For most creatures that do not have a hero template, except for a few special skills, the level corresponding to the regular special skills reflects the rank that the creature should have.

This point, even in the group that the Master corresponds to, has an extremely obvious manifestation. When a mage has any kind of skill to enter the epic rank, his own corresponding rank will enter the sixth rank.

The legendary skills that are more powerful than the epic level naturally correspond to the seventh level that only top mages can enter. The creatures that can enter the seventh level must have an extremely powerful special skill as a blessing.

If you want to deal with any kind of seventh-order creature, you need to anticipate in advance how to deal with the special skills it possesses. Before getting accurate information, it is an extremely dangerous behavior to rashly attack a seventh-order creature. One point is recognized by all living things.

For the average player, relying on the existence of skill points, at most they can only upgrade their skills to the Grandmaster level corresponding to Tier 5, and then they will not be able to continue to improve their special skills by relying on skill points as before.

When the special skill enters the legendary level, the power of this special skill will truly be revealed. Rod's ability to rely on racing achievements to obtain legendary spiritualism is also the reason why he was able to defeat powerful enemies in his previous adventures.

At this time, when Rod removed the pendant that absorbed death energy from his body, the breath of legendary spiritism entered Eli's perception.

Just feeling the special aura contained in this death energy, Eli instantly had a new idea of ​​Rhodes's identity.

In Eli's eyes, to be able to release such pure death energy, Rohde's own rank naturally does not need to be doubted, and he must be an extremely powerful necromancer.

Compared with the Necromancer who was ranked third before, the death energy released by Rhode is also very different.

If we say that the necromancer before, may have come into contact with the forbidden knowledge of necromancers by chance, this time I came here, maybe it was really just to rectify the name of the necromancer as he said, but Rhode was obviously not for the sake of at this point.

From the death energy released by Rhode, Eli could feel an extreme evil presence. Other mages may think that this evil is related to the nature of death energy, but Eli knows that if Rhodes does not use spiritualism more often, death energy will not show this effect.

Unlike the other wizards, Eli often deals with Necromancer-related matters, so he naturally understands some situations of spiritualism, but even all the Necromancers Eli has seen before did not bring Eli. Come this feeling.

Before that, when Eli's rank hadn't reached the current level, he had dealt with many powerful necromancers on the border of Bracada.

Due to the geographical location, coupled with the indulgence of the border lord of Brakada, many necromancers are active at the junction of Brakada and Elasia, creating undead creatures by killing a large number of civilians.

Regarding the situation of the Necromancer, the border lord of Bracada helped them to conceal the situation, and the situation reported to the magic guild was that there was no abnormality in the territory.

If it weren't for the lord of Elasia who couldn't stand the invasion of the Necromancer and took the initiative to ask the Magic Guild for help, the Necromancer might be even more rampant.

However, among the necromancers Eli met in the past, apart from Rhode, there is no necromancer that can give Eli this special feeling.

Through these anomalies of death energy, Eli instantly realized that in the previous process, Rhode must have used spiritism to create a large number of undead creatures like the necromancer he had ever seen.

Compared with the Necromancer ranked third, as soon as the death energy possessed by Rhodes appeared, Eli confirmed that this Necromancer was the target he had always intended to expel. The Necromancer in the third place is actually nothing at all.

And this is also the reason why Eli asked Rohod about his coming. Eli didn't believe that Rohde's purpose here, just like the third-ranked Necromancer, was to rectify the names of all Necromancers.

The difference from Eli was that the other wizards around, after hearing Eli's questioning, also put their sights on Rhode.

The rest of these mages have not really seen the actions of the necromancers. All the news about the Necromancer was only heard from other wizards.

Perhaps there was a Necromancer in the third place. After learning that Rhode was also a Necromancer, these wizards recovered after a brief shock and accepted this easily.

When Eli asked about Lord's coming, these wizards also wanted to know this from Lord's mouth to see if they were the same as the third-ranked wizard.

At this time, to their expectations, Rod also gave his answer.

"I'm here to participate in this potion competition, just to test my mastery of potions, and to see what level of my potions have reached among the mages gathered in Bracada. Of course, if I can get the potions The rewards of the drug competition are of course the best."

"I am honored to be the champion of this potion contest, and please don't care about my identity as a necromancer, and just treat me as an ordinary wizard."

After saying this, under the gaze of the rest of the mages in the field, Rhode put on the pendant in his hand again, whether it was the pendant that was used to hide his identity, or the pendant he obtained in this potion contest. The parts of the artifact, Rod has worn them completely.

At this time, under the action of these two pendants that hide their identities, the special features of Rhode's body were hidden again. Originally, those wizard heroes who were paying attention to Rhode were unable to confirm Rhode’s heroic identity due to the effect of this pendant.

Because of the special features shown before, even if Rhodes was in the words, let other wizards around him regard him as an ordinary wizard, but this is obviously difficult to achieve.

In the previous process, any mage who perceives Rhode's body anomaly will not just treat him as an ordinary mage.

After listening to these words Rhodes said, Eli's face also changed a lot. Obviously Rhodes's answer exceeded Eli's expectations.

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