Rowling also discovered some anomalies from the clothes surrounding the silhouettes around the teleportation monument. Through these anomalies, Rowling seemed to have identified the identity of the group of silhouettes. It was just that before Rowling could confirm this. There have been new changes.

In the middle of this group of figures, there is a teleportation monument for spatial calibration. Due to the particularity of the spell of Time and Space, there is nothing in the middle part of the teleport monument. The composition of this teleport monument, apart from the space calibration inlaid at the top, only has a border with extremely special outer materials.

When a wizard casts the gate of time and space, the faint green gate of time and space will fill the area enclosed by the entire frame, and then there will be a wizard stepping out of it.

Different from the space calibration itself, these borders around the teleport monument are not a necessary condition for opening the door of time and space.

Even if there is no frame, there is only space calibration, the wizard can still open the door of time and space, and the effect of the door of time and space will not be affected in any way.

However, in this case, the gate of time and space opened by the wizard does not have a regular shape as a whole. For those high-level wizards who like to be gorgeous, it is naturally difficult to tolerate this, and Bracada has always In the tradition since then, the final choice for the mages is to make the space calibration into the form of a teleportation tablet.

In order to ensure that the transmission monument can exist for a long time, and at the same time bear the tearing of the surrounding space when the gate of time and space is opened, these transmission monument frames used for carrying space calibration also need a special material to make it. .

When Rowling was observing those figures, they also started to act.

Rowling noticed that these figures seemed to have reached an agreement. One of them immediately followed the border around the teleportation tablet to the top of the teleportation tablet.

After arriving at this location, the figure did not know where it came from, took out a uniquely shaped dagger, and tried to take out the space calibration inlaid on the teleportation tablet.

Even though Rowling's sight stayed on these people and wanted to observe some useful information from them, when the figure climbed to the top of the teleportation tablet, Rowling did not clearly see any of his movements.

When Rowling reacted, the figure had already been on the teleportation monument, and tried to remove the space calibration at the top of the teleportation monument. Based on this alone, Rowling could perceive the unusual places in these figures.

Through the teachings of Rhodes in the past, coupled with the unusual appearance of these figures, and the strength they showed, Rowling immediately guessed their true identity, and they belonged to the thieves' guild.

Rowling knew that if it was as expected, based on the strength displayed by this group of thieves, their status in the Thieves Guild was obviously not low.

At the moment this red barrier appeared, I realized the failure of the Ice Blue Magic Academy, and made a plan to deal with it, came to the location of the teleportation monument in time, and obtained the extremely precious space calibration, only in the city. The Thieves Guild can collect this information in time.

The actions taken by this group of thieves had obviously exceeded Rowling's expectations. Rowling had a faint premonition in her heart. Among the group of thieves that appeared here, there might be extremely powerful magical assassins.

Under the action of the Forbidden Magic Barrier, the abilities of magical assassins will also be severely restricted and unable to display any spells, but the existence of the Forbidden Magic Barrier will not have any impact on the melee capabilities of these assassins themselves.

Due to the forbidden magic barrier, Rowling could not resist too much even in the face of a trained ordinary thief, not to mention facing these extremely powerful assassins.

Just as Rhodes can rely on the forbidden magic barrier to kill those powerful high-level mages, once these thieves insist on dealing with Rowling, Rowling's end will not be any better.

Fortunately, the sight of this group of thieves was completely attracted by the thieves at the top of the teleportation monument, and did not even notice Rowling in the distance.

When the thief arrived at the top of the teleportation monument, he began to stab at the place where the space calibration was embedded with the dagger that appeared in his hand, trying to remove the space calibration above it in this way.

The dagger collided with the surface of the teleportation monument, making a sound of gold and iron humming, and then it was bounced away. Obviously, this kind of teleportation tablet made of special materials is not so easy to destroy.

After discovering this, the thief speeded up the action in his hand, deepening the dagger into the top of the teleportation monument, and wanted to use the dagger in his hand to destroy the fixation of the teleportation monument to the space calibration.

Not far away, the violent shock had already spread to these thieves' perceptions. Obviously, in this case, there was not much time to waste for these thieves.

Because of this, at this time, all the thieves focused their gazes on the thieves at the top of the teleportation tablet, hoping that he could quickly take down the space calibration.

Because of the large number of thieves here, and the behavior of the thieves at the top of the teleportation tablet, they have already attracted the attention of the surrounding mages.

For these mages who came by, even under the influence of the Forbidden Magic Barrier, they had already lost the ability to cast spells. These thieves did not have any idea of ​​fighting with them, they just took out their weapons and expelled these mages.

Even in this battle with the Cyclops, the Ice Blue Magic Academy was completely defeated, but the prestige of Master Brakada still existed in the hearts of these thieves.

These thieves were also worried that they would suffer revenge from the Magic Academy for hurting the mages of Brakada. For these thieves who did not intend to leave Brakada, this naturally made them unacceptable.

Compared with hurting these mages, in this case, these thieves chose to obtain the space calibration inside the academy, which may not be a big deal.

In itself, the result of this battle was destined to be the defeat of the Ice Blue Magic Academy. Even without the presence of this group of thieves, the space calibration is likely to be lost or even damaged by the Cyclops, and it is impossible to stay here forever.

What's more, there are a lot of thieves here, even if the Magic Academy intends to punish these thieves, it is impossible to punish all of them.

After obtaining the space calibration, these thieves can use the unique channels of the thieves’ guild to deal with it, so as to get what they need. Because of this, these thieves will come here and try to get the teleportation before the Cyclops arrives. Space calibration on the stele.

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