Located in the territory of Verning, the existence of Tier 5 creatures is already considered to be an extremely powerful existence. There are very few opportunities to see Tier 6 creatures.

And this powerful undead lord has the strength of Tier 5, besides, it also has the identity of a hero.

The powerful strength of this centaur is also the key to its ability to attract ordinary necromancers to take refuge. During the battle, it demonstrated its powerful combat ability more than once, which attracted the attention of many lords.

Faced with such a Tier 5 hero and the large number of undead creatures it controls, all necromancers believe that it will show some deeds on the land of Vernin, and even lead the rest of the necromancers to conquer This whole area.

However, the arrival of the mage broke everything in the original.

Facing a large number of undead creatures in Vernin, there are wizards who instinctively hate them, and they will take the initiative to remove them without even requiring any request from the rest of the lords.

Among these official mages, there are many mages who are good at undead killers, and the damage caused to undead creatures far exceeds the limit that other lords can do.

Under this circumstance, the power possessed by this undead lord has undoubtedly suffered an extremely severe blow, and he can only protect himself under the siege of the mage, and cannot expand as quickly as before.

It is foreseeable that if there is no way to solve the threat posed by these wizards, the power of this undead lord will continue to be weakened, and even be joined by these wizards, it is clear from Vernin.

At this time, the location of the undead lord was a town under construction. Any creature with sufficient knowledge can see through the surrounding environment of this town and the decorations existing on the building that this is a city of the undead belonging to the necromancer.

In the city of the undead, this special undead lord is looking at a map of Vernin in front of him.

It seemed that he had anticipated the predicament that the Necromancer would face next, and there was a look of thought flashing in the eyes of the Necromancer. Even if it has a body that is not much different from an ordinary centaur, the wisdom it possesses, as well as the thinking about the battle situation, is obviously far more than an ordinary centaur.

The arrival of the mage completely disrupted the plan of the undead lord.

In the eyes of this undead lord, it is difficult for ordinary undead creatures to play a role in the face of an extremely powerful wizard. No matter how many undead creatures are sent, the wizard can destroy most of them by casting a group spell.

Not only this undead lord, but also ordinary necromancers, also realized this, so they had some thoughts in their hearts.

Before the arrival of Brakada's mage, even if they also took refuge in this undead lord, there was very little cooperation between ordinary undead mages, but they were not easy to fight.

However, with the arrival of the mages, these necromancers immediately restored their original state. Because the situation was once in a disadvantageous position, what these necromancers did was to ignore the existence of the necromancers, and instead began to attack the necromancers who were also necromancers. Companions, in order to obtain a large number of undead creatures.

Although the Necrolord has been prohibiting the occurrence of this matter, it has not achieved any results. On the contrary, it has made the conflict between the Necromancers more serious.

The Necrolord knew that if the problem of the necromancer was not solved, and other lords did not even need to take action, the forces it had established regarding the Necromancer would be disintegrated from within.

This is caused by the nature of the Necromancer. Even in the territory of Vernin, the habits of the Necromancer did not change much, and even this Necrolord could not change this.

For these mages that appeared, the undead lord had no way to deal with it. Compared with ordinary undead creatures, this undead lord was also not much better, unable to withstand the attacks of spells many times.

If the number of wizards is small, the undead lord can also send a large number of undead creatures to attack together, killing the wizards on the battlefield at the expense of the undead creatures.

However, due to the large number of Bracada mages who came here, this method is obviously difficult to work. For this undead lord, with the cooperation of these mages, the difficulty of this battle has obviously increased by several levels.

Although he deeply understood the problems that might be encountered in his heart, the undead lord still couldn't think of any solution. In its view, due to the strength of these mages, its existing undead creatures are not enough to defeat the mages.

Beside this undead lord, in addition to some special undead creatures, there are also several necromancers.

The Necromancer who exists here is just to discuss with the Necromancer how to deal with the wizard who appears in Vernin.

The existence of the mage has seriously affected all matters of the necromancer. If there is no way to solve it, the necromancer who originally took refuge in may choose to leave directly.

As for how to deal with these mages, the undead lord does not have an accurate answer in his heart, and naturally he cannot satisfy the undead mage who exists here.

What the necromancers who come to take refuge in need is an opportunity to participate in the battle. When the necromancer has a huge advantage, these necromancers naturally don’t mind being driven by him, but under the current situation, the necromancer is about to fall into Amidst the overall disadvantage, these necromancers will naturally no longer follow its orders.

The Necromancers who came here to discuss have more or less recognized the existence of the Necrolord in their hearts before, otherwise they would leave and would not appear here at all.

Even in this case, seeing the undead lord still has no suitable advice, these necromancers are gradually disappointed. Just as the group of Necromancers wanted to leave, the Necromancer on the side seemed to feel something, and his expression suddenly changed.

The undead lord ignored the existence of necromancers around, but quickly walked out of the room, came to the open space in front of the door, and looked in one direction.

This move of the undead lord naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding necromancers, but they did not understand the meaning of this move of the undead lord.

Following the direction the undead lord was looking at, these necromancers also looked over. This time, they finally discovered the anomaly.

These necromancers noticed that in the distant sky, a huge figure was flying rapidly in their direction, bringing a shocking power.

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