In Rod’s impression, even if the Necromancer who passed the Infinite Night Ritual and transformed himself into a Lich, the final strength he can possess is quite different, and this is quite different from that in the Infinite Night Ritual. The quality of the selected core materials is related.

To determine the potential of a lich and the height it can ultimately achieve, in addition to its own talents, the quality of the endless long night ritual is also particularly important.

Among the core materials used to guide the endless long night ritual, the mother of the dead is one of the highest quality.

The lich transformed by using the Mother of Souls in the core of the ritual often has the most powerful strength. In the process of continuing to improve its strength, it will also have a great advantage, far exceeding the transformation through other ritual cores. Lich came out.

Before there were high-quality core materials, even if Necromancers met the prerequisites for promotion to Lich, they would rarely choose to transform immediately, but collect materials to ensure that they have what they have after becoming a Lich. potential.

However, in the process of collecting materials, the Necromancer needs to pay attention to not allowing his own strength to increase again, that is, to become a high-level Necromancer.

Once the strength of the Necromancer is improved again, he will miss the best stage of holding the Endless Long Night Ritual. After becoming a high-level Necromancer, it is tantamount to choosing another path of the Necromancer, even if the Endless Long Night Ritual is held again after that, he will be Transformed into a lich can not get the special bonus of the lich itself.

At this time, Lord's hands happened to have the mother of dead souls. Compared with other necromancers who needed to collect ritual materials, this was Lord's advantage.

Relying on this extremely special item, Rhode does not need to collect materials again, as long as the character level meets the requirements, he can directly perform the endless long night ritual and transform himself into a lich.

If Rhodes chooses the path of the Lich, when entering Tier 5, Rhodes only needs to directly serve as a senior necromancer.

Among all the professions that Rod can advance to, the senior necromancer belongs to the most basic category. Compared with other professions of the same rank, the experience value required to advance to a senior necromancer is less, only 150,000 points.

However, Rhodes hesitated about whether to choose to be promoted to Lich.

In Rohde's view, the main improvement for himself after being promoted to the lich is to control the number of undead creatures. For other aspects, neither the level of spiritualism nor his own spellcasting ability has been improved enough.

What's more, according to Rhode’s previous experience, as the rank increases, once a creature enters the seventh rank, that is, the rank of the legendary creature, there will be obvious differences in strength for other creatures that have not entered the seventh rank. . This is not only reflected in the legendary mage, but also in all professions.

For ordinary legendary liches, when their strength reaches this level, they can truly master legendary spiritism and create a huge army of undead. Coupled with their own strength, creatures below the legendary level are naturally unable to Confront with it.

However, for other legendary creatures that also have the seventh rank, it is difficult for the Lich to deal with it. There is no magic bonus from the legendary mage, and the magical ability of the legendary lich is only similar to that of the general high-level mage. In this case, it is naturally difficult to deal with the true legendary mage.

Due to various restrictions, most liches will face such a dilemma, but in this, there are exceptions.

Rhodes recalled that in the second expansion, the peerless necromancer, when he became a legendary lich, displayed spellcasting abilities that even surpassed ordinary legendary wizards, which was obviously incompatible with Rhodes’s cognition. The situation is different.

Regarding this most special legendary lich, in Rhode's impression, in addition to this difference from the ordinary lich, there are more abnormalities in him.

According to the information collected by Rhode in the game of the previous life regarding the Battle of the Shadow of Death, this peerless necromancer was at the apex of Tier 6 and was about to enter Tier 7 in an endless long night ritual, transforming himself into a legendary wizard in one fell swoop. Demon.

A large number of players, as well as ordinary necromancers, used their own experience to draw conclusions about transforming the lich, but they could not be applied to this peerless necromancer. This point undoubtedly shocked all the players at the time.

As the Battle of the Shadow of Death progressed, in subsequent games, there were also players who followed suit. They wanted to wait for themselves to reach Tier 6 and 10 before holding an endless long night ritual to transform themselves into a legendary lich, and see if they could get anything. Special blessings.

However, these players did not get the expected gains. Instead, they once again used their own experience to prove that once the Endless Night Ritual was held, their own rank had reached the sixth rank, and the transformed Lich was in strength. , Is no better than either of these two methods.

How this peerless Necromancer did this has aroused speculation from a large number of players at the time, and Rhode was deeply impressed by him. However, the discussion of these ordinary players did not finally reach a consistent conclusion. , Perhaps this point, only the necromancer himself knows.

At this time, when Rod was thinking about his own promotion route, news about this peerless necromancer undoubtedly appeared in Rod's mind.

For this point reached by the peerless necromancer, although Rod recalled it, it could not be used as a reference to solve his own situation.

Rod knows that in the setting of the game itself, this peerless necromancer is the real protagonist in the Shadow of Death expansion, just as the protagonist of the first expansion is Tanan, in the protagonist of the game itself. , Most of the laws that apply to ordinary organisms, problems will arise in them.

Because of this, although Rod recalled this, he still seemed a little hesitant.

The ability of a legendary mage to cast spells is one point that Rhodes is unwilling to give up. Because of his previous life experience, Rhodes knows exactly how much damage a legendary mage can cause.

In contrast, with the end of the Death Shadow campaign, the situation of the Necromancer is much worse than before. Even the legendary lich, under the siege of legendary creatures of many races, can only be restricted to Diya.

Knowing the game process afterwards, Rod seemed extremely hesitant to choose the advanced direction, unable to make a decision in a short time.

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