Heroes And Invincible Undead Magic God

Chapter 606 Special Treasure II

In Rhodes’s impression, the griffon is a very special creature, with the strong body of a lion, the claws and wings of an eagle, plus the extremely large size, any creature facing it will feel powerful. Sense of oppression.

A large number of griffins live on the plains where Alasia is located, and they have reached an agreement with this powerful human kingdom.

In order to win over these griffins, the lord of Alasia built a tall griffon tower and provided it with enough rewards to join the war initiated by the lord.

Gradually, the existence of the Griffin became the criterion for judging the strength of Lord Elasia. Lords with a large number of griffins often have a powerful voice.

Due to the unique form of the griffin, many wizards believe that the generation of the griffin is the product of a certain transformation ritual, just like the alien creatures that still exist in the underground world at this time.

Bracada’s strongest period was also the era of rampant magicians. During this period, a large number of alien creatures were produced due to the abuse of the transformation ritual, which severely disrupted the balance between the original creatures.

After the mage's remedy, all the wizards were expelled to the underground world and continued their research. However, the influence of the enchanter on the surface world cannot be eliminated.

After the enchanter was expelled, a large number of alien creatures still remained in the surface world. For these ordinary alien creatures, the decision made by the wizard at that time was to allow them to survive in the surface world without much intervention, let alone savagely killing them all.

Due to the characteristics of the Griffin, many wizards who understand the history of Bracada will regard it as a leftover alien creature.

However, the scholars of Bracada came to the opposite conclusion after a long period of research. They believe that the griffon already existed in this world before the golden age of Bracada arrived, even before the witchcraft rituals appeared.

In addition, the scholars of Bracada also proved their conclusion through other evidences.

Through the study of griffins, the scholars of Bracada learned that, on top of ordinary griffins, there is also a more special kind of griffins, namely the holy griffins in the ordinary population.

According to legend, the holy griffin lives with the angels in the cloud city above Elasia, and acts as a messenger, conveying the will of the angels to the ruler of Elasia.

It is said that the union between the Griffins and the ordinary lords in Elasia was only promoted by the holy griffins. Otherwise, according to the strength of the ordinary noble lords, let alone tame these griffins, they just appeared in front of the griffins. , Will feel a panic of fear, and naturally will not be recognized by these griffins.

Regarding the existence of the holy griffin, all the lords in Elasia who understand this will maintain their respect. What the holy griffin symbolizes is a more powerful existence behind them.

Similarly, it was the existence of the holy griffin that allowed the mages of Brakada to determine that the griffin was not a product of witchcraft rituals, but a creature that originally existed in the world.

Regarding the existence of witchcraft rituals, Bracada scholars don’t know what the strongest angels will think, but they think of the saying in the territory of Elasia that angels symbolize holiness. Bracada Scholars believe that they will not have any good attitudes towards witchcraft rituals.

Among these creatures born in the witchcraft ritual, many creatures, even if the mage with a strong heart can withstand them, will feel nauseous when they see them. This kind of creature that even the enchanter himself would find it disgusting, let alone the attitude of other creatures.

Because of this, the scholars of Bracada believe that the holy griffin can live with the angels in the cloud city, and the purity of its blood is naturally guaranteed, which is not what ordinary fusion creatures can do.

As Griffins become stronger, their appearance will change greatly. In the low-level ordinary griffon, most of the hair on its body is brown. Depending on the species, the shade of brown is also different.

When the stage position of the Griffon changes, the color of their hair will also change accordingly. When a Griffon reaches the fourth rank corresponding to the official rank, silver-white feathers will appear on their body until the entire upper body is covered.

The color of the hair on the griffin can distinguish their strength to a large extent. This is also the consensus of the lord of Elasia on the griffin.

According to the information provided by the lords who have seen the holy griffin, the hair on the surface of the holy griffin is truly pure white, like the wings behind an angel. All creatures that see the holy griffin will learn from it. On his body, he felt a sense of holiness, and this is also the origin of the title of Saint Griffin.

The pendant obtained by Rhode has a lot of connection with the holy griffin. For this reason, Rhode is naturally very concerned and wants to learn about it.

In the game of the previous life, even if he has experienced three expansions completely, what Rhodes knows about the existence of the Saint Griffins and the news about them is only what the scholars in Bracada say. In addition, , Rod did not understand other matters about the Saint Griffin.

Even in the third expansion, a large number of angels appeared on the battlefield, Rhode did not see the figure of the Saint Griffin with his own eyes.

Because of this, when Rhodes noticed that the treasure he had obtained from Northen would be related to these most mysterious holy griffins, Rhodes put it in his heart.

With this level of association, Rod knew that the effect of this treasure was obviously not as simple as he originally thought, but had a special meaning.

Regarding how Nordson obtained this treasure, even if Rod rummaged through the other items in the Nordson space ring, he could not get a specific information, and Nordson himself died under the influence of the shards of the Forbidden Magic Ball. The origin of this treasure obviously needs to be explored by Rhode himself.

In the process of returning to Vernin, due to time constraints and possible dangers, Rhodes had no choice but to test the specific effects of this treasure. He could only wait until he returned to Vernin before thinking about other methods.

At this time, facing the water element that was casting the spell, Rhodes undoubtedly had such an opportunity to test the effect of this treasure.

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