When Rod left on the airship, the mages who had been under the airship had also undergone some changes at this time.

When Eli took out the artifact part that was rewarded to Rhode outside of the forbidden magic ceremony, the impact of this artifact part and the forbidden space was undoubtedly reflected in the image on the stone tablet, and was thus affected by the lower field. Those mage in the eyes.

For the mages below, they may not be able to intuitively feel the damage to the airship and the shocks that occur on the airship like those on the airship, but with the dramatic changes in the image, they also Can feel the power of this artifact.

Under the effect of this shock, the image on the stele was extremely vague in addition to the shock, making all the wizards unable to see the specific situation on the airship, even when Eli took the initiative to send this artifact part into it. After the banning ritual, the image on the stone tablet has already completely disappeared.

This situation undoubtedly made many wizards in the field feel dissatisfied. For the artifact component that just appeared in the image, these wizards were extremely curious and wanted to understand the specific effect of this artifact component.

Because they were unaware of the impact on the airship, these wizards could only think that the disappearance of the image was to hide the true effect of this artifact.

Although the image on the stone tablet has long since disappeared, the wizards in the field did not give up their attention to the artifact component that appeared at the end. At this time, many wizards are discussing the possible real effects of this artifact component and its The strength improvement that can be brought to the mage.

Since the image disappeared earlier, none of these wizards knew what happened on the airship after Eli handed the artifact parts to Rhodes.

Whether it was the exposure of the Necromancer's identity or Rod's choice to jump from the airship and escape, the wizard below was completely unaware.

Although the impact caused by the artifact components completely disappeared from the scene, this point attracted the attention of these wizards even more.

Listening to the discussion of the artifact components by the other wizards beside him, Elon, who was in the field, did not have the same thoughts as the surrounding wizards.

Since he already knew the identity of Rhodes Necromancer, when Rhodes won the championship, Elon was more concerned about whether Rhodes could return from the airship smoothly.

Prior to this, Elon also tried to perceive the death energy in Rhode's body to see if he could find anomalies. After all, if even Elon's perception can't be concealed, I am afraid that Rod has just arrived in the potion refining site, and his identity will be discovered by other wizards.

Fortunately, Elon couldn't rely on his own perception ability to find any abnormalities from Rhode's body. The original rich death energy of Rhode's body was completely concealed under the effect of the pendant.

However, what worries Aaron is that although he can't perceive the anomaly that appears on Rhode, this does not mean that those powerful high-level mages can't find it either.

In Elon’s thoughts, perhaps when Rod had just boarded this airship and was in the process of refining the potions, these wizards would not pay much attention to Rod, even if there was a little on Rod’s body. The death energy will not attract the attention of these mages.

However, when Rhode won the championship, the situation has obviously changed greatly. Even the mages who didn't care about Rhode's existence at this time will still pay great attention to Rhode, those originally extremely small anomalies. The place, under the attention of these mages, will be infinitely magnified.

At this time, because the images in the field had long since disappeared, Aaron didn't know the real situation of Rod's on the airship, but only hoped that Rod could return smoothly.

In Ailong's view, if Rhodes can hide from these high-level mages on the airship, it is naturally the best result. After waiting for Lord's return, Elon can follow Lord, relying on the space magic mastered by those high-level mages, and return to the territory where he was originally located.

In addition to Rhodes's worries, Aaron actually has greater worries about what happened in his own territory.

Elon’s main concern is the monster hero Vita in the territory. Because he doesn’t know if the territory has been attacked by savage creatures, and he is not beside Vita, Aaron can’t help but produce it in his heart. A sense of urgency.

At this time, only waiting for Rod to return from the airship, Aaron would be able to return to Silver Cliff City, back to the side of the monster hero.

After waiting for a long time, the surrounding wizards also put aside the discussion about the effects of artifact components, and turned the topic to these winning players.

Because these players come from different regions, when the final ranking appears, the wizards from each region naturally have different reactions. At this time, these wizards are waiting for the end of the potion competition on the airship, while discussing about their positions. The ranking of the local mages.

Just as these mages were discussing, a bright yellow space door appeared in the center of the venue without any warning.

At the same time, these wizards also noticed that the outline of the airship gradually emerged in the clouds above the field.

Due to the distance from the ground, the airship above seemed extremely small in the eyes of the surrounding wizards. Compared with the surrounding clouds, the airship is not much different from a small black spot.

Even so, this discovery was enough to excite the surrounding wizards. When the potion competition started, the surrounding mages could not find the position of the airship above the clouds through the naked eye. The appearance of the airship at this time would undoubtedly send a message to the surrounding mages that the potion competition was completely over.

In the bright yellow space door located in the center of the venue, a lot of wizards walked out. What these wizards have in common is that they are extremely powerful and have reached a high-level level.

Those who walked out of the space gate with these mages were the winning mages that appeared in the previous images. After noticing the presence of these mages, there was endless applause in the field.

Even Elon seemed to be infected by the atmosphere in the field, but he recovered immediately and began to look for Rod's figure among the players who walked out.

What puzzled Elon was that he had not found the figure of Rhode from among the mages that appeared.

Just as Aaron was about to observe these wizards carefully again to confirm the existence of Rhode, Aaron suddenly sensed that there seemed to be a lot of threatening auras beside him.

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