Heroes And Invincible Undead Magic God

Chapter 530 Undead Killer 1

Regarding the magic scroll that appeared in Rowling’s hand, Reese at this time had already thought about how to deal with it in order to reduce the damage he might receive. Even so that Rowling could not use this magic scroll, he was hit by himself. kill.

Toward Rowling, who was not far away, Reese cast a spell of his own best, the Cloud of Death. In an instant, a large group of dark green death clouds shot out toward Rowling's location.

Under the high-speed flight, the cloud of death came to Rowling's position in an instant. As the cloud of death spread, Rowling's figure completely disappeared in the cloud of death.

Early in the previous battle, Reese realized that the Cloud of Death might not have any effect on Rowling, and could not cause damage to Rowling as it did to other creatures, but at this time, Reese still chose The spell of death cloud.

Reese chose the cloud of death. What he valued was not the damaging effect of the cloud of death itself, but the ability of the cloud of death to hide the line of sight. Among the many spells that Reese mastered, only the cloud of death , Has this ability.

In Reese's sight, Rowling's figure was undoubtedly completely submerged by the clouds of death around him, and this was the effect Reese hoped to achieve.

Under the cover of the death cloud, due to the shadowing effect of the death cloud on the field of vision, it will be difficult for the creatures in it to observe the surrounding situation. At the same time, the creatures outside the scope of the death cloud cannot notice the internal occurrence. Thing.

For Reese, the inability to observe Rowling’s figure in the cloud of death does not affect Reese’s range of attack spells, but for Rowling, who is in the cloud of death, it will obviously be greatly affected. .

Under this circumstance, Reese believes that even if the power of the scroll in Rowling's hand is extremely powerful, she will not use it lightly. A scroll of magic.

And this is the opportunity that Reese is looking for. What Reese needs to do is to attack Rowling in the cloud of death before it dissipates completely.

At this time, the cloud of death had completely enveloped Rowling, and began to spread toward the surrounding position. As he did not feel any mana fluctuations, the worry in Reese's heart also eased a lot.

Just as Reese was about to cast a spell to attack Rowling, a sense of extreme danger suddenly came from Reese's perception.

Because he was paying attention to the movement of Rowling's location at the time, Reese was aware of the threat corresponding to this perception in the first time.

From this feeling of palpitations, what Reese felt was an instinctive fear. For Reese, who has Tier 5 strength, this is undoubtedly beyond his expectation.

What Reese didn't understand was that even facing a mage of the same rank, it was impossible for him to have such a sense of fear, but at this time, this feeling undoubtedly emerged in Reese's heart.

After discovering this, Reese just wanted to use teleportation to come to a place far away from here, but in the next instant, Reese's figure was shrouded in a strong white light.

The existence of the cloud of death also obstructed Reese's vision, making it impossible to observe Rowling's specific situation.

If there is no such cloud of death, perhaps when Rowling tears open the magic scroll in her hand, Reese will be able to find out in time and respond to it. But now, the cloud of death that Reese has displayed is undoubtedly right. Reese had a greater impact.

Under the shroud of white light, Reese, who was in it, also experienced extremely abnormal changes.

In Reese's perception, when his body was covered by this white light, all the death energy that originally existed in the body seemed to be out of control at this moment.

What made Reese felt extremely painful was the tearing pain caused by the violent death energy in his body. Under the action of white light, Reese was able to perceive these changes in the death energy in the body, but there was no way to solve this.

As early as the moment when he sensed the danger in his heart, Reese wanted to leave the place by teleportation, but at the end he was a bit slower, and before Reese left, he was shrouded in white light.

When Reese was under the white light and realized that he had not been killed by this spell in an instant, all he thought was to move away from his current position through teleportation, but unfortunately, The feedback from the perception made Reese unable to use teleportation.

Under the shroud of white light, the death energy in Reese's body was no longer under his control, and as a result, Reese lost the ability to cast spells.

At this moment, the only thing Reese can do is to completely withstand the damage caused by this spell.

With the continuation of the white light, in Reese's perception, the tearing sensation in his body has been making himself extremely painful. At this time, it has become a strong burning sensation, as if a flame has been burning on his body. generally.

If it wasn't for Reese to know clearly that he was in Silver Cliff City and was fighting Rowling, Reese would even think that he was in a furnace.

Even compared to the flames of hell that originally appeared, in Reese's perception, it might not be so terrifying. Reese knew that the damage caused by the flames of hell was done in an instant, but now, Reese doesn't know how long this white light will last.

As if aware of the type of spell this spell belongs to, Reese has been suppressing this burning sensation in his heart.

Reflected on the outside, it is the surface of Reese's body. Some pale flames will suddenly appear, but when these flames appear for a while, they will dissipate under Reese's suppression.

The mage robe worn by Reese was not ignited by these strange-looking flames. After the flame disappeared, the shape of the mage robe was intact at the original position where the flame appeared.

Obviously, these pale flames that appeared on Reese were very different from regular flames. Regarding this, Reese, who was in intense pain, could not feel it.

In Reese's perception, this burning sensation has spread to his entire body. Even so, Reese still needs to endure this pain.

If Reese loses all his will to fight in the process of being shrouded in white light, then by now, Reese's state will become worse.

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