In addition to this mage who refined potions with great side effects, which attracted the attention of Ailong, there were also many mages who also attracted Ailong's attention.

In the process of checking the potions, the mage who checked the potions would not say anything to the players who came to the high platform. He just determined the player's potion rating and let the player leave.

Among them, there are also some players, because of the unique effects produced by the potion, and the mages who have been inspected have been questioned. Asked about the specific content, but there was nothing reflected in the image. Airon who was on the ground was also not aware of it. Obviously, the organizers did not want the mage on the ground to know this.

While observing the images of these wizards, Aaron looked for Rhodes in them, but unfortunately, even though Aaron tried for a long time, he did not find Rhodes among the wizards who completed the potion refining.

Before a mage had completed the potion refining, the image of Rhodes appeared many times, and even occupied the entire stele at one time, but at this time, Elon could not find Rhodes at all.

Among the players waiting to be checked, Aaron even found North, who he had noticed. Obviously, he had completed the potion refining.

Regarding this, Elon could only think that Rhode was still refining the potion, but the refining speed was relatively slow, instead of making some other moves.

After North was tested by a high-level wizard, Aaron noticed that the potion that North has refined, which can greatly increase the spiritual attributes of the wizard, but will cause a serious decline in the vitality of the wizard, actually ranks first. kind.

For the result of the potion he refined, North also seemed extremely surprised for a while, but when he reacted, he still felt extremely happy.

In North’s view, although the potion he refined, although in terms of improving his spiritual attributes, surpassed any potion he refined in the past, whether it was a previous attempt or a potion refined in the previous rematch. , In terms of the improved spiritual attributes, they are far inferior to the potion he has refined so far.

However, this bottle of potion also has a serious negative effect, which will severely reduce the vitality of the potion-drinking mage, which is unacceptable for any mage.

The reduction in vitality will also cause the mage's physique to drop drastically. Although it has not reached the level of reducing the original vitality, it will also make the mage unable to recover for a long time. In contrast, those spiritual attributes that can be promoted are nothing.

If there is no side effect of reducing vitality, North believes that this kind of spiritual potion that he refines should be able to reach the first category of the entire potion competition. But because of these negative effects, North could only pray that his potion would not reach the last category.

Fortunately, the evaluation given by the potion competition made North feel extremely surprised. He put his bottle of potion with relatively large side effects into the first category, and put it together with those potions that are really effective. .

For the reason, North naturally wouldn't go into the details, but left with a look of joy, but North's expression fell into the eyes of Elon who was observing below, making Elon obviously feel abnormal.

In Elon’s impression, among the potions checked before, the number of potions that can reach the first category is extremely small, and many potions that can significantly improve the mage are also ranked second because of insufficient improvement. Class.

On the contrary, those potions that had a high level of improvement but had strong side effects were classified into the first category because the level of improvement met the criteria of the first category.

After discovering this, Aaron suddenly realized that based on his previous observations and the wizard information that appeared along with the potion effect, most of the wizards who refined potions with powerful side effects were the same as Rhodes. The power of the lord of a certain place.

Including the wizard that Elon had noticed before, he also came from the power of the lord.

The many wizards from the power of the lord, and the potions they refined with side effects, could not help but make Aaron discover some unusual information, but Aaron could not confirm this in his own way.

In addition to these potions with side effects, which were able to enter the first category, Aaron also noticed that some potions with truly powerful effects were also included in the first category.

Elon noticed that a mixed-blood mage with a blue skin and descent of gods and monsters has refined the ability to allow the mage to possess similar elemental creatures for a long time, and directly manipulate the surrounding magic elements to form potions of various spells, enter In the first category.

In addition to this mixed-blood mage, a young female mage has refined a potion that can protect the mage from any spell damage for a certain period of time. It also enters the first category, except for this potion. To use it, the mage needs to apply it on the body instead of drinking it directly.

In addition, there was a player participating in the potion competition. His appearance immediately triggered a large number of spectators to discuss, and Aron also noticed him.

Generally speaking, these mages participating in the potion competition, apart from their profound knowledge in potions, are not outstanding in their own strength. In the process of researching potions, these mages are naturally unable to be as refined as ordinary wizards. Research knowledge of various spells.

It can be said that any high-level mage who is responsible for grading potions is far more powerful than the mage participating in the finals.

But among these wizards, there are also some special cases. Among them, the one who has received a lot of attention from the spectators is such an older wizard.

Compared with the mages who check potions, this older mages is not weak in terms of identity. This mage is the dean of a magical academy, who has reached the level of a high-level mage in strength, but he is extremely interested in potions. This is why he joined the potions competition as a contestant.

The identity of this mage naturally attracted a large number of mages around to discuss him. The potion he refined was similar to the perfect potion that Rod had refined in the semi-finals, and naturally entered the first category.

Compared with the perfect potion refined by Rhodes, in terms of effect, the perfect potion refined by this mage is not bad at all, and even in terms of physical attributes, the increased value far exceeds the rest of the attributes.

The main body of refining chosen by this mage is exactly the biological core that Rhodes once proposed to Els. This can be a powerful and perfect potion with high physique attributes.

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