Under the control of Rowling's spiritual imprint, a skeletal assassin who could have avoided the attack of the Cyclops was hit by the Cyclops and flew backwards.

Realizing that his actions could not achieve the desired effect, Rowling could only give up control of the skeleton assassins and let them fight on their own instincts.

For the Necromancer, how to control the undead creatures and achieve the desired effect requires a long period of training.

Once the number of undead creatures under control increases, it is obviously not an easy task to accurately control every undead creature in a chaotic battle. If the Necromancer's experience is insufficient, the control he has made may be counterproductive and will not be able to bring any help to the situation.

For this reason, since Rowling had never controlled such a large number of undead creatures before, for a time, even if Rowling wanted to control these skeleton assassins, he would fight against the Cyclops according to the combat methods he had observed before, thereby restraining the Cyclops even more. It can't be done for a long time.

Even though Rowling has an extremely high learning talent, Rowling can't grasp this kind of thing that requires experience.

In the end, after realizing his behavior, Rowling could only give up control of the Skeleton Assassin and let him fight on his own.

Rowling's move was also seen by Rod, but Rod did not say much. For the control of undead creatures, this kind of experience that requires self-practice to master, Rod can not teach Rowling too much, but can only let him master it.

Rowling’s actions made the entire battlefield more chaotic and aggravated the casualties of the skeleton assassins, but Rod believed that after the battle, even without his own reminder, Rowling would take the initiative to control the undead creatures. train.

At this time, Lord, who was observing the battlefield situation, suddenly found a trace of anomaly.

Rod noticed that under Rowling's control, a skeletal assassin who had been knocked out by the Cyclops did not directly fall apart as he expected, but immediately climbed up from the ground after falling to the ground.

As the skeleton assassin was getting up, the special white light flashing on it also attracted Rhodes's attention.

In Rod’s perception, the white light that appeared on the Skeleton Assassin was similar to the nether energy present in the ghost dragon, but it was far less intense than the ghost dragon.

This discovery made Rhode very surprised. Rhode believed that it was because of the abnormality of the skeleton assassin that it survived the attack of the cyclops.

At this time, Rod carefully observed the remaining skeleton assassins in the field, and found that the surrounding skeleton assassins had more or less traces of ghost energy remaining on them.

Recalling the process of transforming these skeleton assassins, there was a large amount of residual Nether dragon breath around their bodies, and Lord probably realized where the nether energy in the skeleton assassins came from.

The number of skeleton assassins still alive is far more than Rhodes imagined. The subtle ghostly energy that appeared on his body, although unable to give the Skeleton Assassin the aging ability like a ghost dragon, allowed him to withstand the attacks of the Cyclops many times.

The changes that appeared on the skeleton assassin were obviously something Rhodes hadn't thought of before. In the process of transforming the skeleton assassin, the remaining ghost energy also played a role in this process.

In Rhode's view, due to these anomalies on the Skeleton Assassin, relying on their existence, it is obviously possible to hold the Cyclops for a longer time, and even support the ghost dragon to fully recover, it is not impossible.

However, it didn't take long for Rod to be relieved before the situation in the field changed again.

At this moment, the Cyclops who was fighting with the Skeleton Assassin seemed to feel something. The morale became extremely high for a while, and even the movements in his hands became more fierce.

The skeleton assassin who was able to dodge one or two before, faced with the cyclops in this state, unable to make any resistance at all, he was immediately knocked out by him, and could only rely on the nether energy present on his body to bear the cause of the cyclops. harm.

At this time, Rod also felt the changes that have taken place in these cyclops. For a while, a very strong sense of crisis emerged in Rod's heart.

Rod noticed that at the outermost periphery of this group of cyclops, a very special cyclops was looking in the direction he was at this time, showing a look of surprise at the same time.

It was the arrival of this cyclops that made all the cyclops around have high morale. What made Rhode feel threatened was not the Cyclops who had high morale in this state and was able to exert a stronger strength, but the Cyclops who appeared at this time.

Appearing behind the group of cyclops, this very special cyclops is the hero one-eyed king who fought against Rhodes earlier.

When Rod obtained the red crystal and took the ghost dragon to escape through the gate of time and space, although the heroic one-eyed king was extremely unwilling, he could only give up this special red crystal in his heart.

Through the understanding of the mage, the heroic one-eyed king understands that without the restrictions of the forbidden magic barrier, it is difficult for him to leave a high-level mage who only wants to escape. The heroic one-eyed king has proved this in the previous battle.

Under this circumstance, the heroic one-eyed king can only give up searching for Rhode and join the battle instead.

Although the red crystal no longer exists, the Cyclops has already achieved good results through the effect of the Forbidden Magic Barrier.

When the heroic one-eyed king joined the battle, all the cyclops who felt the arrival of the heroic one-eyed king were all encouraged, and thus exerted a stronger fighting ability.

Under the leadership of the heroic one-eyed king, without the restrictions of the forbidden magic barrier, the mages who were still resisting had to collapse quickly, unable to make any resistance at all.

Originally, when the heroic Cyclops felt that there were a large number of Cyclops gathered in this area, he immediately came here, ready to lead the Cyclops in battle.

What surprised the heroic One-Eyed King was that in this process, it was able to find Rod again.

From the perspective of the heroic one-eyed king, whether it is the mage status that Rhodes possessed, the red crystals he snatched from him, or even his ancestor-related things, the heroic one-eyed king has a reason to fight with him.

This time, with a large number of Cyclops around him, the hero One-Eyed King wouldn't let Rod escape easily.

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