Thork grew up in the Ice Blue Magic Academy, and he has a deep insight into all of this inside the academy.

In Thork's impression, it seemed that when he was still a mage apprentice, Els became the dean of the Ice Blue Magic Academy, and it has continued to this day.

After Thork had completed most of the spells in the academy, he assumed a position in the academy in accordance with those powerful wizards in the past, and began to manage the low-level wizards.

In the process of management, Sock also gradually discovered some abnormalities.

For the Ice Blue Magic Academy, Thok hoped it would be better than any other wizard, but faced serious resistance. The source of this resistance was the dean of the academy, Els.

Most of the resources in the academy are all controlled by Els, and only a small part of the resources collected by the rest of the mages are really used on the general mages.

This was discovered by a wizard long ago, but he dared not raise any objections to it.

In terms of strength, Els surpassed any wizard in the academy, and perhaps only the legendary creature can compare with Els.

Els does not have the identity of a hero, but all the wizards who have seen him believe that there are not many heroes that can surpass him.

In this case, Els chose to take most of the resources inside the academy, which seemed to be a matter of course, but Sock didn't think so.

In Thok's thoughts, Els was detached from the entire Ice Blue Magic Academy.

In Bracada territory, no matter how strong the mages are, they still need to abide by some rules. They can't be like the territory of Diya. As long as they are strong, they can plunder.

The existence of Els could no longer bring any help to the academy. Els never intervened in the management of all matters within the academy, but only allowed the rest of the mages to manage it.

For the development of the academy, Els cannot bring any effective help, and the positive impact it can bring about is probably only symbolic. Instead, Els is rooted in the academy, taking in various resources within the academy.

Thok wanted to know, in Els's mind, for him, what exactly is the existence of the Ice Blue Magic Academy. Perhaps for Els, the academy is just a tool to help him easily collect various resources.

For this reason, Thok has already made a decision in his heart, and will do everything possible to increase his influence in the Ice Blue Magic Academy, and finally obtain the position of the dean.

In Bracada, the strength of the mage can only represent a part, not the whole of the mage. Once Sock proves that he can do better than Els, he will be able to take the position of Dean.

For this reason, Sok did not hesitate to spend a great price to win the place of this college event. Although it was only the location of the branch, the finals of the potion contest were not held here, but it was enough for Sok to gain his reputation. Improve a lot.

When Sock did not formally accept the management of the academy, the interior of the Ice Blue Magic Academy was like a stagnant pool. After seeing the attitude of Dean Els, the mage in charge of management also gave up the idea of ​​management academy and let it develop on its own.

If it hadn't been for the appearance of Thok, perhaps the Ice Blue Magic Academy would not have changed at all. The rest of the administrators of the academy may also learn from Els and compete for resources in the Ice Blue Magic Academy.

It is not a simple question left to Sock. Although Sock fought to host the college event, there were obvious loopholes in the next potion competition.

Even if Sok had told some wizards in the academy about the potion contest in advance, it didn't make much difference.

In terms of the number of people entering the semi-finals, it may be the reason for being the host of the college event. Under the base of the mages in the academy, the ice blue magic academy has the largest number of wizards entering the semi-finals, but it can’t take much advantage in proportion. .

What's more, judging from the skills demonstrated by some wizards in the preliminary round, the contestants of the Ice Blue Magic Academy are not even a bit different from them.

Although Thok intends to change all of this, in a short period of time, he was unable to improve the overall level of the academy. In terms of the foundation, the Ice Blue Magic Academy still lacks.

After profoundly realizing this, Thok could only sigh in his heart. The problem of the Ice Blue Magic Academy cannot be solved by himself in a short time.

Although the semi-finals have not yet started, Sock also expected the next result.

Although Thok was able to tell all the arrangements of the potion competition to the mages inside the academy and let him enter the real finals, in the finals, the situation was not so simple here.

The finals are where the mages truly show their strength, but it will not be like this. Someone will inform these participating mages in advance of the rules of the finals.

Thork deeply understands that according to the current level of the Ice Blue Magic Academy, once the mages in the academy enter the finals, I am afraid they will only get the bottom few, not only will not increase their reputation, on the contrary, because of the performance of these mages, Will be ridiculed by the rest of the wizards along with the Ice Blue Magic Academy.

For this reason, Thok can only put his goals on the rest of the mages who will participate in the competition, hoping that they can achieve their goals. If these mages can get a higher ranking in the finals, they will be used as the ice blue to select them. The Magic Academy can also get a little light.

As a result of observing the entire preliminary test, Sock also selected some goals in his mind.

The mages selected by Thok are all mages who have demonstrated their refining skills in the preliminary test. Although the initial test did not make any restrictions on the refining of the mage, in this case, those who are still willing to show their own strength are all extremely confident in their potions.

Thok selected a number of wizards to pay attention, and the key object of his attention was North, who was the first to refine the potion.

In addition, there are some mages who seem to have deliberately concealed their own strength during the initial test, just like Rhode, so that Sock has no way to determine for a while.

Fortunately, Thok has the right to modify the game system. In the Ice Blue Magic Academy, due to Thok's prior arrangements, no wizard would object to Thok's management.

Thinking of the rules of the semi-finals he had formulated, Sock believed that even those mages who did not want to reveal the power of Potions could no longer hide in order to pass the semi-finals.

After appearing in the center of the field through teleportation, Sock slowly said the rules of this rematch toward the mage around the field.

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