the ogre priest could still understand Rhode's general idea from his eyes.

Under the premise that the entire tribe was almost destroyed, even the ogre priest who realized that he might not be an opponent still had a sense of war in his heart.

In the eyes of the ogre priest, Rhode was the culprit responsible for all this.

At this time, in the eyes of the ogre priest, Rhode’s figure gradually overlapped with the wizard who had oppressed and enslaved other ogres, as if there was no difference between the two.

The ogre priest worked hard to see the situation ahead, only to confirm that what he saw was only an illusion in his mind, but it also made the ogre priest understand that even if he did what the necromancer hoped for The choice, in the end, may also be wrong.

After all this was figured out, the ogre priest's heart suddenly showed strong courage.

In the previous battles, the ogre priests had not seen Rhode personally take action. What the ogre priests saw were the powers of Rhode’s ghost dragon.

As for the strength of Rhodes himself, the ogre priest had also thought about it. It stands to reason that if he can control the ghost dragon, the necromancer himself is naturally extremely powerful, but the ogre priest cannot confirm this.

The ogre priest only expected one thing in his heart, and that was that Rhode's strength was not strong. It was only relying on the power of the ghost dragon to look very powerful.

After having this idea in his heart, the ogre priest seemed to have seized the opportunity of victory, and kept repeating this sentence to himself in his heart, hoping that this sentence could become a reality.

Facing the unknown depth of Rhode, the ogre priest can only paralyze himself with this kind of thought to bring up the courage of the first battle.

Raising the bone rod in his hand, a red light suddenly appeared on the ogre priest's body. As the red light gradually deepened, the fear of Rhode in the heart of the ogre priest was completely dissipated, except for the idea of ​​wanting to defeat Rhode. , There is no other idea.

Although the ogre priest didn't know how long the heroic ogre could resist the ghost dragon, it wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to defeat Rhodes ahead.

Seeing the ogre priest blessing himself with spells, Rhode only saw this scene in his eyes, but he did not attack first, but his eyes gradually turned cold.

The ogre priest knew in his heart that the more it dragged on, the more disadvantaged it would be for the hero ogre. Want to let the heroic ogre survive the attack of the ghost dragon, unless you kill the necromancer here.

After blessing, the ogre priest no longer waited, raised the bone rod in his hand, and rushed directly towards the location of Rhode.

While running, the earth shook as the footsteps of the ogre priest fell. Even the small stones produced by the collapse of the fortress are rising and falling with the shaking.

For a moment, it seemed that he felt his own power. For the necromancer in front of him, the ogre priest had already ignited a raging fire in his heart.

In this state, the ogre priest firmly believes that no matter any enemy appears in front of him, he has a way to defeat it, let alone a necromancer who does not know his strength.

With his momentum alone, the ogre priest has reached his peak, throwing aside all the fears he had produced in the past.

However, in a real battle, if you can win by momentum alone, where should the real strength go?

In the eyes of the ogre priest, Rod slowly raised his arm, and following his movements, in his hand, a violently pulsating white spear condensed.

Following Rhode's movements, this magic that the ogre priest had never seen before quickly shot at the location where the ogre priest was.

During the sprint, the ogre priest did not choose to dodge, but blocked the bone wand in his hand, trying to block the magic that attacked him.

The ogre priest knew that the bone wand in his hand, including most of the ogre weapons in the tribe, were made from the bones guarded by the giants.

Weapons made from the bones of the Titans are far more powerful than ordinary weapons. Even after the most simple use, the ogre still believes that the weapon in his hand can block the magic that he shoots.

In a blink of an eye, the arrow of the Titan came to the eyes of the ogre priest and hit the bone stick in his hand.

With a violent explosion, the ogre priest was plunged into endless darkness except for the last strong white light.

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