Rowling's point made Rhode do not know how to answer for a while.

For the stories in the poems, Rod and Rowling's focus is completely different. In addition to the traces of Sasha's existence, Rhodes is interested in the authenticity of the story itself.

At the beginning, Rod did not associate the poem with Sasha. What Rod was concerned about was the hints that might appear in the poem about the treasures of the Silva clan.

In addition to combination artifacts, some treasures will also have special effects after being collected. Similar to what Rod had obtained from the centaur leader, the treasures of the Silva clan had this effect.

When Rod came to the area where the centaur leader was, he had searched for the existence of the Silva family's treasures, but he didn't find anything. Rod can only give up on this.

Rod’s first thought was that the poems might be related to these treasures, and perhaps there is a connection between the two so that they can perceive each other.

However, when the development of the story in the poem was beyond Rhode’s expectation, especially after Rhode confirmed the existence of Sasha from the poem, Rhode’s focus was no longer on the treasures, but instead on the treasures. Sasha, the enchanter.

As for the record of the story itself, which is what Rowling cares most about, Rod doesn't care about the love affair between the two Erie creatures. This is the same as Rowling said.

For Rod, whether it was an elves or a centaur, he had already killed a lot of them, and Rod was naturally not interested in the love affair between them.

In addition to this, Rhodes is also a little unacceptable just looking at the story itself.

Although Sasha recorded this story because of her identity as a witchcraft master, in the story, she apparently beautified the witchcraft rituals.

In the ritual book, there is no mention of where the creatures that failed to merge have gone. It simply selected one of the special cases and described the Silva Centaur, which combines the advantages of the two creatures, the elves and the centaur.

If someone discovers the secret of the ritual book and deeply believes in the ritual recorded in the ritual book, then he will definitely perform the fusion ritual to other creatures in accordance with the ritual recorded in the book.

Only at that time, when he saw the creature he made according to the fusion ceremony with his own eyes, would he understand this. This fusion ceremony is not as beautiful as he thought.

The result of the fusion ritual has exceeded the control of the magician. Even the most powerful magician can only change the result of the fusion ritual in a small area. Perform fusion.

The fusion ceremony is full of unknowns. The environment of the ritual location, the differences of individual organisms, the exclusion of biological species, and the selection of the core of the ritual will all affect the outcome of the ritual.

According to the story recorded in the psalm, Sasha taught the fusion ritual to the elf and asked him to prepare the ritual and perform it with the female centaur.

Fortunately, in the end, the ceremony was a success. The elves and the centaur were perfectly integrated and became the Silva centaur, which symbolized the crystallization of their love. The poem recorded it and became a beautiful love story.

Rod knows that Sasha will not do meaningless behaviors, even in the stories it leaves behind, Sasha is not all playing the role of a good person.

If there is a deviation in the fusion ceremony, or a mistake in a certain position, the elves and the centaur fail to merge and produce a weird and ugly creature, Sasha will also record it completely, and even change the whole poem The tone turns it into a deeply tragic story.

For Sasha, this may be just a small change, just changing the content of his poems to be recorded, other than that, it will not have much impact.

However, once that happens, the impact will be significant for the two races at the time.

Due to the unknown fusion ritual, the fusion between the elves and the centaur, what will happen, even Sasha, before conducting a large number of experiments, has no way of knowing.

Once the fusion fails, that kind of weird creature will appear, the elves and the centaur will fall into an irreconcilable war, and history will also change. The centaur will not settle in Eri, but will be expelled by the elves.

And this is also what Sasha wants to see. Sasha just wants to record this period of history, what the direction of history is, Sasha doesn't care.

Rod believes that what Sasha is interested in is only the final fate of the centaur. As for the love affair of the two creatures in the story, and their fate, Sasha may not care too much.

After endless years, Sasha's strength and thoughts, Rod has no way to guess. Rod didn't believe that Sasha, who had reached this level, would care about every creature he touched.

No matter what the final result is, Sasha's goal has been achieved, playing an extremely important but easily overlooked role in the recorded story.

After the fusion ceremony is successful, Sasha can praise the purity of the love between the centaur and the elves in the poem, but when the fusion ceremony fails, Sasha can also criticize their love affair from all aspects. From the point of view of the recorder, Sasha can easily do this.

For all of Sasha's guesses, Rhodes can only make inferences based on his existing wisdom.

Sasha's ritual book is one of the few objects in the surface world that records fusion rituals.

Strangely speaking, since Sasha has existed for countless years, the Magic Guild must be aware of its existence, but it did not prohibit the bard from going to Brakada, nor did it choose to collect and destroy what it left behind. The book of rituals, but to let Sasha's behavior.

In addition to the players, the Magic Guild has also gone through a long period of research on these behaviors of Sasha, but in the end they can only choose to ignore them.

The Magic Guild finally made such a decision, in addition to being difficult to deal with Sasha, perhaps it was also because of its behavior.

Returning to Rowling's original question, because Rowling only saw the story recorded by Sasha, he would naturally be affected by the tone of the poem, and would naturally be moved by the love affair between the two creatures in the story.

However, when Rod conjectured all the actions that Sasha had done, Rod could not be moved by the two creatures who had been under Sasha's control, and even the love affair between them, in Rod's opinion. , It's not worth mentioning.

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